4.software Project Estimation
4.software Project Estimation
4.software Project Estimation
Unit 4
• To introduce the fundamentals of software costing and
• To describe three metrics for software productivity
• To explain why different techniques should be used for
software estimation
• To describe the principles of the COCOMO 2
algorithmic cost estimation model
Project Management is an integrated part of software development.
The project manager must decide which process model is appropriate for:
The customer who have requested the product
The characteristics of the product itself, and
The projcect environment in which the s/w team works.
The Project
In order to manage successful s/w projects, we must understand what
can go wrong and how to do it right. Ten signs that indicate the project is
in danger:
It is defined on code. For example it can’t measure
the size of specification.
It characterize only one specific view of size, name
length, it takes no account of functionality or
Bad s/w design may cause excessive line of code
It is language dependent.
In this example we have:
1 Physical Line of Code (LOC)
2 Logical Lines of Code (LLOC) (for statement
and printf statement)
1 comment line
• Advantages
• Easily counted
• Many existing methods use LOC as key input.
• Disadvantages
• Depend upon programming language
• Difficult in early stage
Function point (FP)
• Function oriented metrics focus on program
"functionality" or "utility".
• Productivity = FP / person-month
Quality = defects / FP
Cost = $ / FP
Documentation = pages of documentation / FP
Project Cost Estimation Approach
• Basic activity in project planning and
• Three categories
1. Heuristic technique
2. Empirical technique
3. Analytical technique
Heuristic technique
• Human error, considering not all factors and aspects of the
project, individual bias, more chances of failure.
• Estimation by group of experts minimizes factors such as
individual oversight, lack of familiarity with a particular
aspect of a project, personal bias and desired to win a
contract through overly optimistic estimate.
Delphi cost estimation
Experts Group
E By
• Halstead Program Length – The total number of operator occurrences and the total
number of operand occurrences.
N = N1 + N2
• estimated program length is, N = n1log2n1 + n2log2n2
• Halstead Vocabulary – The total number of unique operator and unique operand
n = n1 + n2
• Program Volume – Proportional to program size, represents the size, in bits, of space
necessary for storing the program. Minimum number of bits needed to encode program.
• V = Size * (log2 vocabulary)
= N * log2(n)
Counting rules for C language –
• Comments are not considered.
• The identifier and function declarations are not considered
• All the variables and constants are considered operands.
• Global variables used in different modules of the same program are counted as
multiple occurrences of the same variable.
• Local variables with the same name in different functions are counted as
unique operands.
• Functions calls are considered as operators.
• All looping statements e.g., do {…} while ( ), while ( ) {…}, for ( ) {…}, all control
statements e.g., if ( ) {…}, if ( ) {…} else {…}, etc. are considered as operators.
• In control construct switch ( ) {case:…}, switch as well as all the case statements
are considered as operators.
• The reserve words like return, default, continue, break, sizeof, etc., are
considered as operators.
• All the brackets, commas, and terminators are considered as operators.
• GOTO is counted as an operator and the label is counted as an operand.
• The unary and binary occurrence of “+” and “-” are dealt separately. Similarly
“*” (multiplication operator) are dealt separately.
int a, b, c, avg;
scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
avg = (a + b + c) / 3;
printf("avg = %d", avg);
- Introduction
- Risk identification
- Risk projection (estimation)
- Risk mitigation, monitoring, and
3-Customer risks associated with sophistication of the customer and the developer's ability to
characteristics communicate with the customer in a timely manner
4-Process risks associated with the degree to which the software process has been defined
definition and is followed
5-Development risks associated with availability and quality of the tools to be used to build the
environment project
6-Technology to risks associated with complexity of the system to be built and the "newness" of
be built the technology in the system
7-Staff size and risks associated with overall technical and project experience of the software
experience engineers who will do the work
Recording Risk Information
Project: Embedded software for XYZ system
Risk type: schedule risk
Priority (1 low ... 5 critical): 4
Risk factor: Project completion will depend on tests which
hardware component under development. Hardware
delivery may be delayed
Probability: 60 %
Impact: Project completion will be delayed for each day that
hardware is unavailable for use in software testing
Monitoring approach:
Scheduled milestone reviews with hardware group
Contingency plan:
Modification of testing strategy to accommodate delay
software simulation
Estimated resources: 6 additional person months beginning
Questionnaire on Project Risk
(Questions are ordered by their relative importance to project success)
Semi-detached –
Intermediate projects in which team with mixed experience level.
Mix of rigid and less than rigid requirements
Embedded –
A software project with requiring the highest level of complexity,
creativity, and experience requirement
Types of Models
• COCOMO consists of a hierarchy of three
increasingly detailed and accurate forms. Any
of the three forms can be adopted according
to our requirements. These are types of
COCOMO model:
– Basic COCOMO Model
– Intermediate COCOMO Model
– Detailed COCOMO Model
• Use Only Lines of code
• Equations are
Intermediate COCOMO
• Intermediate COCOMO takes these Cost
Drivers into account
• Addition to basic cocomo , various other
factors such as reliability, experience,
Capability includes in Intermediate COCOMO.
• These factors are known as Cost Drivers and
the Intermediate Model utilizes 15 such
drivers for cost estimation.
The effort calculation:
E = a * (KLOC)b * EAF (person-months)
D= c*(E)d
E- Effort applied in person-months
D – Development time in duration-in-month (use c and d coefficient
from basic model)
P- Total number of persons required to accomplish the project
KLOC ... kilo lines of code
a, b, c, d depend on the project type
Detailed COCOMO Model –
Effort= A*sizeB *M
• Computer attributes
• Constraints imposed on the software by the hardware platform.
• Personnel attributes
• Multipliers that take the experience and capabilities of the people
working on the project into account.
• Project attributes
• Concerned with the particular characteristics of the software
development project.
Product Factors RELY- Required Software Reliability