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Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences

Vol. 48 (04), April 2019, pp. 492-498

Nutritional assessment and bioactive potential of Sargassum polycystum

C. Agardh (Brown Seaweed)
B. Perumal1, R. Chitra1, A. Maruthupandian1*, & M. Viji2
Department of Botany, School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Periyar Palkalai Nagar, Salem, Tamil Nadu
Department of Botany, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
*[E-mail: [email protected]]

Received 09 November 2017; revised 08 May 2018

The phytochemical screening, nutritional composition and bioactive potential of Sargassum polycystum (Brown
Seaweed) were investigated. The bioactive compounds of Sargassum polycystum showed significant activity against four
human pathogens, namely, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The
biochemical composition of Sargassum polycystum exhibited high nutritional potential of protein (14.2%), carbohydrate
(25.0%), lipid (7.6%), fiber (21.3%), and ash (29.0%) than that in terrestrial plants and animal products. The Sargassum
polycystum could be providing more opportunities for discovering new drugs which may be used as a source of healthy food
for human regular diet.

[Keywords: Phytochemical; Nutrition; Antibacterial activity; Sargassum polyscystum; Brown seaweed]

Introduction is used in California and Maine in the US, British

Algae are relatively simple photosynthetic plants Columbia, Nova Scotia in Canada, and in the cuisines
with unicellular reproductive structure1. Much kind of of Brittany and Wales. Dulse is eaten in dried form as
ecosystem is functioning with primary productivity of snack and mixed in salads, bread dough and curds in
green plants. In the marine ecosystems, macro algae Iceland7-8.
or seaweed are potential primary producers of energy Seaweeds are rich sources of proteins, lipids,
rich compounds and form the basis of the food cycle polysaccharides, minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants,
of all phytoplankton as well as zooplanktons. Based phytonutrients and vitamins (A, E, C and Niacin)
on their pigmentation and chemical nature, these are essential for human nutrition that has been reported in
grouped as: Green algae (Chlorophyceae), brown various literatures. The nutrient composition of
algae (Phaeophyceae), and red algae (Rhodophyceae). seaweeds is varied based on their ecological and
Globally, 9200 species of seaweeds were reported, physiological conditions. Moreover, seaweed contains
along with red algae comprising 6000, brown algae many essential elements like potassium, magnesium,
2000 and green algae 1200 species2. In and around iron and zinc. The green and red algae predominantly
Asia coastal people, have utilized since pre historic contain vitamins of B12, B1, pantothenic acid, folic
times seaweed as a source of food, fodder, fertilizer, and colonic acids and are rich sources of protein and
fungicides, and herbicides3-4. In western countries, fiber9. Thus, seaweeds are not only significant in
seaweed polymers are used as a source of thickening nutrient potential, but also have pharmaceutical
and gelling agents in food and drug industries5-6. importance. Many studies revealed their different
Seaweed has been food for coastal people and a total photochemical profiles and several biological
of 145 species of red, brown and green seaweeds applications. Seaweeds phytochemical plays an
are used worldwide. In Japanese meals, more than important role in many microbial infections10-11.
20 species of seaweed are used, including Nori Seaweeds contain large number of unique
(Porphyra sp.), Kombu (Laminaria and Saccharina phytochemicals in the absence of terrestrial plants.
sp.) and Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida). The red The importance of seaweed products in pharmacology
seaweed Palmaria palmata, Porphyra and Chondrus is known, the development of antibacterial, antifungal
crispus are widely used in Ireland and Scotland. The and antiviral substances from seaweeds is still in the
Laverweed (Porphyra) with oats to make laver bread rapidly growing stage of research and development.

