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Richard A. Wright Archives
Richard A. Wright •ï¿½54 Items / 18 Books, 20 Articles, 10 Reviews, 3 Poems
Twelve Million Black Voices (1941)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Contemporary Social Problems (Review)
    Twelve Million Black Voices, by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    1. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    Commonweal, November 28, 1941, p. 147
  2. [+]
    The New Negro (Review)
    Twelve Million Black Voices, by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    1. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    The Nation, December 13, 1941, p. 620
  3. Review and Comment
    12 Million Black Voices (Review)
    Twelve Million Black Voices, by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    1. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    The New Masses, November 25, 1941, pp. 22-23
  4. [+]
    In the National Vein (9 Reviews)
    The Short Grass Country, by Stanley Vestal
    1. The Short Grass Country by Stanley Vestal
    2. Ozark Country by Otto Ernest Rayburn
    3. Some American Primitives by Clara Endicott Sears
    4. Our Singing Country by John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax
    5. America's Own Refugees by Henry Hill Collins, Jr.
    6. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    7. Independent Vermont by Charles Miner Thompson
    8. Boston's Immigrants, 1790-1880 by Oscar Handlin
    9. A Maritime History of New York (#56)
    Common Ground, Spring 1942, p. 115
  5. [+]
    Briefly Noted (9 Reviews)
    1. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    2. Journey for Margaret by William Lindsay White
    3. Education for Death by Gregor A. Ziemer
    4. Washington Dateline by Delbert Clark
    5. Under the Sea-Wind by Rachel L. Carson
    6. Great Soldiers of the Two World Wars by H.A. de Weerd
    7. The Last Best Hope of Earth by Harry Scherman
    8. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
    9. The 1942 New Yorker Album
    The New Yorker, November 15, 1941, pp. 90-91
  6. [+]
    Books (18 Reviews)
    Inter-American Solidarity, by Walter H.C. Laves
    1. Inter-American Solidarity by Walter H.C. Laves
    2. Latin America: A Descriptive Survey by William Lytle Schurz
    3. On All Fronts by Ralph Barton Perry
    4. The Devil in France by Lion Feuchtwanger
    5. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
    6. Arms and the Aftermath by Perrin Stryker
    7. Introducing Australia by C. Hartley Grattan
    8. This Is the Victory by Leslie D. Weatherhead
    9. Looking Backward, 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy
    10. Fountainheads of Freedom by Irwin Edman and Herbert W. Schneider
    11. Mission to Moscow by Joseph Edward Davies
    12. All That Seemed Final by Joan Colebrook
    13. Dragon Seed by Pearl S. Buck
    14. The Ivory Mischief by Arthur Meeker, Jr.
    15. Sensation Fair by Egon Erwin Kisch
    16. Remaking America by Jay Franklin
    17. Dragon's Teeth by Upton Sinclair
    18. War as a Social Institution by Jesse D. Clarkson and Thomas C. Cochran
    Free World, February 1942, pp. 92-94