The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The American Mercury Archives
The American Mercury •ï¿½37 Years, 441 Issues, 13,067 Articles, 67,194pp
The American Mercury, July 1937, pp. 329-333
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1920s = 6 Years, 72 Issues, 2,358 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1924 = 12 Issues, 321 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1925 = 12 Issues, 376 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1926 = 12 Issues, 373 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1927 = 12 Issues, 418 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1928 = 12 Issues, 431 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1929 = 12 Issues, 439 Articles
              2. [+]
                Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 120 Issues, 3,476 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1930 = 12 Issues, 410 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1931 = 12 Issues, 336 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1932 = 12 Issues, 324 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1933 = 12 Issues, 342 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1934 = 12 Issues, 363 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1935 = 12 Issues, 365 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1936 = 12 Issues, 382 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1937 = 12 Issues, 296 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  January 1937 Issue = 25 Articles
                                  1. Autopsy on the Republican Party by Harold Lord Varney, pp. 1-12
                                  2. The Coming Real Estate Crash by J.L. Brown, pp. 13-20
                                  3. Japan's Secret Navy by Fletcher Pratt, pp. 21-25
                                  4. Dr. Locke's "Cure" for Arthritis by Robert Strunsky, pp. 26-36
                                  5. Moscow Demonstration Trial by Eugene Lyons, pp. 37-45
                                  6. Debunking the Game of Bridge by F. Dudley Courtenay, pp. 46-51
                                  7. The Virgin. A Story by Hannah Lees, pp. 52-58
                                  8. Steel Sings the Blues by James Stevens, pp. 59-66
                                  9. Wives by Ruth Purdy, pp. 67-69
                                  10. The Cardiff Giant by Oland D. Russell, pp. 70-77
                                  11. The Literary Comrade by Ernest Boyd, pp. 78-82
                                  12. Major Berry -- Always Available by Felix Bruner, pp. 83-90
                                  13. Who Cares About Amateur Sport? by John R. Tunis, pp. 91-96
                                  14. Americana, pp. 97-99
                                  15. Coating the Pill with Hooey by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 100-103
                                  16. Swinburne by Ford Madox Ford, pp. 104-115
                                  17. [+]
                                    The Best Best-Seller by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 116-122 - 1 Review
                                    1. The Bible by Ernest Sutherland Bates
                                  18. [+]
                                    The Check List, p. 123 - 12 Reviews
                                    1. General Smuts, Vol. II by Sarah Gertrude Millin
                                    2. Machiavelli and His Times by D. Erskine Muir
                                    3. Sam Adams: Pioneer in Propaganda by John Chester Miller
                                    4. The Women of the Confederacy by Francis B. Simkins and James W. Patton
                                    5. The Roosevelt Family in America by Bellamy Partridge
                                    6. Rochambeau, Father and Son by Jean-Edmond Weelen
                                    7. I Walked by Night by Lilias Rider Haggard
                                    8. John Trumbull, Connecticut Wit by Alexander Cowie
                                    9. Sam Bass by Wayne Gard
                                    10. Queen of Hearts by Isaac Goldberg
                                    11. Friedrich Engels: A Biography by Gustav Mayer
                                    12. Lawyer Lincoln by Albert A. Woldman
                                  19. [+]
                                    Fiction The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll, by Lewis ..., p. 124 - 10 Reviews
                                    1. The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll
                                    2. The Borzoi Reader by Carl Van Doren
                                    3. Sherston's Progress by Siegfried Sassoon
                                    4. Their Weight in Wildcats by James H. Daugherty
                                    5. The Death of a Man by Kay Boyle
                                    6. The Court of Fair Maidens by Wilhelm Speyer
                                    7. The Tallons by William March
                                    8. The Snare of the Fowler by Gerald W. Bullett
                                    9. The Shining Scabbard by R.C. Hutchinson
                                    10. The War Goes On by Sholem Asch
                                  20. [+]
                                    History Histories of the Conquest of Mexico and the Co..., p. 125 - 4 Reviews
                                    1. Histories of the Conquest of Mexico and the Conquest of Peru by William H. Prescott
                                    2. The French Quarter by Herbert Asbury
                                    3. The Story of the Supreme Court by Ernest Sutherland Bates
                                    4. History of the Great American Fortunes by Gustavus Myers
                                  21. [+]
                                    Travel A Skeptic in the Holy Land, by Fulton Oursler, p. 126 - 7 Reviews
                                    1. A Skeptic in the Holy Land by Fulton Oursler
                                    2. The Gentle Savage by Richard Wyndham
                                    3. The Flight of "Big Horse" by Sven A. Hedin
                                    4. Finland: The New Nation by Agnes Rothery
                                    5. Gold Fever by L.M. Nesbitt
                                    6. The Southern Gates of Arabia by Freya Stark
                                    7. Three-Wheeling Through Africa by James C. Wilson
                                  22. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Intimate Letters of James G. Huneker, by Josep..., pp. 126-127 - 15 Reviews
