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American Journal of Applied Sciences

Original Research Paper

Biochemical Composition and Nutraceutical Perspectives Red

Sea Seaweeds
Eman A. Alwaleed

Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt

Article history Abstract: Seaweeds are marketed as “nutraceuticals” owing to their

Received: 17-12-2019 highly bioactive ingredients as well as food supplements in order to
Revised: 14-01-2020 relinquish physiological conditions and resist diseases. In the current
Accepted: 22-01-2020
study, the biochemical compositions (total protein, carbohydrate, lipid,
Tel: +01068681431
fatty acids, amino acid, minerals and dietary fibers) of the seaweeds
Fax: + 20965211279 Caulerpa racemosa, Digenea simplex, Sargassum polycystum and
Email: [email protected] Cystoseria myrica were evaluated. Digenea simplex alga has the highest
content of protein, while C. racemosa is rich in lipid. Highly
concentrations of carbohydrates and dietary fibers were detected in S.
polycystum and C. myrica. However, C. myrica contains large amount of
amino acids. This research focused on the role of chemical composition of
seaweeds in consumption as food and valuable medicinal products.

Keywords: Carbohydrates, Dietary Fibers, Lipid, Protein and Seaweeds

Introduction for numerous, sustainable sources for food commodities

(Janssen et al., 2018).
Marine algae are used since ancient times as food Most of the conservational restrictions diverge owing
fodder and fertilizer and as supply of healthful medication to season and the variations in ecological conditions will
(Rupapara, 2017). They need expanded importance as stimulate or inhibit the biosynthesis of many nutrients
meditative sources due to their high healing, antimicrobial
(Hernández et al., 1995; Manivannan et al., 2009;
and antioxidant activities (Fan et al., 2014).
Zubia et al., 2019) They are more nutritious and rich
Fan et al. (2014; Ismail, 2017; Ismail et al., 2017;
in vitamins and minerals than the other food. The
2016) illustrated the vital role of seaweeds for human
and animal health and consumed as daily diets in orient nutritional properties of seaweeds are poorly
countries (El-Shafay, 2014). identified and usually are assessed from the chemical
Seaweeds are referred to a valuable source of protein, composition (Ismail, 2017).
elements, dietary fibers, vitamins, essential amino acids The most necessary biochemical components of algae
and they contain various polysaccharides, including are protein, carbohydrates and Lipids. fatty acids of
alginate, cellulose and laminarin (Ismail et al., 2016; microalgae and Seaweeds from the Red Sea have limited
Lyu et al., 2016). Sargassum are exceptional dietary studies in. Macroalgae biomasses can accumulation
sources of proteins, carbohydrates, trace minerals and enormous quantities of oil which can be demoralized for
other bioactive compounds (Cabrita et al., 2016; the assembly of biodiesel especially bioethanol
Telles et al., 2018). Caulerpa sp. is one of the favored (John and Anisha, 2011). The species of algae
species due to its grass-green in color, succulent texture performance a vital protagonist on alteration the protein
and usually consumed in the form of fresh vegetable content (Ratana-arporn and Chirapart, 2006).
(Ratana-arporn and Chirapart, 2006). These seaweeds are Specific suggestions counsel that fatty acids and
frequently reported as food, animal feeds and fertilizers sterol composition could also be helpful for taxonomic
(El Shafay et al., 2016; Kolanjinathan and Saranraj, 2014). purposes (El-Shafay, 2014; Herbreteau et al., 1997).
Ortiz et al. (2006) stated that the species, maturity, Accumulation of olefinic fatty acids was observed in
environmental growth conditions and seasonal period Rhodophyta, principally arachidonic and
influenced on the nutrient compositions of seaweeds. eicosapentaenoic acids. Alternative luxuriant fatty acids
Owing to the accumulative world population, the during this category are palmitic and oleic acids. The
concern for food and energy is levitation the necessity amino acids composition pronounced variations were

