Lecture 06 Software Maintenance PDF
Lecture 06 Software Maintenance PDF
Lecture 06 Software Maintenance PDF
After deployment, systems will definitely have to change in order to remain useful:
New requirements may emerge
Existing requirements may change
Business/ organisation changes may occur, and along with them a generation of new
requirements for existing software
Parts of the software may need modification to correct errors discovered during operation
Modifications might be required to adapt software to a new platform
Changes may need to be made to improve a software’s performance
Proposals for change are the driver for system evolution. Change identification and evolution
continue throughout the system lifetime
Existing requirements not implemented in previous release or there might be requests for new
requirements, need for repairs of software.
The Software Evolution Process involves understanding the program that has to be changed, and
then implementing these changes.
Lehman’s Eight Laws of Software Evolution
The above cases all occur as postulated by Prof. Meir M. Lehman, when he described the behaviour
in evolution of software in Lehman’s Eight Laws of Software Evolution:
1. Continuing change: A program that is used in a real-world environment necessarily must change
or become progressively less useful in that environment.
2. Increasing complexity: As an evolving program changes, its structure tends to become more
complex. Extra resources must be devoted to preserving and simplifying the structure.
3. Large program evolution: Program evolution is a self-regulating process. System attributes such
as size, time between releases and the number of reported errors is approximately invariant for
each system release.
5. Conservation of familiarity: Over the lifetime of a system, the incremental change in each
release is approximately constant.
6. Continuing growth: The functionality offered by systems has to continually increase to maintain
user satisfaction
7. Declining quality: The quality of systems will appear to be declining unless they are adapted to
changes in their operational environment.
8. Feedback system: Evolution processes incorporate multi-agent, multi-loop feedback systems and
you have to treat them as feedback systems to achieve significant product improvement.
Software maintenance
Software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to
improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment. [IEEE
It is the process of changing a system after it has been delivered/put to use in order to maintain its
Maintenance also involves activities like program understanding as the original developers may not
be the same people carrying out the maintenance activities.
It has been observed that maintenance costs are usually high and this is attributed to the fact that it is
more expensive to add functionality after the system is in operation than in it is to implement the
same functionality during development.
Driven by change requests from users, it works in such a way that: modification requests are logged
and tracked, the impact of proposed changes is determined, code and other software artefacts are
modified, testing is conducted, and a new version of the software product is released.
Types of maintenance
Software maintenance is not just about ‘fixing defaults’. Initially proposed as three types: corrective,
perfective and adaptive maintenance by E.B Swanson, these have been updated to include the fourth
type as preventive maintenance (formally included in corrective) in the standard ISO/IEC
1. Perfective maintenance: This is maintenance carried out to add to or modify the system’s
functionality or modify the system to satisfy new requirements. These changes are usually
required as a result of user requests (a.k.a. evolutive maintenance).
4. Preventative maintenance: A software product is modified after delivery to detect and correct
latent faults in the software product before they become effective faults. Here the changes made
to even before grave faults occur with the aim of making it more maintainable.
Note: The majority of SM is concerned with evolution deriving from user requested changes.
Software Maintenance Processes
Process Implementation
This involves software preparation and transition activities, e.g. the conception and creation of the
maintenance plan, the preparation for handling problems identified during development, and the
follow-up on product configuration management.
Modification Implementation
This process entails considering the implementation of the modification itself.
Maintenance Review/Acceptance
This is the process of acceptance of the modification, by confirming the modified work with the
individual who submitted the request in order to make sure the modification provided a solution.
The migration process is not part of daily maintenance tasks e.g. If the software must be ported to
another platform without any change in functionality, this process will be used and a maintenance
project team is likely to be assigned to this task.
Software Retirement
This is the last maintenance process, also an event which does not occur on a daily basis. It simply
entails the retirement of a piece of software.
The Techniques for maintenance
1. Program Comprehension
There is need for software maintainers (programmers) to spend some time reading and understanding
programs in order to be able to safely implement changes. This is also aided by availability of
sufficient documentation to accompany the code.
Tools are available to aid in program comprehension e.g. Code browsers.
2. Reengineering
Reengineering is defined as the examination and alteration of software to reconstitute it in a new
form (without changing functionality), and includes the subsequent implementation of the new form.
It involves the reimplementation of all or key parts of important software systems. It is an approach
to dealing with legacy systems through re-implementation.
The goal of re-engineering is to reduce maintenance costs and to improve software quality
Re-engineering involves the following activities:
• Source code translation
This involves conversion of program code from the old language to a modern version of the
same language of a new language.
• Reverse engineering
The program is analyzed to understand it and extracting information from it in order to
document its organization and functionality.