                                    1. Intimate Letters of James G. Huneker by Josephine Huneker and James Huneker
                                    2. The Story of Human Error by Joseph Jastrow
                                    3. A Preface to Peasantry by Arthur F. Raper
                                    4. The War of the Guns by Aubrey Wade
                                    5. Covering the Far East by Miles W. Vaughn
                                    6. History of Art Criticism by Lionello Venturi
                                    7. Be Glad You're Neurotic by Louis E. Bisch
                                    8. Physician, Pastor and Patient by George W. Jacoby, M.D.
                                    9. Handwrought Ancestors by Marion Nicholl Rawson
                                    10. How Animals Develop by C.H. Waddington
                                    11. I Saw Them Die by Shirley Millard
                                    12. Bligh and the Bounty by Laurence Irving
                                    13. Reasons for Anger by Robert Briffault
                                    14. The Police and Modern Society by August Vollmer
                                    15. Spending to Save by Harry L. Hopkins
                                  23. The Contributors, pp. 128-139
                                  24. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                  25. The Open Forum
                                2. [+]
                                  February 1937 Issue = 23 Articles
                                  1. The American Future by H.L. Mencken, pp. 129-136
                                  2. Portrait of Walter Winchell by Henry F. Pringle, pp. 137-144
                                  3. Abortion by A.J. Rongy, pp. 145-150
                                  4. How to Make Flying Safe by Kenneth Brown Collings, pp. 151-157
                                  5. Russia's Private War in Spain by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 158-166
                                  6. Oregon's Secret Love Cult by Stewart H. Holbrook, pp. 167-174
                                  7. Adventures of a Bookman by Alan Devoe, pp. 175-181
                                  8. Rope. A Story by Charles MacArthur, pp. 182-195
                                  9. Steel vs. John L. Lewis by Gordon Carroll, pp. 196-204
                                  10. Horse-and-Buggy Days by Della T. Lutes, pp. 205-211
                                  11. Crime As a Profession by Fletcher Pratt, pp. 212-218
                                  12. Americana, pp. 219-221
                                  13. The Bogus Era of Good Feeling by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 222-226
                                  14. Twenty Grand Apiece. Preview by Edward Anderson, pp. 227-242
                                  15. [+]
                                    How to Be a Diplomat by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 243-249 - 1 Review
                                    1. A Diplomatic History of the United States by Samuel Flagg Bemis
                                  16. The Open Forum, pp. 250-255
                                  17. The Contributors, pp. 256-274
                                  18. [+]
                                    The Check List - 13 Reviews
                                    1. The Shipbuilders by George Blake
                                    2. Yang and Yin by Alice Tisdale Hobart
                                    3. The Chronicle of Aaron Kane by Frederick Wight
                                    4. The Late George Apley by John P. Marquand
                                    5. Clutch and Differential by George Weller
                                    6. The Sound of Running Feet by Josephine Lawrence
                                    7. Maiden Castle by John Cowper Powys
                                    8. I Was a Probationer by Corinne Johnson Kern
                                    9. Unequal to Song by Charles Martin
                                    10. Glory's Children by Hilton Brown
                                    11. David and Joanna by George Blake
                                    12. Where the Weak Grow Strong by Eugene Armfield
                                    13. Stories of Three Decades by Thomas Mann
                                  19. [+]
                                    Poetry More Poems, by A.E. Housman - 19 Reviews
                                    1. More Poems by A.E. Housman
                                    2. The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 1892-1935 by W.B. Yeats
                                    3. New Poems by Frederick Mortimer Clapp
                                    4. Darkling Plain by Sara Bard Field
                                    5. The Melancholy Lute by Franklin P. Adams
                                    6. The Metaphysical Poets by Helen C. White
                                    7. Not So Deep As a Well by Dorothy Parker
                                    8. Shiloh by Edward Doro
                                    9. Gaily the Troubadour by Arthur Guiterman
                                    10. Reading the Spirit by Richard Eberhart
                                    11. Selected Poems by Witter Bynner
                                    12. Prelude to "Icaros" by John Williams Andrews
                                    13. More Than Bread by Joseph Auslander
                                    14. Restless Anchor by Wendy Marsh
                                    15. The Deer Come Down by Edward Weismiller
                                    16. Cliff Pace and Other Poems by Thomas Caldecot Chubb
                                    17. Set in Quicksilver by Elbra Dickinson
                                    18. Days of Pity by James Franklin Lewis
                                    19. Flutes in the Wind by Ida Lillian Padelford
                                  20. [+]
                                    History A New American History, by William E. Woodward - 2 Reviews
                                    1. A New American History by William E. Woodward
                                    2. Bermuda and the American Revolution, 1760-1783 by Wilfred Brenton Kerr
                                  21. [+]
                                    Travel Wanderer from Sea to Sea, by Maarten Matisse - 2 Reviews
                                    1. Wanderer from Sea to Sea by Maarten Matisse
                                    2. Journey Without Maps by Graham Greene
                                  22. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Men of Concord, by Henry David Thoreau and Fra... - 35 Reviews
                                    1. Men of Concord by Henry David Thoreau and Francis H. Allen
                                    2. Seven Years' Harvest by Henry Seidel Canby
                                    3. The Poems, Prose and Plays of Alexander Pushkin by Avraham Yarmolinsky and Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, ...
                                    4. The Complete Rhyming Dictionary by Clement Wood
                                    5. "I'm Looking for a Book..." by Amy Loveman
                                    6. Portraits and Self-Portraits by Georges Schreiber
                                    7. War Memoirs, Vol. V: 1917-1918 by David Lloyd George
                                    8. Forays and Rebuttals by Bernard A. DeVoto
                                    9. From Alley Pond to Rockefeller Center by Henry Collins Brown
                                    10. Social Institutions by Lloyd Vernor Ballard
                                    11. Scientific Interests in the Old South by Thomas Cary Johnson, Jr.
                                    12. Humor of the Old Deep South by Arthur P. Hudson
                                    13. Post Stories of 1935
                                    14. Film and Theater by Allardyce Nicoll
                                    15. Twenty Years Under the Sea by J.E. Williamson
                                    16. Feminine Attitudes in the Nineteenth Century by C. Willett Cunnington
                                    17. New Faces, New Futures by Maxwell Maltz
                                    18. The River Pasture by Judy Van der Veer
                                    19. Streamlines by Christopher Morley
                                    20. I Found No Peace by Webb Miller
                                    21. Chinatown Inside Out by Leong Gor Yun
                                    22. Crimes of the High Seas by David Masters
                                    23. First Adventures in Reading by May Lamberton Becker
                                    24. Bibliography and Pseudo-Bibliography by A. Edward Newton
                                    25. Dogs by Alfred W. Meyer
                                    26. Glory Roads by Luther Whiteman and Samuel L. Lewis
                                    27. Portrait of a People: Croatia Today by Dorothea Orr
                                    28. The Molly Maguire Riots by J. Walter Coleman
                                    29. The Tumult and the Shouting by George E. Slocombe
                                    30. Literary Masters of England by Nelson S. Bushnell
                                    31. Commonsense Grammar by Janet Rankin Aiken
                                    32. Digestion and Health by Walter B. Cannon
                                    33. German Spy by Bernard Newman
                                    34. Seventy Years of It: An Autobiography by Edward Alsworth Ross
                                    35. The Geographical History of America by Gertrude Stein
                                  23. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                3. [+]
                                  March 1937 Issue = 29 Articles
                                  1. Case History of a Strike by Gordon Carroll, pp. 257-269
                                  2. The Vanishing American Male by Stewart H. Holbrook, pp. 270-279
                                  3. Resurrecting the Dead by Henry Morton Robinson, pp. 280-285
                                  4. I Thought I Knew My France by Andre Vaillant, pp. 286-290
                                  5. Bureaucracy by Morris Markey, pp. 291-297
                                  6. The Rat by Alan Devoe, pp. 298-301
                                  7. Gov. Hoffman, the Jersey Skyrocket by Isaac McAnally, pp. 302-309
                                  8. The Postman Rings and Rings, A Story by John Fante, pp. 310-316
                                  9. The Fad of Devil-Baiting by Duncan Aikman, pp. 317-325
                                  10. Why Canadians Dislike Us by Richard W. Scott, pp. 326-332
                                  11. Lotteries Officially Approved by W.P. Munger, Jr., pp. 333-337
                                  12. Artillery in the Next War by Arlington B. Conway, pp. 338-344
                                  13. The Case for Free Speech by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 345-350
                                  14. Americana, pp. 351-354
                                  15. The Real Soviet Russia. Preview by Leon Trotsky, pp. 355-368
                                  16. [+]
                                    Napoleon's Last Victory by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 369-377 - 3 Reviews
