It8075 SPM Unit V
It8075 SPM Unit V
It8075 SPM Unit V
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
were drawn.
According to Gerald Weinberg, “Most programmers prefer to work alonewhere they are
not disturbed by other people”.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Interviews: these include the aptitude tests, technical tests, personality tests and
examination of previous work. Group discussions are also used for evaluating and
examining the statements provided inthe CV.
References: need to be verified and a medical examination test can also be
done if needed.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
5.4 Motivation
Motivation Theories
There are various theories formulated by different persons for motivating the people to
work. They are,
Taylorist Model
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Expectancy Theory of Motivation.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
1. Physiological Needs: These are the basic needs for sustaining human life itself, such as
food, water, warmth, shelter, and sleep. Maslow felt that until these needs are satisfied to the
degree necessary to maintain life, other needs will not motivate people.
2. Security or Safety Needs: These are the needs to be free of physical danger and of the
fear of losing a job property, food, or shelter.
3. Affiliation or Social Needs: Since people are social beings; they need to belong, to be
accepted by others. It includes friendship, the need to love and be loved, socializing, etc.
4. Esteem Needs: Once people begin to satisfy their need to belong; they tend to want to
be held in esteem both by themselves and by others. This kind of need producessuch
satisfactions as respect, power, prestige, status, and self-confidence.
5. Self-actualization Needs: This is the highest need in the hierarchy. It is the desire to
become what one is capable of becoming—to fully realizes one's potential and to accomplish
what one is capable of achieving.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Oldman and Hackman coined a rule that managers should group together the elements of
tasks that is carried out must be meaningful and satisfying assignments.
The satisfaction of any job will depend on the following factors:
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significance
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Factors that make the job meaningful to the person who is doing it are skill
variety, task identity and task significance.
Skill variety is the number of different skills that the job holder has theopportunity to
Task identity is the degree to which the person’s work and its results are
identifiable as belonging to the person.
Task significance is the degree to which the job has an influence on others.
The autonomy factor is the discretion about the way the person works.
Feedback is the information the person receives back about the results ofhis/her
Personal growth needs and their working environment also influence theperception
of the job.
In general, activities of the developing product should be designed in such amanner that
the person must feel personally associated with it.
5.5.2 Methods to Improve Motivation
Managers must involve the following measures to enhance the job design: .
Job enlargement
Job enrichment
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Ethics relates to the moral obligation to respect the rights and interests of others – goesbeyond
strictly legal responsibilities.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Organizational ethics
There are some who argue that ethical organizational ethics are limited: Stockholder theory
(e.g. Milton Friedman). An employee’s duty is to theowners of the business (which often
means the stakeholders) above allothers – although legal
requirements must be met.
Competitive relationships between businesses.
Competition may cause you to do things that could have a negative impact onthe
owners or employees of competitive businesses Uniform Treatment
Social Responsibility
Small companies also have an obligation to protect the community. For example,
the owner of a small chemical company needs to communicate certain dangers to the
community when explosions or other disasters occur. The owner must also maintain certain
safety standards for protecting nearby residents from leaks that affect the water or air
quality. There are state and federal laws that protect people from unethical environmental
practices. Business owners who violate these laws may face stiff penalties. They may also
be shut down.
Financial Ethics
Business owners must run clean operations with respect to finances, investing and
expanding their companies. For example, organizations must not bribe state legislators for
tax credits or special privileges. Insider trading is also prohibited. Insider trading is when
managers or executives illegally apprise investors or outside parties of privileged
information affecting publicly traded stocks, according to the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The information helps some investors achieve greater returns on their
investments at the expense of others. Executives in small companies must strive to help all
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
shareholders earn better returns on their money. They must also avoid collusivearrangements
with other companies to deliberately harm other competitors.
A small company's organizational ethics can also include taking care of employees
with mental illnesses or substance abuse problems, such as drug and alcohol dependency.
Ethical business owners help their employees overcome these types of problems when
possible. They often put them through employee advisor programs, which involves getting
them the treatment they need. Employees may have issues that lead to these types of
problems. Therefore, they deserve a chance to explain their situations and get the help they
Professional ethics
Professionals have knowledge about the technical domain that the general public does
not. Ethical duty of the expert to warn lay people of the risks involved in a particular course
of action. Many professions, or would be professions, have codes of conduct for their
Not all people involved in the development process like to work in groups.
But major software projects always have to work in groups and many peopledo not like
to work in groups.
Any organization involved in the development process will have variousdepartments
reflecting its structure.
Formal groups can be formulated based on the different departments andtask groups
can be formed based on specific tasks carried.
Task group can contain different people from different departments to worktogether to
carry out a specific task.
