Food Chemistry: Carmen Saénz, Sandra Tapia, Jorge Chávez, Paz Robert
Food Chemistry: Carmen Saénz, Sandra Tapia, Jorge Chávez, Paz Robert
Food Chemistry: Carmen Saénz, Sandra Tapia, Jorge Chávez, Paz Robert
Food Chemistry
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Bioactive compounds of pulp (CP) and ethanolic (CE) extracts of the cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica)
Received 14 May 2008 were encapsulated with maltodextrin (MD) or inulin (I). A 22 statistical factorial design was then used
Received in revised form 19 August 2008 to study the stability of the powders obtained at the optimal conditions for each system (CP–MD, CP–I,
Accepted 30 September 2008
CE–MD and CE–I) at 60 °C in the dark. The 3:1 ratio of core/coating material and 140 °C inlet air temper-
ature were the optimal conditions for CP–MD and CE–MD systems; whereas, for CP–I and CE–I, the ratios
were 3:1 and 5:1, respectively, and 120 °C was used for the inlet air temperature for both systems. An
increase of phenolic compounds was observed in all systems during storage at 60 °C. Indicaxanthins in
Cactus pear
all systems showed a slow degradation during storage at 60 °C and were more stable than betacyanins.
Microencapsulation The microcapsules described in this study represent an interesting food additive for incorporation into
Betalains functional foods, due to both the presence of antioxidants and as a red colourant.
Polyphenols Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction blend of yellow and red cultivars (Galati et al., 2003). The intake
of polyphenols has been inversely correlated to the incidence of
Cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) is a tropical fruit tree, native to several chronic diseases, such as several types of cancer and car-
America, which grows in arid and semiarid regions (Pimienta-Bar- diovascular disease (Mertens-Talcott, Zadezensky, De Castro,
rios & del Castillo, 2002). There are green fruits and also coloured Derendorf, & Butterweck, 2006).
fruits (red, yellow or purple) due to the presence of various pig- The stability of betalains has been studied by several research-
ments such as betalains and carotenes (Castellar, Obon, & Fernán- ers, and it has been shown that they are affected by pH, water
dez-López, 2006; Díaz, Santos, Kerstupp, Villagómez, & Scheivar, activity, exposure to light, oxygen, temperature and enzymatic
2006; Tesoriere, Fazzari, Allegra, & Livrea, 2005). activities; moreover, temperature is the most decisive factor for
Cactus pear is one of the few sources of betalains in nature and betalain decomposition (Castellar, Obon, Alacid, & Fernández-
therefore presents itself as an attractive alternative to replace syn- López, 2003). The stability is an important aspect to consider for
thetic additives; this is in addition to the advantages of production use of these pigments as antioxidants and colourants in foods.
of the fruit for direct consumption. Cactus pear could have a double The stabilization of betalains and polyphenols could be im-
application, both becoming an option for obtaining natural colour- proved using microencapsulation technologies, such as spray dry-
ing features and providing health benefits through its antioxidant ing (Desai & Park, 2005), for use in industrial purposes and to
function (Stintzing & Carle, 2004; Tesoriere et al., 2005). ensure its bioavailability. Microencapsulation is described as a
The literature reports few scientific studies regarding the pres- technique wherein a bioactive compound is encapsulated by a bio-
ence of phenols or other antioxidant compounds in cactus pear polymer, thereby protecting it from oxygen, water or other condi-
fruits. The purple cultivar has the highest concentration of total tions to improve its stability (Desai & Park, 2005). This method is
phenols, at approximately 660 mg/l juice (Stintzing et al., 2005). also used to change liquid solutions to powders, which are easier
Other studies have identified the presence of flavonoids as flavonol to handle. Rodríguez-Hernández, González-García, Grajales-Lagun-
glycosides, amongst which significant amounts of isorhamnetin-3- es, Ruiz-Cabrera, and Abud-Archila (2005) studied spray drying as
rutinoside, rutin and kaempferol-3-rutinoside were found in a a technique for stabilizing cactus pear pulp from Opuntia
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +56 2 9785731; fax: 56 2 9785796. Different types of encapsulating agents have been used for spray
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Saénz). drying; these include polysaccharides (starches, maltodextrins,
0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Saénz et al. / Food Chemistry 114 (2009) 616–622 617
corn syrups and arabic gum), lipids (stearic acid, mono and digly- were 600 l/h, 10 ml/min and 20 psi, respectively, for both encapsu-
cerides), and proteins (gelatin, casein, milk serum, soy and wheat) lating agents. The powders obtained were stored to exclude light
(Gibbs, Kermasha, Alli, & Mulligan, 1999). The most commonly and were kept at 20 °C until analysed.