                                    1. With Napoleon in Russia by Armand de Caulaincourt and George Libraire
                                    2. No Peace with Napoleon! by Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt
                                    3. St. Helena by Octave Aubry
                                  17. The Open Forum, pp. 378-383
                                  18. The Contributors, pp. 384-402
                                  19. [+]
                                    A Victorian Looks as Modern Poetry by Laurence Housman - 1 Review
                                    1. Modern British Poetry by Louis Untermeyer
                                  20. [+]
                                    Helping Out the Comrades by Harold Lord Varney - 1 Review
                                    1. "We or They": Two Worlds in Conflict by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
                                  21. [+]
                                    Prophets of the New Order by Ralph Adams Cram - 4 Reviews
                                    1. Fifty-Five Men: The Story of the Constitution by Fred Rodell
                                    2. Democratic Despotism by Raoul E. Desvernine
                                    3. Who Owns America? by Herbert Agar and Allen Tate
                                    4. Brass Tacks by David Cushman Coyle
                                  22. [+]
                                    The Check List - 8 Reviews
                                    1. The Letters of Mrs. Henry Adams: 1865-1883 by Ward Thoron and Mrs. Henry Adams
                                    2. My Life in the Russian Theatre by Vladimir I. Nemirovich-Danchenko
                                    3. Zest for Life by Johan Woller
                                    4. Theatre of Life, Vol. II by Esme Howard
                                    5. Fighting Angel by Pearl S. Buck
                                    6. Romantic Adventure by Elinor Glyn
                                    7. Marie Tempest by Hector Bolitho
                                    8. Rebel in Bombazine by Malwida von Meysenbug and Mildred Adams
                                  23. [+]
                                    Science The World Around Us, by Paul Karlson - 1 Review
                                    1. The World Around Us by Paul Karlson
                                  24. [+]
                                    Fiction Told with a Drum, by Edward Harris Heth - 5 Reviews
                                    1. Told with a Drum by Edward Harris Heth
                                    2. John Dawn by Robert P. Tristram Coffin
                                    3. The D.A. Calls It Murder by Erle Stanley Gardner
                                    4. Rich Man, Poor Man by Janet Ayer Fairbank
                                    5. The Street of the Fishing Cat by Jolan Foldes
                                  25. [+]
                                    Travel Grand Tour, by Richard Stanton Lambert - 1 Review
                                    1. Grand Tour by Richard Stanton Lambert
                                  26. [+]
                                    Public Affairs The Theory and Practice of Socialism, by John ... - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Theory and Practice of Socialism by John Strachey
                                    2. We Can Defend America by Maj. Gen. Johnson Hagood
                                    3. The Ultimate Power by Morris L. Ernst
                                  27. [+]
                                    Poetry Rare Poems of the Seventeenth Century, by L. B... - 7 Reviews
                                    1. Rare Poems of the Seventeenth Century by L. Birkett Marshall
                                    2. On This Island by W.H. Auden
                                    3. The Birth of Song by W.H. Davies
                                    4. Time Has No Shadow by Katherine Garrison Chapin
                                    5. Lawrence: The Last Crusade by Selden Rodman
                                    6. Completed Fragments by Joseph R.N. Maxwell and Sappho
                                    7. Shine, Perishing Republic by Rudolph Gilbert
                                  28. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous The Battery, by Rodman Gilder - 5 Reviews
                                    1. The Battery by Rodman Gilder
                                    2. The Macon Cook Book
                                    3. Picturing Miracles of Plant and Animal Life by Arthur C. Pillsbury
                                    4. Twenty-Six Lead Soldiers by Hartley E. Jackson
                                    5. Hitler Over Russia? by Ernst Henri
                                  29. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                4. [+]
                                  April 1937 Issue = 26 Articles
                                  1. Revolution in Michigan by Gordon Carroll, pp. 385-399
                                  2. Syphilis by Anthony M. Turano, pp. 400-409
                                  3. The Poison Gas Myth by W.F. Kernan, pp. 410-415
                                  4. You Can't Be Unlucky by Channing Pollock, pp. 416-420
                                  5. I Believe in the Double Standard by By a Wife, pp. 421-426
                                  6. One Hundred Per Cent American by Ralph Linton, pp. 427-429
                                  7. Death of a Lady. A Story by Edward Harris Heth, pp. 430-438
                                  8. The Horse-and-Buggy Farmer by Frank Money, pp. 439-445
                                  9. Ponzi's Golden Bubble by Robert Strunsky, pp. 446-453
                                  10. Autopsy on Chicago by J.H. Oppenheim, pp. 454-461
                                  11. Class-War on the Campus by Harold Lord Varney, pp. 462-472
                                  12. Editorial, pp. 473-478
                                  13. Americana, pp. 479-482
                                  14. The High Cost of Dying by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 483-487
                                  15. Theodore Dreiser. Preview by Ford Madox Ford, pp. 488-496
                                  16. [+]
                                    History's Perfect Rascal by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 497-503 - 1 Review
                                    1. Santa Anna by Wilfrid Hardy Callcott
                                  17. The Open Forum, pp. 504-509
                                  18. The Contributors, p. 510
                                  19. Index to Volume XL, pp. 511-530
                                  20. [+]
                                    The Check List - 5 Reviews
                                    1. Tsushima by A.S. Novikov-Priboi
                                    2. An Army Without Banners by Ernie O'Malley
                                    3. In 1936 by Alvin C. Eurich and Elmo C. Wilson
                                    4. Gold of Ophir by Sydney Greenbie and Marjorie Greenbie
                                    5. America and the World War by Samuel Taylor Moore
                                  21. [+]
                                    Biography Eleanor of Aquitaine, by Melrich V. Rosenberg - 2 Reviews
                                    1. Eleanor of Aquitaine by Melrich V. Rosenberg
                                    2. Stanley Baldwin: Man or Miracle by C.E. Bechhofer Roberts
                                  22. [+]
                                    Public Affairs This Labor Union Racket, by Edward Dean Sullivan - 3 Reviews
                                    1. This Labor Union Racket by Edward Dean Sullivan
                                    2. Roosevelt to Roosevelt by Dwight Lowell Dumond
                                    3. Viewed Without Alarm: Europe Today by Walter Millis
                                  23. [+]
                                    Fiction Thieves Like Us, by Edward Anderson - 11 Reviews
                                    1. Thieves Like Us by Edward Anderson
                                    2. Paradise by Esther Forbes
                                    3. The Sea of Grass by Conrad Richter
                                    4. The Sisters by Myron Brinig
                                    5. Gallows Hill by Frances Winwar
                                    6. The Grown-Ups by Catharine Whitcomb
                                    7. Busman's Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers
                                    8. April: A Fable of Love by Vardis Fisher
                                    9. Straw in the Wind by Ruth Lininger Dobson
                                    10. The Ghost It Was by Richard Hull
                                    11. This is Your Day by Edward Newhouse
                                  24. [+]
                                    Poetry The Irish Book, by Ronald MacDonald Douglas - 9 Reviews
                                    1. The Irish Book by Ronald MacDonald Douglas
                                    2. Scottish Poetry by Margaret Muriel Gray
                                    3. They Say the Forties by Howard Mumford Jones
                                    4. The Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore by Rabindranath Tagore
                                    5. Road to America by Frances Frost
                                    6. Poems by C.F. Macintyre
                                    7. A Trophy of Arms by Ruth Pitter
                                    8. Five Days by Boris Todrin
                                    9. The Unwilling Gypsy by Josephine Johnson
                                  25. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Tropic Fever, by Ladislao Szekely - 5 Reviews
                                    1. Tropic Fever by Ladislao Szekely
                                    2. Reading, Writing and Speech Problems of Children by Samuel Torrey Orton
                                    3. Escape to the Tropics by Desmond Holdridge
                                    4. In Pursuit of Laughter by Agnes Repplier
                                    5. Lincoln Steffens Speaking by Lincoln Steffens
                                  26. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                5. [+]
                                  May 1937 Issue = 23 Articles
                                  1. The Autocrat vs. The Constitution by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 1-5
                                  2. The Red Road to War by Harold Lord Varney, pp. 6-18
                                  3. Coronation Crazy by H.W. Seaman, pp. 19-26
                                  4. Sexual Freedom Today by Havelock Ellis, pp. 27-34
                                  5. How to Pick a Best-Seller by A Publisher, pp. 35-42
                                  6. Happy Ending. A Story by Whitfield Cook, pp. 43-59
                                  7. This Mother's Day Business by Eugene Pharo, pp. 60-67
                                  8. The Cost of Communism by Robert Byron, pp. 68-74
                                  9. You Can't Beat the Landlord by William Seagle, pp. 75-80
                                  10. Baseball and Ballyhoo by Gerald Holland, pp. 81-87