In modern times, seaweeds are broadly utilized

in manifold pharmaceutical applications, such as
antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal,
anti-allergic, anticoagulant, anticancer, antifouling,
and anti-oxidant. The functions of these secondary
metabolites are defense mechanism against
herbivores, fouling organisms and pathogens12.
Most of the secondary metabolites produced by
seaweeds have bacterial or the antimicrobial
compounds, viz., phenols, oxygen heterocyclic,
terphenols, sterols, polysaccharides, dibutenolides
peptides and proteins12.
The antimicrobial activity was regarded as an
indicator to detect the potent pharmaceutical capacity
of macro algae for its use in synthesis of bioactive
secondary metabolites13-14. Seaweeds contain several
bioactive compounds like antiviral, antibacterial,
antifungal, antioxidant and hypertensive properties in
marine macro algae from different parts of the Fig. 1 — Sargassum polycystum C. Agradh
world15,16. Several studies have been carried out on
the extracts from seaweeds and their extracts were Preparation of seaweed extracts
reported to exhibit antibacterial activity17. Among the Seaweed powder (15 g) were soaked in 150 ml of
macro algae, Phaeophyceae members form an acetone, ethanol and water kept in a shaking incubator
important group of seaweeds having rich source of at 25 ºC for three days and the suspension was filtered
potential new drugs. Only very few studies are through whatman No.1 filter paper. The re-extraction
available on nutritional composition and bioactive process was repeated three times. The solvents,
potential of Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh. Hence, acetone, ethanol and water extracts of seaweed were
the present study focused on nutritional composition, used for phytochemical screening and antibacterial
phytochemical screening and antibacterial potential of studies.
Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh. Nutritional composition of seaweed
The total protein was estimated by using Lowery
Materials and Methods
Collection of seaweed The total carbohydrate was estimated by using
The brown seaweed Sargassum polycystum C. Dubois method19.
Agardh was collected from Harbor beach, Tuticorin, The total lipid was estimated by using Folch
Tamil Nadu, India (Fig. 1). The collections were method20.
made during the low tidal and sub-tidal regions The crude fiber was determined by using AOAC
(up to 1 m depth) by hand picking of seaweed. method21.
The collected materials were washed with marine The total ash content of seaweed was determined
water thoroughly in the field to remove the by using AOAC method21.
adhered epiphytes and sediment particles. The cleaned Phytochemical screening
samples were packed separately in polythene bags in Chemical tests were performed for the acetone,
wet conditions and brought to the laboratory. ethanol and water extracts of seaweed using standard
The seaweed samples were further washed in tap procedures to identify the presence of various
water to remove salt particles followed by distilled phytochemicals22,23.
water. The samples were dried (shade) for 15 days
at room temperature. The dried samples were Antibacterial activity
chopped into fine fragments with the help of a mixer. Collection of pathogens (Bacteria): The bacterial
The powder samples were stored in refrigerator for species viz., Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus,
further use. Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae were
494 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 48, NO. 04, APRIL 2019

obtained from Department of Microbiology, Periyar collected from Mandapam coast, the maximum level
University, Salem, Tamil Nadu. of carbohydrate content was recorded in Turbinaria
conoides (23.9%), Sargassum tenerimum (23.55%),
Antibacterial assay and Sargassum wightii (23.50%)31. The seaweed
Preparation of media: The growth media employed maximum lipid content was found in Sargassum
in the present study included nutrient agar and nutrient polycystum ( 7.6%). In our present study also similar
broth. The medium was adjusted to pH 7.4 and lipid contents of Codium sp., H. floresia, and
sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121 °C) S. polyschides were found as 7.1%, 12.3% and 8.2%,
for 15 min. Antibacterial activity was demonstrated respectively34. Previous studies reported higher and
by disc diffusion method24. lower values of lipid content35,36,26. In contrast, the
Results and Discussion lipid content maximum of Hawaiian seaweeds was
Dictyota dichotoma (16.1%) and D. sandvicenis
Nutritional composition of Sargassum polycystum (20.2%)37 . The fiber content value of Sargassum
The results of nutritional composition of Sargassum polycystum exhibited maximum of 21.3%. Earlier
polycystum C. Agardh are presented in Table 1. The reports found fiber to be the most abundant
protein, carbohydrate, lipid, fiber and ash content component of seaweeds38,26,39,35. One of the major
were exhibit in percentage of dry weight basis uses of the seaweeds is as dietary fiber, because of
(% of DW). The protein content of 14.8% in their high amount of polysaccharides. Dietary fiber
Sargassum polycystum. The results were similar to is complex substance consisting of plant cell
the protein content (ranged from 4.6% - 18.3%) in walls, structurally complex and chemically diverse
Gracillaria domingensis, G. birdiae, L. filiformis and polysaccharides and other associated substances. The
L. intricata25. The previous report also similar to the present study exhibits higher fiber content than that
protein content ranged from 10.9–25.7% in brown reported in other studies like Hypnea pannosa (8.5%)
seaweed and 15.5–21.3% in red seaweed26. The and Dictyota dichotoma (2.5%)40. The present results
protein range of red and green seaweeds is 10–47% showed higher contents than those in terrestrial plants,
reported by earlier studies3. The protein content such as raw broccoli (2.6%), raw carrot (2.4%) and
in three Caulerpa species (C. veravelensis, oranges (1.7%)33.
C. scalpelliformis and C. racemosa) varied and The ash content of Sargassum polycystum showed
ranged between 7 and 13% DW, but was comparable maximum of 29.0%. The amount of ash contents
with that of protein-rich foods from terrestrial reported in the present study was similar to that
plants27. The protein content of Caulerpa species reported in the previous reports, between 8 and 40%32.
ranged from 5.08 to 10.41%28,29,30 and Padina Most seaweeds have greater ash content than
gymnospora (17.1 %) 31. In the present study, the terrestrial plants and animal products41. Furthermore,
protein content of Sargassum polycystum is similar to the ash contents of Sargassum polycystum was higher
the previous results. In general, green and red than terrestrial plants, with an average value of 5-10%
seaweeds contain high amount of protein when DW (USDA33). The variation in ash contents was also
compared to brown seaweeds32. However, most based on the seaweed species, geographical origin,
marine macroalgae have large amount of protein than their method of extraction as well as effect of food
land plants and animal products according to USDA33. processing by drying and canning methods4,42.
In the present study, the carbohydrate content of Preliminary phytochemical screening of Sargassum
Sargassum polycystum was 25.0%. In the seaweeds polycystum
Table 1 — Comparison of nutritional composition Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh and other brown seaweeds (from previous literature)

