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Leslie Lipson Archives
Leslie Lipson •ï¿½19 Items / 4 Books, 2 Articles, 13 Reviews
The Politics of Equality (1948)
New Zealand's Adventures in Democracy
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Politics of Equality, by Leslie Lipson
    1. The Politics of Equality by Leslie Lipson
    American Political Science Review, April 1949, pp. 369-370
  2. [+]
    Liberty and Equality (Review)
    The Politics of Equality, by Leslie Lipson
    1. The Politics of Equality by Leslie Lipson
    The New Republic, August 23, 1948, p. 25
  3. The Bookshelf, conducted by Henry C. Tracy
    Politics and Destiny (4 Reviews)
    The Politics of Equality, by Leslie Lipson
    1. The Politics of Equality by Leslie Lipson
    2. The American Democracy by Harold J. Laski
    3. Balance of Power: The Negro Vote by Henry Lee Moon
    4. The Age of the Great Depression, 1929-1941 by Dixon Wecter
    Common Ground, Autumn 1948, p. 103