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Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(3): 275-280, 2017

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

Available online, ISSN: 2148-127X
Turkish Science and Technology

Nutrient Content, Phytonutrient Composition, Alpha Amylase, Alpha

Glucosidase Inhibition Activity and Antioxidant Activity of the
Stoechospermum Marginatum Collected in Pre Monsoon Season

Reka Palanivel1*, Thahira Banu Azeez1, Seethalakshmi Muthaya2

Deportment of Home Science, Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India
Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India.


The objective of this study was to investigate the nutrient content, phytonutrient
Research Article composition, physicochemical properties, alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition
activity and antioxidant activity of the brown algae Stoechospermum marginatum
Received 30 August 2016 collected from Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, India in pre monsoon season (June-
Accepted 24 February 2017 September, 2015). Six and eight hours of ethanol and aqueous extract of Stoechospermum
marginatum were used for phytonutrient screening, alpha amylase, alpha glucosidase
Keywords: inhibition activity and antioxidant activity. From the results of the study it is understood
that Stoechospermum marginatum contain a high amount of carbohydrate, protein, crude
Stoechospermum marginatum fiber and phytonutrients like tannin, flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid, terpenoids, steroid and
Phytonutrient total phenolic content. The physicochemical properties namely Water absorption and
Aqueous Swelling power were very promising. Alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition
Antioxidant activity activity was recorded to be high in both aqueous and ethanol extracts of eight hour
Therapeutic value extraction than in extracts taken from six hours extraction. Antioxidant activity was
detected using DPPH, FRAP, beta carotene scavenging and H2O2 assay and found to have
a high radical scavenging activity. Stoechospermum marginatum possess a valuable
Corresponding Author: amount of total phenolic content and other phytonutrients and physicochemical
E-mail: [email protected] properties, it may the reason for the potential inhibition of alpha amylase, alpha
glucosidase and antioxidant activity. It is concluded from the study that the brown algae
may be incorporated into foods to enhance their nutritional and therapeutic value.

Seaweeds or marine macro algae are plants and food sources (El-Said and El-Sikaily, 2013). Brown algae
economically, commercially valuable living marine have a variety of biological compound including
resources that belongs to the primitive groups of non pigments, fucoidans, phycocolloids and phlorotannins
flowering plants (Paul, 2013). Seaweeds are commonly (Rajamani et al., 2010). Number of research studies have
categorized into three groups such as Chlorophyceae reported that the chemical composition of the macro algae
(green seaweed) Phaephyceae (brown seaweeds), vary depending on, geographical distribution, habitats,
Rodophyceae (red seaweeds) especially on the basis of maturity, seasons and the principal environmental
the pigments and the stored food materials (Jagadeesan et conditions, such as water, temperature, salinity, light, and
al., 2010). Seaweeds are reported to be rich in soluble nutrients (Kaimoussi et al., 2004; Ortiz et al., 2006;
dietary fibers, protein, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids with Mesyasz and Rybak, 2010). Stoechospermum Sp.
a low calorific value (Mohamed et al., 2012). In coastal (Phaephyta, Dictyotales) is a brown alga having greenish
belts of India 434 species of red seaweeds, 194 species of brown thalli that is erect, tufted and linear 7- 26cm height.
brown seaweeds and 216 species of green seaweeds are It is attached to rhizoids and is present as drift materials in
available (Krishnan and Narayana Kumar, 2010). sandy beaches (Abbas and Shameel, 2010). With thus
Brown seaweed (Phaephyceae) is the largest and most background the study was undertaken to analyse the
complex type of algae having brown, olive or yellowish nutrient content, phytonutrient composition, alpha
brown in colour. They are about 1800 species of brown amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition activity,
seaweeds broadly distributed from tropical to polar zones antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of the
of ocean in the world (Indrawati et al., 2015). Brown Brown algae Stoechospermum marginatum collected from
seaweeds are known to contain most of the bioactive Gulf of Mannar, in pre monsoon season (June to
compounds than red and green seaweeds (Seafood plus, September).
2008). Red and brown algae are mainly used as human
Palanivel et al., / Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(3): 275-280, 2017

