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Management Theory and Organization Behavior

Definition of Management :Management means getting thing done by others .
Aspects of Management :
1. Its purpose is to make stage to active goals
2. Internal and External environment
3. It is concentrated with all kinds of resources
4. Management including planning , organization , directing and controlling.
5. Managers shall have different skills.

Scope of management :1. in activity point of view:From the activity point of view management can be used in the
following activities performed by any group. Such as,
A. planning.
B. organizing.
C. staffing.
D. directing.
e. controlling.
2. functional area of management:Functional area of a management includes
A. financial management.

B. personnel management.
C. purchasing management.
D. production management.
E. maintenance management.
F. logistics management.
G. marketing management.
H. office management.
J. development management.
3. management is an inter-disciplinary approach:For the correct application of the management principles study of
commerce, economics, sociology, psychology and mathematics are
4. universality of management:The concept of universality of management suggests that transmission
of management of knowledge may be under taken.
A. by a manager from 1 country to another country.
B. through training and developing programs for manager in developing
5. essincial of managing:3 essencials of management are, scientific method, human relation
and constative quantative.
6. mordran management is an agent of change:The techniques of management can be improved by proper research
and development.

planning :Forecasting , when how were

Organising :
Division of work , according to convictions
Staffing ::
Place in the employee in the organisation

Direction :
Guidelines by supervisors to subordinates
Controlling :
Identify the difference between activity climate.
Importance of management :Success , wastage , resources ( man and material and population time )
Other importance :1. Helps in achieving goals
2. Effective use of resources
3. Reduces cost
4. Equilibrium
5. Production and society
Types of management:A. Top level managers

- Directors

B. Middle level managers - production managers

C. Lower level managers - Workers

Development of management thought

Evaluation of management

Early construction of 19 century

Scientific management ( 1900 1930 )
Administrative management ( 1916=-1940 )
Human relation approach ( 1930 1950 )
Social system approach ( 1940 1950 )
Decision theory approach ( 1945 1960 )
Management science approach ( 1950 19660 )
Human behavior approach ( 150 1970 )
System approach 1970 onward
Contingency approach 1970 onward

Managerial in competitive advantage :Producing quality goods

Quality services
Offering services to the customers
Superior product decision
Stages of competitive advantage
Producing quality goods
Quality services
Offering services to the customers
Superior product decision

1. Low cost leadership stages

2. Product definition stages
3. Specialization stages

4. Superior product decision

5. Superior customer services
Challenges of management :Technical advertisement
Product innovation and management
Global issues
Quality issues

Planning :Introduction :The first function of the management present and future achievements
Definition ;Planning is deciding and allowance what is to be done in future.
Nature of planning :Its includes to objectives of the organization in advance.
Includes primary planning then other function of planning.

a. Contributes to objectives
b. Inter actual activities
c. planning means higher efficiently
d. flexibility
e. Consist ability
Steps in planning :Awareness of opportunity

Internal strength and weakness

External factors:A. oppurtunities and threds.
B. establishing objective.
C. end result.

D. developing process.
E. determination of alternatives.
F. evaluating alternatives.

Planning process:A.
Defining the objectives.
B. environmental analasys.
C. revenue organizational direction.
D. stages alternatives.
E. stages implementations.
F. stages evoluation and control.
Replace the traditional management:Other
types of management:A. management by results:
(A). its also called as general management.
(B) it also called in work planning.

Stages in management by objectives or concepts:A. performance approach.

B. integrating individuals.
C. long role planning
Definition of management by objectives:A result oriented non-specilist operational process for the effective use
of material at human resources of the organization by integrating the
individual with the organizational and organization with the envorinment.
Process of management by objectives:A. setting objectives at top level.
B. clarifying of goals.
C. sitting sub-ordinates objectives.
D. performance of goals.
E. requirement to install to management by objectives.
A. purpose- clarification
Top management.
Employes-properly transferred of management by objectives integration
objectives we the divided goals review the aceriviors with the organization
clarification with managers-key results acceptance of commitments by
managers. Provisions for imaginative management objective.
Decesion making:Introduction:A. problems of theory.
Meaning of decision making:->>
Choosing best alternative among the available alternative.
A. it is identifying the purpose.

