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Arthur Meier Schlesinger Archives
Arthur Meier Schlesinger •ï¿½28 Items / 15 Books, 7 Articles, 6 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    After Reconstruction (Review)
    A History of the United States Since the Civil War, by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer
    1. A History of the United States Since the Civil War by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer
    The Saturday Review, February 6, 1932, p. 504
  2. [+]
    Amateur History (Review)
    A New American History, by William E. Woodward
    1. A New American History by William E. Woodward
    The Saturday Review, December 19, 1936, p. 3
  3. The American as Reformer (1950)
    5 Reviews
  4. Articles
    Biography of a Nation of Joiners
    The American Historical Review, October 1944, pp. 1-25
  5. The Birth of the Nation (1968)
    A Portrait of the American People on the Eve of Independence
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  6. Colonial Appeals to the Privy Council, I
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1913, pp. 279-297
  7. Colonial Appeals to the Privy Council, II
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1913, pp. 433-450
  8. The Cotton Kingdom (1953)
    A Traveller's Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American Slave States...
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  9. A History of American Life (1928)
    2 Reviews
  10. The Immigrant in American History (1940)
    4 Reviews
  11. In Retrospect: The History of a Historian (1963)
    3 Reviews
  12. Japan's Destiny in the Orient
    The American Mercury, July 1934, pp. 290-294
  13. Land of the Free (1944)
    A Short History of the American People
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  14. Learning How to Behave (1946)
    A Historical Study of American Etiquette Books
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  15. [+]
    Minor Notices (Review)
    The Boston Merchants and the Non-Importation Movement, by Charles McLean Andrews
    1. The Boston Merchants and the Non-Importation Movement by Charles McLean Andrews
    The American Historical Review, April 1918, p. 705
  16. My Vote---And Why: A Symposium
    The New Masses, October 10, 1944, p. 9
  17. New Viewpoints in American History (1922)
    4 Reviews
  18. Paths to the Present (1949)
    7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  19. [+]
    Patriots and Masses (Review)
    The First American Revolution, by Jack Hardy
    1. The First American Revolution by Jack Hardy
    The Saturday Review, June 5, 1937, p. 17
  20. A Political and Social History of the United St... (1925)
    7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  21. The Politics of Upheaval (1960)
    (Age of Roosevelt)
  22. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Chatham's Colonial Policy, by Kate Hotblack
    1. Chatham's Colonial Policy by Kate Hotblack
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1918, pp. 278-279
  23. The Rise of the City, 1878-1898 (1933)
    A History of American Life, Vol. X
    9 Reviews, 4 Readable
  24. A Syllabus of United States History, 1492-1916 (1915)
  25. [+]
    The Tragic Era (Review)
    The Tragic Era, by Claude G. Bowers
    1. The Tragic Era by Claude G. Bowers
    The New Republic, October 9, 1929, p. 210
  26. General Articles
    The Vanishing Voter
    The New Republic, October 15, 1924, pp. 162-167
  27. Presidential Address
    "What Then Is the American, This New Man?"
    The American Historical Review, January 1943, pp. 225-244
  28. No Items Found