Unit 2 SA

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Unit 2.

Software architecture models: structural models, framework models,

dynamic models, process models. Architectures styles: dataflow architecture,
pipes and filters architecture, call-and return architecture, data-centered
architecture, layered architecture, agent based architecture, Micro-services
architecture, Reactive Architecture, Representational state transfer
architecture etc.

Software architecture models: structural models :- A structural model is the

architectural map for a large software system or family of systems (domain). The
structural model used in a domain represents the point of convergence for trade-
offs between maintainability and performance, quality and efficiency. As such,
different domains will likely have different structural models. The idea of a
structural model evolved out of the Ada Simulator Validation Program (ASVP),
which established the efficacy of Ada for real-time training simulation. In the
years since this program, a great deal of work has been done toward defining
architectures and structural models in the air vehicle training system (flight
simulation) domain.

framework models

Building a software architecture that meets functional requirements is a quite

consolidated activity, whereas keeping high quality attributes is still an open
challenge. we introduce an optimization framework that supports the decision whether
to buy software components or to build them in-house upon designing a software
architecture. We devise a non-linear cost/quality optimization model based on
decision variables indicating the set of architectural components to buy and to build in
order to minimize the software cost while keeping satisfactory values of quality
attributes. From this point of view, our tool can be ideally embedded into a Cost
Benefit Analysis Method to provide decision support to software architects. The
novelty of our approach consists in building costs and quality attributes on a common
set of decision variables related to software development. We start from a special case
of the framework where the quality constraints are related to the delivery time and the
product reliability, and the model solution also devises the amount of unit testing to be
performed on built components. We generalize the framework formulation to
represent a broader class of architectural cost-minimization problems under quality
constraints, and discuss advantages and limitations of such approach.
dynamic models
The dynamic model is used to express and model the behaviour of the system over time. It
includes support for activity diagrams, state diagrams, sequence diagrams and extensions
including business process modelling. The Dynamic Model describes those aspects of a
system concerned with time and the sequencing of operations - events that mark changes,
sequences of events, and the organizing of events and states. The Dynamic Model does not
consider what the operations do, what they operate on, nor how they are implemented.

process models.
A software process architecture is a framework within which project-specific software processes are
defined 1101. It establishes the structure, standards, and relationships of the various process elements.
Within such an architectural framework it is possible to define many specific processes. A software
process model is then one specific embodiment of such a software process architecture. While software
process models may be constructed at any appropriate level of abstraction, the process architecture
must provide the elements, standards, and structural framework for refinement to any desired level of

. Architectures styles: dataflow architecture

The data flow software architecture style views the entire software system as a series of
transformations on successive sets of data, where data and operations on it are
independent of each other.

The main purpose of this style is to achieve integrality of data. Data-centered architecture
consists of different components that communicate through shared data repositories.

There are three main types of architectural models: conceptual, presentation, working

design. Let's talk a little bit about each of these. First of all, there are these conceptual design
models. In the initial stage of design ideas, it is often useful and even recommended to see the
shape, from the beginning.

Phases of Architecture that are commonly referred to throughout the industry: Schematic

Design, Design Development, Contract Documents, Bidding, Contract Administration.

pipes and filters architecture

Pipe and Filter is a simple architectural style that connects a number of components that
process a stream of data, each connected to the next component in the processing
pipeline via a Pipe.

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