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George S. Schuyler Archives
George S. Schuyler •ï¿½49 Items / 37 Articles, 4 Books, 7 Reviews
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  1. Black America Begins to Doubt
    The American Mercury, April 1932, pp. 423-430
  2. Black and Conservative (1966)
    The Autobiography of George S. Schuyler
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  3. Black Art
    The American Mercury, November 1932, pp. 335-342
  4. [+]
    Black History (2 Reviews)
    The Secret City, by Constance McLaughlin Green
    1. The Secret City by Constance McLaughlin Green
    2. NAACP by Charles Flint Kellogg
    Modern Age, Fall 1967, pp. 414-416
  5. Black No More (1931)
    A Novel
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  6. [+]
    Black Power Syndrome (2 Reviews)
    Black Power and Urban Unrest, by Nathan Wright, Jr.
    1. Black Power and Urban Unrest by Nathan Wright, Jr.
    2. Black Power by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton
    Modern Age, Spring 1968, pp. 200-201
  7. Black Warriors
    The American Mercury, November 1930, pp. 288-297
  8. Blessed Are the Sons of Ham
    The Nation, March 23, 1927, pp. 313-314
  9. Can Negro Business Survive Summer of Riots?
    Human Events, March 16, 1968, pp. 10-11
  10. The Case for the Private School
    The Freeman, March 1956, pp. 14-16
  11. A Cool Appraisal of Martin Luther King
    Human Events, April 20, 1968, p. 8
  12. "De Facto Education" Is What Really Counts
    Human Events, January 1, 1966, p. 14
  13. Do Negroes Want to be White?
    The American Mercury, June 1956, pp. 55-60
  14. Jim Crow in the North
    The American Mercury, June 1949, pp. 663-669
  15. Keeping the Negro in His Place
    The American Mercury, August 1929, pp. 469-476
  16. Khrushchev's African Foothold
    The American Mercury, March 1959, pp. 57-59
  17. Memoirs of a Pearl Diver
    The American Mercury, April 1931, pp. 487-496
  18. [+]
    More Rivers to Cross (Review)
    How Far the Promised Land?, by Walter Francis White
    1. How Far the Promised Land? by Walter Francis White
    National Review, December 14, 1955, p. 28
  19. A Negro Looks Ahead
    The American Mercury, February 1930, pp. 212-220
  20. The Book Shelf
    A Negro Preaches Racism (5 Reviews)
    White Man, Listen!, by Richard Wright
    1. White Man, Listen! by Richard Wright
    2. Ford: Expansion and Challenge, 1915-33 by Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill
    3. Johnstown: The Day the Dam Broke by Richard O'Connor
    4. Conversations With Artists by Selden Rodman
    5. Flying Snowshoes by Evelyn Teal
    The American Mercury, April 1958, pp. 148-162
  21. The Negro Problem Reaches a Crisis
    B. More Race Riots Are Coming
    The American Mercury, December 1944, pp. 686-691
  22. The Negro Voter Comes of Age
    The American Mercury, March 1957, pp. 99-104
  23. The Negro-Art Hokum
    The Nation, June 16, 1926, p. 662
  24. Negroes Reject Communism
    The American Mercury, June 1939, pp. 176-181
  25. Negroes Speak Out Against Militants
    Human Events, November 26, 1966, pp. 15-16
  26. [+]
    The Negro's Dilemma (2 Reviews)
    Negro Social and Political Thought, 1850-1920, by Howard Brotz
    1. Negro Social and Political Thought, 1850-1920 by Howard Brotz
    2. Freedom---When? by James Farmer
    Modern Age, Summer 1967, pp. 321-322
  27. Our White Folks
    The American Mercury, December 1927, pp. 385-392
  28. Rac(e)ing to the Right (2001)
    Selected Essays of George S. Schuyler
    1 Review
  29. Race Wars, U.S.A.---Part II
    The Cause of Rioting
    The Dan Smoot Report, August 14, 1967, pp. 129-132
  30. [+]
    The Political Relevance of Conscientious Objection (Review)
    An American Dilemma, by Gunnar Myrdal, Richard Sterner, and Arnold Rose
    1. An American Dilemma by Gunnar Myrdal, Richard Sterner, and Arnold Rose
    Politics, July 1944, p. 181
  31. Rights Leaders Have Lost Control of Movement
    Human Events, July 15, 1967, p. 8
  32. Sam Leibowitz: Jonah in Modern Dress
    The American Spectator (Dreiser), August 1934, p. 1
  33. Slaves Today (1932)
    A Story of Libera
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  34. Some Interracial Oddities
    The American Spectator (Dreiser), September 1934, p. 3
  35. [+]
    Summing up Africa (Review)
    Inside Africa, by John Gunther
    1. Inside Africa by John Gunther
    National Review, November 26, 1955, p. 29
  36. Traveling Jim Crow
    The American Mercury, August 1930, pp. 423-432
  37. Uncle Sam's Black Step-Child
    The American Mercury, June 1933, pp. 147-156
  38. Vacation Daze
    Common Ground, Spring 1943, pp. 41-44
  39. Where Communists Fear to Tread
    Why the Reds Are Out to Get Trujillo
    Human Events, April 22, 1959, pp. 5-6
  40. Will Black "History" Really Be Brainwashing?
    Human Events, August 24, 1968, p. 10
  41. No Items Found