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Detailed Lesson Plan in English I - Action Words (TGBTG) - 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade I
Action Words
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of concept of verbs, pronouns, and
prepositions in meaningful messages.
B. Performance Standard
The learner constructs grammatically correct-simple sentences in theme-based
conversations using verbs, pronouns and prepositions.
C. Learning Competencies
a. Recognizes common action words in stories listened to ENG1G-IV-A-e-3.4
b. Tells the importance of being helpful.
c. Make simple sentences using action words.
D. Specific learning objectives
a. Identify action words
b. Write correct action words to complete sentences
c. Participate actively in class by giving examples of action words
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
Action Words
B. References:
Let’s Begin Reading in English, p.250-251

C. Materials:
Pictures, Diorama, Big book, Tarpapel, Video song, PowerPoint
Presentation, Laptop, TV
D. Skills:
Children will develop five macro skills which are listening, speaking,
reading, writing, and viewing.
E. Value Integration
Tells the importance of being helpful
III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

I. Preliminary Activities
A. Pre-assessment Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson this afternoon, let us In the name of the father, the son, and the
have a prayer. In the name of the father, the holy spirit………Amen
son, and the holy spirit. Amen
2. Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon Ma’am! Good afternoon
Very good. I see handsome and beautiful faces classmates!
again today!
3. Energizer
Class, everybody stand-up and let’s sing a song
“ If you happy and you know it” and let’s do it
with action.
(The teacher will a play music video entitled, “If
you happy and you know it”)

If you’re happy and you know, you clap

you’re your hands……. (The pupils will
continue singing with the teacher)

Wow! You are all energetic today.

4. Checking of Attendance
Who are absent today?
Excellent! It’s nice to hear that you are all
None Ma’am
present today. Because of that let’s give 1, 2, 3 (clap), 1, 2, 3 (step), get get get aw!
ourselves a sex bomb clap.
5. Drill
Class, I have here pictures for you, what will
you do is to say something about the pictures
that I will show you. Ready?




B. 1. Motivation

(The teacher will show a farm diorama)

Class, I have here a picture. What do this
picture looks like?
Yes you’re right. It is a farm. It looks like a farm.
Who among you already visited a farm?
Wow almost of you. Me!
What are the things or activities you love to do
in the farm?
Very good.
Playing, feeding the animals
Today, we will read a story entitled, “Fun
Moments in the’ Farm”. But before that, let us
read and understand the following words.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
 visit- to go somewhere to spend time
with someone, such as family, friends,
or relatives.
 enjoy- take delight or pleasure in an
activity or occasion.
 harvest- to pick and collect crops,
plants, animals, or fish to eat.
 fresh- recently made or gathered; not
canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
Now, who can give me the standards in
listening to a short story?
1. Listen carefully
2. Sit Properly

C. Presentation 3. Keep Quiet

Very good. Now, listen carefully to our short

story because I have some questions for you
The teacher will read the short story.

Comprehensive Questions:
1. Who visited the farm?

2. Why did they visit the farm? Matmat and Erica.

They visited the farm to see their grandpa

3. What did Matmat and Erica do in the
and grandma.
farm animals?
4. What are the other things they did in They feed and play with the farm animals.
their second day in the farm?
They help in cleaning, sweeping the dried
leaves, watering the plants and harvesting the
5. How did Matmat and Erica feel in the fresh vegetables.
Values Integration They feel happy.
 If you were one of the children in the
story, will you also help your grandpa
and grandma?
Very good. Because helping is an act of
kindness and it make the work easier. Yes ma’am
Class, what can you observe in the story that I
have read.
There are underlined words.

Who can give me the underlined words in the


(The teacher will paste the action words that feeding, playing,
the student will get from the story)

Great! What else, Yes, ___________

watching, cleaning
Yes. That’s it. Another, _________
Very good. You all see and give the underlined
words. sweeping, watering, harvesting,
Class, do you have any idea about the
underlined words posted on the board that we
have in the story?
The words feeding, playing, watching,
cleaning, sweeping, watering and harvesting are
all examples of what we called,
(The teacher will paste the word action words
on the board)

Action Words

Class let us all say, “Action Words”

Say it again.

Okay. Very good class! Action Words!

So what are action words? Action Words!

Action words are words that show movement

or action.
(The teacher will write examples on the board)
1. The teacher is checking the test papers.
What is the action words in the sentence?
Very good! Another example,
2. My father is driving the red car.
Can you identify the action word in the checking
Okay. Now class can you tell the correct action
words based on the movement that I will show driving
The teacher will walk
Class what am I doing?

The teacher will write.

Class what am I doing?

The teacher will draw.

Class those are examples of action words. writing
Do you understand class?
D. Application
Now, we’re going to have a group activity.
Yes Ma’am!
(The teacher will divide the class into three

Before I give you the activity, what are the

rules to follow in doing a group activity?

Everybody read.

Very good. Here’s your group acivity. Don’t 1. Read the instructions carefully.
forget to follow the given directions. Let me 2. Follow the allotment time for activity.
know when you’re done with your group 3. Be cooperative in a group work.
4. Enjoy in doing one’s work.
activity by giving the class three loud claps.

Is it clear class?

Okay, you may start now.

Group 1: “Identify It”

Yes Ma’am!
Directions: Identify the correct action word
that tells about the picture. Encircle the correct





Very good Group 1! You identified the correct

action word that tells about the picture. Let’s
give them a Mommy Dionisia Clap!
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 berigud! berigud!
Group 2: “Pictionary”

Directions: Find pictures showing the actions

written below. Post it on your photo gallery.

1. He is always washing his hands.

2.The girl is brushing her teeth.
3. My mother is cooking our favorite food.
4. They are dancing.
5. The kids are jumping.
Amazing group 2! You post the right pictures
that are connected to the sentences given to
you. Let’s give them a Darna clap!

Group 3: “Draw It”

Directions: Draw a heart ( ) if the picture is

showing an action, and box ( ) if it is not.

1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 Darna!





Very good Group 3! All of your answers are

correct. How about a skiri clap for them!

E. Generalization
Okay class, again kindly give me an example of
action word?
Very good. Who can use it in a sentence? Yes,
1, 2,3, 1, 2,3, skiri(2x), yey!
Another! Yes, ______
Let’s use it in a sentence.

Great! Again, what are action words?


Excellent class, since all of you understand our

He is riding a bike.
lesson today, let’s have a short quiz.

IV. Evaluation listening

She is listening to a story.
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct
action word to complete the sentence. Action words are words that show movement
or action.
I Can Do It

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct

action word to complete the sentence.
Very good class! All of your answers are
correct. Clap your hands.

This time you can get your assignment

notebook for your take home activity.

V. Assignment.

Write three (3) simple sentences using

action words.

Okay class, It’s already time! I hope you

learned a lot today. Good bye class!
Goodbye Ma’am! Thank you for today!

VI. Remarks
VII. Reflection

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct action word to complete
the sentence.

1. He is _________ a book.

reading, writing

Lina is ________.
. dancing, singing

I saw him __________ in the pool.

driving, swimming

4. Joy is __________ her homework.


writing, playing

The children are ________.

hopping, sitting

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