Risk Management
Risk Management
Risk Management
Credit risk: Probability of loss from a Debtor’s default. In banking credit risk is a
major factor in determination of interest rate of a loan ,longer the term of loan
higher the interest.
Settlement risk: The risk that the underlined financial instruments or the funds
(cash) are not delivered to the bank by the counter party on time.
Pre-settlement risk: the risk that a counter party to an outstanding transaction for
completion at a future date will fail to perform on the contract or agreement during
the life of the transaction.
Country risk: in a cross-border transaction the risk that the borrower will be unable
to fulfill of his obligations wholly or partly on time due to adverse economic, social
or political situations in his country.
Transfer risk: The risk that the borrower will be unable to fulfill his obligations on
payment of his foreign currency denominated debt in original currency or in another
convertible currency due to legislation or adverse economic situation of his country.
Types of Risk
Liquidity risk: The risk of failing to have cash amount or
cash inflows as a certain level and quality that enables the
bank to meet its cash outflows fully and on time as a result of
an imbalance in the cash flow.
Market liquidity risk: The risk of loss when the bank can
not exit the market or close out of its open positions in
sufficient quantities at a reasonable price in a timely manner,
due to being unable to enter the market appropriately, the
illiquid market structure for certain products or barriers and
segmentations in the market.
Market risk: The risk of loss due to interest rate risk, equity
risk and foreign exchange risk related to changes in interest
rates, foreign exchange rates and equity prices in on and off-
balance sheet positions of banks.
Types of Risk
Interest rate risk: Depending on the position of the bank, the
risk of loss that the bank is exposed to due to changes in interest
Operational risk: The risk of loss arising from errors and
omissions caused by breakdowns in the internal controls of the
bank, the failure of the bank management and personnel to
perform in a timely manner, or mistakes made by the bank
management, or breakdowns and failures in the information
technology system, and events such as major earthquake, major
fire or flood.
Legal risk: The possibility of the situation where the obligations
are higher or rights are lower than assumed due to operations
based on insufficient or incorrect legal knowledge and documents.
Types of Risk
Reputation risk: The risk of loss due to bank’s
diminished creditworthiness and impaired reputation
resulting from failures in business practices or to
comply with current laws and regulations.