S2C - SG - SOLO and HOTS in The Classroom

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Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers

Session 2C - SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom (3/3)

Title of Session Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom

Session Objective At the end of the 90-minute learning session, the participants shall be able to understand how the SOLO framework is applied in the
teaching and learning processes, particularly in the classroom instruction and learning assessment. Specifically, they shall be able:
▪ To explain how the SOLO framework is applied in the teaching and learning process;
▪ To explain how SOLO is used in assessment by familiarizing oneself with open-ended, closed, and super items; and,
▪ To write learning tasks aligned with the SOLO levels reflecting how to measure learners’ understanding and knowledge
acquisition of a particular learning competency.

Session Outputs ▪ Accomplished and Completed Categorized Sample Learning Tasks and Learners’ Responses (Activity Sheet 1 from the
Activity Phase)
▪ Accomplished and Completed Learning Tasks (Assessment Questions) Reflecting the SOLO Levels (Activity Sheet 2 from
the Application 1 Phase)
▪ Accomplished and Completed Worksheet (Worksheet No.2 from Application 2 Phase)

Session Duration and Learning Session 2C is 90 minutes, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 NN. Moreover, its continuation for Worksheet 2 is scheduled for 30
Time minutes, from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM.

Key Content The key contents of this session are as follows:

▪ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in the Classroom
▪ Words Used for Lower and Higher Levels in the Original SOLO Model
▪ SOLO in Assessment (Qualitative, Closed-Items, Open-Ended Items, Writing a Super Item)

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 1
Methodologies This learning session is crafted using Experiential Learning (ExL) Design, particularly applied in the 4As approach. The following
specific approaches are also employed in this learning session:
▪ Lecture-discussion
▪ Collaborative learning tasks
▪ Workshop activities

Learning Resource ▪ HOTS in the Classroom: Introduction to the SOLO Model


Time Session Objective Detailed Content Detailed Description of Methodology Learner’s Output Learning
Outline Resource

10 To explain how the Introduction ▪ Slide Deck

minutes SOLO framework is (Slides 2-8)
applied in the Introduce the session briefly. Cite the session title, share
teaching and learning its overview, and discuss the session objectives.
Do: The learning facilitator shall introduce the session to
To explain how the participants. Moreover, the facilitator shall do the
SOLO is used in following:
assessment by ▪ Greet the participants. Ensure that they are ready for
familiarizing oneself the session.
with open-ended, ▪ Show the title slide. Briefly preview the session title.
closed, and super
items; and, ▪ Share the session objectives.
▪ Discuss the learning session norms to gauge the
To write learning expected learning behaviors.
tasks aligned with the
SOLO levels that
measure learners’
20 understanding and Activity: Where Do I Belong? ▪ Group Output ▪ Slide Deck
minutes knowledge (Categorized (Slides 9-10)
acquisition of a Discuss the learning task with the participants. The Sample ▪ Activity Sheet
participants will be grouped into three (3) and shall Learning Tasks) 1 (English,

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 2
particular learning perform the task in Activity Sheet 1. The activity focuses from Activity Science,
competency. on identifying the given statements and responses on Sheet 1 Mathematics)
their respective SOLO Taxonomy Levels. Processing will
follow using the guide questions.

Say: “In our previous learning session, we studied the

different SOLO levels in achieving higher-order thinking
skills. We have gained direct experience from our
analysis and transformed them into meaningful learning
intakes. To better understand how to use SOLO in the
teaching and learning process, we shall engage in a
learning task entitled ‘Where Do I Belong?’. You will
analyze the contents of the learning tasks and classify
what SOLO levels they belong to.”

Do: The learning facilitator shall discuss the learning

tasks for the activity. The facilitator needs to:
▪ Show the slide decks to the participants containing
the title of the activity and the tasks;
▪ Discuss the instructions and distribute the activity
learning kits;
▪ Give the participants 10 minutes to complete the
▪ Each group must categorize and sort the given
statements as Prestructural, Unistructional,
Multistructural, Relational, and Extended Abstract
using Activity Sheet 1. After categorizing, paste the
statement strips to the corresponding SOLO
taxonomy stairs;
▪ After the allotted time, let them present their outputs
in the class. Give each group 3-minutes; and,
▪ Process and provide feedback on the outputs shared
by the participants.