                                  11. Editorial, pp. 88-93
                                  12. Americana, pp. 94-97
                                  13. Blood on the Moon. Preview by Linton Wells, pp. 98-114
                                  14. [+]
                                    The Captains and the Kings by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 115-119 - 1 Review
                                    1. Dusk of Empire by Wythe Williams
                                  15. The Open Forum, pp. 120-127
                                  16. The Contributors, pp. 128-146
                                  17. [+]
                                    The Check List - 4 Reviews
                                    1. Portrait of an Era: As Drawn by C.D. Gibson by Fairfax D. Downey
                                    2. The Texas Navy in Forgotten Battles and Shirtsleeve Diplomacy by Jim Dan Hill
                                    3. The Story of Secret Service by Richard Wilmer Rowan
                                    4. Portrait of Mexico by Diego Rivera and Bertram D. Wolfe
                                  18. [+]
                                    Biography Will Shakspere, Factotum and Agent, by Alden B... - 7 Reviews
                                    1. Will Shakspere, Factotum and Agent by Alden Brooks
                                    2. Angry Dust: An Autobiography by Nikolai M. Gubsky
                                    3. Marshal Ney: A Dual Life by LeGette Blythe
                                    4. Arthur James Balfour by Blanche E.C. Dugdale
                                    5. The Amazing Frederic by Gertrude E. Slaughter
                                    6. Sentenced to Adventure by Serge Zolo
                                    7. General Washington's Son of Israel by Charles Spencer Hart
                                  19. [+]
                                    Fiction None Shall Look Back, by Caroline Gordon - 9 Reviews
                                    1. None Shall Look Back by Caroline Gordon
                                    2. The Old Bunch by Meyer Levin
                                    3. The Laurels are Cut Down by Archie Binns
                                    4. Central Standard Time by Harlan Hatcher
                                    5. Island of Green Myrtles by Shirley Watkins
                                    6. Hornblower: Beat to Quarters by C.S. Forester
                                    7. Anna Becker by Max White
                                    8. The Love Watch by Michael Copeland
                                    9. As of the Gods by Rollo Walter Brown
                                  20. [+]
                                    Public Affairs Supreme Court or Political Puppets?, by David ... - 3 Reviews
                                    1. Supreme Court or Political Puppets? by David Lawrence
                                    2. The New Deal
                                    3. Forward with Roosevelt by Patrick J. O'Brien
                                  21. [+]
                                    Travel South to Samarkand, by Ethel Mannin - 4 Reviews
                                    1. South to Samarkand by Ethel Mannin
                                    2. Away from It All by Cedric Belfrage
                                    3. Ride on the Wind by Francis Chichester
                                    4. Zigzagging the South Seas by Isabel Perkins Anderson
                                  22. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous The Romance of the Calendar, by P.W. Wilson - 18 Reviews
                                    1. The Romance of the Calendar by P.W. Wilson
                                    2. The Harem by N.M. Penzer
                                    3. The Trial of Lizzie Borden by Edmund Pearson
                                    4. Caravansary and Conversation by Richard Curle
                                    5. Photocrimes by Mileson Horton and Thomas Pembroke
                                    6. Not Under Forty by Willa Cather
                                    7. Japan's Feet of Clay by Freda Utley
                                    8. Epilogue: A Critical Summary by Laura Riding and Robert Graves
                                    9. More House for Your Money by Elizabeth Gordon and Dorothy Ducas
                                    10. Mooncussers of Cape Cod by Henry C. Kittredge
                                    11. Press Time
                                    12. Brief Facts by Blair Tavenner
                                    13. Ships of the World's Battlefleets by E.C. Talbot-Booth
                                    14. Sagittarius Rising by Cecil Lewis
                                    15. The Philosophy of Rhetoric by I.A. Richards
                                    16. A History of Early American Magazines, 1741-1789 by Lyon N. Richardson
                                    17. Time and Chance by Alexander Black
                                    18. Man's Worldly Goods by Leo Huberman
                                  23. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                6. [+]
                                  June 1937 Issue = 26 Articles
                                  1. A Constitution for the New Deal by H.L. Mencken, pp. 129-136
                                  2. John L. Lewis by Gordon Carroll, pp. 137-150
                                  3. Captain Robert Belknap Goes West by Lincoln Colcord, pp. 151-157
                                  4. The Art of Body Snatching by Abraham Gootnick, pp. 158-163
                                  5. Don't Be a Composer by George Antheil, pp. 164-168
                                  6. The Battleship Comes Back by Fletcher Pratt, pp. 169-174
                                  7. Any Sex Today? by Alan Devoe, pp. 175-178
                                  8. Why Become a Citizen? by Don Layne, pp. 179-184
                                  9. The Game Cock by Howard Powel, pp. 185-191
                                  10. Reading, 'Riting, and Revolution by Dixon Wecter, pp. 192-198
                                  11. Old-Fashioned Social Security by Della T. Lutes, pp. 199-202
                                  12. Dear Mr. Flessheimer, A Story by Whitfield Cook, pp. 203-210
                                  13. Editorial, pp. 211-215
                                  14. Americana, pp. 216-219
                                  15. A Government of Men by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 220-225
                                  16. The Life of Riley, Preview by Harvey Fergusson, pp. 226-243
                                  17. [+]
                                    Something of Rudyard Kipling by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 244-250 - 1 Review
                                    1. Something of Myself by Rudyard Kipling
                                  18. The Open Forum, pp. 251-255
                                  19. The Contributors, pp. 256-274
                                  20. [+]
                                    The Check List - 15 Reviews
                                    1. Hamilton Fish: The Inner History of the Grant Administration by Allan Nevins
                                    2. The Autobiography of G. K. Chesterton by G.K. Chesterton
                                    3. A Flame in Sunlight by Edward Sackville-West
                                    4. Angels in Undress by Henry Ernest Degras
                                    5. Swinnerton: An Autobiography by Frank Swinnerton
                                    6. The Lives of Talleyrand by Crane Brinton
                                    7. The Mind and Art of Jonathan Swift by Ricardo Quintana
                                    8. Life and Death by Andrea Majocchi
                                    9. Nights of an Old Child by Heinz Liepmann
                                    10. The Story of San Michele by Axel Munthe
                                    11. An Admiral Never Forgets by Humphrey Hugh Smith
                                    12. John L. Lewis: Leader of Labor by Cecil Carnes
                                    13. The Lonely Wayfaring Man by Townsend Scudder
                                    14. Bayard Taylor: Laureate of the Gilded Age by Richmond Croom Beatty
                                    15. Fremont Older by Evelyn Wells
                                  21. [+]
                                    History The Hundred Years, by Philip Guedalla - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Hundred Years by Philip Guedalla
                                    2. The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky
                                    3. The Emergence of Human Culture by Carl J. Warden
                                  22. [+]
                                    Economics The Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith and Edwin... - 1 Review
                                    1. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith and Edwin Cannan
                                  23. [+]
                                    Fiction Rodeo, by R.B. Cunninghame-Graham - 14 Reviews
                                    1. Rodeo by R.B. Cunninghame-Graham
                                    2. The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel
                                    3. The Charterhouse of Parma by Stendhal
                                    4. The Last Romantic by William Aylott Orton
                                    5. Forty Centuries Look Down by F. Britten Austin
                                    6. The Antigua Stamp by Robert Graves
                                    7. The Quiet Shore by Walter Havighurst
                                    8. The Kellys and the O'Kellys by Anthony Trollope
                                    9. Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence
                                    10. The Cloister and the Hearth by Charles Reade
                                    11. The Years by Virginia Woolf
                                    12. Mara by Stoyan Christowe
                                    13. Bread and a Sword by Evelyn Scott
                                    14. Jordanstown by Josephine W. Johnson
                                  24. [+]
                                    Poetry The Fall of the City, by Archibald MacLeish - 11 Reviews
                                    1. The Fall of the City by Archibald MacLeish
                                    2. A Song-Catcher in the Southern Mountains by Dorothy Scarborough
                                    3. Sonnets and Sestinas by Wilmon Brewer
                                    4. An April Song by Charles Hanson Towne
                                    5. Mount Holyoke College Verse by Ada F. Snell
                                    6. Phantom Thoughts by Doris Caesar
                                    7. Certain Paths by Doris Caesar
                                    8. Rhyme and Punishment by Leonard Bacon
                                    9. Death in a Room by Michael Fraenkel
                                    10. Terracina Cloud by Frederick Johnston
                                    11. Music and Other Poems by Mary G. Reed
                                  25. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Portraits from Life, by Ford Madox Ford - 11 Reviews