used materials for microencapsulation are maltodextrins of differ-
ent dextrose equivalents. Maltodextrins are obtained by acid 2.4. Cactus pear pulp and ethanolic extract analysis
hydrolysis of several starches (corn, potato or others). In general,
maltodextrins have high solubility in water, low viscosity, bland Moisture content, soluble solids (°Brix), pH and acidity were
flavour and colourless solutions (Gibbs et al., 1999) and are exten- determined according to AOAC (1996) methods. The total sugars
sively used in the food industry. were determined by the Antrona method (Osborne & Voogt,
An interesting possible encapsulation agent may be inulin, due 1986) in an UNICAM UV/VIS spectrometer UV3.
to its technical and nutritive properties (Stevens, Meriggi, & Booten, The total phenolic content was determined according to the Fo-
2001). Inulin is a fructooligosaccharide (FOS) obtained commer- lin–Ciocalteau method (Bordeau & Scarpa, 2000), and the results
cially from chicory (Cichorium intybus) root, Dahlia (Dahlia pinuata were expressed as gallic acid equivalents according to a calibration
Cav.) and Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus); they have an curve (133.8–428.0 lg/ml; r2 = 0.9901). Analyses of the phenolic
average polymerisation degree (DP) of 10–14, 20 and 6, respec- compounds were carried out in duplicate and averaged.
tively. The inulin is composed of fructose units with b (2-1) links The betalains analyses were performed spectrophotometrically
with glucose at the end of the chain. Inulin shows prebiotic effects according to the methods of Stintzing et al. (2005). Betacyanins
and dietary fibre action and improves calcium biodisponibility, pigments were monitored at 535 nm, and indicaxanthin was mon-
amongst other benefits. Inulin is only hydrolysed in small amounts itored at 484 nm. The identification was performed by HPLC using
in the stomach and the large intestine without the formation of a Merck Hitachi L6200 pump, a Waters 996 photodiode-array
monosaccharides; it is fermented by the large intestinal microflora detector, and a C18 column (5 lm 4.6 mm i.d. 25 cm, YMC).
into short chain fatty acids, lactic acid and gas. Therefore, there is no The mobile phases used were solvent A (1% acetic acid in water)
resultant increase to the glycemic index, which is important as a and solvent B (1% acetic acid in acetonitrile) according to a pro-
potential ingredient for diabetic foods (Stevens et al., 2001). gram described by Fernández-López and Almela (2001).
The objective of this research was to study the effect of inlet air Vitamin C was determined by HPLC (Straten & Claessens, 2004)
temperature and the ratio of the bioactive cactus pear compound using an Agilent G1311A pump, an Agilent G1315B diode array, a
to the encapsulating agent on the betalain and polyphenol yields Zorbac SB-Aq column (5 lm 4.6 mm i.d. 150 mm, Agilent),
using spray drying, and the stability of the powders obtained. and a phosphate:acetonitrile (90:10) buffer as the mobile phase.
Antioxidant activity was evaluated in accordance with the
DPPH method (Kukoski et al., 2005). The results were expressed
2. Material and methods as TROLOX equivalent activity (TEAC).
Colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) were determined with a MINOLTA
2.1. Materials CR-200b equipment. The Hue angle (h° = tan1(b*/a*) and the Chro-
ma C* value were calculated according to McGuire (1992).
