Week 16 (Ima Farzana)
Week 16 (Ima Farzana)
Week 16 (Ima Farzana)
2. Understand independently specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics by answering
questions based on the audio.
1. Students look at the tram map in the textbook.
2. Students compare the map with the LRT map in Malaysia.
3. Students answer the questions about the tram map.
4. Students listen to the audio and answer the questions that follow.
5. Students do the exercises in their exercise book.
6. Students submit their exercise books to the teacher.
22 students were able to achieve the objectives.
REFLECTION _____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to…
2. Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics
by filling in the gaps of a review with suitable sentences.
1. Students are introduced to review.
2. Students read a few examples of reviews e.g: restaurant, hotel, movie etc.
3. Students underline the main points of the review.
4. Students answer a few questions about the review.
5. Students fill in the gaps of a review with suitable sentences.
6. Students discuss the answers with the teacher.
25 students were able to achieve the objectives.
REFLECTION students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to…
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1. Explain and evaluate (i) visual (ii) read (iii) heard information by writing a review of a restaurant.
2. Explain and justify the point of view of classmates by agreeing or disagreeing with their classmates' opinion.
1. Students recall the elements of a review.
2. Students brainstorm the main points of a review about restaurant.
3. Students write a draft of a review.
4. Students use discourse markers in writing their review.
5. Students write a review about a restaurant explaining its ambience and food.
6. Students' writing are checked by the teacher from time to time.
20 students were able to achieve the objectives.
REFLECTION 2 students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to teacher being involved with English Carnival at SMK Seri Bera.
2. Understand independently specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics by
answering questions based on the audio.
1. Students look at the tram map in the textbook.
2. Students compare the map with the LRT map in Malaysia.
3. Students answer the questions about the tram map.
4. Students listen to the audio and answer the questions that follow.
5. Students do the exercises in their exercise book.
6. Students submit their exercise books to the teacher.
students were able to achieve the objectives.
REFLECTION student need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to teacher being involved with English Carnival at SMK Seri Bera.
16 7/20/2023 THURSDAY 8.30-9.30 A.M. ENGLISH 2 AMANAH 24 /26
TOPIC 44 Transport
SKILL Writing, Speaking
4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
4.1.2 Make and respond to simple requests and suggestions
2.1.2 Ask for and respond appropriately to simple suggestions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1. Make and respond to simple requests and suggestions by suggesting a good story to read with its summary
2. Ask for and respond appropriately to simple suggestions by asking questions to their friends on the book
1. Students receive worksheet from the teachers.
2. Students read a short story or a short text.
3. Students fill in the worksheet with author's name and the title of the story.
4. Students write a short summary of the book/story in the worksheet.
5. With the help of existing discourse markers, students write down the summary of the book accordingly.
6. Students make a suggestion on whether they would recommend the book/story to their friends.
24 students were able to achieve the objectives.
REFLECTION _____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to Sukantara.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1. Explain and evaluate (i) visual (ii) read (iii) heard information by writing a review of a restaurant.
2. Explain and justify the point of view of classmates by agreeing or disagreeing with their classmates' opinion.
1. Students recall the elements of a review.
2. Students brainstorm the main points of a review about restaurant.
3. Students write a draft of a review.
4. Students use discourse markers in writing their review.
5. Students write a review about a restaurant explaining its ambience and food.
6. Students' writing are checked by the teacher from time to time.
students were able to achieve the objectives.
REFLECTION students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to students being involved with Kem Tatabahasa at Bilik Seminar.
5.1.2 Explain in detail the development of plot, characters and themes in a text