                                    1. Portraits from Life by Ford Madox Ford
                                    2. The New Republic Anthology, 1915-1935 by Groff Conklin
                                    3. The Maxims of La Rochefoucauld by Francois La Rochefoucauld
                                    4. The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche by Friedrich Nietzsche
                                    5. The Problem of Anxiety by Sigmund Freud
                                    6. Gardening by Montague Free
                                    7. The Sun-Papers of Baltimore, 1837-1937 by Gerald W. Johnson, Frank R. Kent, and H.L. Mencken, ...
                                    8. Selected Essays by Hilaire Belloc
                                    9. American Agent by Melvin H. Purvis
                                    10. Modeling for Money by Carol Lynn
                                    11. The Avon Flows by George Jean Nathan and William Shakespeare
                                  26. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                7. [+]
                                  July 1937 Issue = 25 Articles
                                  1. What About "The Revolution"? by Harold Lord Varney, pp. 257-268
                                  2. Crooks in the Legislature by A State Senator, pp. 269-275
                                  3. Wanted by Anthony M. Turano, pp. 276-282
                                  4. America's Wet-Nurse Bureaucracy by Eugene Pharo, pp. 283-291
                                  5. Paul Bunyan in the Flesh by Stewart H. Holbrook, pp. 292-296
                                  6. The Saga of Battle Creek by John Schoolcraft, pp. 297-301
                                  7. The Dangers of Sexual Abstinence by Edwin W. Hirsch, pp. 302-308
                                  8. Neither Capitalism Nor Socialism by Hilaire Belloc, pp. 309-316
                                  9. The Truth About Hay Fever by August A. Thomen, pp. 317-320
                                  10. Portrait of the Naval Academy by Fletcher Pratt, pp. 321-328
                                  11. Cremation by C. Elliott Stocker, pp. 329-333
                                  12. In Defense of Cows by Karl W. Kamb, pp. 334-340
                                  13. Americana, pp. 341-344
                                  14. All the Traffic Will Bear by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 345-349
                                  15. Gambler's Luck. Preview by Edward Harris Heth, pp. 350-365
                                  16. [+]
                                    The Murder of Abraham Lincoln by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 366-372 - 1 Review
                                    1. Why Was Lincoln Murdered? by Otto Eisenschiml
                                  17. The Open Forum, pp. 373-394
                                  18. [+]
                                    The Check List - 10 Reviews
                                    1. One Mighty Torrent by Edgar Johnson
                                    2. The Woodrow Wilsons by Eleanor Wilson McAdoo
                                    3. As I Was Going Down Sackville Street by Oliver St. John Gogarty
                                    4. Boies Penrose, Symbol of an Era by Robert Douglas Bowden
                                    5. The American Singer by Oscar Thompson
                                    6. Living Again by Felix Riesenberg
                                    7. King Edward VIII: An Intimate Biography by Hector Bolitho
                                    8. My Life: An Autobiography by Igor Stravinsky
                                    9. All the Dogs of My Life by Elizabeth von Arnim
                                    10. Elizabethan Seamen by Douglas Herbert Bell
                                  19. [+]
                                    History The United States Army in War and Peace, by Ol... - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The United States Army in War and Peace by Oliver Lyman Spaulding
                                    2. American City: A Rank-and-File History by Charles Rumford Walker
                                    3. The Death of an Empire by Imre Balassa
                                  20. [+]
                                    Economics In Defense of Capitalism, by James H.R. Cromwe... - 2 Reviews
                                    1. In Defense of Capitalism by James H.R. Cromwell and Hugo E. Czerwonky
                                    2. The Story of King Cotton by Harris Dickson
                                  21. [+]
                                    Fiction Bugles Blow No More, by Clifford Dowdey - 4 Reviews
                                    1. Bugles Blow No More by Clifford Dowdey
                                    2. Buckskin Breeches by Phil Stong
                                    3. The Antagonists by Paul Hervey Fox
                                    4. I Can Get It for You Wholesale by Jerome Weidman
                                  22. [+]
                                    Poetry Robert Frost: A Bibliography, by William B.S. ... - 6 Reviews
                                    1. Robert Frost: A Bibliography by William B.S. Clymer and Charles R. Green
                                    2. The Sleeping Fury by Louise Bogan
                                    3. Address to the Living by John Holmes
                                    4. Saltwater Farm by Robert P. Tristram Coffin
                                    5. The Poems of Maria Lowell by Hope Jillson Vernon and Maria Lowell
                                    6. Afterwhere by Angela Morgan
                                  23. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Social and Cultural Dynamics, by Pitirim A. So... - 11 Reviews
                                    1. Social and Cultural Dynamics by Pitirim A. Sorokin
                                    2. Mathematics for the Million by Lancelot Hogben
                                    3. Cruise of the "Conrad" by Alan J. Villiers
                                    4. Return from the USSR by Andre Gide
                                    5. Design by Percy E. Nobbs
                                    6. America: A Reappraisal by Harold E. Stearns
                                    7. Professor at Bay by Burges Johnson
                                    8. As I Live and Breathe by Willie Snow Ethridge
                                    9. Two Quaker Sisters by Elizabeth Buffum Chace
                                    10. Convalescent Conversations by Madelaine Vara
                                    11. Bernard Shaw, Frank Harris, and Oscar Wilde by Robert Harborough Sherard
                                  24. The Contributors
                                  25. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                8. [+]
                                  August 1937 Issue = 24 Articles
                                  1. The Truth About American Fascism by Harold Lord Varney, pp. 385-398
                                  2. Utopia by Sterilization by H.L. Mencken, pp. 399-408
                                  3. Propaganda From Spain by Fletcher Pratt, pp. 409-422
                                  4. I Do Not Like My Children by By A Mother, pp. 423-429
                                  5. Indiana's Magnificent McNutt by James Stevens, pp. 430-437
                                  6. Husbands by Ruth Purdy, pp. 438-440
                                  7. Why the South Hates Sherman by Peveral H. Peake, pp. 441-448
                                  8. Credo of American Capitalism by George E. Sokolsky, pp. 449-454
                                  9. Prostitution Legalized by Pelham D. Glassford, pp. 455-460
                                  10. The British Fair-Play Myth by Katharine Fullerton Gerould, pp. 461-467
                                  11. Civic Crisis. A Story by James Boyd, pp. 468-480
                                  12. Americana, pp. 481-484
                                  13. Liberals Never Learn by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 485-490
                                  14. [+]
                                    A Great American, Forgotten by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 491-496 - 2 Reviews
                                    1. Old Fuss and Feathers by Arthur D. Howden Smith
                                    2. The End of an Era by John S. Wise
                                  15. The Open Forum, pp. 497-510
                                  16. Index to Volume XLI, pp. 511-520
                                  17. [+]
                                    The Check List - 7 Reviews
                                    1. Mountain Men by Stanley Vestal
                                    2. Whitman by Edgar Lee Masters
                                    3. It's a Far Cry by Robert Watson Winston
                                    4. Famous American Men of Science by J.G. Crowther
                                    5. Harriet Beecher Stowe by Catherine P. Gilbertson
                                    6. Memoirs of a Spanish Princess by Infanta Eulalia
                                    7. Let Me Live by Angelo Herndon
                                  18. [+]