Cactus pear fruits (Opuntia ficus-indica) were obtained from a
plantation located in the Antumapu Experimental Station that be- 2.5. Microcapsule powder analysis
longs to the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. Maltodextrin (MD)
GlobeÒ, INDUCORN (DE = 10) and inulin RaftilinaÒ (I) HP (DP > 23) 2.5.1. Total bioactive compounds
were used. All other reagents were of analytical grade. The total phenolic and betalains compounds were determined
following the methods of Barbosa, Borsarelli, and Mercadante
2.2. Pulp and ethanolic extract preparation (2005) and Yoo, Song, Chang, and Gyu-Lee (2006), respectively,
with some modifications. One hundred milligrams of the prepared
The fruits (13.75 kg) were manually peeled after washing and microcapsules were accurately weighed and dispersed in 1 ml eth-
pulped in an Alexanderwerk screw press with a 2 mm screen, anol, acetic acid, and water (50:8:42). This dispersion was agitated
obtaining 11 kg of pulp. The pulp was packed in polypropylene using a Vortex (1 min) and then an ultrasonicator twice for 20 min.
bags and frozen at 20 °C. The supernatant was centrifuged at 112,896g for 5 min and then
Ethanolic extract preparation: 1 kg of pulp was macerated with filtered. The amounts of phenolic and betalains compounds were
ethanol and water (1:1) during a total of 14 h. Three extractions were quantified by the Folin–Ciocalteau and Stintzing et al. (2005)
made until the pulp was light red. Extracts were combined and con- methods, respectively.
centrated in a Buchi RE120 evaporator at 45 °C until reaching the
same soluble contents of the pulp, obtaining 0.46 kg of extract. The 2.5.2. Surface betalains and surface phenolic compounds
extract was packed in polypropylene bags and frozen at 20 °C. For the determination of surface betalains and surface phenolic
compounds, 100 mg of microcapsules were treated with 10 and
2.3. Preparation of the microcapsules 1 ml of a mix of ethanol and methanol (1:1), respectively. These
dispersions were agitated in a Vortex at room temperature for
Encapsulation in both maltodextrin and inulin were prepared as 1 min and then filtered (0.45 lm Millipore filter). The amounts of
follows: cactus pear pulp (30 g) or ethanol extract (15 g) was phenolic and betalains compounds were quantified by the Folin–
mixed with maltodextrin (6–30%) or inulin (3–15%) with constant Ciocalteau (Bordeau & Scarpa, 2000) and Stintzing et al. (2005)
stirring. The maltodextrin was previously swollen in distilled methods, respectively. The surface bioactive compounds percent-
water for 12 h. In the case of inulin, it was heated at 60 °C prior age (SB) and bioactive compounds microencapsulated yield
to the addition of the pulp or extract. Each preparation was homog- (BMY) were calculated according to Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively
enised with an Ultraturrac IKA T50 homogenizer at 4000 rpm for
5 min. The resultant solutions were fed to a Buchi B-191 spray- surface bioactive compounds
SBð%Þ ¼ 100; ð1Þ
dryer (Switzerland). The spray-dryer was operated at inlet temper- theoretical total bioactive compounds
ature ranging from 140–160 ± 5 °C to 120–160 ± 5 °C for MD and I, BMYð%Þ ¼ 100 SBð%Þ: ð2Þ
respectively. The air flow, rate of feeding and atomization pressure
618 C. Saénz et al. / Food Chemistry 114 (2009) 616–622
Fig. 1. Chromatograms of cactus pear betalains determined by HPLC. Betanin (1), isobetanin (2) and indicaxanthin (3).
When MD was used, Desobry, Netto, and Labuza (1997) and Loksu- mucilage could aid the drying process, being enough at a lower
wan (2007) found b-carotene microencapsulation yields of 47% and encapsulating agent proportion.
