2- History Shakardara Corrected
2- History Shakardara Corrected
2- History Shakardara Corrected
This Detailed Cost Estimate amounting to
1449.297 Million is framed to
obtain Technical Sanction of the competent authority for "Drinking Water Supply From Indus
River To Village Rehman Abad Shakardara Along With Adjacent Villages, (Shakardara
Portion) District Kohat. The project was originally approved for an amount of Rs. 1548.089
Millions. PDWP meeting, chaired by Additional Chief Secretary P&D Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
held on May 05, 2017 minutes were circulated vide letter No. Chief/INF/P&D/170-
01/17/1367-79 (we) dated May 22, 2017.
Consequently NOC was issued by EPA vide letter No. EPA/EIA/WSS/Shakardara/52 dated
July 26, 2017. Later on concurrence was issued vide Finance Department letter No. So(Dev-
II)/FD/6-25/2017-18 dated August 07, 2017.Administrative Approval of the project was
accorded by Secretary Public Health Engineering Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and was
issued vide his office letter No. SO(T)/PHED//3-21/2016-17 dated August 18, 2017.
The Revised PC-I total cost of Rs.2085.391 (M) was approved by PDWP, headed by
Additional Chief Secretary, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in its meeting held on 03-12-2021 and
minutes were circulated by P&D Departement, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa letter NO.
C(PP&H)/P&D/PDWP/1-29/2021-22/429-38 dated 21-12-2021 subsequently Revised
Administrative Approval was issued on 02-02-2022 vide SO(T)/PHED/3-21/2022/Vol-
B. Co-ordinates.
SHAKARDARA 33,12',49".33 N.
71,30',16".07 E.
Shakardara is located at about 40 KM from Lachi and 75 km from District Head Quarter
Kohat , while a distance of 15 KM aparts the village Rehman Abad from Shakardara. The
climate of project area is quite hot during summer with temperature reaching 40 - 45 oC , June
and July are the hottest months. The average rain fall in project area is about 300-500 mm.
Due to climate changes monsoon also plays active role and some time there are heavy shower
with short duration which leads to considerable surface runoff in nearby seasonal Streams.
Otherwise, being arid zone the mean annual evapo-transpiration is reported to be on higher
G Water Quality.
SHAKARDARA Water samples were taken during D&T of Tube Wells and examined as per
standard and specifications to ensure the water supply according to the fitness of use for
human Periodic water quality tests shall also be arranged during and after the implementation
of the Scheme.
SHAKARDARA PORTION : The project is designed on sub surface Water i.e.
Tube Wells. Taking water demand at the rate of 10 Gallons per Capita per Day
(GPCD), 12 No's of Tube wells are required to meet the Ultimate Daily Demand. At
this stage for upcoming decade, 09 No's tube wells can meet the water demand for
next 10 years. It is therefore proposed to install 09 Tube Wells presently and Drill 03
No more as required after 10 years. Hence Cost of only 09 Nos. of new Tube Wells
has been included in this detailed cost estimate. A Collecting Tank near by the Tube
Wells will be constructed , all the sources will lead their yield to this Tank through
designed dia of 4" G.I pipe. Special design i.e circular shaped with flood protection
measures, has been opted for pumping chambers.
Solar System.
A Consultant Namely " BARG Engineering Peshawar" has been hired for the
Designing & Supervision of Solar Components of the Scheme. The design provided
by the same Consultant has been incorportaed in the estimate with given parametrs.
SHAKARDARA:A total of 25 No's of pumps having various heads and discharges
will be performing during the first decade. 04 No's Standby pumps have also been
Rising Main.
SHAKARDARA PORTION: The Rising Main i.e. 10" G.I pipe has been designed
for Ultimate Demand i.e. 1200 IGPM. This Rising Main from Narai Khwar and
another from Shah Mehmood Khwar each having capicity of 100000 gallons.water
will be pumped to the Boosting Station BS-1 at "KABAL KHEL" , which has a
storage capacity of Two Lac Gallons. The same dia will further pump the same
quantum to Break Pressure Tank/Gravity Tank of capacity 2 Lac Gallons, proposed
at Lakkarh Bera. From this point onward to the Boosting Station BS-2 water will
flow through gravity having Capacity of 2 Lac Gallons at Buddasam (BS-2) and
from here water will be pumped to three 03 Nos of OHR each 50000 Gallons and
also form BS-2 the water will be supplied to 30000 and 50000 Gallons Surface
Distribution Sys. After Storage water will be distributed to the consumer through a designed dia of
pipe line on the basis of Individual House connection.
J Population.
As the Census report 2017 does not provide the exact population of the service area , Hence
Individual House Counting method has been adopted. By taking Seven (07) persons and
considering 3% growth rate, the decade wise population is as under:-
No of Population Population Population
S# Name of Village
Houses 2019 2029 2039
03 No. of 50,000 Glns Capacity Over Head Tank Zone - I & II and III, One No. of
50,000 Glns Capacity - IV. One No. of 30,000 Glns Capacity Storage Tank Zone -
V as per approved design of PHED.
P. Scope of the Project
The following subheads have been included in the project.
Sub Head No.1. Tube Wells (09 Nos)
Sub Head No.2. Pumping Chambers (09 Nos)
Sub Head No.3. Solar Based Pums 25 Nos
Q. Rates
This detailed Cost estimate is based on Tender Rates / MRS - 2016.&MRS-2021
R. Classification of Soil.
The Soil is composed of various hard formations and the G.I Pipe Quality has been selected
on the Design Characteristics of Pipe and Nature of Soil.
S. Specification.
Public Health Engg; standards / specifications will be followed.
U Funds.
Funds for the scheme will be provided by/arranged by Provincial Govt:. Scheme is reflected
in ADP 2021-22 at S# 237/160646.
v. Time.
The entire project shall be completed in 24 Months subject to availability of Funds and
favorable conditions.
W. Cost.
The total cost of this Water Supply Project comes to Rs 1449.297 Million.
Complete Rehman
Project Abad
S.No. SUB HEADS AA Cost Share in T.S Cost Excess Savings
(Rs In AA Cost (Rs In Million)
(Rs In
2 Pumping Chambers (4 No's of 12' Dia) 3.220 0.644 3.741 0.000 -1.165
New Addition.
Executive Engineer
Public Health Engg. Division