                                    History The Miracle of England, by Andre Maurois - 7 Reviews
                                    1. The Miracle of England by Andre Maurois
                                    2. South After Gettysburg by Henrietta Stratton Jaquette and Cornelia Hancock, ...
                                    3. Canada: An International Power by Andre Siegfried
                                    4. Forty Years on Main Street by William Allen White and Russell H. Fitzgibbon, ...
                                    5. Captain Kidd and His Skeleton Island by Harold T. Wilkins
                                    6. The Great Russian Revolution by Victor M. Chernov
                                    7. Pity for Women! by Helen M. Anderson
                                  19. [+]
                                    Travel 1937 in Europe~~Nineteen Thirty-Seven in Europ... - 4 Reviews
                                    1. 1937 in Europe~~Nineteen Thirty-Seven in Europe by Eugene Fodor
                                    2. London Afresh by E.V. Lucas
                                    3. Don Gypsy by Walter Starkie
                                    4. A Mapbook of English Literature by John D'Auby Briscoe, Robert Lathrop Sharp, and Murray Eugene Borish, ...
                                  20. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Analysis of the Problem of War, by Clyde Eagleton - 8 Reviews
                                    1. Analysis of the Problem of War by Clyde Eagleton
                                    2. A Home in the Country by Frederic F. Van de Water
                                    3. The Neurotic Personality of Our Time by Karen Horney
                                    4. The Power to Govern by Walton H. Hamilton and Douglass Adair
                                    5. Who Gave the World Syphilis? by Richmond C. Holcomb
                                    6. Death Rides with Venus by Arthur C. Palm
                                    7. Middletown in Transition by Robert Staughton Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd
                                    8. The Other Half by John Worby
                                  21. [+]
                                    Fiction The Outward Room, by Millen Brand - 10 Reviews
                                    1. The Outward Room by Millen Brand
                                    2. The Strikers by Goetze Jeter
                                    3. Theatre by W. Somerset Maugham
                                    4. Suns Go Down by Flannery Lewis
                                    5. Yangtze Skipper by Thomas Woodrooffe
                                    6. Time Piece by Naomi Jacob
                                    7. In the Lives of Men by Alan Hart
                                    8. Queen's Folly by Elswyth Thane
                                    9. The Spectacle of a Man by John Coignard
                                    10. Very Heaven by Richard Aldington
                                  22. [+]
                                    Poetry American Frontier, by Elisabeth S. Peck - 2 Reviews
                                    1. American Frontier by Elisabeth S. Peck
                                    2. Music of Morning by Katharine Kennedy
                                  23. The Contributors
                                  24. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                9. [+]
                                  September 1937 Issue = 23 Articles
                                  1. Dr. Roosevelt's Propaganda Trust by Gordon Carroll, pp. 1-31
                                  2. I Was a Communist Martyr by Fred E. Beal, pp. 32-45
                                  3. Ninety-Nine-Per-Cent British by H.W. Seaman, pp. 46-53
                                  4. End of August by Edgar Lee Masters, pp. 54-55
                                  5. Strip-Tease as a National Art by Laurence Bell, pp. 56-64
                                  6. America's Cry-Baby Athletes by Eliot B. Spalding, pp. 65-69
                                  7. Fat of the Land by Della T. Lutes, pp. 70-75
                                  8. Don't You Believe It! by August A. Thomen, pp. 76-81
                                  9. The Snake by Alan Devoe, pp. 82-86
                                  10. April, Late April, A Story by Thomas Wolfe, pp. 87-97
                                  11. Editorial, pp. 98-102
                                  12. Americana, pp. 103-105
                                  13. Autopsy on the New Deal by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 106-110
                                  14. [+]
                                    A Maverick on Parade by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 111-116 - 1 Review
                                    1. A Maverick American by Maury Maverick
                                  15. The Open Forum, pp. 117-138
                                  16. [+]
                                    The Check List - 8 Reviews
                                    1. A Vermont Boyhood by Thomas Emerson Ripley
                                    2. Lord Bothwell and Mary, Queen of Scots by Robert Gore-Browne
                                    3. A Saga of the Seas by Philip Bayaud McDonald
                                    4. Red Cloud's Folk by George E. Hyde
                                    5. Recollections and Reflections by J.J. Thomson
                                    6. Marconi: The Man and His Wireless by Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr.
                                    7. The Life of John Rushworth, Earl Jellicoe by Admiral Sir Reginald Bacon
                                    8. Hart Crane: The Life of an American Poet by Philip Horton
                                  17. [+]
                                    Biography The Great Goldwyn, by Alva Johnston - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Great Goldwyn by Alva Johnston
                                    2. Contemporary Mexican Artists by Agustin Velazquez Chavez
                                    3. T.E. Lawrence by His Friends by A.W. Lawrence
                                  18. [+]
                                    History A History of American Political Thought, by Ed... - 3 Reviews
                                    1. A History of American Political Thought by Edward R. Lewis
                                    2. Cabinet Government by W. Ivor Jennings
                                    3. The Dangerous Sea by George E. Slocombe
                                  19. [+]
                                    Poetry Ornament of Honor, by E.H.R. Altounyan - 2 Reviews
                                    1. Ornament of Honor by E.H.R. Altounyan
                                    2. The Maid of Orleans by Kerr Rainsford
                                  20. [+]
                                    Fiction And So, Victoria, by Vaughan Wilkins - 5 Reviews
                                    1. And So, Victoria by Vaughan Wilkins
                                    2. Children of Strangers by Lyle Saxon
                                    3. The Stranger Prince by Margaret Irwin
                                    4. Perilous Sanctuary by Donald J. Hall
                                    5. Night Between the Rivers by R.L. Duffus
                                  21. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional Engli... - 12 Reviews
                                    1. A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by Eric Partridge
                                    2. The Fascist: His State and His Mind by E.B. Ashton
                                    3. The Third Reich by Henri Lichtenberger and Koppel S. Pinson
                                    4. Rolling Along in Song by J. Rosamond Johnson
                                    5. The Supreme Court and the National Will by Dean Alfange
                                    6. The Source of Civilization by Gerald Heard
                                    7. Studies in the Science of Society by George Peter Murdock
                                    8. Biological Time by Pierre Lecomte du Nouy
                                    9. Thoughts on Death and Life by William Ernest Hocking
                                    10. The Masts of Gloucester by Raymond McFarland
                                    11. The 101 Ranch by Ellsworth Collings and Alma Miller England
                                    12. Government Publications and Their Use by Laurence F. Schmeckebier
                                  22. The Contributors
                                  23. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                10. [+]
                                  October 1937 Issue = 23 Articles
                                  1. "The Workers" vs. The Workers by Channing Pollock, pp. 129-138
                                  2. Missouri Uplift by Ralph Coghlan, pp. 139-146
                                  3. How I Became a Fascist by Anonymous, pp. 147-150
                                  4. The Myth of the Two-Gun Man by Charles B. Roth, pp. 151-156
                                  5. Liberalism Commits Suicide by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 157-167
                                  6. Deeper Than Atlanta by Jackson Mathews, pp. 168-172
                                  7. The Disarmament Hoax by Fletcher Pratt, pp. 173-180
                                  8. Russia's Goldbrick Constitution by William Henry Chamberlin, pp. 181-186
                                  9. Fallacies About Your Health by August A. Thomen, pp. 187-193
                                  10. How the WPA Buys Votes by Gordon Carroll, pp. 194-213
                                  11. The Road to Hell. A Story by John Fante, pp. 214-219
                                  12. Editorial, pp. 220-225
                                  13. Americana, pp. 226-228
                                  14. The Packing of Hugo Black by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 229-233
                                  15. [+]
                                    Notes on an Economic Royalist by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 234-238 - 1 Review
                                    1. John D. Rockefeller by B.F. Winkelman
