Q. 3 Define the term “Database Design”. Write down the advantages and disadvantages
of Integrated Database Approach. (20)
Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question carries equal marks.
Q. 1 Differentiate the following terms: (20)
Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity
Secondary Indexes and Multiple Indexes
Set Operations and Join Operations
Ordered Files and Unordered files
3410 Database–I
Course Code: 3410
Course Title: Database-I
Credit Hours: 4 (3 + 1), 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week
Session Offered: As per offering schedule
Recommended Book: 1. Database Systems by Thomas Connolly 6th Edition, 2014.
2. Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL Student Guide,
Vol. 1
A/V / Multimedia Content: As defined by the Instructor / MOOCs links
Reference Books: 1. Modern Database Management by Fred R. McFadden, Jeffery
Hoffer, Mary Prescott, Prentice Hall; 11th Edition (July 26, 2012).
2. Database Systems by Catherine Ricardo.
3. Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th Edition) by Ramez
Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe.
4. Database Design and Relational Theory: Normal Forms and All
That Jazz by C. J. Date, O'Reilly Media; 1st Edition (April 24,
2012). ISBN-10: 1449328016.
Pre-Requisite: 3400 Introduction to ICT
Course Coordinator: Ch. Muhammad Shahbaz Anjum
Teaching Methodology: Face-to-Face/Online/Blended
Computer Usage: 3 hours supervised lab per week + about 3 hours unsupervised lab
Course Introduction:
This course introduces the fundamental concepts of database. It offers students an introduction
to the design and programming of database systems. In particular, we will cover OO (object-
oriented) and ER (entity-relationship) approaches to data modeling. Our main focus will be
upon the relational model of database management systems (DBMSs) and the use of query
languages such as SQL. We will briefly touch upon database issues like query processing,
transaction management and security.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students are expected to be able to:
1. Identify an application area for which database systems may prove beneficial.
2. Determine the functionalities of the database application.
3. Model the data stored in the database (Identify the entities, roles, relationships. constraints, etc.),
4. Design and normalize the relational database schema.
5. Write the SQL commands to create the database, find appropriate data, and populate the database.
6. Acquire skills to write software needed to embed the database system in the application
Evaluation Criteria:
i. Assignments and/or quizzes as per instructor’s choice 10%
ii. Midterm theory/practical/ presentation/ mini projects as per instructor’s choice 20%
iii. Final Examination 70%
Course Outline:
Unit# 1 Database Foundation
Introduction, The Traditional File Processing Approach, Database Approach, The Database, The
Database Management System (DBMS), Components of the DBMS Environment, Advantages
and Disadvantages of Integrated Database Approach, Roles in the Database Environment, Data
Administrators, Database Administrators, Database Designers, Application Developers, End Users
Last revised: June 2015
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