B. analasys the circumstances.

C. identifying the issues.
D. developing the alternative solutions.
E. choosing alternative solutions.
Importance of decision making:Managers performe various functions.
B. decision making in right time.
Significant:At right time.
Compitative goals- advantages.
Principles of decision making:A. problem orientation.
B. principles of alternatives.
C. principles of exceptions.
D. principles of limiting factors.
E. principles of limiting rationality.
F. principles of commetments.
G. principles of participation.

Process of decision making**:A. problem avireness.

B. quality and price of the product.
C. technological changes.
D. problems diagnolsis.

E. development of alternative solutions.

F. selection of best solution.
G. implification of decision.

Tools and technique of decision making**:The delpy technique

In this type numbers with expertime and information relating to an issue or selected.
A. questionaries are sent them
B. group members do not meet face to face.
C. feedback from questionaries is sent to the members to give their decision with the help of
information provided.
D. the technique is used EX: for demand forecasting project market trends.

Advantages:A. ego problems are avoided.

B. expert time is effectively used.
C. inter-personal problems are avoided.
2. nominal group technique:In this type minimum interaction between the members relating to the issue is there.
Advantages:A. all members get equal opportunities.
B. no member can dominate the other.
C. decision can be taken in time.
D. ego problems are solved.

Disadvantages:A. processer is regect.

B. members may be gestated.
3. . brain starving technique:A. it encourages creative thinking.
B. generated number of ideas.
C. encourages imagination skills.
D. no possibility decision of ideas.

Advantages:A. group members areinvolved.

B. participation of members are more.

Disadvantages:A. members may feed the better ideas may not be considered.
B. scope for cretisisum of ideas.

4. dialectic technique:A. generates alternatives.

B. new alternatives are developed to solve the problems.
5. decision tree analasys**:A. alternative solutions are developed.
B. information is used as decision.

C. it relates to future choice.

helps managers to arrange the information.
Decision tree:Decision point

high qult cost

Making or by

Rs 200 per unit

Make option
High qult price in Rs 220 per unit
Average qult cost Rs 165 per unit
Average qult price Rs 150 per unit
Low qult cost Rs 100 per unit
Low qult price Rs 120 per unit

Co-ordination:A. It is one of the functions of management.
B. it is the co-ordinating in various activities.
Types of co-ordinating:A. internal co-ordination.
B. external co-ordination.
C. vertical co-ordination.
D. horigental co-ordination.
Techniques of co-ordination:A. sound planning-employee what
B. simple organization-you have line authority.

C. chain of command.
D. effective communication.
E. special co-ordination.
F. sound the leadership.

Unit II. Nature of organization:

I. principles
II. principles of organizational levels.
III. types.
IV. span of management.**
V. organizational structure.
VI. approaches.
3. deligation of authority.
4. centralization and decentralization of authority.
5. responsive organization.
6. controlling.
A. nature and importance.
B. process.
C. feedback systems.
d. recricument for effective control
E. control techniques.

A. status.
B. intencity.

C. repatialson


D. adds relating to a product santor T.V .

Status:A girl coming to the college by a car.

A girl coming to the college by a cycle.
Constract:Principles of organizing:1

unity of objective.
span of management:
it means how many subordinates can be managed by a superior.

functinal organization:
it is relationship the functional organization between rights and duties or duties and authority.