Materials and Methods Antioxidant Activity of the Stoechospermum

Collection of Samples The ethanol and aqueous extracts of Stoechospermum
The selected edible brown seaweed Stoechospermum marginatum were investigated for the antioxidant activity
marginatum was collected from Gulf of Mannar the South using different assays such as DPPH (2, 2- diphenyl -1-
Coast area of Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India in the picrylhydrasyl) (Wang et al. 1998), Ferric Reducing
month of June to September, 2015 (Pre monsoon season). Antioxidant Power (FRAP) (Benzie and Strain 1999),
The collected seaweed was washed and dried. The dried H2O2 radical scavenging assay (Ruch et al., 1989) and
sample was powdered and stored in High Density Poly Beta carotene bleaching assay (Velioglu et al 1998).
Ethylene packs (HDPE).
Physicochemical Properties of Selected Edible
Sample Preparation Seaweed
The powdered sample was used for the determination The selected edible seaweed was determined for the
of nutrient content, phytonutrient quantification, alpha physicochemical properties such as Bulk Density (BD)
amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition activity, (Narayana and Rao, 1984), Water Absorption Capacity
physicochemical properties and used for solvent (WAC) (Beuchat 1977), Oil Absorption Capacity (OAC)
extraction with ethanol and aqueous (1:10) at 37ºC (Beuchat, 1977) and Swelling Power (SP) (Leach et al.,
temperature for six and eight hours. The final extract was 1959).
obtained and filtered by Whatman No.1 filter paper and
the filtrate was stored in refrigerated condition, which was Statistical Analysis
used for the phytonutrient screening and alpha amylase The nutrient content, phytonutrient composition, alpha
and alpha glucosidase inhibition activity. Seaweeds amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibitory activity and
contain a high amount of polysaccharides in the form of physicochemical properties were performed in triplicate
hydrocolloid and it has a coarse structure hence for and mean, standard deviation were calculated.
extraction of phytonutrients the temperature and time has
been modified from the standard extraction procedure. Results and Discussion
Thus the extraction was carried out at two different
timings of six and eight hours. The brown algae Stoechospermum marginatum was
collected from Gulf of Mannar in pre monsoon season
Determination of Nutrient Content (June – September, 2015) and evaluated its nutrient
The powdered sample was used for the determination content, phytonutrient composition and alpha amylase and
of nutrient content using standard procedures namely alpha glucosidase inhibition activity, antioxidant activity
carbohydrate (Dubois, 1956), protein (Lowry, 1951), fat and physicochemical properties, the results are discussed
(Socsplus SES04R), crude fiber (Maynard, 1970), beta below.
carotene (Ranganna, 1976), vitamin C (Harris and Ray,
1935), moisture (AOAC, 1990) and ash (AOAC, 1990). Nutrient Content of the Stoechospermum Marginatum
The nutrient content of Stoechospermum marginatum
Determination of Phytonutrient Composition is presented in Table1. Stoechospermum marginatum
The six and eight hours of ethanol and aqueous contains 40.05±0.8, 20.4±0.75, 4.5±0.4, 14.1±0.15,
extracts of S. marginatum was subjected to preliminary 7.63±0.25 and 13.8±0.15gm of carbohydrate, protein, fat,
screening of different phytonutrients such as tannin, crude fiber, moisture and ash respectively. Peng et al.
flavonoid, saponin, anthroquinone, alkaloid, terpenoids, (2013) reported that 45.73 percent of carbohydrate is
cardiac glycosides, steroids, glycosides using standard present in brown seaweed Sargassum nazhouense. Similar
procedures described by the Harbone (1973). Further the results were reported by Banerjee et al. (2009) the highest
phytonutrients tannin (Schanderl, 1970), flavonoid (Bohm amount of carbohydrate was detected in the pre monsoon
and Kocipai Abyazan 1994), saponin (Obdoni and season. The carbohydrate values are correlated between
Ochuko, 2001), alkaloid (Harbone, 1973), terpenoids the salinity and surface water temperature. Murugaiyan et
(Ferguson, 1956), steroids (Mann et al., 2010) and total al. (2012) reported that Stoechospermum marginatum
phenolic content (Malik and Singh, 1980) were contain 15.8±0.8, 14.88±0.84 and 3.58±0.45g of
quantified. carbohydrate, protein and fat respectively. Ahmed et al.
(2015) reported that 11.43 and 4.23g of protein and lipid
Determination of Alpha Amylase and Alpha respectively in Stoechospermum marginatum. İn the
Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity present study the protein content of the seaweed was
The six and eight hours of ethanol and aqueous higher than the other reported research studies carried out
extracts of Stoechospermum marginatum were determined for the same seaweeds. However the fat content of the
for the inhibition activity of alpha amylase (Miller, 1959) seaweed was found to correlate with the values already
and alpha glycosidase (Krishnaveni et al., 1984). reported. Fleurence (1999) reported that the protein
content of seaweeds varied not only between species but
also between seasons. Roslin (2003) reported that among
the seaweeds analysed the maximum protein content by S.

Palanivel et al., / Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(3): 275-280, 2017

ilicifolium (28.2%) and S. wighttii (28.2). Vitamin C and Table 1 Nutrient content of the edible seaweed
beta carotene content of the Stoechospermum marginatum Stoechospermum marginatum
was 10.6±4.6mg and 2.33±0.4mg respectively. Nutrient component Amount
Carbohydrate (g) 40.05±0.8
Phytonutrient Composition of the Stoechospermum Protein (g) 20.4±0.75
Marginatum Fat (g) 4.5±0.4
The tannin, flavonoid, saponin, alkaloids, terpenoids, Crude fiber (%) 14.1±0.15
cardiac glycosides were present in both extracts taken at Vitamin C(mg) 10.6±4.6
six and eight hours with ethanol and aqueous. Beta carotene(mg) 2.33±0.4
Anthroquinone, steroids and glycosides were only present Ash (%) 13.8±0.15
in the ethanol extract and found to be absent in aqueous Moisture (%) 7.63±0.25
extract. From the results of Phytonutrient composition
Table 2 it is clear that 12.6±0.41, 6.5±0.30, 25.9±1.8, Table 2 Phytonutrient composition of the
7.3±0.49, 5.4±0.09 and 47.3±1.15 percent of tannin, Stoechospermum marginatum
flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid, terpenoids and steroids
Phytonutrient Amount/100gm
respectively. Kumbhar, et al., (2014) evaluated the
Tannin(mg) 12.6±0.41
alkaloid content of brown algae and reported that the
Flavonoid(mg) 6.5±0.30
Sargassum cinereum, S. ilicifolium, S. tenerrimum, and
Saponin(mg) 25.9±1.8
Padina tetrastomatica had 5.50±0.035, 5.44±0.028,
Alkaloid(mg) 7.3±0.49
5.64±0.035 and 5.58±0.055mg respectively are present in
Terpenoids (mg) 5.4±0.09
the selected seaweed. Total phenolic content of the
Steroids (%) 47.3±1.15
Stoechospermum marginatum was found to be in 141±1
Total phenolic content(mg GAE/g )
and 86.8±0.74 mg GAE/g in ethanol and aqueous extracts
Ethanol extract 141±1
respectively. Foon et al., (2013) reported that the phenolic
Aqueous extract 86.8±0.74
content of Eucheuma cottonii (red seaweed) and Padina
sp (brown seaweed) had 8.71±0.009 and 14.58±0.12mg
respectively. Parthiban et al., 2013 reported that the Antioxidant Activity of the Stoechospermum
brown algae Dichotoma showed higher phenolic content Marginatum
(16.375±0.44mg GAE/g) than red seaweeds. Table 3 illustrates the antioxidant activity of
Alpha Amylase and Alpha Glucosidase Inhibition Stoechospermum marginatum evaluated by the DPPH,
Activity of the Stoechospermum Marginatum FRAP assay, Hydrogen peroxide and Beta carotene
Alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition bleaching assay. DPPH activity of six and eight hours of
activity was detected using six and eight hours of ethanol ethanol extracts of Stoechospermum marginatum showed
and aqueous extracts of Stoechospermum marginatum and 36.6±0.5 and 39.4±0.5 respectively. DPPH activity was
the results are presented in figure 1. Stoechospermum detected to be higher in aqueous extracts with 66.2±1.35
marginatum exhibited 26.7±1.5 and 49.5±0.8 percent of and 60.3±0.57 in eight and six hours respectively than the
inhibition activity in six and eight hours of ethanol ethanol extracts. Foon et al. (2013) reported that the
extracts respectively. Whereas in six and eight hours of methanolic extract of Eucheuma cottanii exhibited
aqueous extracts the percentage of inhibition activity of 32.74±0.16, 40.54±0.62 and 27.86±0.8 in DPPH, FRAP
alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase were found to be and beta carotene scavenging activity respectively.
64.1±1.4 and 73.6±0.5 respectively. Alpha glucosidase However the DPPH radical activity of the standard BHT
inhibition activity was found to be 28.9±0.9 and 40.3±1.0 was higher (70.22±0.40) than the seaweed extracts.
percent in six hour extraction of ethanol and aqueous Ferric reducing power of Stoechospermum
respectively. However in eight hours of ethanol and marginatum with six hours of ethanol and aqueous
aqueous extracts alpha glucosidase inhibition was extracts were 1.58±0.41 and 0.9±0.026mg respectively.
30.9±0.95 and 58.1±0.17 percent respectively. Whereas in eight hours of ethanol and aqueous extracts
Unnikrishan et al. (2014) evaluated the brown seaweed exhibited 1.7±0.05 and 1.4±0.10mg of ascorbic acid
Turbinaria oranata against key metabolic enzymes linked equavalent respectively. The maximum of ferric reducing
to diabetes and reported that the alpha amylase inhibition power was detected in eight hours extract with ethanol
in methanol extract of T. oranata showed maximum and aqueous extract. The standard BHT had 2.43±0.2mg
inhibition of 96.5% and the acetone extract showed the of ferric reducing power. Mega and Anjali (2013),
maximum (87.6%) inhibition of alpha glucosidase. reported that the maximum ferric reducing power was
Present study reported that the brown seaweed detected in ethanolic extract of both brown algae namely
Stoechospermum marginatum had a high percent of alpha Padina tetrastromatica and Dictyota dichotoma (1.168 ±
amylase and glucosidase inhibition activity. This may be 0.003 mg/g and 1.168±0.0032mg/g) and methanolic
due the valuable amount of phytonutrients and dietary extract of red algae G. corticata (1.076±0.001 mg/g).
fiber present in seaweed.