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 3
10 Scaffold the Analysis: Guided Inquiry ▪ Responses from ▪ Slide Deck
minutes responses of the the Guide (Slides 11-
participants to the After the activity, guide the participants to transform their Questions 13)
following learning experiences in the given learning task.
▪ Whiteboard
structure: (a)
and marker
complexity level Do: The learning facilitator needs to guide the
as basis for the participants to analyze their experiences. Let them
levelling; (b) transform these into meaningful points. Recap the
words serving as activity. Guide the participants in exploring the context of
cues in sorting or the cited learning tasks. The facilitator shall:
classifying the ▪ Call volunteers from the participants’ group to share
learning tasks; their answers to the guide questions;
and, (c) use of ▪ Recap the responses of the participants after they
SOLO level in
share their answers;
progression ▪ Note down their responses on the board or in a
towards achieving summary slide to analyze and present the critical
HOTS. points generated from this guided inquiry; and,
▪ Ensure that the guide questions will scaffold their
learning experiences leading to the contents to be
discussed in this session.

Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the activity?
2. How can you determine the complexity level of a
learning task or learners’ response using the SOLO
3. How do you ensure consistency and accuracy when
sorting learning tasks/responses into the appropriate
SOLO taxonomy levels?
4. How does the SOLO taxonomy help design
appropriate learning experiences in English/
Science/ Mathematics?

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 4
5. How does the SOLO taxonomy help design
appropriate learning assessments in English/
Science/ Mathematics?

6. How can the SOLO taxonomy scaffold students’

English/ Science/ Mathematics learning and

Do: The learning facilitator needs to ensure that he/she

connects the responses to the intended content
discussion of the session. Use these analyzed
responses to connect and relate them to the abstraction

20 1. HOTS in the Abstraction: SOLO Framework Applied in the ▪ Slide Deck

minutes classroom (e.g., Teaching and Learning Process (Slides 14-
developing 53)
through practice Link the actual experiences to the analyzed inputs of the o Higher
and effort, participants. Use the content discussions in this stage to
seeking to learn do so. Present the content discussions on how SOLO
as a habit, Framework is applied in the teaching and learning
starting with lower process. Skills
order to help (HOTS)
achieve higher Use the slide deck prescribed for this session. Highlight in the
order levels) the content focus of the following themes and relate Classroo
them to the analyzed inputs shared earlier. m (Slides
2. Words used in 14-18)
the original SOLO Do: The learning facilitator shall use the following guides o Words
Model (words for in facilitating the abstraction phase. The facilitator needs Used for
LOTS and HOTS) to: Lower
▪ Discuss the following topics using the prepared slide and
3. Quality learning decks. Higher
involves the o Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in the Levels in
structural Classroom; the
organization of
o Words Used for Lower and Higher Levels in the Original
knowledge and
Original SOLO Model; SOLO
how the structure

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 5
is linked to how o SOLO in Assessment (Qualitative, Closed-Items, Model
our brain process Open-Ended Items, Writing a Super Item); and, (Slides
information ▪ Ensure to ask questions to the participants, 19-24)
particularly in highlighting the importance of the o SOLO in
4. SOLO in Assessm
SOLO Model in classroom instruction and learning
learning ent
assessment (e.g.,
qualitative, closed
items, open- Highlight: Ensure that the following reflection points
ended questions) Closed-
shall be highlighted. Items,
▪ SOLO is not only used in crafting learning Open-
5. Writing an item
assessments, particularly in summative tests. Ended
using SOLO using
the stem and the ▪ SOLO is applied in the delivery of instruction in the Items,
tasks classroom. Writing a
▪ Start with the lower-order skills as the foundation to Super
6. Writing a SOLO help learners move upward through higher learning Item)
super item with a using the SOLO Model. (Slides
stem structured ▪ Higher-order thinking skills are not learned after one 25-53)
with four or two sessions. It should be integrated into the
questions at each
classroom instruction. It should be practiced.
SOLO level
▪ Learners need to be familiarized with the context of
higher order thinking and applying what they have

Note: There is a separate set of English, Science, and

Mathematics samples for the super item discussion.

