Characterization of Red Raspberry (Rubus Idaeus L.) Genotypes For Their Physicochemical Properties

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JFS C: Food Chemistry

Characterization of Red Raspberry

(Rubus idaeus L.) Genotypes for Their

C: Food Chemistry
Physicochemical Properties

ABSTRACT: The worldwide tendency for growing more small fruits, including raspberries, shows permanent in-
crease because this group of fruits has a relatively higher content of bioactive nutrients. To study the health benefits
of red raspberry fruits, 11 preselected wild-grown and 1 well-known cultivar, Heritage, were evaluated for some of
their physicochemical properties such as fruit weight, total antioxidant capacity (measured by -carotene bleach-
ing and FRAP assays), total phenolics, ascorbic acid, soluble solid content (SSC), and acidity. Fruit weight, SSC, and
ascorbic acid contents were between 1.47 and 2.32 g, 10.87% and 13.60%, and 21 and 36 mg/100 g, respectively.
Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content varied among genotypes and the ERZ5 genotype had the highest an-
tioxidant capacity as ascertained by both methods. This genotype also had the highest total phenolic (2031 g GAE/g
FW) content. There are linear relationships between antioxidant capacities and total phenols. The present study
demonstrates the potential of certain wild genotypes, notably ERZ5, for improving the nutritional value through
germplasm enhancement programs.
Keywords: antioxidant capacity, red raspberry, total anthocyanin, total phenolics

Introduction Casals and others 2006), sea buckthorns (Ercisli and others 2007),

T here is an abundance of evidence that regular consumption of

fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced risks of chronic
diseases, such as cancers and cardiovascular disease (Dragsted and
mulberries (Ercisli and Orhan 2007), and strawberries and apples
(Scalzo and others 2005). All these selection programs aim to set
the baseline for establishing breeding efforts, with the intention
others 1993). Fruits and vegetables are primary food sources pro- of adding value to fruits with respect to the level and diversity of
viding essential nutrients for sustaining life; they also contain a va- health benefit properties that crops could impart.
riety of phytochemicals such as phenolics and flavonoids, which In this regard, it is important to characterize different types of
provide important health benefits (Wang and others 1996). Free fruit for the content of single specific antioxidant compounds. But,
radical-induced oxidative stress has been associated with several because of the difficulty associated with the measurement of in-
toxic cellular processes including oxidation damage to protein and dividual antioxidant components in such complex mixtures, vari-
DNA, membrane lipid oxidation, enzyme inactivation, and gene ous methodologies have been developed for obtaining quantitative
mutation that may lead to carcinogenesis (Poulsen and others data from whole samples. The 2 quantitative methods used in the
1998). Intake of sufficient amounts of antioxidants is necessary to present study, FRAP and -carotene bleaching, are just two of many
prevent free radical-induced oxidative stress. It has been reported such assays. These and other assays have been increasingly used
that most of the antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables may to investigate fruits and vegetables to obtain their antioxidant ca-
come from total phenolics, anthocyanins, and flavonoids (Eber- pacities, and red fruits appear to be particularly rich in antioxidant
hardt and others 2000). compounds (Wang and others 1996; Prior and others 1998).
On the other hand, the bioactive content of fruits varies from Rubus is one of the most diverse genera in the plant kingdom,
genotype to genotype (Ercisli and Orhan 2007). Therefore, attention comprising over 400 species subdivided into 12 subgenera. The do-
has more recently been focused on assessing the distribution on bi- mesticated subgenera contain the raspberries, blackberries, arctic
ologically active compounds among different cultivars/genotypes fruits, and flowering raspberries, all of which have been utilized
(Pantelidis and others 2007). in breeding programs. The most important raspberries are the Eu-
In addition, increasing recent interest in nutraceuticals and ropean red, R. idaeus L. subsp. idaeus, and the place of origin of
functional foods has led plant breeders to initiate selection of crops raspberry has been postulated to be the Ida Mountains of Turkey
with higher-than-normal phenolic antioxidant contents, including (Jennings 1988).
blueberries (Prior and others 1998), plums and peaches (Cavallos- Raspberries are very rich sources of bioactive compounds such
as phenolics, anthocyanins, organic acids, minerals, and more. The
genus has also very high amounts of antioxidant compounds. It
MS 20090370 Submitted 4/26/2009, Accepted 6/1/2009. Author Tosun is with
Dept. of Food Science, Oltu Vocational School, Ataturk Univ., 25800 Oltu- has been confirmed that the antioxidant ability of raspberry fruit
Erzurum, Turkey. Author Ercisli is with Dept. of Horticulture, Faculty of is derived from the contribution of phenolic compounds in rasp-
Agriculture, Ataturk Univ., 25240 Erzurum, Turkey. Author Karlidag is with
Dept. of Horticulture, Hamza Polat Vocational School, Ataturk Univ., 25900 berries (Liu and others 2002). Bioactive compounds of raspberry
Ispir-Erzurum, Turkey. Author Sengul is with Dept. of Food Engineering, fruits, their characterization and utilization in functional foods,
Faculty of Agriculture, Ataturk Univ., 25240 Erzurum, Turkey. Direct in- and clinical assessment of antimicrobial properties for human
quiries to author Ercisli (E-mail: [email protected]).
health are among the major targets of contemporary research. The

