S7 - SD With Notes - PLC in Schools
S7 - SD With Notes - PLC in Schools
S7 - SD With Notes - PLC in Schools
Slide 3 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning Purpose of the Slide: to give an
Package (HOTS-PLPs) for English, Science, & Math Teachers
Session 4:
overview of the sessions
Session 3:
HOTS in Practice
Session 5:
Say: To refresh your memory, there
Supporting HOTS in the Classroom
through Learning Approaches
Workplace Application Plan
Session 6:
are 7 sessions for this training--
Session 2:
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom
Facing the Forces
represented by these 7 matchsticks.
Session 1:
HOTS-PLP Walk-through
Session 7:
Professional Learning Community in
What session are we now?
Other Notes:
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 3 3
Slide 4 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning
Purpose of the Slide: To identify the
Package (HOTS-PLPs) for English, Science, & Math Teachers
Session 4:
sessions covered and the first
Session 3:
Supporting HOTS in the Classroom
HOTS in Practice
Session 5:
Workplace Application Plan
through Learning Approaches
Session 6:
Say: We are about to start the
Session 2:
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom
Facing the Forces
another/last session sessions. Today,
Session 1:
HOTS-PLP Walk-through Session 7:
Professional Learning
we’re covering Session 7: HOTS-PLP
Community in Schools
Other Notes:
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 4 4
PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
Other Notes: Make sure there is a
order thinking skills
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback clear discussion on the target/direction
TrainingPPSS StrandThinking
on Higher-Order 3.1. (P)
PLP for Instructional Leadership 5
of the session.
PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback
Other Notes: Make sure there is a
PPSS Strand 3.1. (P) Support for Instructional Leadership
clear discussion on the target/direction
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 6
of the session.
Slide 7 Presentation Outline Purpose of the Slide: to show the
participants the extent of the content
of the session.
Professional Learning Community at the School Context
Features Say: Let me share the outline of the
PLC’s 2 major components session presentation.
Phases of Implementation of INSET and LAC
Review Workplace Action Plan
Other Notes: Make sure to give short
description of each concept.
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 7
Other Notes: Conclude the analysis by
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 8 8
Slide 21 Activity 3: Workplace Action Plan Purpose of the slide: to show the
My WAP, My Gain instruction from the slide from Activity
Application (15 minutes)
3: My Wap, My Gain.
SAY: Now, I want you to revisit your
● Review and finalize the Individual
individual WAP from session 5.
accomplished WAP template.
For the last time you will review and
finalized the WAP. We will give you at
least 15 minutes to review and
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 21 21
[email protected].
Other Notes:
Slide 23 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills - Professional Learning Package Purpose of the Slide: to present the
Program Management Team Session Guide Writers and Presentation Deck Editors members of the Program Management
Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ)
Field Personnel
Alson Rae Luna
Angelica B. Buaron
Mae Laarni M. Saporna
Marie Vic C. Velasco
Team, writers and editors
Say: Let us recognize the PMT
National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) 3. Angelo D. Uy 15. Maripaz T. Mendoza
Professional Development Division 4. Annalou O. Hermocilla 16. Mark Anthony A. Durana
5. Arnel Jr. B. Camba 17. Melvin Willy II B. Roque
Quality Assurance Division 18. Milaner R. Oyo-a
6. Eldefonso Jr. B. Natividad
7. Elsie Jane M. Mantilla 19. Rejulios M. Villenes
NEAP in the Regions 8.
Fluellen L. Cos
Hera Paz B. Yamson
Jelly L. Sore
Jojiemar M. Obligar
Renante Juanillo
Renato N. Pacpakin
Rosalyn C. Gadiano
Sally A. Palomo
members, writers, and editors who
have contributed in the development
12. Josephine P. Balasan 24. Wilma S. Carrera
Abdul Haiy A. Sali
Guillermo Nikus A. Telan
Jerson R. Capuyan
Richie Carla A. Vesagas
of this training.
Other Notes:
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 23 23