01ce0302 Database Management System 1

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for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

Subject Code: 01CE0302

Subject Name: Database Management System

B.Tech. Year - II


A major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of the
data. The lowest level of abstraction, the physical level, describes how the data are
actually stored. The next-higher level of abstraction, the logical level, describes what
data are stored, and what relationships exist among those data. The highest level of
abstraction, the view level, describes parts of the database that are relevant to each
user; application programs used to access a database form part of the view level. The
SQL will help the user to retrieve the data from the database as per the requirement.

Credits Earned: 5 Credits

Course Outcomes: After learning the course, the students should be able:
• Use Relational Database and different models of Database. (Apply)
• Design ER Model for an Application. (Create)
• Apply Concepts of normalization with functional dependency to construct Data
dictionary. (Apply)
• Implement Structured Query Language (SQL) and evaluate query expression.
• Differentiate and Execute transactional Concepts and locking mechanism
• Use concepts of Database Security on Database. (Apply)

Pre-requisite of course: NA.

Teaching and Examination Scheme

Tutorial/ Practical
Teaching Scheme (Hours) Theory Marks
Credits Mid Term
ESE Internal Marks
Theory Tutorial Practical Sem Viva (V) work
(E) (I)
(M) (TW)

4 0 2 5 50 30 20 25 25 150

Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

Unit Topics Contact

1 Introductory concepts of DBMS : 3
• Introduction and applications of DBMS
• Purpose of data base
• Data Independence
• Database System architecture- levels Mappings
• Database, users and DBA
2 Relational Model : 4
• Structure of relational databases
• Domains
• Relations
• Relational algebra – fundamental operators and syntax,
relational algebra queries, tuple relational calculus
3 Entity-Relationship model : 5
• Basic concepts
• Design process
• Constraints, Keys, Design issues
• E-R diagrams - weak entity sets, extended E-R features –
generalization, specialization, aggregation, reduction to E-R
database schema
4 Relational Database design : 5
• Functional Dependency – definition, trivial and non-trivial FD
• Closure of FD set
• Closure of attributes
• Irreducible set of FD
• Normalization – 1Nf, 2NF, 3NF, Decomposition using FD-
dependency preservation, BCNF, 4NF
• Multi- valued dependency
• Join dependency and 5NF
5 Query Processing & Query Optimization : 5
• Introduction
• Measures of query cost
• Selection operation
• Sorting and Join
• Evaluation of expressions, transformation of relational
expressions, estimating statistics of expression results,
• Evaluation plans and materialized views
6 Transaction Management : 10
• Transaction concepts
• Properties of transactions
• Serializability of transaction and testing for serializability,
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

• System recovery - Two- Phase Commit protocol
• Recovery and Atomicity - Log-based recovery
• Concurrent executions of transactions
• Concepts of dead lock using locking mechanism
• Locking mechanism - two-phase locking protocol,
• Isolation and Intent locking
7 Security: 2
• Overview
• Discretionary access control
• Mandatory Access Control
• Data Encryption
8 SQL Concepts 13
• Working with DDL, Creating and Managing Constraints ---
and CHECK constraints, Managing constraints,
• Constructing DML Statements, SELECT Statements and
Relational Database Technology, Using the WHERE Clause,
Restricting Rows --- Logical comparisons and precedence rules,
Sorting rows ,Introduction to functions – single row functions,
• Using Character, Number, and Date Functions, Conversion
functions, NULL functions, Conditional expressions,
Executing Database Joins--- Cross joins and natural joins, Join
clauses, Inner versus outer joins, Self joins and hierarchical
• Working with Group Functions, Using Complex SQL with
Aggregated Data, Creating Subqueries, Creating and
Managing Views-- Creating views, DML operations and views,
Managing views,
• Working with Sequences---Working with sequences, Indexes
and synonyms,
• Fundamentals of Database Security--- Controlling user access,
Creating and revoking object privileges, Regular expressions,
• Oracle Proprietary Join Syntax--Cartesian product and the
JOIN operations, NONEQUIJOINS, OUTER joins
9 PL/SQL Concepts : 3
• Cursors
• Stored Procedures and Stored Function,
• Database Triggers
Total Hours 50

Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

1. An introduction to Database Systems, C J Date, Addition-Wesley.
2. Database System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth & S. Sudarshan, McGraw
3. Understanding SQL by Martin Gruber, BPB
4. SQL- PL/SQL by Ivan bayross
5. Oracle – The complete reference – TMH /oracle press

Suggested Theory distribution:

The suggested theory distribution as per Bloom’s taxonomy is as per follows. This
distribution serves as guidelines for teachers and students to achieve effective teaching-
learning process

Distribution of Theory for course delivery and evaluation

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

10% 30% 40% 10% 5% 5%

Suggested List of Experiments:

Practical -1
Create a table ACCOUNT
Column name Data Type Size

acc_no varchar2 5
Name varchar2 30
City varchar2 20
Balance Number 10,2
loan_taken varchar2 5
Insert the following records.
acc_no Name City Balance loan_taken
A001 Patel Jigar Mehsana 50000 YES
A002 Patel Ramesh Mehsana 50000 YES
A003 Dave Hardik Ahmedabad 75000 NO
A004 Soni Hetal Ahmedabad 100000 NO
A005 Sony Atul Vadodara 100000 YES

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Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

Create a Table LOAN
Column Name Data Type Size
loan_no varchar2 5
acc_no varchar2 5
loan_amt number 10,2
interest_rate number 5,2
loan_date date
remaining_loan number 10,2
Insert the following Records.
Loan_no Acc_no Loan_amt Interest_rate Loan_date Remaining_loan
L001 A001 100000 7 1-jan-04 75000
L002 A002 300000 9 18-may-04 150000
L003 A005 500000 11 15-june-04 300000
Create a table INSTALLMENT
Column Name Data Type Size
loan_no varchar2 5
inst_no varchar2 5
inst_Date Date
Amount Number 10,2
Insert following Records
Loan_no Inst_no Date Amount
L001 I001 2-Feb-04 15000
L002 I002 18-June-04 20000
L003 I003 15-July-04 20000
Create a Table TRANSACTION
Column Name Data Type Size
acc_no Varchar2 5
tr_Date Date
Amt Number 10,2
type_of_tr Char 1
mode_of_pay Varchar2 10

Insert a Following Records
Acc_no Date Amt Type_of_tr Mode_of_pay
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A001 3-may-04 10000 D Cash
A002 5-july-04 5000 W Cheque
A003 12-Aug-04 25000 D Cheque
A004 15-may-04 30000 D Cheque
A005 22-oct-04 15000 W Cash
List of queries
1. Display all rows and all columns of table Transaction.
2. Display all rows and selected columns of table Installment.
3. Display selected rows and selected columns of table Account.
4. Display selected rows and all columns of table loan.
5. Show the structure of the table loan, account and transaction.

1. Insert the following records if you have not inserted in PRACTIAL - 1
Acc_no Name City Balance Loan_taken
A001 Patel Jigar Mehsana 50000 YES
A002 Patel Ramesh Mehsana 50000 Yes
A003 Dave Hardik Ahmedabad 75000 NO
A004 Soni Hetal Ahmedabad 100000 NO
A005 Soni Atul Vadodara 100000 YES
2. Change the name ‘patel jigar’ to ‘patel hiren’.
3. Change the name and city where account number is A005. (new name = ‘kothari
nehal’ and new city = ‘patan’).
4. Display only those records where loan taken status is ‘YES’.
5. Add the new column (address varchar2 (20)) into table ACCOUNT.
6. Create another table ACCOUNT_TEMP (acc_no, name, balance) from table ACCOUNT.
7. Rename the table ACCOUNT to ACCOUNT_MASTER.
8. Update the column balance for all the account holders.
(Multiply the balance by 2 for each account holders)
9. Describe the structure of table ACCOUNT.
10. Delete the records whose account no is A004.
Table: LOAN.
1. Insert the following Records if you have not inserted in PRACTICAL-1
Loan_no Acc_no Loan_amt Interest_rate Loan_date Remaining_loan
L001 A001 100000 7 1-jan-04 75000
L002 A002 300000 9 18-may- 150000
L003 A005 500000 11 15-june- 300000
2. for each loan holders Add 100000 Rs. Amount into the column loan_amt.
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Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