C 2009 Institute of Food Technologists
Vol. 74, Nr. 7, 2009JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C575
doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01297.x
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Characterization of red raspberry genotypes . . .

evaluation of raspberry fruit genetic resources for the presence of Determination of total phenolics and
bioactive compounds and their properties as natural agents is of antioxidant activity in raspberry fruits
doubtless significance and promises to have great benefit for breed- For extraction, fruit homogenates obtained with a blender were
ers, and the food and pharmaceutical industries (Badjakov and oth- extracted with a buffer containing acetone, water, and acetic
ers 2008). In addition, it is important to be able to identify the acid (70 : 29.5 : 0.5, v/v/v) for 1 h in darkness (Singleton and
metabolic differences between cultivated and wild forms to assess Rossi 1965). This extract was filtered and used for phytochemical
their quality and to monitor it during the domestication process analysis.
C: Food Chemistry

(Spina and others 2008). Total phenolics in the methanol extracts were determined colori-
Previously, health-promoting components of mainly cultivated metrically using FolinCiocalteu reagent as described by Slinkard
raspberries have been reported (Wang and Lin 2000; Liu and others and Singleton (1977). Gallic acid was used as the standard and re-
2002; Kafkas and others 2008). However, there were a few reports sults were expressed as microgram gallic acid equivalents per gram
that dealt with bioactive compounds of wild raspberries, and de- fresh weight basis.
tailed information about the health-promoting components of wild Total antioxidant capacity of samples was determined by hy-
raspberry genotypes is needed to better understand their use as drogen atom transfer reactions (-carotene bleaching assay) and
functional foods and as ingredients in pharmaceuticals, nutraceu- an assay based on electron transfer (ferric reducing antioxidant
ticals, and in medicine. power, FRAP assay). In the -carotene bleaching assay, antioxi-
Therefore, we propose in this study that wild raspberry selec- dant capacity is determined by measuring the inhibition of the
tions, rich in antioxidants and phenolics may yield fruits with en- volatile organic compounds and the conjugated diene hydroperox-
hanced functional properties such as antioxidant, colorant, and ides arising from linoleic acid oxidation (Kaur and Kapoor 2002).
antimicrobial properties. Antioxidant capacities of the samples were compared with those of
the synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and the
Materials and Methods blank.
In the FRAP assay, the method of Benzie and Strain (1996)
Collection and preparation of raspberry fruit samples was used. The assay was conducted using 3 aqueous stock so-
Eleven promising red raspberry genotypes, previously selected lutions containing 0.1 mol/L acetate buffer (pH 3.6), 10 mmol/L
from the Erzurum region in Turkey according to high yield and free TPTZ [2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine] acidified with concen-
of pest and disease characteristics, were used. The well-known cul- trated HCL, and 20 mmol/L ferric chloride. These solutions were
tivar Heritage was also used in this study to compare it with wild prepared and stored in the dark under refrigeration. Stock solutions
types. were combined (10 : 1 : 1, v/v/v) to form the FRAP reagent just prior
Approximately 1/2 kg raspberry fruits per genotype were har- to analysis. For each assay, laboratory duplicates from each repli-
vested from shrubs at the ripe stage in the autumns of 2007 and cate plus 2.97 mL of FRAP reagent and 0.03 mL of sample extract
2008. There were no statistically significant differences in the pro- were mixed. After 30 min, the absorbance of the reaction mixture
files and yields of the different phytochemicals being analyzed be- at 593 nm was determined on a spectrophotometer (Model Nico-
tween the 2 y, therefore the data of the different years were pooled let 100, Thermo Scientific, London, U.K.). Results are expressed as
(this could be a consequence of similar growing and climatic con- microgram Trolox equivalent (TE)/g fw.
ditions in both years in the area where the plants grow). The fully
mature uniform fruits were harvested by hand and transferred to Statistical analysis
the laboratory for physical and phytochemical analysis. They were The experiment was a completely randomized design with 5
frozen in plastic bags until used. replications. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and means were separated by Duncans multiple range test at
Reagents P < 0.05 significant level. The regression analysis (Pearsons index)
FolinCiocalteau reagent was purchased from Merck (Darm- was used to correlate antioxidant activity determination methods
stadt, Germany). Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane- and total phenolic content results.
2-carboxylic acid), TPTZ (2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine), FeCl3 6H2 O,
and gallic acid were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co. (St. Results and Discussion
Louis, Mo., U.S.A.).
Fruit weight, soluble solids contents,
Determination of fruit weight, SSC, vitamin C, and acidity of raspberry fruits
and acidity in raspberry fruits Fruit weight, SSC (soluble solids content), and acidity (%) of
Twenty fruits from each cultivar/genotype were used for fruit raspberry genotypes are shown in Table 1. Great variability existed
weight determination. Fruit weight was measured by using a dig- among the examined raspberry fruit samples, regarding their fruit
ital balance with a sensitivity of 0.001 g (Scaltec SPB31). For each weight, SSC, and acidity (P < 0.05, Table 1).
genotype, 50 fruits were thawed at room temperature and homog- Average fruit weight values of raspberry genotypes ranged be-
enized in a standard food blender. Homogenates were assayed for tween 1.47 (ERZ 6) and 2.32 g (Heritage) (Table 1). The highest SSC
titratable acidity, soluble solids content (SSC), and vitamin C. Sol- content was observed in ERZ 7 genotype (13.60%), followed by ERZ
uble solid content (SSC) were determined by a digital refractome- 10 genotype (13.25%) and ERZ 9 genotype (13.10%). The lowest SSC
ter (Model RA-250HE; Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co. Ltd., was recorded in the ERZ 3 genotype (10.87%). Acidity of red rasp-
Japan) at 22 C. Titratable acidity (TAc) was measured by the titri- berry genotypes was from 1.26% (ERZ 11) to 1.82% (ERZ 9 geno-
metric method (AOAC 1984). Titratable acidity was expressed as type) (Table 1).
percent citric acid. Ascorbic acid of samples was quantified with the Previously, fruit weights of raspberry genotypes grown in differ-
reflectometer set of Merck Co. (Merck RQflex), according to their ent agro-climatic regions of Turkey were reported to be between
protocol for the juice of red fruit, and expressed as milligram ascor- 0.50 and 4.17 g (Gercekcioglu and others 2003; Kaplan and oth-
bic acid/100 g fresh sample. ers 2003; Turemis and others 2006). The SSC and acidity contents

