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Year 2 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)

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DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 133) YEAR 2
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Reading
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Unit 9: At the beach TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are reintroduced to the vocab in At the Beach
Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and chapter. A few pupils are called out to the front to say out the
non-linear print and digital texts by using Lesson delivery:
appropriate reading strategies 1. Pupils refer to page 29 in Year 2 Supplementary Worksheets
Complementary:3.2 Understand a variety of 2. Pupils read ‘At the beach Fluency Reading’ (M). Pupils read the
with their friends’ guidance (L).
linear and non-linear print and digital texts by 3. Pupils are guided to complete the tasks on the right-side step by
using appropriate reading strategies step.
Learning Standard: 4. Pupils practise task 3 on their own and in groups.
5. Pupils perform their silly reading in groups.
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information
6. Pupils are guided to read and answer the comprehension.
and details of simple sentences 7. Pupils complete the comprehension questions.

Complementary: 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or Post-lesson: Pupils’ answers are checked.
sentence to understand meaning ii) Ignore
unknown words in order to understand a
phrase or sentence
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read fluency reading task vocab mat Choose an item.
and understand the text by answering at least 4 questions
Choose an item.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Analysing Pair/Group discussion
able to read at least 2 paragraphs in the form of silly b) CLASSROOM-BASED
reading correctly. d) 21ST CL METHOD:
ASSESSMENT: Task Group-based activities

1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 134) YEAR 2
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Unit 9: At the beach TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are given words and are called at random to
Main: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate make sentences.
Lesson delivery:
language form and style for a range of purposes 1. Pupils look through Exercise 10 in Year 2 Step by Step Writing
in print and digital media Module Part 1.
2. Pupils can ask if there are any words that they don’t understand.
Complementary:2.1 Communicate simple 3. Pupils are guided through Year 2 Step by Step Writing Module
Part 1.
information intelligibly 4. Pupils are called out randomly to make sentences based on a
Learning Standard: different substitution table on the board.
Main: 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple 5. Pupils complete section A and B in the module.
Post-lesson: Few words are written on strips of paper. Pupils picks a
strip and make sentences using the words given.

Complementary: 2.1.1 Give simple personal

information using basic statements
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Year 2 Step by Step Writing Module Part 1
plan, draft and write at least 6 simple sentences correctly.
word strips Choose an item. Choose an item.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to say out at least 4 sentences correctly. Applying Pair/Group discussion
ASSESSMENT: Written Higher Level Thinking
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 135) YEAR 2
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Language Art
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Unit 9: At the beach TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: The name ‘Kipper’ is written on the board and pupils
Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary are asked what could it be.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are explained about the activity. They watch a short video
Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a ‘Kipper the dog- The Seaside’
variety of familiar contexts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dCdT6tN3WY
2. Pupils watch and listen to the story. Pupils are given a listening
Learning Standard: task sheet. They try to complete the task sheet.
3. The video is replayed while pupils complete the task sheet.
Main: 5.2.1 Name people, things or places of
Post-lesson: Pupils list down the things they remember from the
interest in texts video.

Complementary: 1.2.3 Understand with support

very short simple narrative
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to name video task sheet Choose an item. Choose an
at least 5 things used in the video.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to understand the video by completing the listening Applying Pair/Group discussion
task sheet. b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD:
ASSESSMENT: Written Learning skills/process
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 136) YEAR 2
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Reading
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Unit 9: At the beach TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: The title of the story from textbook page 110 is written
Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and on the board and pupils guess what story is it.
non-linear print and digital texts by using
Lesson delivery:
appropriate reading strategies 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 110 and start reading the story
guided by audio CD3 43.
Complementary:3.2 Understand a variety of 2. Pupils refer to Activity 2 in textbook page 110. Pupils write
linear and non-linear print and digital texts by down the names of the characters correctly.
3. Pupils are explained about a sequencing activity. In groups,
using appropriate reading strategies pupils are given strips of paragraphs. Pupils arrange the strips in the
Learning Standard: correct order.
Main: 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or 4. Pupils complete the sequencing task and write the story in their
exercise books.
sentence to understand meaning ii) Ignore
unknown words in order to understand a Post-lesson: Pupils’ answers are checked.
phrase or sentence

Complementary: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of simple sentences
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to sentence strips textbook songs/audio clips
reread the story and name at least 3 characters correctly.
Choose an item.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to understand the main idea by sequencing the story in Applying Pair/Group discussion
the correct order. b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD: Pupil-
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 137) YEAR 2

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Listening
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Unit 9: At the beach TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Write ‘see’ and ‘sea’ on the board and ask pupils to
Main: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target stretch out their lips into a smile to make the long ‘ee’ and ‘ea’
language sounds Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 11 and try to say out the sentence at
Complementary: 3.1 Recognise words in linear the bottom of the page.
and non-linear texts by using knowledge of 2. Audio CD3 45 is played. Pupils follow the audio clip by
repeating the sentence.
sounds of letters 3. Pupils are explained about the ‘Loop Game’ Everyone gets a
Learning Standard: card. A pupil can volunteer to start the game by reading what’s on
Main: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with the card. Other pupils listen and identify the sound to reply. The
pupil who responds late will be disqualified.
support a limited range of high frequency
4. Pupils play the game.
target language phonemes Post-lesson: Pupils try to say the sentence in textbook page 111 as
a tongue twister.
Complementary:3.1.2 Recognise and sound out
with some support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen textbook songs/audio clips game cards
to the sounds and reply within 5 seconds.
Choose an item.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to recognise and sound out the words correctly within Applying Games
5 seconds correctly. b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD:
ASSESSMENT: Games Group-based activities

1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

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