3. for each loan holders Increase the interest rate 2%.
4. Create another table LOAN_TEMP (loan_no, Acc_no, loan_amt, loan_date) from The
table LOAN.
5. Display only those records where loan holder taken a loan in month of January.
6. Modify the structure of table LOAN by adding one column credit_no
varchar2 (4).
7. Display the Loan amount*2 of table LOAN.
8. Display the records of table LOAN by date wise in ascending order.
9. Display the records of table LOAN by account number wise in descending Order.
10. Increase the size 5 to 7 of column acc_no.
1. Insert following Records if you have not inserted in PRACTICAL-1.
Loan_no Inst_no Inst_Date Amount
L001 I001 2-Feb-04 15000
L002 I002 18-June-04 20000
L003 I003 15-July-04 20000
2. Change the Inst_Date ‘2-Feb-04’ to ’3-Mar-04’.
3. Reduce 5000 amount from all Installment holders.
4. Add the amount 5000 where loan no is ‘L003’ and ‘L002’.
5. Change the column size of 5 to 7 where column name is Loan_no.
6. Decrease the column size 5 to 4 where column name Inst_no.
7. Show the structure of the Table.
8. Change the amount 15000 to 5000 where loan number is L001
9. Perform delete operation. (Delete only particular one record)
10. Only create a structure of table installment1 from table installment.
1. Insert a Following Records if you have not inserted in PRACTICAL-1.
Acc_no Trans_Date Amt Type_of_tr Mode_of_pay
A001 3-may-04 10000 D Cash
A002 5-july-04 5000 W Check
A003 12-Aug-04 25000 D Check
A004 15-may-04 30000 D Check
A005 22-oct-04 15000 W Cash
2. Insert any duplicate value and display all the records without any duplicate
3. Select all the records in descending order(account number wise).
4. Display amt, date, and type of transaction by date wise.
5. Create another table TRANSACTION_TEMP from this table.
6. Create a another table TRANS_TEMP by change the column name acc_no to
7. Delete a table TRANSACTION_TEMP.
8. Rename the table TRANSACTION to TRANS.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

9. Only create a structure of table transaction1 from table transaction.
10. Display account number where type of transaction is ‘D’.

Note: Bold and Underline column name indicates a primary key
Create a table ACCOUNT.
Column name Data Type Size Attributes
Acc_no Varchar2 5 Primary key/first letter must start with ‘A’
Name Varchar2 30 NOT NULL
City Varchar2 20 NOT NULL
Balance Number 10,2 Balance >=500
Loan_taken Varchar2 3 Values(‘NO’,’YES’)
1. Insert the records using Practical list-1.
Create a Table LOAN.
Column Name Data Size Attributes
Loan_no Varchar2 5 Primary Key / first letter must start with ‘L’
Acc_no Varchar2 5 Foreign key References Acc_no of account
Loan_amt Number 10,2 NOT NULL
Interest_rate Number 5,2 NOT NULL
Loan_date Date
Remaining_loan Number 10,2 Remaining loan<loan amount
1. Insert the records using Practical list-1.
Create a table INSTALLMENT.
Column Name Data Type Size Attributes
Loan_no Varchar2 5 Foreign key References Loan_no of Loan table
Inst_no Varchar2 5 first letter must start with ‘I’
Amount Number 10,2 NOT NULL
1. Insert the records using Practical list-1.
Create a Table TRANSACTION.
Column Name Data Type Size Attributes
Acc_no Varchar2 5 Foreign key References Acc_no of account table
Trans_Date Date NOT NULL
Amt Number 10,2 NOT NULL
Type_of_tr Char 1 Values in (‘D’,’W’)
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

Mode_of_pay Varchar2 10 Values in (‘cash’,’check’)
1. Insert the records using Practical list-1.