4 unit of command:
5 unity of direction:
plan for all the activities.
6 scalar of principle:
it means each and every worker must now who is his superior.
7 responsibility:it is
8 balance
it means equilibrium. There are certain activities which centralized and and there are some activities are
decentralized. Certain activities which are not given others. Certain activities which can be given to any to
9 specialization:
it is nothing but the principle of devision of work. It means right person in the right place.
10 co-ordination
11 continuity:it means the process in the organization should go perminently. It should not be broken in the middle.
12 authority and responcibility:it means the authority and responcibility of the managers should difine clearly that what is to be done
and what not be do by them.
13 flexibility:
14 cimplicity:it means organizational structure should facilitate free flow of information between all the members of the

15 efficiency:it means the goals of the organization should be achieved at minimum cost.
16 dealership:
it means the organization can be provide good leaders.

Span of management:it means how many subordinates can be managed by a superior.


efficient supervision:
it has effective supervision and control.
2. close control:
3. quic communication.

more involvement.
results in high cost.
results in communication disorder.

Types of span of managements.

It has 2 types. They are wide span and narrow span.
Wide span means more number of subordinates.
Narrow span means less number of subordinates.

Factores effecting span of management:It effects ability of the managers.

It effects the position of the managers.
Posibility of conflicts between superiors and subordinates.
It effects possibility of training the subordinates
Clarity in delegation of authority.
teem work.

Use of communication techniques.

Organizational design and structure:

It is nothing but design of functions in organization. This organizational structure includes process work.
1 factors to considered:
A external environment.
Political factors.
The technological changes.
Objects and objections of an organization:
Growth of organization and profit organizations.
Objectives means goals to be achieved.
It is nothing but related to work in the organizations.
Whether horigental or vertical.
Related to communication.
Approaches to organizational structure and design:

entrepreneurial structure
in small business we have single owners. Therefore they do not require organizational chart.
Employes no work is to be done.
Advantages of enterepreneral organizational structure:

time to decisions.

B. environmental changes.

2 functional structure:
wipe the views.
Employees perform similar jobs.
Commonly used functions that is marketing, finance, HR.
Functional structure is effectives in a single manor.

Specialization reserves in efficiency

It reserves in effective use of skills.
Remotes the common values.

Disadvantages:1 activities.
Activities are
Inter dictionary activities needs to conflicts.

Product organizational structure.

It relates to the companies producing to more than one product. The activities are divided as per individual
product. Products and services are group. The functions of marketing, financial and are included.

Matrix types of organization:-

All other organized structures are based on the principle of single chain command.

Under the matrix structure of organization dual chain of command is involved.

under this system both functional managers and project managers excersizes powers.
when suitable:when management attention is required in one or more areas.
when the large amount of information is to be processed.
when problem solving iscomplicated.
where economies of scale requires the services of incharge.


it is the combination of both functional and project structures.

it is flexible in nature.
when functional managers wender service to project manager is paid.
the lower level of employees are highly motified.


it is very complicated.
it is very difficult to maintain balance between two managers(functional and project).
difficult to move between from one area to other.
no unity of command.

it takes lat of time(consumes more time).

Delegation:It is lats of power or authority. Managers do not no what is ment by delegation so there not avair of its
55Delegation is sharing of authority with there superior to a subordinate.
Transfer of authority and responcibility involves accountability.
Characteristics or features of delegation:1

it gives directions to to manages to performing his duties.

authority remains with the superiors always even after delegation.
it can be modified at any time.
manager can not delegate authority which does not have delegation is an art.

Principles of delegation:1

managers must know the activities to be performed by his subordinates.

managers should delegate authority along with responcibility.
responcibility without authority use of no use

subordinates with responcible when there is

subordinates must received instructions only from superior(unity of command).


energy of the organization.

it gives relefe to the managers.
it acts as a link between various activities.
it encourages subordinates.
it encourages subordinates to conduct a challenging.
it determinates a change.

Barriers to delegation:1

loss of power.
Avoids risk.
lack of confidence.
art of cretic style.
misuse of authority.
over confidence of superiors.