Sargassum Other brown seaweeds from previous literature43, 44,45, 46

Parameter polycystum C. Padinagymnospora Sargassum ilicifolium Sargassum vulgare C. Sargassum hystrix. Var
Agardh. (Kutzing) (Turner). C. Agarth. Agardh. (Borgesen 1914)
Protein (%) 14.8 14.14 15.42 15.76 6.55
Carbohydrate (%) 25.0 21.40 27.33 67.80 58.72
Lipid (%) 7.6 1.89 1.43 0.45 1.90
Fiber (%) 21.3 9.1 7.2 7.73 17.00
Ash content (%) 29.0 27.4 22.32 14.20 18.5

The results of preliminary phytochemical screening recently because of their potential beneficial effects
of acetone, ethanol and water extracts of Sargassum on human health in fighting diseases53.
polycystum are presented in Table 2. The acetone Seaweed extracts are a source of variety of
extract of Sargassum polycystum contains tannins, phenolic compounds54,55. The present study revealed
flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, phlobatannins, and the present of phenol content in Sargassum
steroids. The ethanol extract contained flavonoids, polycystum. Phenolic compounds are one of the most
cardiac glycosides and steroids, while water extract effective anti-oxidant agents in brown algae17. The
showed phenol, amino acids and protein. Various tests previous report of quantitative analysis of Padina
were conducted qualitatively to find out the presence gymnospora revealed the presence of higher amount
or absence of bioactive compounds. The chemical of phenol38,56. Phlobatannins purified from several
compounds found in Sargassum polycystum included brown algae have been reported to possess strong
tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, cardiacglycosides, anti-oxidant activity which may be associated with
phlobatannins, steroids, phenol, amino acids and their unique molecular skeleton57. Marine algae are a
proteins, which could make the seaweeds useful for rich source of structurally novel and biologically
treating different ailments as having a potential of active metabolites. Secondary metabolites produced
providing useful drugs for human use. by these algae may be potential bioactive compounds
Tannins are naturally occurring plant polyphenolic of interest to the pharmaceutical industry. It has been
compounds and are widespread among terrestrial and reported that the presence of phytoconstituents such
marine plants47,48. Tannins are known to possess as flavonoids, tannins and phenols help in preventing
general antimicrobial and antioxidant activities49. a number of diseases through free radical scavenging
Tannins contain drugs that are used in medicine activity59. Preliminary phytochemical screening of
as astringent, healing agent of inflammation, various organic extracts revealed the presence of
leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, burns, piles and as antidote50. phytoconstituents, including alkaloids, anthraquinones,
Steroids may provide an intermediate for biosynthesis cardiac glycosides,flavonoids, reducing sugars, saponins
of downstream secondary natural products and and terpenoids60.
it is believed to be a biosynthetic precursor for The preliminary phytochemical constituents were
carotenoides in plants 4. Steroids have been reported studied from ethanolic (70%) extract of three marine
to have antibacterial potential51 and are known for algae, viz., Chaetomorpha antennina, Gracilaria
their relationship with sex hormones52. Saponins are corticata and Ulva fasciata collected from
considered a key ingredient in traditional Chinese Visakapatnam coast. The phytoconstituents such as
medicine and are responsible for most of the observed steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, glycoside, amino acids,
biological effects. Saponins are known to produce carbohydrate, saponins and oils were reported from
inhibitory effect on inflammation. Saponins possess above seaweeds60. A similar result was found in
numerous biological properties which include anti- Gelidiella acerosa which contained large amount of
microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-feedent and valuable phytochemicals like saponins, flavonoids
hemolytic effects. Flavonoids are used as, potent and alkaloids, which are known for medicinal uses.
antioxidants and have aroused considerable interest The preparations of the seaweeds are also useful for