62%, respectively, and Barbosa et al. (2005) reported a 54% bixin
microencapsulation yield. 3.3. Microcapsule powder obtained under optimal conditions
The phenolic compound encapsulation yield showed a greater
variation than the other bioactive compounds, with values ranging Table 2 shows the concentration values of bioactive compounds
from 23% to 81%. The response surface methodology was applied to of pulp and ethanol extract before and after encapsulation. The
optimise the encapsulation yields of betacyanin, indicaxanthin and recovery of betacyanins and indicaxanthins in the pulp with MD
polyphenols. The desirability function approach is a method that and I was 100%, showing that the drying temperature and the type
assigns a score (between 0 and 1) to a set of responses and chooses of encapsulating agent did not affect the recovery of the bioactive
factors that maximise that score (1 representing a completely compound. In the ethanol extract, the recoveries of betacyanins
desirable value, such as 100% encapsulation of each one of the bio- and indicaxanthins were lower in MD at 62% and 67%, respectively,
active components). Fig. 2A–D shows the graphs obtained with the and in I at 81% and 86%, respectively. The higher degradation in MD
response surface methodology for the CE–I, CE–MD, CP–I, CP–MD of bioactive compounds could be attributed at the high inlet air
designs, respectively. The temperature had no significant temperature (140 °C) used. As can be seen in Table 2, the microen-
(p > 0.05) effect on the betalains and polyphenols encapsulation capsulated pulp showed a higher recovery than the microencapsu-
yields, except in the case of the CP–MD system. The CP or CE/ lated ethanol extracts, suggesting that components of the pulp
encapsulating agent ratio was significant (p < 0.05) for polyphenols (mucilage and fiber) help the encapsulating process. In the pure
encapsulation yield in all the systems studied and betalains encap- b-carotene encapsulated with 25 DE maltodextrin, losses of 11%
sulation yield was only significant in the case of CP–MD. The opti- were obtained (Desobry et al., 1997). The recoveries of polyphenols
mal conditions were 140 °C and 3:1 ratio of core material to were over 100%, which could be a consequence of the hydrolysis of
coating material, when using MD encapsulating agent. It could be the cactus pear polyphenol conjugates during the preparation of
pointed out that the 1:1 and 5:1 MD systems have different water the samples or during the drying process (Turkmen, Sari, & Velio-
(40% and 64%, respectively) and solid contents (34.2% and 10.2%, glu, 2005). Table 3 shows the characterisation of pulp and etha-
respectively). The 3:1 MD system, corresponding to the optimal nolic extract of cactus pear microcapsules obtained under
condition, was similar to the 5:1 system in the water content but optimal conditions with MD and I.
with a 14.2% solid content, suggesting that the core/coating/water Fig. 3A–D presents scanning electron microscopic photographs
ratio may affect the encapsulation yields or that the interaction be- of microcapsules for the CP–MD, CP–I, CE–MD and CE–I designs,
tween the bioactive compounds and the coating material could be respectively. The morphology of microcapsules with both encapsu-
more important. The same behaviour was observed in the case of lating agents was irregularly spherical in shape with an extensively
inulin, where 120 °C and 3:1 ratio of core material to coating mate- dented surface. The formation of the dented surfaces of the spray-
rial for CP and 120 °C and 5:1 ratio of core material to coating dried particles was attributed to the shrinkage of the particles
material for CE, were the optimal conditions, showing that the CP during the drying process. Similar morphology was observed in
620 C. Saénz et al. / Food Chemistry 114 (2009) 616–622
Fig. 2. Graphs obtained by response surface methodology for the CE–I (A), CE–MD (B), CP–MD (C) and CP–I (D) designs, respectively.
Table 2 Table 3
Concentration values of bioactive compounds of cactus pear pulp and ethanolic Characterisation of pulp and ethanolic extract of cactus pear microcapsules obtained
extract before and after encapsulation. by optimal conditions with maltodextrin and inulin.