Centralization:Centralization means Concentration of power and authority. Managers should reserve work along with authority.
Some managers delegate work but not authority.
Managers should reserve authority which is important.
Advantages of centralization:1 personal superversone is possible.
2 provides personal leadership.
3. Motivation is possible.
4. uniform action.
5. hand

Disadvantages of centralization:1

delay in communication.
delay in decesion making.
under previlization of HRs.
employees dissatisfaction..

decentralization:factors that determining decentralization:1


fast relating deceession.

reserve for uniform policy.
size of the organization.
history of the organization.
philosophy of organization.
avalibility of managers.
influence of environmental factors.

Advantages of decentralization.

effective communication.
reduces rettapisum.
faster decision making.
increases job satisfaction.

Disadvantages of decentralization:1

no uniform policy.


superiors will have no control on subordinates.

coordination is not possible.
what is recentralization.

Responsive organization:Organizations can not function in vacuumed. They are exposed to internal and external envoirnment.
External environment is volatile due to globalization.
So organization have to with structure which are flexible and responsive to both internal and external factors.

Controlling techniques:They are 2 types.


budgatery control techniques.

non-budgitary control techniques.

budgetary control techniques:-

capital expenditure budgit:a companies require capital for manufacturing goods and services.
b If it is the capital require to purchase fixed assets. Examples, plant and machinery, furniture and
fittings and land and etc.
c Actual expenditure is compared with estimates.
d Proper steps are taken to remove the defects between them.


cash budgit:it is the statement of receipts and payments.

a It provides the estimates of cash receipts and payments.

b The actual cash receipts and payments arecompared
c If there are any deviations, steps should to rectify.
3 material, time and place budgit:a budgits will not be specified , in monotering terms.
b Time is essincial in organizations.
c Space is also important for office use.
d Material budgit includes various material required for production of goods.
4. productionn budgit:A

it indicates the estimated material required, finance required, HR required etc.

these budgits help managements to achieve their goals in organization.
They help to control production.
sales budgit:a it indicates the estimated sales.
b They help to identify the factors which effect sales.
c These budgits help the management to achieve their plans.

5. 0 based budgit:The 0based budgit is a recent technique. Organizations divide their programs in to various packages. Each
package indicates its goals. Cost of the packages are calculated refresh for each and every budgit period, without
taking in to a firm the past changes the zero based budgit is used in for starting new activities from the beginning
ignoring the different stages of packages.

Advantages of zero based budgit:I. action and control.

II. co-ordination:It is the coordination of various activities.
III. encourage deems period
3. disadvantages:I. over budgting.
II. over writing the organizational goals.
III. guiding inefficiencies.
IV. causing infecilities.

Unit 3. organizational behaviour

Nature and scope, link with other sources then escription and process, values attitudes learning and process learning
Personality- types and modals johar window

Modals of organizational behaviour, organizational culture and development.

Introduction:Partly it is called as OB. It is a part of the management in organizations. Organizations develop only when
its people are call up. Therefore study of organizational behaviour is important.
It is because individual behaviour can be understood.
Understanding the behaviour of the group is complex.

Therefore the success of any organization depends on understanding the needs, skills of the people working
in the organization.

2. linkage with other sources:Different approatches to study the behaviour of the organizational behaviour.
1. inter deciplanery approatch:2. human resource approtch.
3. contingency approtche.
4. system approatch.
5. productivity approatch.
It apporatch labour ternover, o
3. Perception:Perception Related to personality.
1 It is psycolagical factor.
2 It effects human behaviour.

It is the selectivity.
Picture of an mother giving brust feeding is viewed differently a young college
going boy when compared to old woman or a man.
Closure:It is an assumption of perception. EX: a dead body of young lady the police office may issued
to be a murder on the way, where as common man may think it to be an accidental dowing.

context:it is made up of physical factors.

Process of perception:It consists of the following.