© 2019 Eman A. Alwaleed. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0
Eman A. Alwaleed / American Journal of Applied Sciences 2019, 16 (12): 346.354
DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2019.346.354

discovered in protein and amino acids between different Samples were then shade dried followed by oven drying
algal specimens (MacArtain et al., 2007; Qasim, 1991). at 60°C for 5 h. The dried sample was grounded with
Marine algae have lots of vital nutrients, blender to get fine powder and it was stored for future
fundamentally trace elements and a number of other use. In this present study, the seaweeds were dried at
bioactive substances. That clarifies why nowadays room temperature air and kept in plastic bags for
seaweeds are deliberated as the food supplement for biochemical analysis.
twenty-one century as supply for first proteins, lipids,
Biochemical Composition
polysaccharides, mineral, vitamins and enzymes. Thus,
the aims of this work were to determine the nutritional Lowry et al. (1951) was employed to evaluate
compositions of Caulerpa racemosa, Digenea simplex, Seaweeds total protein.
Sargassum polycystum and Cystoseria myrica. This Dubois et al. (1956) the Phenol-Sulphuric acid method
paper presented data on the nutritional and chemical was used to evaluate seaweeds total carbohydrate.
composition of Caulerpa racemosa, Digenea simplex, Folch et al. (1957) chloroform-methanol mixture
Sargassum polycystum and Cystoseria myrica; i.e., used to assessed Lipid content.
proximate composition, protein, carbohydrate, fiber,
lipid, fatty acid and amino acid contents. This work also Dietary Fiber Analysis
reported a comparative evaluation of nutritive values of The determination carried out in the National
these seaweeds with those of some other seaweeds and Research center. The total dietary fiber in these samples
some locally consumed vegetables. The potential of both was determined according to the AOAC. The procedure
seaweeds as sources of food nutrients was discussed. of TDF determined is shown in Fig. 2.
The solution filtered by filter paper and washed twice
Materials and Methods with distilled water to obtain filtrate and residue of the
solution. Residues were used for determination of
Collection of Seaweeds
Insoluble Dietary Fiber (IDF), while filtrate was used for
Samples used for the present study was collected determination of Soluble Dietary Fiber (SDF) by the
from Hurghada Red Sea coastal, Egypt. The study was AOAC method (Li et al., 2002).
conducted in March 2017, These species classified into
The Elements Contents Analyses
three categories chlorophyta (Caulerpa racemosa),
Phaeophyta (Sargassum polycystum and Cystoseria Ca, Mg, K and Na analysis of the seaweeds
myrica) and Rhodophyta species (Digenea simplex) (Fig. Caulerpa racemosa, Digenea simplex, Sargassum
1). The collected sample was washed thoroughly with polycystum and Cystoseria myrica were determined by
sea water to remove sand particles, impurities and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) gravimetric
epiphytes (Sasikala et al., 2016). technique for P (Kolthoff et al., 1969). A toxic lead was
conducted rendering to the methods of Evan and Miller
Preparation of Seaweed (1978; Suddendorf et al., 1981). Mineral content was
The samples were washed with tap water to remove determined in triplicate for each seaweeds and expressed
salts and it was finally washed with distilled water. The as mg/g of DW seaweed.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Fig. 1: A and B: The brown seaweed species Sargassum polycystum and Cystoseria myrica, C: The red seaweed species Digenea
simplex and D: The green seaweed species Caulerpa racemosa

Eman A. Alwaleed / American Journal of Applied Sciences 2019, 16 (12): 346.354
DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2019.346.354

algae specimen differs between 5.0% and 21.0% of Dry

1 g dried, defatted sample Weight, reliant to a large extent on the phylum, species,
geographical origin and time of harvest. Generally, it's low
Enzymatically Digested with for brown seaweeds (5.85 and 10.35% dry weight),
moderate for green algae (17.81% of dry weight) and high
for red seaweeds (maximum 21.14% dry weight). The
100 L of amylase 100 L of protease 200 μL of relationship between all algal species was nonsignificant
cosidase (at p < 0.05). The mandatory energy for respiration and
other metabolic processes was provided by carbohydrate
so it’s considered the most important component for
Incubation pH = 6.0;
30 min; t = 100°C
Incubation pH = 4.5; metabolism. Variations in carbohydrate content at the
30 min; t = 60°C various studied macroalgae were determined throughout
this study. The results exhibited that, the four studied
species have a very high concentration of carbohydrates
extended from (90.01% in Sargassum to 78.7% in C.
Precipitation with 4 volumes of ethanol myrica and 49.27% in C. racemosa and about the same
content in D. simplex 42.40%). Sargassum (brown
seaweeds) gave the highest carbohydrate accumulation.
Adaptation to statistical analyses there was significant
Filtration through crucible relation between S. polycystum, C. racemosa and D.
simplex, however the other relations was insignificant.
The total lipid contents within the investigated
seaweed species were comparatively low (Fig. 3), the
highest value was initiating in C. racemosa 4.45% and
Washing with ethanol
the lowest was recorded in S. polycystum.
S. polycystum and C. myrica (brown algae) when
compared with other nominated seaweeds have slightly
Drying (TDF) more fiber than D. simplex (red algae) and C. racemosa
(green algae) (10.55% and 5.93%) respectively Table 1.
Fig. 2: The procedure of TDF determined The brown seaweeds considered also rich in the soluble
and insoluble fiber (C. myrica 6.58 and 31.66) when
Fatty Acid Extraction and Analysis compared with other seaweeds.
Fatty acids were analyzed for four individuals of The mineral contents of seaweeds as well as the values
each collected sample. A direct transesterification reported in local vegetables and selected edible seaweeds
method, adapted from (Cohen et al., 1988) and were shown in Table 2. The Dietary Recommended Intake
(Rodríguez-Ruiz et al., 1998), was used to (DRI) for Thai male and female of age 19-50 years
simultaneously extract and esterify the fatty acids to recommended by Nutrition Division (2003) were also
Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) for analysis by presented in Table 2. It was clearly shown that both
GC-MS. This method was performed at the national seaweeds contained considerably high amount of minerals.
center research. Sodium content in four seaweed species varied from
Determination of the total amino acids was performed 9.33 to 23.57% being maximum in C. racemosa;
by (Walker et al., 1996) protocol at the National Center of however, Calcium content was high in C. myrica than
Radiation Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
the other three species (Table 1) Potassium content
Statistical Analysis exhibited a little variation in different seaweeds, but the
Magnesium level was more or less similar. Lead
The biochemical components (proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids and Mineral composition) were concentration was minimum in all the seaweeds.
obtained as the mean of three replicates ± SE (standard Ion quotient Ca + Na/ Mg + K this molar ratio was
errors). The mean values were implemented by Duncan’s calculated (Table 2) to be 0.20, 0.99, 0.99 and 0.79 for
Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the significant level of D. simplex, S. polycystum, C. racemosa and C. myrica,
p < 0.05 using SPSS (version 21.0). respectively. These consequences infer that exhausting
seaweed species in foods can decline this range in human
Results body and decline associated diseases such as
hypertension and heart disease. Subsequently, these
The superlative vital organic ingredients of algae are seaweed species were high superiority and safety and
protein, carbohydrate and lipid. Protein content of marine might be used in the field of nutrition. Seaweeds are

Eman A. Alwaleed / American Journal of Applied Sciences 2019, 16 (12): 346.354
DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2019.346.354

presently deliberated to be a favorable source of fatty C16:0 was the most bio-paraffinic fatty acid (saturated
acids (FA). On the other hand, FA content and their fatty acid) amongst the all studied species. The higher
composition can differ significantly dependent on ratio was observed in species C. racemosa; the studied
species and environmental conditions. As detected from species have low concentration of olefinic fatty acids.
Table 3, bio-paraffinic fatty acids (saturated fatty acids) The lowest accumulation of total unsaturated fatty acids
were the focal types present in the all studied species. S. was appeared in C. myrica and C. racemosa. Green alga
polycystum contain the highest percentage 75.52 % of (C. racemosa) was characterized by the present of
the total saturated fatty acids, while, species C. myrica Linoleic (ω6) (C18:2).
contain the lowest content of total saturated fatty acids.

S. simplex S. polycystum. C. myrica C. racemosa







10 5.85
2.3 0.45
Carbohydrate (%) Protein (%) Lipid (%)

Fig. 3: The mean contents of lipid, protein and carbohydrate in the algal species
Data Represent Means and Standard Errors (Error Bars) of Three Biological Replicates

Table 1: Fiber content of Seaweeds species (g/100 wet weight) compared to dietary reference intake (g/day)
Seaweeds species Total fiber Soluble fiber Insoluble fiber
DRI b Male and female 25 g/day
Digenea simplex 10.55 7.98 2.57
Caulerpa racemosa 5.93 2.38 3.55
Sargassum polycystum 33.95 5.68 28.27
Cystoseria. myrica 38.24 6.58 31.66
Dietary Reference Intake: The amount recommended for consume daily for Thai adult of age19-50 years (Ivanovitch et al., 2014)

Table 2: Mineral compositions (mg/100g Dwt.) of seaweed species compared to Dietary Reference intake(mg/day)
Digenea Caulerpa Sargassum Cystoseria DRI b DRI b
Minerals simplex racemosa polycystum myrica male female
Sodium 1198±1.15a 2357±1.73b 933±0.58a 1280±1.00a 475-1450 400-1200
Calcium 432±0.58a 1255±1.43b 1444±2.30b 1550±0.29b 800 800
Phosphorus 368±0.4ab 703±0.4b 212±0.3c 415±0.3a 700 700
Magnesium 398±0.58a 767±1.13ab 560±0.59b 675±1.15ab 310-320 250-260
Potassium 7744±1.40c 2875±1.14b 1832±0.18a 2890±0.06b 2450-4100 2050-3400
Lead 0.01±0.01a 0.03±0.01b NR 0.06±0.00a NR NR
Na/K Ratio 0.15±0.03a 0.82±0.07c 0.51±0.00b 0.44±0.02b NR NR
Ion quotient ratio (inmoles)
Ca + Na/Mg +K 0.20±0.58a 0.99±0.32b 0.99±0.31b 0.79±0.06ab NR NR
Dietary Reference Intake: the amount recommended for consume daily for Thai adult of age19-50 years (Ivanovitch et al., 2014)
Data represent means and standard errors (error bars) of three biological replicates. Different letters indicate significant difference
(p<t0.05). NR: Not Reported

Eman A. Alwaleed / American Journal of Applied Sciences 2019, 16 (12): 346.354
DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2019.346.354

Table 3: Fatty acid contents (mg/g sample) and profiles (g/100g fatty acids) of the four studied
Digenea Sargassum Cystoseria Caulerpa Gracillariab
Fatty acids simplex polycystum myrica racemosa Porphyraa sp. Palmariaa sp. changgi
Saturated fatty acids (SFA)
Caprylic (C8:0) 2.154 ND 0.031 ND ND ND ND
Pelargonic (C9:0) 1.02 ND ND ND ND ND ND
Capric (C10:0) 2.24 ND 0.11 ND ND ND ND
Lauric (C12:0) 4.01 1.51 0.68 ND ND ND ND
Tetradecanoic (C13:0) 1.99 4.02 4.34 4.93 ND ND ND
Myristic (C14:0) 1.76 10.91 3.85 8.10 ND ND ND
Palmitic (C16:0) 14.02 21.40 26.37 38.11 63.19 45.44 22.0
Stearic (C18:0) 1.83 6.37 3.89 2.01 1.23 1.28 ND
Arachidic (C20:0) 30.78 1.02 0.78 1.99 ND ND ND
Sum saturated fatty acids (SFAs) 59.81 45.24 40.03 55.14 64.42 46.72 22.00
% to T. FA 65.05 75.52 73.90 58.01
Mono-unsaturated (MUFA)
Myristoleic (C14:1) 3.70 2.90 3.07 3.08 ND ND ND
Palmitoleic (C16:1) 6.50 2.82 1.83 3.95 6.22 5.26 ND
Petroselinic (C18:1) 4.74 1.55 1.82 5.10 ND ND ND
Oleic (ω9) (C18:1) .320 5.14 0.98 7.85 6.7 3.13 21.9
Eicosanoate (C20:1) ND ND ND ND 4.7 0.20 ND
Sum 15.26 12.41 7.70 19.98 17.62 8.59 21.9
% to T. FA 16.60 20.72 14.21 21.02
Poly-unsaturated (PUFA)
Linoleic(ω6) (C18:2) 6.52 0.50 5.65 8.93 1.17 0.69 ND
Linolenic (ω3) (C18:3) 2.80 .500 0.60 6.76 0.23 0.59 ND
Arachidonic(ω6) (C20:4) 2.90 1.02 ND 3.31 6.8 1.45 ND
Eicosapentaenoic( ω3) (C20:5) 3.20 0.23 0.19 0.93 6.03 24.05 33.1
Sum 15.42 2.25 6.44 19.93 14.23 26.78 33.1
% to T. FA 16.77 3.76 11.89 20.97
T. FA 91.94 59.90 54.17 95.05
a(Sánchez-Machado et al., 2004)
b(Norziah and Ching, 2000) ND: Not Detected

Table 4: Amino acid compositions (g/100 g sample dry basis) and profiles (g/100 g amino acids) of the four studied seaweeds
D. simplex S. polycystum C. myrica C. racemose Egg a Soya a
g/100 g g/100 g g/100 g g/100 g g/100 g g/100 g
Amino Acids amino acids amino acids amino acids amino acids amino acids amino acids
Non- Essential amino acids
Alanine 2.40 4.25 6.7 4.71
Arginine 2.34 3.13 5.04 4.66
Aspartic 5.01 6.80 10.50 5.51
Cysteine 1.88 0.25 ND 3.11
Glutamic 7.50 5.15 6.20 5.50
Glycine 1.87 3.45 3.00 4.81
Proline .320 1.78 4.20 2.73
Serine 2.80 4.54 6.60 4.74
Tyrosine 4.40 2.09 2.50 2.70
Total non-essential amino acids 28.52 31.44 44.74 40.47
Essential amino acids
Histidine 0.86 2.23 2.40 3.76 ND ND
Isoleucine 1.79 4.55 4.34 6.43 5.40 5.10
Leucine 5.70 4.95 6.98 6.54 8.60 7.60
Lysine 6.50 4.11 6.76 7.88 7.00 6.10
Methionine 4.87 2.77 1.81 5.92 ND ND
Phenylalanine 10.74 9.63 12.33 4.88 9.30 (+Tyr) 8.40(+Tyr)
Threonine 7.52 5.71 6.96 7.66 4.70 4.10
Valine 1.80 5.50 6.24 5.15 6.60 5.20
Tryptophan ND 0.63 0.59 0.96 ND ND
Total essential amino acids 40.78 40.08 52.41 49.18 41.60 36.50
Total amino acids 70.30 68.52 97.15 89.65
a (Galland-Irmouli et al., 1999) ND: Not Detected

The amino acid contents of the four studied seaweeds mg/100 mg DW. Both species were rich in
are demonstrated in Table 4. The levels of altered phenylalanine, threonine and lysine. Their Non-Essential
essential amino acids ranged from 40.08 to 52.41 Amino Acids, namely alanine, arginine, aspartic acid,

Eman A. Alwaleed / American Journal of Applied Sciences 2019, 16 (12): 346.354
DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2019.346.354

cysteine, glutamic acid, serine, proline, glycine and 3. High for red seaweeds (21.14 % dry weight) among
tyrosine ranged from 28.52 to 44.74 mg/100 mg DW. the different species of algae under studies
Aspartic and glutamic acids in the four species are
mandatory for the special flavor and taste. The association among all algal species was
The deliberate species presented distinctive high nonsignificant (p < 0.05). These variances might be
concentrations of essential amino acids; whereas predictable as dissimilarities in the protein content of
nonessential amino acids contemporary with low seaweeds can be accredited to species variances and
concentration in the all studied species. The assessment seasonal effects (Fleurence et al., 2018).
of the amino acid composition of seaweeds with FAO The total lipid contents within the studied seaweed
and those of alternate food proteins permits us to species were comparatively low (Fig. 3), the highest
evaluation the nourishing assessment of seaweed value was documented in C. racemosa 4.45% and the
proteins. It's obvious that furthermost of the seaweeds lowest value was recorded in S. polycystum. Typically,
appear to be able to provide by tolerable levels of total seaweeds don’t seem to be virtuous source of lipid
essential amino acids within the food request. (Ratana-arporn and Chirapart, 2006) and the total lipid
content was perpetually institute less than 4%
Discussion (Herbreteau et al., 1997). These results are reinforced by
the conclusions of (Shanmugam and Palpandi, 2008) in
The most vital organic chemistry constituents of algae Sargassum wightii (0.45%), in Caulerpa racemosa
are protein, carbohydrate and lipid (Fleurence et al., 2018; (7.56) and in red alga jania (0.9%). The dissimilarities
Omar et al., 2013). might are because of factors like climate and geography
A carbohydrate is that the main molecule symptoms of development of the seaweed (Herbreteau et al., 1997).
that influence on a different physiological response in These results refer that the brown algae rich in dietary
regulated genes in photosynthesis, metabolism and self- fibers when compared with other seaweeds (McBean and
protective retorts. There are variances in the Speckmann, 1988). Seaweeds can deliver up to 12.5% of a
accumulation and distribution of carbohydrates in the person’s every day. This is relatively large amount when
four studied macroalgae. In the contemporary compared with other terrestrial foods.
investigation, the data of carbohydrates accumulation It was evidently displayed that both seaweeds
exposed three situation of the accumulation of contained noticeably high amount of minerals.
carbohydrate were recorded among the four species of According to our results, these seaweeds may serve as
algae under studies as the following: food supplements to help meet the recommended daily
adult intakes of some minerals.
(1) Decrease in C. racemosa and about the same content Ion quotient Ca+Na/ Mg+K this molar ratio was
in D. simplex 42.40% premeditated (Table 1) to be 0.20, 0.99, 0.99 and 0.79
(2) Increased progressively in S. polycystum for D. simplex, S. polycystum, C. racemosa and C.
(3) Moderate in C. myrica about 78.7%. myrica respectively. The ion quotient usually diverges
between 2.5 and 4.0 in human body (Ismail, 2017;
Environmental factors and the method used to Ismail et al., 2017). These consequences infer that
extraction the most vital role to alteration between exhausting seaweed species in foods can reduction this
species (Peinado et al., 2014). range in human body and lessen allied ailments such as
Dhargalkar et al., 1980; Sobha et al., 2001 illustrated hypertension and heart ailment.
that maximum assessment of carbohydrate accumulation At this time seaweeds deliberated to be auspicious
in Rhodophyceae members higher than in Phaeophyceae source of Fatty Acids (FA). Variations in fatty acid
and Chlorophyceae members. In the current contents are owing to both environment and genetic
investigation, the contrastingly Phaeophyceae members differences (Sánchez-Machado et al., 2004). In this
showed high carbohydrate content than Rhodophyceae work, eighteen fatty acids were identified. As detected
and Chlorophyceae members. The highest accumulation from Table 3, fatty acids were the principal in categories
of carbohydrate in Phaeophyceae might be outstanding contemporary in the all investigated species. The fatty
to higher phycocolloid content in their cell walls acid pattern of Caulerpa and Digenea was similar to that
(Dhargalkar et al., 1980). of Porphyra but higher in saturated fatty acid (stearic
The all picture of protein in the four algae species acid) and total unsaturated fatty acids and lower in
revealed that the criteria of protein differ greatly among saturated fatty acid palmitic acids.
the different species of algae used for example: Species D. simplex and S. polycystum contain the
highest percentage of total fatty acids, while, C. myrica
1. Moderate for green algae (17.81% of dry weight) has the lowest content of total fatty acids. This result
2. Low for brown seaweeds (5.85 and 10.35% dry corresponds with (Shanmugam and Palpandi, 2008) who
weight) stated that the saturated fatty acids constituted 70.01% of

Eman A. Alwaleed / American Journal of Applied Sciences 2019, 16 (12): 346.354
DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2019.346.354

the total fatty acids. As detected from Table 3, the seaweeds studied seemed to be fascinating probable
unsaturated fatty acids present by nearly low sources of plant food proteins due to their high protein
concentration in the four investigated species (Ishakani, levels and balanced amino acid profiles. On the
2017). In the recent search species C. racemosa was opposite hand the highest carbohydrate contents
branded by the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty attained from the investigated species. they also
acids amongst the premeditated algae and it branded by showed the potential of being good sources of mineral
the present of Linoleic (ω6) (C18:2). This discrepancy supplements. The results of the current investigate
could be due to numerous aspects, allied result has been clinched that these seaweeds will provide dietary
obtained (Ismail et al., 2016). Conferring to Nelson et al., alternatives owing to their nutritional values.
2002, total algae specimen lipid content accumulated
through winter and spring and deteriorated in summer. Ethics
Temperature deliberated the most important
environmental factors that influenced on fatty acids cell The authors declare that they have no conflict of
membranes (Peng et al., 2015) wherever at low interest.
temperatures fatty acids contents escalation.
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