S7 - SG - PLC in Schools

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Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers

Session 6 - Professional Learning Community in Schools

Title of Session Professional Learning Community in Schools

Session Objective At the end of the session, the participants shall be able to-
1. discuss the features and framework of PLC at the school context responsive to DepED’s mandate and MATATAG agenda;
2. compare and contrast INSET and LAC as the two major components of PLC at the school context;
3. share significant teaching practices as impact from attending INSET and LAC activities;
4. prepare and review personal Workplace Action Plan (WAP)
5. display willingness to support the implementation of PLC at the school level.

Session Outputs Outputs that learners will produce by the end of the session
Review and Finalized Individual Accomplished Workplace Action Plan (WAP)

Session Duration and Specific time and number of hours and/or minutes allocated for the session
Time 2 hours
Key Content Topics to be covered during the session
1. Professional Learning Community at the School Context
- Features
- Framework
2. PLC’s 2 major components
3. Phases of Implementation of INSET and LAC
4. Workplace Action Plan

Methodologies Specific methodology or methodologies to be used during the session

4 As (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application)

Learning Resource Delivery and learning materials that will be used for the session

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 1
slide deck
WAP Template
meta cards
manila paper

Time Session Objective Detailed Content Detailed Description of Methodology Learner’s Output Learning Resource Materials
Session What learners will be Specific content (facts, How methodology will be carried out, What learners are Supplies and learning
schedule able to do by the end concepts, principles, including administration and expected to produce materials needed to conduct
and of the session procedures, etc.) to be processing of activities and exercises by the end of the the session
duration covered in the session session
1. discuss the features Professional Learning Introductory Activity (5 minutes)
and framework of Community at the Reviewed and slide deck
PLC at the school School Context 1. Present this image. Ask: What Finalized WAP Template
context responsive to Features message does this image convey? Accomplished WAP meta cards
DepED’s mandate Framework (RP may call 2 to 3 volunteers to markers
and MATATAG 2.PLC’s 2 major answer) manila paper
agenda; components
2. compare and INSET
contrast INSET and LAC
LAC as the two 3.Phases of
major components of Implementation of
PLC at the school INSET and LAC
3. share significant 4.Workplace Action
teaching practices as Plan
impact from
attending INSET and
LAC activities;
4. prepare Workplace 2. As a teacher, how can you relate
Action Plan (WAP) this to your work?
5. display willingness to (Call 2-3 participants to
support the
share their responses in
implementation of
PLC at the school

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 2
Activity: INSET-LAC Journey

My Stake (10 minutes)

● Recall own experiences
about INSET and LAC.
Highlights the activities that
your School Heads or Master
Teachers were doing. Write
your take aways in the
template provided.

tation INSET LAC

Group Discussion (15 minutes)

● Group yourselves by 8’s.

● Take turn to discuss your
individual responses.

SAY: Make sure that everyone in

your group has the chance to share.

Group Output (10 minutes)

● As a group, synthesize your

individual responses and
come up with an output.

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 3
● Post your output in the
designated place.

Group Gallery (15 minutes)

Note to the RP:

Organize a gallery. Give each group
at least 3 minutes to visit to other
group’s outputs. Let them discuss the
commonalities and differences of
their responses with that of the other

SAY: By group, you will do a gallery.

● Each group has the chance

to view the other group’s
● Take with you pentel pens
and metastrips for you to
write on.
● You may add something in
other group’s outputs if you
believe the group lack
concepts which you have in
your own group outputs.
● If there are responses same
as yours, mark them with a
● Each group is given only 3
minutes to stay in another
group’s output.
● At a signal, together, you will
move from one output to
● To start the gallery, you stay
in front of your group output.

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 4
● At a signal “GO”, you have to
move clockwise from your
own ouptput.

Note to RP: Call one representative

from each group to share insights
from the Gallery.

Analysis: (15 minutes)


● How did you feel doing the

activity? Why?
● What did you discover from
other outputs?
● What made you decide to
add concepts in the other
groups’ outputs?
● What common practices that
you discovered?
● How did each group differ in
terms of implementation
● In conducting INSET and
LAC at the school level, what
would DepEd want to
build/develop from among
the teachers?.

Call 2 to 3 participants to answer

each question.

Note to the RP: Synthesize the

responses of the participants
Abstraction: (30 minutes)

RP to discuss the following prepared

in PpT.

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 5
1. Professional Learning Community
at the School Context
- Concept
- Features
- Framework
2. PLC’s 2 major components
3. Phases of Implementation of
- Pre-Implementation
- Implementation
- Post Implementation
4. Workplace Action Plan

Application (15 minutes)

My WAP, My Gain

Note to the RP: Provide each

participant with a WAP template.


● Accomplish the WAP

● At a signal, share your WAP
with a partner.

RP to call at least 2 to 3 participants

to share insights about WAP.

Concluding Activity:

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 6
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 7: PLC in Schools | Page 7

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