• Program structure improvement
The control structure of a program is analyzed and modified to make it easier to read and
• Program modularization
The program structure is reorganized by grouping related parts together and removing
redundancy where appropriate.
• Data reengineering
This entails clean-up and restructure of system data to reflect program changes.
Re-engineering system software has two advantages over more radical approaches:
• Reduced risk: There is a high risk in new software development. There may be development
problems, staffing problems and specification problems.
• Reduced cost: The cost of re-engineering is often significantly less than the costs of developing
new software.
3. Reverse engineering
Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing software to identify the software’s components and
their interrelationships and to create representations of the software in another form or at higher
levels of abstraction.
Reverse engineering is passive i.e. it does not change the software, or result in new software. The
result of this activity is call graphs and control flow graphs from source code.
Reverse engineering difficulty increases with complexity of the software.
b. Design Recovery: involves identifying meaningful higher level abstractions beyond those
obtained directly by examining the system itself.
The main motivation of both types of reverse engineering is to provide help in program
1. Alignment with organizational objectives.
Software maintenance is resources consuming and it has no clear quantifiable benefit for the
organization i.e. unclear Return-On-Investment (ROI).
2. Process issues
Maintenance requires a number of additional activities not found in initial development e.g. help
desk support, impact analysis and regression tests on the software changes are crucial issues
which present challenges to management.
3. Limited Understanding.
A lot of maintenance effort is usually devoted to understanding the software to be modified.
5. Testing
The cost of repeating a test on a piece of software can be significant time and cost wise.
• Team stability
Maintenance costs are reduced if the same staff that developed the software is involved in
• Contractual responsibility
The developers of a system may have no contractual responsibility for maintenance so there is no
incentive to design for future change (easy to change).
• Staff skills
Maintenance staff is often inexperienced and have limited domain knowledge and quite often
must learn the languages to maintain the system.
Importance of Maintenance
• The system requirements are likely to change while the system is being developed because the
environment is changing. Therefore a delivered system won't meet its requirements!
• Systems are tightly coupled with their environment. When a system is installed in an environment
it changes that environment and therefore changes the system requirements.
• Systems MUST be maintained therefore if they are to remain useful in an environment.
Maintenance Prediction
Maintenance prediction is concerned with assessing which parts of the system may cause problems
and have high maintenance costs.
• Change acceptance depends on the maintainability of the components affected by the change;
• Implementing changes degrades the system and reduces its maintainability;
• Maintenance costs depend on the number of changes and costs of change depend on
Predicting Changes
Predicting the number of changes requires an understanding of the relationships between system and
its environment, for instance: tightly coupled systems require changes whenever the environment is
Factors influencing this relationship are:
• Number and complexity of system interfaces; the larger the number of interfaces and the more
complex they are the more likely it is that demand for change will be made.
• Number of inherently volatile system requirements; e.g. requirements reflecting organisational
policies and procedures are likely to be more volatile than requirements that are based on stable
domain characteristics.
• The business processes where the system is used; evolution of business processes calls for a
generation of change requests and the more business processes that use a system the more the
demands for system change.
Complexity metrics
Predictions of maintainability can be made by assessing the complexity of system components.
Complexity depends on
• Complexity of control structures;
• Complexity of data structures;
• Object, method (procedure) and module size.
Process metrics - Maintainability
Process measurements may be used to assess maintainability.
1. Number of requests for corrective maintenance: These might be in terms of failure reports
recorded. However if these are still on the rise rather than decline even after numerous repairs, it
may be an indication of a decline in maintainability.
2. Average time required for impact analysis: This time is an indication of the number of program
components that are affected by the change request. An increase in this time implies that more
components were affected and thus a decline in maintainability.
3. Average time taken to implement a change request: The time needed to carry out a system
modification together with its documentation after impact analysis. An increase in this time
indicates a decline in maintainability.
4. Number of outstanding change requests: almost related to the first metric, an increase in this
number implies a decline in maintainability.
However, it is of great importance to the client that changes are accomplished quickly & cost
effectively. This means that:
• Reliability should not degrade.
• Maintainability should not degrade.
Maintenance that becomes increasingly more expensive and difficult becomes known as a legacy
system. However the legacy system may still be of essential importance to the organization.
Configuration management
Software configuration management (SCM) is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the
software. Configuration management is concerned with managing evolving software systems. It
aims to control the costs and effort involved in making changes to a system.
The software product and any changes made to it must be controlled. This control is established by
implementing and enforcing an approved software configuration management (SCM) process, and
this involves the development and application of procedures and standards to manage an evolving
software product.
Version control
In order to keep track of changes made to software, a version control system can be used. This is
done as part of the Software configuration process.
Version control is simply the automated act of tracking the changes of a particular file over time.
