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John S. Wise Archives
John S. Wise •ï¿½14 Items / 7 Books, 5 Articles
The End of an Era (1899)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The End of an Era, by John S. Wise
    1. The End of an Era by John S. Wise
    The American Historical Review, April 1900, p. 604
  2. [+]
    Recent Poetry (Review)
    The End of an Era, by John S. Wise
    1. The End of an Era by John S. Wise
    The Nation, November 16, 1899, p. 379
  3. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    The End of an Era, by John S. Wise
    1. The End of an Era by John S. Wise
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1900, p. 169
  4. The Library
    A Great American, Forgotten (2 Reviews)
    Old Fuss and Feathers, by Arthur D. Howden Smith
    1. Old Fuss and Feathers by Arthur D. Howden Smith
    2. The End of an Era by John S. Wise
    The American Mercury, August 1937, pp. 491-496
  5. [+]
    Books of the Week (39 Reviews)
    Blue-Beard, by Thomas Wilson
    1. Blue-Beard by Thomas Wilson
    2. The Romance of Conquest by William Elliot Griffis
    3. The New-Born Cuba by Franklin Matthews
    4. Mrs. Gillette's Cook Book by F.L. Gillette
    5. Differences by Hervey White
    6. The Tragedy of Dreyfus by G.W. Steevens
    7. Dr. Berkeley's Discovery by Richard Slee and Cornelia Atwood Pratt
    8. Elijah the Prophet by J. Bunyan Lemon
    9. Embroidery, or The Craft of the Needle by W.G. Paulson Townsend
    10. The End of an Era by John S. Wise
    11. Standard English Poems, Spencer to Tennyson by Henry S. Pancoast
    12. History of the American Episcopal Church by S.D. McConnell
    13. The True Estimate of Life and How to Live by G. Campbell Morgan
    14. James Evans: The Apostle of the North by Egerton R. Young
    15. Family Prayers by Ashton Oxenden
    16. The Lively Adventures of Gavin Hamilton by Molly Elliot Seawell
    17. The Golden Talisman by H. Phelps Whitmarsh
    18. Grant Burton, the Runaway by W. Gordon Parker
    19. The Great Appeal by James G.K. McClure
    20. Hawaiian America by Caspar Whitney
    21. The House of the Wizard by M. Imlay Taylor
    22. How Hindsight Met Provincialatis by L. Clarkson Whitelock
    23. Invisible Links by Selma Lagerlof
    24. Literary Hearthstones by Marion Harland
    25. Loveliness by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
    26. The Romance of King Ludwig II of Bavaria by Frances A. Gerard
    27. The Marble Faun by Nathaniel Hawthorne
    28. Margaret Thorpe's Trail by Lucy C. Lillie
    29. Questions and Phases of Modern Missions by Frank F. Ellinwood
    30. Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen by Finley Peter Dunne
    31. With Perry on Lake Erie by James Otis
    32. 'Postle Farm by George Cephas Ford
    33. Quaint Corners of Ancient Empires by Michael Myers Shoemaker
    34. A History of Quaker Government in Pennsylvania by Isaac Sharpless
    35. Return of the Fairies by Charles J. Bellamy
    36. Revolutionary Maid by Amy E. Blanchard
    37. Silas Marner by George Eliot
    38. Sleepy-Time Stories by Maud Ballington Booth
    39. We Four Girls by Mary G. Darling
    The Outlook, November 4, 1899, pp. 604-607