                                  16. The Open Forum, pp. 239-262
                                  17. [+]
                                    The Check List - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Romantic Decatur by Charles Lee Lewis
                                    2. Men of Mathematics by E.T. Bell
                                    3. Will Mariner by H. Boyle Townshend Somerville
                                  18. [+]
                                    History The Crusades, by Hilaire Belloc - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Crusades by Hilaire Belloc
                                    2. The Siege of Alcazar by Geoffrey McNeill-Moss
                                    3. A Social and Religious History of the Jews by Salo W. Baron
                                  19. [+]
                                    Fiction Song on Your Bugles, by Eric M. Knight - 9 Reviews
                                    1. Song on Your Bugles by Eric M. Knight
                                    2. American Dream by Michael Foster
                                    3. Low Company by Daniel Fuchs
                                    4. Sad-Faced Boy by Arna Bontemps
                                    5. The Scandals of Clochemerle by Gabriel Chevallier
                                    6. Together and Apart by Margaret Kennedy
                                    7. Land Under Heaven by Pearl Ashby Tibbetts
                                    8. No House of Peace by Elizabeth Connor
                                    9. Eleventh Hour by Robert Clive
                                  20. [+]
                                    Poetry Biography for Traman, by Winfield Townley Scott - 8 Reviews
                                    1. Biography for Traman by Winfield Townley Scott
                                    2. The Time of Yeats by Cornelius Weygandt
                                    3. Encounter in April by May Sarton
                                    4. The Emperor Heart by Laurence Whistler
                                    5. Monticello by Lawrence Lee
                                    6. Anniversary and Other Poems by Harriet Maxon Thayer
                                    7. For Florida by Patti S. Broadhurst
                                    8. Violet Rays by Olive Allen Robertson
                                  21. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous The Education of Hyman Kaplan, by Leonard Q. Ross - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Education of Hyman Kaplan by Leonard Q. Ross
                                    2. The Enjoyment of Laughter by Max Eastman
                                    3. Primitive Intelligence and Environment by S.D. Porteus
                                  22. The Contributors
                                  23. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                11. [+]
                                  November 1937 Issue = 22 Articles
                                  1. Farley for President! by The Editors, pp. 257-274
                                  2. The United Affront by Ernest Boyd, pp. 275-283
                                  3. The Crime of Being a Witness by J.L. Brown, pp. 284-288
                                  4. Floyd Collins in the Sand Cave by Oland D. Russell, pp. 289-297
                                  5. Ten Years of Soviet Terror by Moscow Correspondent, pp. 298-306
                                  6. The High Cost of Dying by Philip McKee, pp. 307-312
                                  7. To Hell With Farming by An Ex-Farmer, pp. 313-318
                                  8. Propaganda From the White House by Gordon Carroll, pp. 319-336
                                  9. Tiger-Siss-Boom-Ah! A Story by Hobart Lewis, pp. 337-348
                                  10. Editorials, pp. 349-354
                                  11. Americana, pp. 355-357
                                  12. The Difficulty of Thinking by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 358-363
                                  13. [+]
                                    The Art of Prophecy by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 364-371 - 3 Reviews
                                    1. The Struggle for the Pacific by Gregory Bienstock
                                    2. Europe in Arms by Basil H. Liddell Hart
                                    3. Poison in the Air by Heinz Liepmann
                                  14. The Open Forum, pp. 372-402
                                  15. [+]
                                    The Check List - 13 Reviews
                                    1. Twenty-Five Years: 1892-1916 by Viscount Edward Grey
                                    2. Death in Dublin by Frank O'Connor
                                    3. Life With Mother by Clarence Day
                                    4. Albert Gallatin Brown: Radical Southern Nationalist by James B. Ranck
                                    5. Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794 by D.M. Low
                                    6. Capital Kaleidoscope by Frances Parkinson Keyes
                                    7. AE's Letters to Minanlabain by A.E.
                                    8. The Letters of Lenin by Elizabeth Hill, Doris Mudie, and Vladimir Lenin
                                    9. An Elizabethan Puritan by Louis Thorn Golding
                                    10. My War with the United States by Ludwig Bemelmans
                                    11. "Dear Theo" by Irving Stone and Vincent Van Gogh
                                    12. General Philip Kearny by Thomas Kearny
                                    13. The Woman Who Rose Again by Gleb Botkin
                                  16. [+]
                                    Travel Oriental Odyssey, by Robert Hobart Davis - 2 Reviews
                                    1. Oriental Odyssey by Robert Hobart Davis
                                    2. Massachusetts: A Guide to Its Places and People (#9) by Federal Writers' Project
                                  17. [+]
                                    Fiction The Seven Who Fled, by Frederic Prokosch - 19 Reviews
                                    1. The Seven Who Fled by Frederic Prokosch
                                    2. Recapture the Moon by Sylvia Thompson
                                    3. The Citadel by A.J. Cronin
                                    4. The Silver Fleece by Robert Collis
                                    5. Lena by Roger Vercel
                                    6. Eve's Doctor by Signe Toksvig
                                    7. Madame Flowery Sentiment by Albert Gervais
                                    8. Harbor Nights by Harvey Klemmer
                                    9. Deep Summer by Gwen Bristow
                                    10. The Gate of Happy Sparrows by Daniele Vare
                                    11. He Swung and He Missed by Eugene O'Brien
                                    12. Ferment by John T. McIntyre
                                    13. Elizabethan Tales by Edward J. O'Brien
                                    14. Down East by Lewis Pendleton
                                    15. The Return of Kai Lung by Ernest Bramah
                                    16. Runaround by Benjamin Appel
                                    17. Old Wine by Phyllis Bottome
                                    18. Rhythm for Rain by John Louw Nelson
                                    19. The Gods Arrive by Grant Lewi
                                  18. [+]
                                    Fiction Either is Love, by Elisabeth Craigin - 11 Reviews
                                    1. Either is Love by Elisabeth Craigin
                                    2. American Stuff (#1)
                                    3. The Evening Heron by Philip Freund
                                    4. Peace Is Where the Tempests Blow by Valentine Kataev
                                    5. Hortensius: Friend of Nero by Edith Pargeter
                                    6. Young Robert: A Brief History by George Albee
                                    7. The Emotional Journey by W.B. Maxwell
                                    8. Washington Calling! by Marquis W. Childs
                                    9. The Song of the World by Jean Giono
                                    10. They Never Get Tired by Catharine Macadam
                                    11. Not Tonight by Parkhurst Whitney
                                  19. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Spain: A Tragic Journey, by F. Theobald Rogers - 17 Reviews
                                    1. Spain: A Tragic Journey by F. Theobald Rogers
                                    2. The Far East Comes Nearer by H. Hessell Tiltman
                                    3. The Etiquette of Race Relations in the South by Bertram Wilbur Doyle
                                    4. Small Talk by Harold G. Nicolson
                                    5. The Life and Death of a Spanish Town by Elliot Paul
                                    6. A New Social Philosophy by Werner Sombart and Karl F. Geiser
                                    7. The Traffic in Health by Charles Solomon#2
                                    8. Headlining America by Frank Luther Mott
                                    9. Geneva versus Peace by Auguste F.C. de Beaupoil Saint-Aulaire
                                    10. Giant Liners of the World by Alan L. Cary
                                    11. Surrealism by Herbert Read
                                    12. The Art of Going to College by J. Franklin Messenger
                                    13. "Dear Mister President" by Ben Whitehurst
                                    14. The Writer's Market by Aron M. Mathieu
                                    15. Germany: The Last Four Years by Germanicus
                                    16. Do You Want to Write? by Margaret Widdemer
                                    17. Early Medieval Medicine by Loren C. MacKinney
                                  20. [+]
                                    Poetry The Collected Poems of Sara Teasdale, by Sara ... - 10 Reviews
                                    1. The Collected Poems of Sara Teasdale by Sara Teasdale