This is typically accomplished by maintaining one copy of the file in a repository, then tracking the
changes to that file (rather than maintaining multiple copies of the file itself). This is done using
check-in and check-out principles i.e. Each time someone needs to edit a file, they check it out for
exclusive editing and then check it back in to the repository when finished, thus creating a new
A version control system thus maintains an organized set of all the versions of files that are made
over time.
Version control benefits include:
Enables roll back to a previous version of a given file
Allows one to compare two versions of a file, highlighting differences
Provides a mechanism of locking, forcing serialized change to any given file
Creates branches that allow for parallel concurrent development
Maintains an instant audit trail on each and every file: versions, modified date, modifier, and
any additional amount of metadata your system provides for and you choose to implement.
Techniques for dealing with change
A. Impact Analysis
Impact analysis is the evaluation of the many risks associated with the change, including estimates of
effects on resources, effort, and schedule.
Work product: any development artifact whose change is significant, e.g. requirements, design and
code components, test cases, etc.
The quality of one can affect the quality of others.
Horizontal traceability
This approach traces the relationships of components across collections of work products.
Vertical traceability
This approach traces the relationships among parts of a work product.
• To ensure that the change has been correctly and consistently bounded i.e. Making sure that all
affected parts are changed correctly (change propagation);
• To identify all objects impacted by changes in the primary sector (change impact analysis).
B. Restructuring/Refactoring
This activity involves improving the software structure or architecture without changing the
Software restructuring modifies source code and/or data in an effort to make it amenable to future
C. Regression testing
This activity involves efficiently verifying that the change preserved the behavior of functionalities
that should not be impacted.
Regression testing is the re-execution of some subset of tests that have already been conducted to
ensure that changes have not propagated unintended side effects. Regression tests should be done
every time a major change is made to the software.
Legacy Systems
A legacy system is a socio-technical system that is useful or essential to an organization but which
has been developed using obsolete technology or methods.
As earlier mentioned, it is a system for which maintenance becomes increasingly more expensive
and difficult. These systems are usually characterized by their problems – Legacy problems such that
by definition a legacy system is typically:
The strategy chosen by an organisation should depend on the system quality and its business value.
Automated maintenance tools
A software maintenance tool is an artifact that supports a software maintainer in performing a tasks.
The use of tools for software maintenance simplifies the tasks and increases efficiency and
Classifying the maintenance tools based on the specific tasks they support:
A. Program understanding and reverse engineering tools.
• Program slicer: Slicing is the mechanical process of marking all the sections of a program
text that may influence the value of a variable at a given point in the program. Program
slicing helps the programmers select and view only the parts of the program that are affected
by the changes.
• Static analyzer is used in analyzing the different parts if the program such as modules,
procedures, variables, data elements, objects and classes. A static analyzer allows general
viewing of the program text and generates summaries of contents and usage of selected
elements in the program text, such as variables or objects.
• A dynamic analyzer could be used to analyze the program while it is executing.
• A data flow analyzer is a static analysis tool that allows the maintainer to track all possible
data flow and control flow paths in the program. It allows analysis of the program to better
outline the underlying logic of the program. It also helps display the relationship between
components of the system.
• A cross-referencer produces information on the usage of a program. This tool helps the user
focus on the parts that are affected by the change.
• A dependency analyzer assists the maintainer to analyze and understand the interrelationships
between entities in a program. It tool provides capabilities to set up and query the database of
the dependencies in a program. It also provides graphical representations of the dependencies.
B. Testing tools
• Test simulator tools help the maintainer to test the effects of the change in a controlled
environment before implementing the change on the actual system.
• A test case generator produces test data that is used to test the functionality of the modified
• A test path generator helps the maintainer to find all the data flow and control flow paths
affected by the changes.
C. Configuration Management tools: code management, version control, and change tracking tools.
Configuration management and version control tools help store the objects that form the
software system. A source control system is used to keep a history of the files so that versions
can be tracked and the programmer can keep track of the file changes.
D. Documentation tools: hypertext-based tools, data flow and control chart generators,
requirements tracers, and CASE tools.
Software re-use
The goals of reuse during maintenance are to increase productivity, increase quality, facilitate code
transportation, reduce maintenance time and effort, and improve maintainability.
Software reuse is the reapplication of a variety of kinds of knowledge about one system to another
similar system in order to reduce the effort of development or maintenance of that other system
(Biigerstaff et al.[1989])
Software reuse is derived from the process, the personnel, and the product.
• The process is an activity or action performed by a machine or person. A methodology could be
reused on different application problems. E.g. Object Oriented Design.
• The reuse of personnel consists of reusing the knowledge of the people that have faced and
overcome issues in previous projects and applying this knowledge to the new projects.
• Product reuse consists of reusing the previously created projects. Data, design, and programs
are all products that can be reused
Further Reading