C576 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 74, Nr. 7, 2009

Characterization of red raspberry genotypes . . .

of raspberry genotypes had been reported to be between 8.40% dependent phenolic contents had been determined in raspberries,
and 14.70% and 1.27% and 2.78%, respectively (Agaoglu and others strawberries, and blueberries (Kalt and others 1999). It was reported
2003; Turemis and others 2006; Orhan and others 2006). Our fruit that wild strawberry and blackberry germplasm was responsible
weight, SSC, and acidity results are comparable with the data from for a higher total phenolic content than that of cultivated plants
these studies. Many factors are known to affect the fruit weight, (Reyes-Carmona and others 2005; Scalzo and others 2005). Spina
SSC, and acidity in fruit species, including cultivar/genotype, alti- and others (2008) showed that wild plants had higher total phe-
tude, environmental conditions, and more (Hardisson and others nolic contents than cultivated ones. In fact, phenolics may play

C: Food Chemistry
2001; Ercisli and others 2007). an important role in an effective defense mechanism that renders
plants resistant to numerous potential pathogens. Moreover, there
Total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, is a complex set of interaction between wild plant growth and abi-
and ascorbic acid in raspberry fruits otic environmental factors: nutrient stress, irrigation or lack of wa-
The differences in total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, ter, as well as other conditions, which may enhance the production
and ascorbic acid among raspberry genotypes were statistically sig- of phenolic (Vaya and others 1997).
nificant (P < 0.05, Table 2). The antioxidant activity results using -carotene bleaching and
The total phenolic content of raspberry genotypes was in the ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in raspberry genotypes
range of 1145 to 2031 g GAE/g fresh weight basis. The wild geno- are shown in Table 2.
types, in general, had higher total phenolic contents than the culti- Statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) was found among
vated one (Table 2). Modern consumers are increasingly interested the samples and BHA in the -carotene bleaching assay. All rasp-
in their personal health and expect the foods they purchase to be berry genotypes, except ERZ 10 and ERZ 11, showed higher antiox-
tasty, attractive, and also safe and health promoting. Phenolic com- idant activity than the cultivated one, even sometimes higher than
pounds are one of the most diverse groups of secondary metabo- the reference antioxidant, BHA (88.10%). The highest antioxidant
lites in raspberries (Badjakov and others 2008). Previously, a wide activity was observed in the ERZ 5 genotype as 89.60%, followed by
variation was observed on total phenolic contents in fruits of rasp- ERZ 1 (89.35%) and ERZ 6 genotypes (88.70%) (Table 2).
berries, namely, 1442 to 2146 g gallic acid equivalents per gram Data obtained using the FRAP assay confirmed the patterns
fresh weight basis (Khanizadeh and others 2009). Our total pheno- obtained using the -carotene bleaching assay (Table 2). The
lic results were comparable with those in the literature. Genotype- highest antioxidant capacity, as assessed by both methods, was