Palanivel et al., / Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(3): 275-280, 2017

Table 3 Antioxidant activity of Stoechospermum marginatum

Extraction DPPH (%) FRAP (mg) H2O2 (%) Beta carotene (%)
Six hour ethanol 36.6±0.5 1.58±0.41 44.2±1.5 63.8±0.15
Eight hour ethanol 39.4±0.51 1.7±0.005 37.1±1.4 65.2±0.25
Six hour aqueous 60.3±0.57 0.9±0.026 22.3±0.7 66.06±0.39
Eight hour aqueous 66.2±1.35 1.4±0.10 26.3±1.1 73.2±0.25
BHT 70.22±0.4 2.43±0.20 65.8±0.81 68.38±0.72

Table 4 Physicochemical properties of Stoechospermum marginatum

Physicochemical properties Stoechospermum marginatum
Bulk Density 0.57±0.02
Water Absorption Capacity (g/g DW) 7.36±0.39
Oil Absorption Capacity (g oil/g DW) 2.36±0.05
Swelling Power (ml/g DW) 16.6±0.14


100 64,1

26,7 58,1
20 28,9 30,9

six hour ethanol eight hour ethanol six hour aqueous eight hour aqueous


Figure 1 Alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition activity of Stoechospermum marginatum
(AGIA- alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibition activity AAIA- alpha glucosidase inhibition activity)

Maximum inhibition of Hydrogen peroxide was the brown seaweed of S.wightii by DPPH radical
detected in eight hours of ethanol with 44.2±1.5 percent, scavenging assay (79.1 ± 1.21%) and the brown seaweed
followed by six hours of extraction with ethanol exhibited good antioxidant activity when compared to red
(37.1±1.4%). Whereas in six and eight hours of aqueous and green seaweeds. Antioxidants may have a positive
extracts of Stoechospermum marginatum was 22.3±0.7 effect on human health since they can protect human body
and 26.3±1.1 percent respectively. Hydrogen peroxide against deterioration by free radicals and Reactive
scavenging activity was 65.86±0.81 percent for BHT. Oxygen Species (ROS), including single oxygen,
The Beta carotene bleaching activity of hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion and hydroxyl
Stoechospermum marginatum exhibited 63.8±0.15 and radicals (Ngo et al., 2012). ROS and free radicals attack
65.2±0.25 percent in six and eight hours of ethanol macro molecules such as DNA, proteins and lipids
extracts and 66.06±0.39 and 73.2±0.25 percent in six and leading to many health disorders including inflammatory
eight hours of aqueous extracts respectively. Maximum aging, diabetes, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and
Beta carotene bleaching activity was seen in eight hours cancer disease (Butterfield et al., 2006; Ngo et al., 2011).
of aqueous extract. The standard BHT had 68.38±0.72
percent beta carotene bleaching activity. Compared to the Physicochemical Properties Of stoechospermum
standard BHT the brown seaweed Stoechospermum Marginatum
marginatum had a high beta carotene bleaching activity. The physicochemical properties of Stoechospermum
The DPPH and beta carotene scavenging activities were marginatum are presented in Table 4. The BD, WAC,
high in aqueous extracts than in ethanol extracts, similarly OAC, SP of S. marginatum was found to be 0.57±0.02g,
the FRAP and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activities 7.36±0.39g/g DW, 2.36±0.05g oil/g DW, 16.6±0.14ml/g
were high in ethanol extracts of the seaweed. Walakuck et DW. Benjama and Masniyom (2011), reported that the
al. (2011); Kuda and Ikemori, (2009) reported that SWC and WAC of U.pertusa and U.intestinalis ranged
aqueous extracts of seaweed possessed higher antioxidant from 4.00-6.42 ml/g DW and 7.7-14.96g/g DW
activity than ethanol extract. Indu and Seenivasan (2013) respectively, while the WHC of U.intestinalis was higher
reported that maximum antioxidant activity was shown in than U.pertusa. Cox and Abu – Ghannam (2013) stated
Palanivel et al., / Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(3): 275-280, 2017

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