1. Retrieve specified information for the account holder who are not in ‘Ahmedabad’.
2. Retrieve specified information for the account holder who are not in ‘Ahmedabad’ or
3. Retrieve those records of Account holder whose balance between
is 50000 and 100000.
4. Retrieve those records of Account holder whose balance not between is
50000 and 100000.
5. Display only those records whose amount is 5000, 25000, 30000.
6. Display only those records whose amount not in 5000, 25000, 30000.
7. Display System date.
8. Find the date,15 days after today’s date.
9. Perform following operation using DUAL table.
5*5,34+34,1000/300,length of ‘uvpce’,display only month of systemdate
10. Find the date, 20 days before today’s date.
Function Based Queries.
1. Find the total transaction amount of account holder from transaction table.
2. Find minimum amount of transaction.
3. Find maximum amount of transaction.
4. Count the total account holders.
5. Count only those records whose made of payment is ‘cash’.
6. Count only those records whose transaction made in the month of ‘MAY’.
7. Find the average value of transaction.
8. Display the result of 4 rest to 4.
9. Find the square root of 25.
10. Write the query for the following Function.
CONSTRAINTS Based queries.
Create a table:STUDENT
Name of column Type and Size
Rollno Varchar2(6)
Name Varchar2(20)
Branch Varchar2(6)
Address Varchar2(20)
1. Add PRIMARY KEY (roll no) and provide constraint name PRIM_rollno.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

2. Add NOT NULL constraint to name,branch for student table.
3. Add check constraint and check name is in capital letter.
4. Drop the primary key.
5. Drop the constraint.
Create a Table REGISTER.
Name of column Type and Size
Rollno Varchar2(6)
Name Varchar2(20)
1. Provide foreign key references rollno of student table.
2. Add check constraint to check name’s first letter is always capital.
3. Add NOT NULL constraint to name of register table.
4. Drop foreign key of REGISTER table.
5. Drop NOT NULL constraint.

NOTE: for following queries use TABLES of PRACTICAL-1
1. Display the sum of balance of account holders who’s live in same city
‘Mehsana’ using group by clause.

2. Display the information about account where balance is less than total
balance of all account holders.
3. Displays the information of account holders whose loan amount and balance
both are same.
4. Display the name of city, remaining loan amount, account, date of loan and
loan number of account holders.

5. Display name of account holder, installment number and installment amount
Whose loan number is ‘L001’.
6. Display name of account holder, city, loan amount and installment amount.

7. Display the balance of account holders whose balance and remaining loan
both are same.
8. List of all account holders’ information whose balance is same as loan

9. Display the amount of transaction, name of account holders, account number
and mode of payment whose mode of payment is ‘CHEQUE’.
10. Display account no, loan amount, amount of transaction.

11. List of installment information whose amount is less than average amount of

Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

12. Display the sum of installment amount and transaction amount.

13. Display the balance and amount of transaction group by amount and
14. List of installment number and account number of account holders.

15. Display loan amount, transaction amount and mode of payment where
transaction date and loan taken date both are done in month of ‘MAY’.

16. Display all the information of installment and transaction where installment
date and transaction date both are done in month of ‘JULY’.
17. Display the last three row of account table.