Table 2 — Phytochemical screening of Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh.

S.No. Phytochemical test Acetone Ethanol Water
1. Tannins + - -
2. Saponnins - - -
3. Flavonoids + + -
4. Terpenoids + + -
5. Cardiac glycosides + + -
6. Phlobatannins + - -
7. Steroids + + -
8. Phenols - - +
9. Amino acids - - +
10. Proteins - - +
Present (+); Absent (-)
496 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 48, NO. 04, APRIL 2019

the common ailments, including dysentery, could contribute to different biological activities66. In
hypertension, urinary tract infection, and some other the present study, seaweeds were found to exhibit
microbial infections among people61. The amount of chemical compounds, such as tannins, terpenoid,
total phenol and flavanoid was higher in brown cardioglycosides, phlobatannins, steroids, saponnin,
seaweeds, Padina boergesenii and Codium indica62. phenol, amino acids, and proteins. The presence of
secondary metabolites in corroboration with earlier
Antibacterial activity of Sargassum polycystum reports, it was included that for the brown seaweed,
The antibacterial activities of acetone, ethanol and Sargassum polycystum has antibacterial potential.
water extracts of Sargassum polycystum were Thus, the marine algae are among the richest source
represented in (Fig. 2). Among three extracts, the of known novel bioactive compounds67,68.
acetone extracts of Sargassum polycystum showed
maximum activity in Staphylococcus aureus (Fig. 1) Conclusion
and minimum inhibitory activity showed against The seaweed was found to have high nutritional
Escherichia coli. The antibacterial activities of the potential which could be used as a source of healthy
seaweeds have been reported in the literature food for human regular diet. Three solvent extracts
attributing them to the presence of bioactive contained active secondary metabolites like tannins,
principles, such as tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, cardioglycosides,
cardioglycosides, phlobatannins, steroids, saponins phlobatannins, steroids, phenols, amino acids, and
and phenols. The maximum antibacterial activity was proteins. The Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh showed
reported in the class Rhodophyceae (80%) followed significant activity against four different bacterial
by the Chlorophyceae (62.5%) and the Phaeophyceae pathogens, like Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
(61.9%)63. The antibacterial activities of four vital Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
marine algae, viz., Ulva lactuca, Sargassum wightii, The present study revealed that selected seaweed
Padina gymnospora and Gracilaria edulis were Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh has high nutritional
examined for the human bacterial pathogens, namely, value than terrestrial plants and animal products.
Vibrio cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella They have potential secondary metabolites and
paratyphii, Shigella dysentriae, Pseudomonas exhibit maximum activity against bacterial pathogens.
aeruginosa, Shigella boydii and Klebsiella Therefore, the present investigation concluded that
pneumoniae. Methanol extracts of seaweeds exhibited Sargassum polycystum can be used as a source to
broad spectrum of antibacterial activity64. An earlier discover new drugs for various human ailments in
study reported that the antibacterial activity of future and they could be recommended as a good
methanol extract of seaweeds inhibited the growth of source of food for human consumption.
S. aureus and B. subtilis (gram positive bacterium)65.
The presence of different bioactive constituents in Acknowledgement
the methanolic extract of Champia parvula The authors are thankful to Department of Botany,
Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, for providing
the facilities for this research work.

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