S7 - SD With Notes - PLC in Schools

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Slide 1 Purpose of the Slide: to give the title,

venue, and date of the training/session

(HOTS-PLP) FOR ENGLISH, SCIENCE, & training session.

Date and Venue

Other Notes: Faci may add more ad

Slide 2 Purpose of the Slide: to give

the title of the session and
Session 7 name of the RP/LF
Professional Learning Community Say: I am _____________ and
at the School Context I will be facilitating the session
Name of Resource Person / Learning Facilitator 7 Professional Learning
Community at the School

Other Notes: Faci may add

more ad libs.

Slide 3 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning Purpose of the Slide: to give an
Package (HOTS-PLPs) for English, Science, & Math Teachers
Session 4:
overview of the sessions
Session 3:
HOTS in Practice

Session 5:
Say: To refresh your memory, there
Supporting HOTS in the Classroom
through Learning Approaches
Workplace Application Plan

Session 6:
are 7 sessions for this training--
Session 2:
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom
Facing the Forces
represented by these 7 matchsticks.
Session 1:
HOTS-PLP Walk-through
Session 7:
Professional Learning Community in
What session are we now?
Other Notes:
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 3 3
Slide 4 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning
Purpose of the Slide: To identify the
Package (HOTS-PLPs) for English, Science, & Math Teachers
Session 4:
sessions covered and the first
Session 3:
Supporting HOTS in the Classroom
HOTS in Practice
Session 5:
Workplace Application Plan
through Learning Approaches

Session 6:
Say: We are about to start the
Session 2:
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom
Facing the Forces
another/last session sessions. Today,
Session 1:
HOTS-PLP Walk-through Session 7:
Professional Learning
we’re covering Session 7: HOTS-PLP
Community in Schools
Other Notes:
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 4 4

Slide 5 Session Objectives Purpose of the Slide: to give

overview of the session objectives.
At the end of the session, participants will be able to… Say: To provide you with the direction
• discuss the features and framework of PLC at the school
context responsive to DepED’s mandate and MATATAG
of the session, let me present to you
agenda; the different objectives.
• compare and contrast INSET and LAC as the two major
components of PLC at the school context;

PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
Other Notes: Make sure there is a
order thinking skills
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback clear discussion on the target/direction
TrainingPPSS StrandThinking
on Higher-Order 3.1. (P)
PLP for Instructional Leadership 5

of the session.

Slide 6 Session Objectives Purpose of the Slide: to give

At the end of the session, participants will be able to…
overview of the session objectives.
• share significant teaching practices as impact from attending INSET
Say: To provide you with the direction
and LAC activities; of the session, let me present to you

review and finalize individual Workplace Action Plan (WAP);
display willingness to support the implementation of PLC at the school
the different objectives.

PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback
Other Notes: Make sure there is a
PPSS Strand 3.1. (P) Support for Instructional Leadership
clear discussion on the target/direction
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 6

of the session.
Slide 7 Presentation Outline Purpose of the Slide: to show the
participants the extent of the content
of the session.
Professional Learning Community at the School Context
Features Say: Let me share the outline of the
PLC’s 2 major components session presentation.
Phases of Implementation of INSET and LAC
Review Workplace Action Plan
Other Notes: Make sure to give short
description of each concept.
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 7

Highlight that they are going to use

their individual WAP from session 5.

Slide 8 Introductory Activity Purpose of the Slide: to show the

image for the introductory activity of
the session.
Say: I want you to focus on the image.
What message does this image

Other Notes: Conclude the analysis by
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 8 8

summarizing the main points

discussed from the participants and
tying them back to the overall
objective or topic of the session.

Slide 9 Purpose of the slide: to show the

Introductory Activity (5 minutes)
guide question in the introductory
activity .
● What message does this image convey?
Say: Read the slide deck. After 5
● As a teacher, how can you relate this to
your work?
minutes I will call two ( 2 ) to three ( 3 )
volunteers/participants to answer the
guide question from Introductory
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 9 9

Note: Each participants will answer

the two questions.
Slide 10 Purpose of the slide: to show the
Activity 2: INSET-LAC Journey
activity 2: INSET-LAC Journey .
● Recall own experiences about INSET and LAC. Say: Read the instructions. In the
Highlights the activities that your School Heads activity, INSET-LAC Journey you are
or Master Teachers were doing. Write in the going to use the next slide to write
bond paper your takeaways in the template
your takeaways.

Note: Facilitator will read the

Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 10 10

instruction for the Activity - INSET-

LAC Journey.