18. Display the balance, mode of payment, loan taken status whose mode of
payment is ‘CHEQUE’ and loan taken is ‘YES’.

19. Retrieve only rows 2 to 5 from account table.

Column Name Data Type Size Attributes
SNUM Varchar2 6 Primary key/first letter must start with
SNAME Varchar2 20 Not null
CITY Varchar2 15
COMM Number 5,2
Insert the following records:
S1001 Piyush London 0.12
S1002 Niraj San jose 0.13
S1003 Miti London 0.11
S1004 Rajesh Barcelona 0.15
S1005 Haresh New york 0.10
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

S1006 Ram Bombay 0.10
S1007 Nehal Delhi 0.09

Column Name Data Type Size Attributes
CNUM Varchar2 6 Primary key/first letter must start with
CNAME Varchar2 20 Not null
CITY Varchar2 15
RATING Number 5
SNUM Varchar2 6

Insert the following records
C2001 Hardik London 100 S1001
C2002 Geeta Rome 200 S1003
C2003 Kavish San jose 200 S1002
C2004 Dhruv Berlin 300 S1002
C2005 Pratham London 100 S1001
C2006 Vyomesh San jose 300 S1007
C2007 Kirit Rome 100 S1004

Column Data Type Size Attributes
ONUM Varchar2 6 Primary key/first letter must start with ‘O’
AMT Number 10,2 Not null
CNUM Varchar2 6
SNUM Varchar2 6
Insert the following records
O3001 18.69 10-Mar-90 C2008 S1007
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

O3003 767.19 10-Mar-90 C2001 S1001
O3002 1900.10 03-Oct-90 C2007 S1004
O3005 5160.45 04-Oct-90 C2003 S1002
O3006 1098.16 10-Mar_90 C2008 S1007
O3009 1713.23 10-April-90 C2002 S1003
O3007 75.75 10-April-90 C2004 S1002
O3008 4723.00 10-May-90 C2006 S1001
O3010 1309.95 10-May-90 C2004 S1002
O3011 9891.88 10-June-90 C2006 S1001

Perform following queries.
1. Display all the information of salesmen.
2. Display snum,sname,city from salesmen table.
3. Display odate,snum,onum and amt from orders.
4. Display the information of orders without duplication.
5. List of sname, city from salesmen where city is ‘LONDON’.
6. List all records of customers where rating is equal to 100.
7. Write a select command that produces the order number,amount and date for all rows
in the order table.
8. Produces all rows from the customer table for which the salesperson’s number is S1001.
9. Display the salesperson table with the column in the following order:
10. Write a select command that produces the rating followed by the name of each customer
11. Display SNUM values of all salesmen without any repeat.
12. List all customers with a rating above 200.
13. List all customers in SAN JOSE who have a rating above 200.
14. List all customers who were either located in SAN JOSE or had a rating above 200.
15. List of all customers who were either located in SAN JOSE or not rating above 200.
16. List of all customers who were not located in SAN JOSE or rating is not above 200.
17. Write a query that will give you all orders for more than $1000.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

18. Write a query that will give you the names and cities of all salesmen in LONDON with a
commission above 0.10.
19. Write a query on the customers table whose output will exclude all customers with a
rating <= 100 and they are located in ROME.
20. Display all salesmen that were located in either BARCELONA or LONDON(use IN
21. Find all customers matched with salesmen S1001,S1007 and S1004.
22. Display all salesmen with commission between 0.10 and 0.12.
23. Select all customers whose names fall in a ‘A’ and ‘G’ alphabetical.
24. List all the customers whose names begin with ‘G’.
25. List all salesmen whose sname start with letter ‘P’ and end letter is ‘H’.
26. Find all records in customer table with NULL values in the city column.
27. Write a two queries that will produce all orders taken on October 3rd or 4th ,1990
( use IN operator and Use BETWEEN operator )
28. Write a query that selects all of the customers matched with S1001 and S1002.
29. Write a query that will produce all of the customers whose names begin with a letter
from A to H.
30. Write a query that selects all customers whose names begin with ‘C’.
31. Write a query that selects all orders without ZEROS or NULLS in amt field..
32. Display sum of amt,average of orders.
33. To count the numbers of salesmen without duplication in the orders tables.
34. Count the rating of customers (with NULL and without NULL).
35. Find the largest order taken by each salesperson.(hint: use group by)
36. Find the largest order taken by each salesperson on each date.
37. Find out which day had the higher total amount ordered.
38. Write a query that counts all orders for October 3rd.
39. Write a query that counts the number of different non-NULL city in the customer table.
40. Write a query that selects the first customer in alphabetical order whose name begin
with ‘G’.
41. write a query that selects each customers smallest order.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