                                    2. One More Manhattan by Phyllis McGinley
                                    3. Prismatic Ground by Marguerite Young
                                    4. The Ten Principal Upanishads by W.B. Yeats and Shree Purohit Swami
                                    5. Cold Morning Sky by Marya Zaturenska
                                    6. More of Us by Gilbert Frankau
                                    7. Fifty-One Neglected Lyrics by Tom Boggs
                                    8. Reconnaissances by Mary Linda Bradley
                                    9. The Measure of Things by Graham H. Whiting
                                    10. Contemporary American Men Poets by Thomas Del Vecchio
                                  21. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                                  22. The Contributors
                                12. [+]
                                  December 1937 Issue = 27 Articles
                                  1. The Social-Security Hoax by Ogden L. Mills, pp. 385-389
                                  2. Further Notes on the Act, pp. 390-393
                                  3. Ten Forgotten Men by Channing Pollock, pp. 394-405
                                  4. The Good Life in Moscow by Elena Smirnova, pp. 406-415
                                  5. Madame La Secretary Perkins by Helen R. Whitely, pp. 416-426
                                  6. The Old-Time Religion by Kenneth Campbell, pp. 427-435
                                  7. Hero or Hack? by H.L. Mencken, pp. 436-438
                                  8. II. Joseph Taylor Robinson by Paul R. Grabiel, p. 439
                                  9. Death From the Soil by Paul B. Sears, pp. 440-447
                                  10. Our Enemy, the Cat by Alan Devoe, pp. 448-451
                                  11. Our "Liberal" Weeklies by Harold Lord Varney, pp. 452-465
                                  12. Hang-Over. A Story by Paul Chalker, pp. 466-474
                                  13. Editorial, pp. 475-478
                                  14. Americana, pp. 479-481
                                  15. The State of the Union A New Dose of British Propaganda by Albert Jay Nock, pp. 482-486
                                  16. Poetry by Sara Henderson Hay, p. 487
                                  17. II. Incident in the Green Pastures by Marguerite Steedman, p. 487
                                  18. III. Boston Boy by Witter Bynner, p. 488
                                  19. IV. Toward Defeat by V. James Chrasta, p. 489
                                  20. [+]
                                    On Facing the Next War by John W. Thomason, Jr., pp. 490-495 - 1 Review
                                    1. If War Comes by R. Ernest Dupuy and George Fielding Eliot
                                  21. The Open Forum, pp. 496-510
                                  22. Index to Volume XLII, pp. 511-530
                                  23. [+]
                                    The Check List - 20 Reviews
                                    1. The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Nathaniel Hawthorne
                                    2. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Constance Garnett
                                    3. The Forty-Second Parallel by John Dos Passos
                                    4. Katrina by Sally Salminen
                                    5. Germinal by Emile Zola
                                    6. To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway
                                    7. Star-Begotten by H.G. Wells
                                    8. Gone to Texas by John W. Thomason, Jr.
                                    9. Pastoral by Eleanor Green
                                    10. Point Noir by Clelie Benton Huggins
                                    11. Enchanter's Nightshade by Ann Bridge
                                    12. The Brief Hour of Francois Villon by John Erskine
                                    13. Young Henry of Navarre by Heinrich Mann
                                    14. Rehearsal in Oviedo by Joseph Peyre
                                    15. The Case of the Lame Canary by Erle Stanley Gardner
                                    16. Oleander River by G.B. Stern
                                    17. Homicide by Leslie T. White
                                    18. Octagon House by Phoebe Atwood Taylor
                                    19. Barbary Brew by Zelda Stewart Charters
                                    20. Macaw: The Story of a Parrot by Peggy von der Goltz
                                  24. [+]
                                    Biography Assignment in Utopia, by Eugene Lyons - 6 Reviews
                                    1. Assignment in Utopia by Eugene Lyons
                                    2. Once a Commissar by Vladimir Koudrey
                                    3. Jonathan Swift by Bertram Newman
                                    4. Free Lance by E. Alexander Powell
                                    5. The Tranquil Heart by Catherine M. Carswell
                                    6. East Goes West by Younghill Kang
                                  25. [+]
                                    Miscellaneous Selected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, by Phi... - 28 Reviews
                                    1. Selected Writings of Thomas de Quincey by Philip Van Doren Stern and Thomas de Quincey
                                    2. Free Speech and Plain Language by Albert Jay Nock
                                    3. A History of the Art of War in the Sixteenth Century by Charles Oman
                                    4. Dixie After the War by Myrta Lockett Avary
                                    5. Ordeal in England by Philip Gibbs
                                    6. Phudd Hill by Alan Devoe
                                    7. The Man Takes a Wife by Ira S. Wile
                                    8. Childbirth Yesterday and Today by A.J. Rongy
                                    9. Safely Through Childbirth by A.J. Rongy
                                    10. Personality Development in Children by Ernest J. Chave
                                    11. Aliens in the East by Harry Emerson Wildes
                                    12. Colonial Policies of the United States by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt #2
                                    13. Academic Procession by James Reid Parker
                                    14. The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918 by Elizabeth H. Armstrong
                                    15. An American Hunter by Archibald H. Rutledge
                                    16. The 1937 New Yorker Album
                                    17. Elias Vail Trains Gun Dogs by Ella B. Moffit
                                    18. Soldiers of Darkness by Thomas R. Gowenlock and Guy Murchie
                                    19. Men and Tendencies by E.I. Watkin
                                    20. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People by Irving D. Tressler
                                    21. Directory of Social Agencies of the City of New York, 1937-1938
                                    22. New Frontiers of the Mind by Joseph B. Rhine
                                    23. The Case of Leon Trotsky by John Dewey
                                    24. Common Neuroses of Children and Adults by O. Spurgeon English
                                    25. Wit and Rhetoric in the Renaissance by William G. Crane
                                    26. The Banned Books of England and Other Countries by Alec Craig
                                    27. 40,000,000 Guinea Pig Children~~Forty Million Guinea Pig Children by Rachel Lynn Palmer and Isadore M. Alpher
                                    28. Spy Overhead by Clinch Calkins
                                  26. The Contributors
                                  27. Recorded Music by Irving Kolodin
                              2. [+]
                                Issues of 1938 = 12 Issues, 312 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1939 = 12 Issues, 346 Articles
                                2. [+]
                                  Issues of the 1940s = 10 Years, 120 Issues, 3,183 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1940 = 12 Issues, 320 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1941 = 12 Issues, 310 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1942 = 12 Issues, 271 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1943 = 12 Issues, 280 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1944 = 12 Issues, 300 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1945 = 12 Issues, 296 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1946 = 12 Issues, 318 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1947 = 12 Issues, 376 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1948 = 12 Issues, 366 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1949 = 12 Issues, 346 Articles
                                                    2. [+]
                                                      Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 117 Issues, 3,611 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1950 = 12 Issues, 324 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1951 = 12 Issues, 208 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1952 = 12 Issues, 213 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1953 = 11 Issues, 325 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1954 = 12 Issues, 479 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1955 = 12 Issues, 494 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1956 = 10 Issues, 357 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1957 = 12 Issues, 394 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1958 = 12 Issues, 364 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1959 = 12 Issues, 453 Articles
                                                                        2. [+]
                                                                          Issues of the 1960s = 1 Year, 12 Issues, 439 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1960 = 12 Issues, 439 Articles