System Betacyanins Indicaxanthins Polyphenols CP–MD CP–I CE–MD CE–I
(mg BE/g (mg IE/g powder) (mg GAE/g
powder) powder) Moisture content (%) 2.21 ± 0.26 4.11 ± 0.12 2.39 ± 0.01 5.12 ± 0.12
CE–I Before spray-dryinga 0.62 0.29 2223 Abbreviations: CP, cactus pulp; CE, cactus ethanolic extract; BE, betanin equivalent;
After spray drying 0.50 ± 7 103 0.25 ± 5 103 2410 ± 10 IE, indicaxanthin equivalent; GAE, gallic acid equivalent; MD, maltodextrin; I,
Recovery 81 86 108 inulin.
Abbreviations: CP, cactus pulp; CE, cactus ethanolic extract; BE, betanin equivalent;
IE, indicaxanthin equivalent; GAE, gallic acid equivalent; MD, maltodextrin; I,
Calculated according to polyphenols pulp content.
60 °C. The degradation kinetics of betacyanins initially followed a
pseudo-first order behaviour, in microcapsules of CE with MD or
I, corresponding to superficial (SB) betacyanins degradation. The
microcapsules of other cactus pear cultivars (Opuntia lasiachanta) second slope represented a second pseudo-first order step with a
pigments with maltodextrin (10DE) (Díaz et al., 2006), of Amaran- slower rate than the first slope, corresponding to the internal beta-
thus (Cai & Corke, 2000) using maltodextrin of different dextrose cyanins degradation. Only one slope (pseudo-first order) was ob-
equivalents (10DE; 20–23DE and 28–31DE), and of b-carotene, served when CP was encapsulated with MD or I, suggesting that
using modified tapioca starch and maltodextrin (24DE) as encapsu- the degradation of superficial and internal betacyanins occurred
lating agents (Loksuwan, 2007). Nevertheless, smooth spheres at the same rate. As was mentioned above, mucilage could play a
have primarily been observed in microcapsules of black carrot pig- role in this behaviour.
ments (Daucuscarota L.) with maltodextrin (10DE and 20–23DE) Previous research has shown that the degradation of anthocya-
(Ersus & Yurdagel, 2007). nins encapsulated in MD of different DEs (Ersus & Yurdagel, 2007)
follows first order kinetics during the storage. Table 5 shows the
3.4. Storage stability evaluation pseudo-first order betacyanins degradation rate constant (kobs) ob-
tained from the slopes of the logarithmic plots of the percentage
The evolution of betacyanin, betaxanthin and polyphenol con- retention vs. time (days). The betacyanins degradation rate in CP
tents from CP–MD, CP–I, CE–MD and CE–I microcapsules obtained microcapsules occurred at the same rate (p > 0.05) in both encap-
with the optimal conditions and storage at 60 °C is shown in sulating agents, whereas in CE was significantly lower (p < 0.05)
Table 4. in I than in MD, showing better performance of inulin. Indicaxan-
Fig. 4 shows the natural log of the percentage retention vs. time thin in all systems studied showed a slow degradation during stor-
(days) for betacyanins in CP–MD, CP–I, CE–MD and CE–I curves at age at 60 °C and more stability than betacyanin. On the other hand,
C. Saénz et al. / Food Chemistry 114 (2009) 616–622 621
Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscopic photographs of microcapsules for the CP–MD (A), CP–I (B), CE–MD (C) and CE–I (D) designs, respectively.
Table 4
Evolution of betacyanin, indicaxanthin and polyphenol contents from CP–MD, CP–I, CE–MD and CE–I microcapsules obtained under optimal conditions and stored at 60 °C.
Table 5
Betacyanins degradation rate constant at 60 °C of CP–MD, CP–I, CE–MD and CE–I
microcapsules obtained under optimal conditions.
Fig. 4. Percentage retention vs. time (days) for betacyanins in CP–MD (s), CP–I (j), Values were obtained from plots of the slopes of ln (%retention) vs. time. Different
CE–MDsup (N), CE–MD (4), CE–Isup (), CE–I (}), at 60 °C. letters show significantly different between systems (p < 0.05).
622 C. Saénz et al. / Food Chemistry 114 (2009) 616–622
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