that from the ERZ 5 genotype (FRAP: 31.1 mol TE/g fw and
-carotene: 89.60%). Heritage, a domesticated red raspberry cul-
Table 1 --- Fruit weight, soluble solid content, and acidity tivar studied as a comparison, had FRAP = 20.9 mol TE/g fw
of raspberry fruits. and -carotene = 83%. The average FRAP value of 11 wild grown
Fruit weight SSC Acidity genotypes was 24.1 mol TE/g fw. Previously, FRAP values of rasp-
Genotype (g) (%) (%) berry cultivars were found to be 19.4 to 22.2 mol TE/g fw (Ozgen
ERZ 1 1.64bc 12.24ab 1.50ab and others 2006) which supports our findings. The antioxidant ac-
ERZ 2 1.57bc 11.60b 1.45ab tivity may be explained by looking at the combination of different
ERZ 3 2.08ab 10.87c 1.37ab phytochemicals functioning additively or synergistically account-
ERZ 4 1.94ab 12.07ab 1.29b ing for the total antioxidant activity of raspberries. Previously, total
ERZ 5 1.51bc 12.35ab 1.45ab
ERZ 6 1.47c 11.10bc 1.60ab phenolic and flavonoid contents have been reported to contribute
ERZ 7 1.70bc 13.60a 1.64ab significantly to the antioxidant activity of raspberries (Liu and oth-
ERZ 8 1.97ab 11.80ab 1.35ab ers 2002). The cancer-protective ability of colorful fruits, including
ERZ 9 1.54bc 13.10ab 1.82a raspberries, is attributed to the ability of the antioxidants in them
ERZ 10 1.67bc 13.25ab 1.64ab
to scavenge free radicals, thus preventing DNA damage and subse-
ERZ 11 1.92b 11.85ab 1.26ab
Heritage 2.32a 11.40bc 1.55ab quent mutation.
A wide variation was found among raspberry genotypes in terms
Values in the same column with different lowercase letters are significantly differ-
ent at P < 0.05. n = 5. of ascorbic acid content, ranging from 21 to 36 mg/100 g. The

Table 2 --- Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and ascorbic acid content of raspberry fruits.
Total phenolics -Carotene-bleaching FRAP (mol Trolox Ascorbic acid
Genotypes (g GAE/g FW) assay (%) equivalent/g FW) (mg/100 g)
ERZ1 2014a 89.3ab 117.7ab 36a
ERZ2 1516d 84.6def 88.0de 27bc
ERZ3 1741bc 87.7abcd 97.7cd 30b
ERZ4 1617cd 86.1cde 90.0de 26bc
ERZ5 2031a 89.6a 124.3a 34a
ERZ6 1926a 88.7abc 107.0bc 31ab
ERZ7 1877ab 87.2abcd 105.0c 29bc
ERZ8 1538d 85.8cde 86.7e 21d
ERZ9 1644cd 86.4bcde 90.7de 25cd
ERZ10 1181e 82.3f 81.3e 22cd
ERZ11 1145e 81.0f 83.0e 26bc
Heritage 1214e 83.0ef 83.7e 24c
BHA 88.1b
Mean 1620 86.0 96.3 28
LSD0.05 168 2.8 10.9 5.9
Values in the same column with different lowercase letters are significantly different at P < 0.05. n = 5.

Vol. 74, Nr. 7, 2009JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C577

Characterization of red raspberry genotypes . . .

in fruits and varied greatly among the genotypes. It is clear that

raspberries higher in phenolics have higher antioxidant activity.
Therefore raspberries must be considered a good source of natural
antioxidants. In addition, a wide range of agronomic characteris-
tics, such as higher fruit weight and pest and disease resistance, of
selected genotypes could be incorporated into superior raspberry
C: Food Chemistry

This study was supported by The Scientific and Technological Re-
search Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (project nr TOVAG-105O354);
we greatly acknowledge the financial support.

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