30 Application 1: Let’s Get SOLO! ▪ Accomplished ▪ Slide Deck

minutes and Completed (Slides 54-
Discuss with the participants the learning applications for Activity Sheet 2 56)
this session. Give the instructions for the “Let’s Get for Application 1 ▪ Activity Sheet
SOLO” by sharing the slide decks.
2 for
Application 1

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 6
Do: The learning facilitator shall supervise the learning (English,
task to help participants understand better the SOLO Science,
levels as applied in the classroom instruction and Mathematics)
learning assessment. The facilitator shall: ▪ Assessment
▪ Group the participants into four (4). Each group will Rubric for
be given specific instructions respectively for the Activity Sheet
Unistructural, Multistructural, relational, and 2
extended abstract;
▪ Give the learning activity kits to the participants;
▪ Ask them to write sample assessment questions
aligned with the SOLO Taxonomy Level;
▪ Inform them that they will write sample assessment
questions based on the given learning competency
in English/ Science/ Mathematics;
▪ Ask them to answer the key takeaway points
(KeyTAP) embedded in the learning task after
completing writing the assessment questions:
o Importance of HOTS in classroom instructions
o Importance of HOTS in learning assessment
▪ Give the participants to work and complete this
learning task in 15 minutes;
▪ After the allotted time, let them present their outputs
in the class. Give 3-minutes each group;
▪ Process and provide feedback on the outputs shared
by the participants;
▪ Assess the outputs of the participants using the
prepared assessment rubric for this session;
▪ Once done with the presented outputs, ask each
group to share one reflection point on the
importance and their appreciation of SOLO in
promoting HOTS in classroom instruction and
learning assessment. Process them to elicit the
expected response or realization from these learning

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 7
▪ Remind the participant of the value of the SOLO
Model in promoting HOTS in the classroom by
synthesizing all the inputs shared by the participants
and linking them to the content discussed; and,
▪ Provide feedback to improve their outputs.

▪ Learning tasks using SOLO Level highlights the
importance of integrating higher-order thinking skills
in the classroom, not just in learning assessments.
▪ It can work both in classroom instruction and
learning assessments.

5 minutes Closure ▪ Slide Deck

(Slides 57-
Congratulate the participants for completing their 58)
learning tasks.

Do: The facilitator shall end the session with the

following closure activities. The learning facilitator needs
▪ Share the given quotations to inspire them to work
with SOLO Model in the classroom;
▪ Highlight to the participants that we are the ones
who create our future;
▪ Focus on the essence of building learning
communities and meaningful collaborations to
achieve this successful feat;
▪ Highlight that if we want successful HOTS in our
classrooms, this role greatly lies in our hands; and,
▪ If we want successful classrooms and effective
integration of HOTS in classroom instruction and

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 8
learning assessment, then, this primary task is on

Say: “Education is building the future: scaffolded by the

cooperation of hands,
framed by the collaboration of minds,
and cared for by the community of hearts. – Rejulios M.

Say: “The best way to predict the future is to create it. –

Peter Drucker.”

End the session with these beautiful quotations.

30 Application 2: Worksheet 2 ▪ Accomplished ▪ Slide Deck

minutes and Completed (Slides 61-
Greet the participants as the afternoon session starts. Worksheet 2 65)
▪ Worksheet
After conducting the preliminary activities, introduce the
No. 2 for
second worksheet as a separate learning task.
Application 2
Discuss the second learning application using Worksheet ▪ Assessment
2. Explain the items presented in the table. Instruct the Rubric for
participants to share all the inputs they have learned and Application 2
they want to ask.

Use the slide decks in discussing the instructions to

complete this learning task.

Do: The learning facilitator supervises the learning task

to help participants complete the learning worksheet 2.
The facilitator shall:
▪ Ask the participants to answer the worksheet
comprehensively. Use the guides and instructions
presented in the slide decks;

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 2C: SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom | Page 9
▪ Use the learning worksheet 2 prepared for the
▪ Call volunteers to share their responses in
worksheet 2; and,
▪ Collect the learning worksheet 2 and assess them
using the prepared rubrics.

Again, congratulate the participants for completing and

sharing their second worksheet. Say thank you and end
the session.

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