Slide 11 Purpose of the slide: to show the

Activity Template: INSET-LAC Journey
activity 2: INSET-LAC Journey
Template .
Say: This is the template you will write
Implementation your takeaways during the
Post Implementation implementation phases of your INSET
and LAC here.
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 11 11

Note: Explain the implementation of

Phases of INSET & LAC

Slide 12 Purpose of the slide: to show the

Activity: INSET-LAC Journey
instruction of Activity 2: INSET-LAC
Group Discussion (15 minutes) Journey.
● Group yourselves by 8’s.
Say: Read the instruction in the slide
deck. You will have a group discussion
● Take turn to discuss your individual responses .
for 15 minutes. Make sure that
everyone in your group has the
chance to share
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 12 12

Note: Link to the next slide group

Slide 13 Purpose of the slide: to show the
Activity: INSET-LAC Journey
support slide from Activity 2: INSET-
LAC Journey.
Group Output (10 minutes) Say: Group Output (10 minutes) In
your group, synthesize your individual
responses and come up with an
Post your output in the designated
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 13 13


Note: Facilitators/RP’s will mention

designated place for output posting.

Slide 14 Purpose of the slide: to show the

Activity: INSET-LAC Journey
support slide from Activity 2: INSET-
LAC Journey.
Group Gallery (15 minutes) SAY: By group, you will do a gallery.
Each group has the chance to view
the other group’s outputs. Take with
you pentel pens and metastrips for
you to write on. You may add
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 14 14

something in other group’s outputs if

you believe the group lack concepts
which you have in your own group
outputs. If there are responses same
as yours, mark them with a STAR.
Each group is given only 3 minutes to
stay in another group’s output.

At a signal, together, you will move

from one output to another. To start
the gallery, you stay in front of your
group output.
At a signal “GO”, you have to move
clockwise from your own output.

Note to RP: Call one representative

from each group to share insights from
the Gallery.
Organize a gallery. Give each group at
least 3 minutes to visit to other group’s
outputs. Let them discuss the
commonalities and differences of their
responses with that of the other

Slide 15 Purpose of the slide: to show the

Activity: INSET-LAC Journey
support slide from Activity 2: INSET-
LAC Journey.
Analysis: (15 minutes) SAY: I will read the guide questions
for the analysis on our activity.

Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 15 15

Slide 16 Purpose of the slide: to show the

Activity: INSET-LAC Journey
instruction from the slide from Activity
Analysis: (15 minutes)
2: INSET-LAC Journey- Analysis
● How did you feel doing the activity? Why?
● What did you discover from other outputs?
● What made you decide to add concepts in How did you feel doing the activity?
the other groups’ outputs? Why?
● What common practices that you
discovered? What did you discover from other
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 16 16

What made you decide to add

concepts in the other groups’ outputs?
What common practices that you
Slide 17 Purpose of the slide: to show the
Activity: INSET-LAC Journey
instruction from the slide from Activity
Analysis: (15 minutes)
2: INSET-LAC Journey- Analysis
● How did each group differ in terms of
implementation phases?
SAY: How did each group differ in
● In conducting INSET and LAC at the school terms of implementation phases? In
level, what would DepEd want to conducting INSET and LAC at the
build/develop from among the teachers?.
school level, what would DepEd want
to build/develop from among the
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 17 17


Note to the RP’s:

Facilitators/Resource Person will read
the questions.Call 2 to 3 participants
to answer each question. Synthesize
the responses of the participants
Abstraction: (30 minutes)

Slide 18 Professional Learning Community at the

Purpose of the Slide: Discuss the
School Context relevance of PLC’s in the practiced of
Professional Learning INSET and LAC for teachers.
Communities (PLCs) is
strengthen and practiced
Say:Absolutely, the implementation of
through INSET and LAC
which is contributory to the
INSET (In-Service Training) and LAC
continuing professional
development of public
(Learning Action Cell) policies plays a
school teachers and school significant role in strengthening and
heads nationwide.
practicing Professional Learning
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 18 18

Communities (PLCs) among public

school teachers and school heads
nationwide. These policies are
instrumental in facilitating the
continuous professional development
of educators, enhancing their
knowledge, skills, and instructional
Features, Framework Phases of
Slide 19 Implementation of Professional Learning Purpose of the Slide: Share the
Community features and framework of PLC’s

Say: The PLC Framework is anchored

on the Results and Performance-
Based (RPMS) Cycle and is guided by
INSET Principles. The results of the
Learning Delivery Needs Analysis
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 19 19

(LDNA) through the use of

IPCRF/OPCRF, E-Self Assessment
Tool, as well as the DepEd direction,
NEAP priorities, and other emerging
needs shall be the basis of the topics
for the conduct of INSET and LAC.
Relative to the DepEd school
calendar, INSET shall be conducted
twice a year and LAC at least twice a
year and shall follow the processes of
Pre-Implementation, Implementation,
and Post-Implementation.

To strengthen the application of

learning from the INSET, LAC
sessions shall be conducted with the
end goal of creating and enhancing
Professional Learning Communities
(PLCs) in the schools and divisions.

One of the initiatives of NEAP in

collaboration with the Research
Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) in
fulfilling this mandate is the
development and implementation of
Professional Learning Packages
(PLPs) for teachers and school
leaders to continuously reflect on and
work closely together during their LAC
and INSET with the end goal of
improving teaching practice that will
surely help them develop their
learners’ higher-order thinking skills
(HOTS) in Mathematics, Science,
English, Reading for Grades 7 to 10.

