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Mortimer Brewster Smith Archives
Mortimer Brewster Smith •ï¿½25 Items / 10 Books, 11 Articles, 4 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    The Admiral Speaks His Mind (Review)
    Education and Freedom, by Admiral H.G. Rickover
    1. Education and Freedom by Admiral H.G. Rickover
    National Review, February 14, 1959, p. 529
  2. The American Soldier, Vol. II (1949)
    Combat and Its Aftermath
    3 Reviews
  3. And Madly Teach (1949)
    A Layman Looks at Public School Education
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  4. Chester Bowles
    Ad-Man in Politics
    The American Mercury, March 1950, pp. 284-291
  5. A Citizen's Manual for Public Schools (1960)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  6. [+]
    Defender of the Status Quo (Review)
    American Education: Facts, Fancies, and Folklore, by Raymond P. Harris
    1. American Education: Facts, Fancies, and Folklore by Raymond P. Harris
    The Saturday Review, October 21, 1961, p. 60
  7. The Diminished Mind (1954)
    A Study of Planned Mediocrity in Our Public Schools
    5 Reviews, 4 Readable
  8. Books on the Schools
    Education: Does It Need a Tranquilizer or Major Surgery? (2 Reviews)
    The American High School Today, by James Bryant Conant
    1. The American High School Today by James Bryant Conant
    2. Education and Freedom by Admiral H.G. Rickover
    Modern Age, Fall 1959, pp. 409-412
  9. Educational Innovations
    Treasure and Dross
    The American Scholar, Winter 1974, pp. 133-139
  10. Evangels of Reform (1934)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  11. How to Teach the California Child
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1958, pp. 32-35
  12. The Life of Ole Bull (1943)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  13. Mayor Gaynor-A Political Maverick
    The American Mercury, October 1949, pp. 469-476
  14. My School the City (1980)
    A Memoir of New York in the Twenties
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  15. Opinions and Personality (1956)
    3 Reviews
  16. Opinions, Personality and Political Behavior
    American Political Science Review, March 1958, pp. 1-17
  17. The Perennial Problem of Illiteracy
    Modern Age, Winter 1973, pp. 33-38
  18. Personal Opinion---Faddishness in Education
    The Saturday Review, August 21, 1965, p. 53
  19. The Public Schools in Crisis (1957)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  20. The Reading Problem
    The American Scholar, Summer 1969, pp. 431-440
  21. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Broken Rebel, by Rupert Wilkinson
    1. The Broken Rebel by Rupert Wilkinson
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1973, pp. 347-360
  22. The Unitarians
    The American Mercury, October 1929, pp. 199-209
  23. W. G. Sumner
    The Forgotten Man
    The American Mercury, September 1950, pp. 357-365
  24. Why We Disagree
    The Saturday Review, January 21, 1961, pp. 80-81
  25. William Jay Gaynor, Mayor of New York (1951)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  26. No Items Found