S5 - SG - Workplace Application Plan
S5 - SG - Workplace Application Plan
S5 - SG - Workplace Application Plan
Time Session Detailed Detailed Description of Methodology Learner’s Output Learning Resource
Objective Content Outline Materials
Session 5 ● familiarize the ● the rationale Writeshop- Discussion ● accomplished WAP ● soft/hard copies of the
Workplace of the WAP template WAP template
Day 4 Application template 1. Faci gives an introduction about ● manila paper/cartolina
09:00 - Plan (WAP) the importance of a WAP.
10:00 am template for ● salient parts of (2 min.)
template 2. Faci explains the rationale of the
● develop a WAP and situates the discussion
WAP ● identification to the HOTS-PLP training by
employing of application letting them recall the following
concepts of objectives questions:
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 5: Workplace Application Plan | Page 1
framework in ● steps in a. What are the program
one’s crafting a goals of the HOTS-PLPs
pedagogical WAP template
practice b. What competencies are
based on the
professional standards
that the HOTS-PLPs are
anchored from?
I. Profile
II. Background and rationale of
III. Expected Indicators
IV. Implementation Plan
Individual work:
6. Faci asks participants to craft
their own WAP and list down
their answers in their
notebooks/in their copy of the
template/ metacard.
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 5: Workplace Application Plan | Page 4
10. Faci instructs participants to
share their answers with another
participant and note similarities,
differences, and ways to improve
their WAPs.
(6 min.)
13. Faci closes the session by
emphasizing the importance of
the WAP to improve their
practice and learning outcomes
of the students. Faci reminds the
participants to implement the
plan in their respective settings.
(10 min.)
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 5: Workplace Application Plan | Page 4
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 5: Workplace Application Plan | Page 4