Every task group formed for specific activities to be carried out are dissolvedonce the
task is completely achieved.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Every team has to go through five different stages of development asdepicted in the
Team Formation Model namely,
Forming : basic ground rules and general behavior are set up to try and get toknow each
other in the team.
Storming: grouping methods of operation have to establish as there is achance of
conflicts arising due to leadership.
Norming: a group identity emerges as the conflicts are largely settled.
Performing: how the tasks are handled by the team.
Adjourning: disbanding of the group.
Any project team must be formed with the best mix of different personalities.
Belbin formulated the need of balanced teams based on individual
characteristics of people.
Chair: these people must be good at conducting meetings, must becalm,
strong and tolerant. Need not be excellent leaders.
Plant: these people must be good at generating ideas and givingpotential
solution to problems.
Monitor-Evaluator: they must be good evaluators and best in selecting
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
There is a strong question raised often: “Are groups more effective than
individuals working alone?”.
It is the responsibility of the project manager to distinguish the tasks which are supposed
to be carried out together and those tasks to be carried out by individuals.
Some works yield better results when worked together as a team, while some others are
slowed down because of the work be compartmentalized based onindividuals.
There are four different ways of categorizing group tasks. They are:
Additive Tasks: in this the effort of every person are added to reach the final
result. People involved in additive tasks are interchangeable.
Compensatory Tasks: here, the judgements of individual group members are
taken and the results are then averaged. These result in effective group work
rather than the efforts of individuals.
Disjunctive Tasks: these tasks have only one correct solution to the task. team
accepts it.
Conjunctive Tasks: here, the progress is governed by the rate of the slowest
performer where until each and every person completes their own tasks, the
overall tasks do not attain its completion. In this case, a cooperative attitude of the
team becomes productive.
A major problem can arise with additive tasks that lead to social loafing.
Social loafing is a problem where some individuals do not make their proper contribution
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
To make group decision making process to be more effective and efficientthe Delphi
Technique can be adopted.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Chief programmer,
Democratic, and
The mixed control team organizations
If the number of groups is larger, then the work will be slower because of increased
communication. So large projects must be formalized and must be represented in an
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
centralized structure.
One way to avoid this, to reduce the number of people and giving them more support to
make the work done which led to the formulation of chief programmer team.
The chief programmer defines the specification, design, code, tests and documents the
entire software.
The chief programmer can have a co-pilot who can assist in writing some code and
An editor can be used to write up the documentation drafted by the chief programmer, along
with a program clerk who maintains the actual code and a
Chief programmer
Team Members
The chief programmer provides an authority, and this structure is arguably more
efficient than the democratic team for well-understood problems.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
However, the chief programmer team leads to lower team morale, since team-
members work under the constant supervision of the chief programmer.
This also inhibits collective and their original thinking.
The chief programmer team is subject to single point failure since toomuch
responsibility and authority is assigned to the chief programmer.
Since the chief programmer carries out many tasks individually, there is adanger of
information overload on the chief programmer
The democratic team structure, as the name implies, does not enforce any formal
team hierarchy. Decisions are taken based on discussions, where any member is free to discuss
with any other matters.Typically, a manager provides the administrative leadership. At different
times,different members of the group provide technical leadership.
The mixed team organization, as the name implies, draws upon the ideas
from both the democratic organization and the chief-programmer organization. This
team organization incorporates both hierarchical reporting and democratic set up.
The democratic connections are shown as dashed lines and the reporting structure is
shown using solid arrows.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
The mixed control team organization is suitable for large team sizes.
The democratic arrangement at the senior engineer’s level is used to decomposethe
problem into small parts. Each democratic setup at the programmer level attempts
solution to a single part. Thus, this teamorganization is eminently
suited to handle large and complex programs.
This team structure is extremely popular and is being used in many softwaredevelopment
Workers tend to be more productive – less commuting and travel time.The increasing
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
A major influence on the nature of communication genres is the constraints oftime and
place. Modes of communication can be categorized as combinations of twoopposite: Same
time/Different time and Same Place/Different Place.
o Is it easy to understand? Is the context well known to both the senderand the
in parallel
Some points needs to be clarified
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
In some organizations the communications management plan may also include a glossary of
common project terminology that will be used within the project. This
glossary may define and include samples of templates, reports and forms that theproject manager
will use to communicate information.
The result of the communication process could be documented in a table with thefollowing
column headings.
When/frequency – If the communication by means of a single event, then a specific date can
be supplied. If the event is a recurring one, such as a progress meeting, then the frequency
should be indicated
5.13 Leadership
Leadership means the ability to influence others in a group to act in aparticular way to
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE