VU Lesson Plan Info and Template

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VU Block Model Unit Development:

Lesson Plans
Why use Lesson Plans?
In the Block Model, lesson plans are included for each session to help staff teaching into the
unit understand the design of the unit and how it is to be delivered. Lesson plans help to
specify the intent of the unit and provide a consistent learning experience for all students in
each of the classes being delivered.
A lesson plan highlights how the activities will be executed and includes a list of supporting
resources as well as details of how the activity integrates with the classroom and tools in VU
As an example, you may ask students to “complete a reflection piece at the end of each
week”. The instructor taking the class will need to know the details of this activity, e.g. what
tool will students be using, ePortfolio? Discussion Forums? Padlet?, what style of reflection
will students need to write.

1 Provide a list of resources and tools to allow the students to complete the task
2 Include prompt questions, expected answers, useful tips or facts that can be used to
support the activity
3 Introduce your teaching team to the lesson plans and the Staff-only module in the VU
Collaborate Space to ensure they are aware of the resources being provided to support
the unit and that they deliver it as it has been designed.

What you need to provide

You will need to provide the following information for each Lesson Plan, using the attached
1 List of tasks and activities and where they occur in the session (e.g. before class, in class
or post class activities)
2 An outline of how these tasks are to be done. (for example an appendix with the details of
how to do an class icebreaker or the laboratory activity)
3 A list of resources needed to accomplish the planned tasks and activities
4 Expected amount of time to complete the activity or task so that the instructor can plan
their time.

Version 1.2 15/08/2018

VU Block Model Unit Development: Lesson Plans

Example: A Session-based lesson plan for a Block Model unit

Use to articulate how the session’s activities relate to the

assessment/s. Use as a guide only.
An approx. amount of time to
Week 1 complete each activity. Use as Session 3
Topic  Topic 1 a guide only. Assessmen Working towards assessment 2
s  Topic 2 t Alignment Due Week 2 session 5

Expected Activity Instructor Actions with Rationale Student Activities with Activity Resources
Duration *optional (time Rationale
(mins) permitting)
10 mins Overview of Administrative overview. Attendance register
session  Key topics & activities
 timelines / sequence & break
25 mins Springboard Get students to apply what they learnt from Extend learning from Pre-class resources
from Pre-class the pre-class activity. Use pre-class learning pre-class activity -be Active learning prompts
activity as a launch for the Springboard activity. prepared to justify their (case study/ problems /
 What to do: Outline Activity (e.g. applying conclusions scenarios / minute
& extending pre-class learning to case papers/ design boards
Rationale frames the style study; problem solving;) Springboard activity etc)
of instructor role  How to do it  Follow directions
 Organise class into pairs/groups  Aim to Whiteboards/ Kahoot
 Clarify tasks/roles  be an active polling / ALP
 Report back: Detail process contributor
Conclude with wrap-up, Just-in-time  relate your
Details of how this teaching (JIT) etc Advise students of this
remarks to
activity runs comments made expectation
by others
20 min Interactive Encourage students to relate what they .ppt/H5P slides,
Presentation on already know to the new Topic Kahoot Polling, ALP,
Topic  Presentation with embedded questions / Laser Pointer / Remote
activities to play slides,
 Pause so students have time to respond
VGA adaptor
20 Problem- Get students to consolidate their Student Groups to Kahoot polling, ALP,
solving / Group understanding of topic and share answers share answers, or Padlet or wiki to share
activity  Walk around room asking prompting / contribute to class group results
structuring questions) problem-solving.
Conclude with wrap-up, JIT etc

15 mins Short break

20 mins Interactive As above As above As above
30 mins Group Activity  What to do: Research Topic (different Student groups to gain List of Topic specific
/Problem solving topic per group, allocated by instructor) depth of understanding case studies for each
 How to do it: on one facet of Topic. group
 List of Key points groups touch on  Follow directions on
 Report back what to do and how Report-back tools as
[Structure is like to do it
 1 student presents group key appropriate
a recipe]  Nominate individuals
discussion points to class
 Students reflect on activity in ePortfolio for report-back –
Conclude with wrap-up: JIT etc
20 mins Assessment- Time to make progress on assessment task Students use this time
related to their advantage
10 mins Closing:  Any feedback? Relevant sections of
 Review checklist for activities to be Detail Pre/Post-class activity. Encourage
VU Collaborate space
completed participation by explaining links to
 Pre/Post class activities? assessment or in-class activities

Version 1.2 15/08/2018

VU Block Model Unit Development: Lesson Plans

Version 1.2 15/08/2018

VU Block Model Unit Development:

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Code:
Unit Name:
For each session, complete the information below (sample responses in red). Copy and paste to create
additional sessions. Once complete, upload the lesson plans to the Staff Resources module.
Session Outline
Week # Session #
Topics  Topic 1 Assessment
 Topic 2 Alignment

Time Activity Instructor Actions with Rationale Student Activities with Activity Resources
(mins) *optional (time Rationale
45 mins Pre-class activity Note any trends from online responses Bring responses to class Reading/ H5P interactive
 Activity introducing key
descriptor concepts / Quiz
10 mins Overview of Attendance register
25 mins Springboard from  Organise students into groups  Discussing in pairs/groups
pre-class activity.  Review “What to do” and “How to do”  Posting to Padlet
e.g. Introduction to instructions from VU Collaborate  Groups contribute to class
human  Walk around groups asking prompting whiteboard
development questions
concepts  Conclude with wrap-up and, if necessary,
limited “Just in Time teaching”.

15 Short break

10 mins Closing:  Any feedback? Refer to checklists on VU

 checklists Collaborate
 Remind students about Pre/Post-class Show students Post-class
activity activity on VU
 Inform students about next session
Post-class activity  Continue with assessment tasks
 Optional extension activities

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