The Olympic Movement
The Olympic Movement
The Olympic Movement
The host cities for both the first and second The goal of the Olympic Movement is clearly
editions of the modern Olympic Games were defined in the Olympic Charter: “The goal of the
quickly agreed upon during this Congress: Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a
Athens for 1896 and Paris for 1900. peaceful and better world by educating youth
people through sport practised in accordance
with Olympism and its values." Olympic Charter,
THE IOC 2015, Rule 1.1.
From a legal standpoint, the IOC is an
international non-governmental non-profit
organisation, of unlimited duration, in the form of THE MEMBERS
an association with the status of a legal person, The first membership list of the IOC in 1894
recognised by the Swiss Federal Council (ruling included a total of 15 individuals, but the number
of 17 September 1981). Its official languages today is currently 102, including the President
are French and English. The administrative and the Executive Board. At present, the IOC
headquarters of the IOC were originally based in also has 33 honorary members, one honour
Paris, but, since 10 April 1915, they have been member and an Honorary President Jacques
based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Rogge. The composition of the IOC’s general
membership today is reflective of the important
part that is also played by the other segments of
the Olympic family. This is demonstrated via the
THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT current Olympic Charter stipulation that
“Under the supreme authority and leadership of
representatives of the different Olympic family
the International Olympic Committee, the
constituents (individuals holding leadership
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positions within an IF, NOC or athlete members THE EXECUTIVE BOARD
of the Athletes’ Commission) can become IOC
The Executive Board has the general
members (Olympic Charter 2015 Rule 16).
responsibility for the administration and
Thirty-eight of the IOC’s current members have
management of the IOC’s affairs.
taken part in the Olympic Games as athletes, of
Along with the President, it is the Executive
whom 28 are medallists. In more recent years,
Board members who are responsible for
the IOC membership has also evolved in terms
overseeing the IOC’s administrative affairs.
of gender. In 1981, Pirjo Häggman and Flor
Created in 1921, the Executive Board is
Isava Fonseca were the first women to be
currently composed of the IOC President, four
elected as IOC members. Today there are 24
Vice-Presidents and ten other members, all
women IOC members, and three are honorary
elected by the Session by secret ballot, by a
majority of votes cast, for a four-year term.
Board members may serve no more than two
consecutive terms, and must then wait two
THE PRESIDENTS years before being re-eligible for election to the
It is a common misconception that, as the Board.
founder of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre
de Coubertin was also the first IOC President.
Instead, following the original stipulation that the THE SESSION
President should be from the country hosting
The general assembly of the members of the
the upcoming Games, it was the Greek
IOC is called a Session. The Session meets at
Demetrius Vikelas who was the first IOC
least once a year. The Session is the supreme
President. The original rule was quickly
organ of the IOC. It adopts, modifies and
replaced, however, and modifications to it can
interprets the Olympic Charter. Upon the
be found in the various editions of the Olympic
proposal of the Executive Board, it elects the
Charter. As a result, the number of individuals
members of the IOC. The Session also elects
who have held the position of IOC President has
the host cities of the Olympic Games. The
been few, and the period of their presidency has
quorum required for a Session is half the total
varied considerably.
membership of the IOC plus one. Decisions of
Today, in accordance with Rule 20 of the
the Session are taken by a majority of the votes
Olympic Charter, the President is elected by
cast; however, a majority of two-thirds of the
secret ballot for a period of eight years, with the
votes cast is required for any modification of the
possibility of a single extension of four years.
Fundamental Principles of Olympism, of the
Rules of the Olympic Charter or if elsewhere
Figure A: The IOC presidents provided in the Olympic Charter.
Demetrius Vikelas (GRE) 1894 – 1896
Pierre de Coubertin (FRA) 1896 – 1925
Henri de Baillet-Latour (BEL) 1925 – 1942
J. Sigfrid Edström (SWE) 1946 – 1952
Avery Brundage (USA) 1952 – 1972 The President nominates special commissions
Lord Killanin (IRL) 1972 – 1980 or working groups to study certain specific
Juan Antonio Samaranch (ESP) 1980 – 2001 subjects and make recommendations to the
Jacques Rogge (BEL) 2001 – 2013 Executive Board. The composition of some of
Thomas Bach (GER) 2013 – the commissions is mixed, and includes IOC
members, representatives of the IFs and NOCs,
athletes, technical experts, advisers and sports
Winter Games
1924 Chamonix
1928 St Moritz
1932 Lake Placid
1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
1948 St Moritz
1952 Oslo
1956 Cortina d’Ampezzo
1960 Squaw Valley
1964 Innsbruck
1968 Grenoble
1972 Sapporo
1976 Innsbruck
1980 Lake Placid
1984 Sarajevo
1988 Calgary
1992 Albertville
1994 Lillehammer
1998 Nagano
2002 Salt Lake City
2006 Turin
2010 Vancouver
2014 Sochi
2018 PyeongChang