Confined to individual teachers and

classrooms, the Professional Learning
Packages on Higher Order Thinking
Skills (PLP-HOTS) will not contribute
to the collective efficacy that marks out
high-performing schools. In these
schools, teachers must come together
to pool their knowledge of effective
teaching into a collaborative approach
to planning, implementing and
monitoring teaching interventions. By
using the PLP-HOTS to build their
pool of knowledge, these professional
learning communities can anchor their
interventions in evidence-based
practices and so increase the
likelihood of those interventions being

When teachers work together to

improve their practice, students learn
more. This simple yet powerful idea is
at the heart of effective schools.
Collaboration builds collective
responsibility for constantly improving
teaching practice and so student
learning. The challenge for teachers
and schools is to develop a shared
understanding of what excellent
practice looks like. While it will not look
exactly the same in every classroom,
there are some instructional practices
that evidence suggests work well in

These Professional Learning

Packages on Higher Order Thinking
Skills (PLP-HOTS) have been brought
together here to support the
thousands of increasingly collaborative
and evidence-based conversations
taking place between teachers in
schools each day. These strategies for
developing critical and creative as well
as the other HOTS provide teachers
and teams with opportunities to
observe, reflect on and improve a
range of fundamental classroom

Please take note as well that the

HOTS are not intended to replace
other teaching strategies teachers
might already use with success.
Instead, they will add to the repertoire
of effective strategies that teachers
can apply to the wide variety of
learning needs that students present
with each day.
The strategies for developing critical
and creative thinking as well as the
other HOTS are linked to each other,
and connected to a broader repertoire
of teacher skills and knowledge. They
can be connected to collaboration
between teachers in professional
learning communities and integrated
into classroom and school planning
around curriculum, instruction and

Slide 20 Purpose of the Slide: Show the

Two Major Components of PLC’s relevance of PLC’s to the essential
INSET and LAC leads to the
organization of Professional
competencies of PPST and PPSSH.
Learning Communities (PLCs) that
address essential competencies of
the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST)
and Philippine Professional
Standards for School Heads
Indeed, the implementation of INSET
(PPSSH). (In-Service Training) and LAC
(Learning Action Cell) leads to the
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 20 20

organization of Professional Learning

Communities (PLCs) that specifically
address the essential competencies
outlined in the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST) and
the Philippine Professional Standards
for School Heads (PPSSH).

The PPST and PPSSH serve as

comprehensive frameworks that define
the knowledge, skills, and values
expected from teachers and school
heads in the Philippines. These
standards provide a common
reference point for professional
development and guide educators in
their continuous improvement efforts.

By organizing PLCs through INSET

and LAC, teachers and school heads
can engage in targeted learning
activities that directly align with the
competencies outlined in the PPST
and PPSSH. PLCs provide a platform
for educators to address specific areas
of professional growth and collaborate
on strategies to enhance their

Slide 21 Activity 3: Workplace Action Plan Purpose of the slide: to show the
My WAP, My Gain instruction from the slide from Activity
Application (15 minutes)
3: My Wap, My Gain.
SAY: Now, I want you to revisit your
● Review and finalize the Individual
individual WAP from session 5.
accomplished WAP template.
For the last time you will review and
finalized the WAP. We will give you at
least 15 minutes to review and
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 21 21

prepare you WAP. Then we will call 2

to 3 participants to share insights
about the created WAP.

Note to the RP’s: Review and finalize

the Individual Accomplished WAP
Template from session 5.

Slide 22 Purpose of the Slide: to express

gratitude and share contact detail
Say: Thank you so much for learning
Thank you. with us today. See you in our next
session. For any questions and
[email protected] clarifications about the design and
learning resources, you may contact
NEAP through
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 22 22

[email protected].
Other Notes:
Slide 23 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills - Professional Learning Package Purpose of the Slide: to present the
Program Management Team Session Guide Writers and Presentation Deck Editors members of the Program Management
Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ)
Field Personnel

Alson Rae Luna
Angelica B. Buaron
Mae Laarni M. Saporna
Marie Vic C. Velasco
Team, writers and editors
Say: Let us recognize the PMT
National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) 3. Angelo D. Uy 15. Maripaz T. Mendoza
Professional Development Division 4. Annalou O. Hermocilla 16. Mark Anthony A. Durana
5. Arnel Jr. B. Camba 17. Melvin Willy II B. Roque
Quality Assurance Division 18. Milaner R. Oyo-a
6. Eldefonso Jr. B. Natividad
7. Elsie Jane M. Mantilla 19. Rejulios M. Villenes
NEAP in the Regions 8.
Fluellen L. Cos
Hera Paz B. Yamson
Jelly L. Sore
Jojiemar M. Obligar
Renante Juanillo
Renato N. Pacpakin
Rosalyn C. Gadiano
Sally A. Palomo
members, writers, and editors who
have contributed in the development
12. Josephine P. Balasan 24. Wilma S. Carrera

NEAP Central Office

Abdul Haiy A. Sali
Guillermo Nikus A. Telan
Jerson R. Capuyan
Richie Carla A. Vesagas
of this training.
Other Notes:
Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 23 23

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