42. Write a query that selects the highest rating in each city.
43. Write a query that counts the number of salesmen registering orders for each day(if a
salesperson has more than one order on a given day , he or she should be counted only
44. Display all the information in descending orders(use column CNUM).
45. Display all the information in descending orders(use column CNUM,AMT).
46. Display sname and comm. From salesmen in descending order(in place of column name
use column number).
47. Assume each salesperson has a 0.12 commission. Write a query on the orders table that
will produce the order number,the salesperson number and the amount of the
salesperson’s commission for that order.
48. Write a query on the customers table that will find the highest rating in each city. Put
the output in this form.
For the city (city) , the highest rating is: (rating).
49. Write a query that lists customers in descending order of rating. Output the rating field
first, followed by the customer’s name and number.
50. Write a query that totals the orders for each day and places the results in descending
51. Show the names of all customers matched with the salesmen serving them.
52. Write a query that lists each order number followed by the name of the customer who
made the order.
53. Write a query that gives the names of both the salesperson and the customer for each
order after the order number.
54. Write a query that produces all customers serviced by salesmen with a commission
above 0.12. Output the customer’s name, the salesperson’s name and the salesperson’s
rate of commission.
55. Write a query that calculates the amount of the salesperson’s commission on each order
by a customer with a rating above 100.
56. List all customer located in cities where salesperson ‘PIYUSH’ has customer.
57. List all salesmen who are living in same city without duplicate rows.
58. Extract all orders of ‘PIYUSH’.
59. Extract all orders of LONDON’S salesmen.
60. Find all customers whose cnum is 1000 above than the snum of ‘PIYUSH’.
61. Count the no. of customers with the rating above than average Rating of ‘LONDON’.
Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology

Computer Engineering (Big Data & Analytics)

62. Produce the name and rating of all customers who have above average Rating.
63. List all salesmen with customers located in their cities.
64. Select all customers whose rating doesn’t match with any rating customer of ‘SAN JOSE’.
65. Create a union of two queries that shows the names,cities and ratings of all customers.
Those with rating of >=200 should display ‘HIGH RATING’ and those with <200 should
display ‘LOW RATING’.
66. Find all customers with orders on 3rd october 1990 using correlate sub query.
67. Find all customers having rating greater than any customer in ‘ROME’.
68. Insert a row into salesmen table with the values snum is s1008,salesmen name is
‘RAKESH’, city is unknown and commission is 14%.
69. Create another table London_staff having same structure as salesmen table.
70. Delete all orders from customer ‘PIYUSH’ from the order table.
71. Set the ratings of all the customers of PIYUSH to 400.
72. Increase the rating of all the customers in ROME by 100.
73. Double the commission of all salesmen of LONDON.
74. Set ratings for all customers in LONDON to NULL.
75. Delete all salesmen who have at least one customer with a rating of 100 from salesmen

Instructional Method:
a. The course delivery method will depend upon the requirement of content and need
of students. The teacher in addition to conventional teaching method by black
board, may also use any of tools such as demonstration, role play, Quiz,
brainstorming, MOOCs etc.
b. The internal evaluation will be done on the basis of continuous evaluation of
students in the laboratory and class-room.
c. Practical examination will be conducted at the end of semester for evaluation of
performance of students in laboratory.
d. Students will use supplementary resources such as online videos, NPTEL videos, e-
courses, Virtual Laboratory

Supplementary Resources:
1. https://apex.oracle.com/en/
2. https://ilearning.oracle.com/
3. https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/DB/2014/SelfPaced/about

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