Perseptional inputs:a

Stimunents influenced people. They effect the sences of the people. EX:
air cooler. Distrop the individuals. Noice of regular.
2. Perseptional mechanism:-

noice of

A. Perseptional selectivity.
It is selection of objects. It is influenced by internal and external
External factors:A

The pegh of the size of the stubulent, the more is the possibility of the



yelling, whispering.
Advirtaisment related to an product of a thing.
a girl comming by car a girl is coming to college by cycle.
exit boards in a cinema hall, that is red letters with
black background.
Moving objects than a stable object.
moving naon sign
noveality:in a object in femeliour stability.
crouded platform.
Nature:The nature of the object.



femiliour face on a

visuals attract more than words.

Internal factors:A It is of 3 types. They are

A. Planning.
B. motivation.
C. Personality.

A. Planning:It is inter related with other internal factors of learning. B. Lerning plays an
important part in perception. It is a stimulen. It createsexpetency to an
individual. It creates motivation to see what he wants to see. EX:
in this
the reeder can not locket on the extra the in the centence. Our attention is to read
the centence, because prior learning in the try angle is- ternoff engen.

Values:Values reflect the behaviour of individuals.

Values influence the individuals.
Society has values.
It reflects the heritage of the people.

It reflects the

Values are created to change over a period of time.

Types of values:There are 2 values.

Terminal values.
Instrimental values.

Characteristics of values:They are,


Abstract:a Values determine the behaviour.

b It emarge out of social system.
c Values differ from society to society.
d 2. Other types of values.
A. abstractacle:-A. it is discovering tool.
B. economic:Emargement of economical.
C. emargement:Emarge out of psychological contentment

Political values:It belief that power control society.

Religious values
Important to lead piecefull life.

Attitude:Meaning of attitude:It is a
It is an impression on the individuals.

Definition of attitude:It is tendentence evaluate its object.

Charecteristics or nature of attitudes:A. It is a belief of an individual or group.

B. the result in action.

C. people hold different attitudes irrespective of their status.
D. They do not exist at the time of birth.

Sources of attitude:It is feelings and beliefs of a man.


Direct to personal experience.

Family and feal groups.
Economic status.
Mass communication.

Types of attitudes:A

Joyb satisfaction EX:

high job satisfaction
Job involvement
Organizational commitment.

Social assumptions:A. personality is increased by learning.

B. plan behavious as per the regards.
C. this theory is influenced by factors side to the effect modeling.
D. self control process.
E. modal deals instrumental larning.
F. subprocess of modalling.

A. attention process.
B. retention.
C. reproduction process.
D. process.

Reinforcement of learning:A.

it is the consiquences of behavior.

B. anything which increases the strength of response and which intarm and hence the reputation
of behavior is called reinforcement.
Basic forms of reinforcement in the organization:A. positive reinforcement.
B:It increases the behavior by the presentation of desirable consequences
when the superior appreciate sa worker then he will perform the same work with
lot of care and interest in the next time.
An employees exhibit behaviours like hard work, loyality etc they may be
rewarded with increased pay and encouraged.
Negative reinforcement:In this case the superior will not appreciates the efficiency of a worker instead of
appreciating criticizing the worker.


if a parent ignores a chaild to price a petty reason it will be reduced after


It is a painful punishment.

B. its intention may be recognision.

C. if it is ignored his ego is effected.
Similarly the manager encourages the staff to interact with him when the
number is limited. Employees are also rewarded for the information given by the manager.
B. when staff increased he discouraged private conversation and stopped the reward.
C. only for business information but not for private information.
C. individual references

D. human behavior is understood the analasying the psycilogical factors.

E. personalities includes smartness, charm, druss sence, speaking etc.
When a child observe a murder attempt at chaild hood he wil be afaried of blud.

Meaning of personality:According to boBonnar personalitiy includes (goal oriented behavior

B. process of becoming something).

Factors that determine personality:1. environment.

2. personality.

Personality is also influenced by heredity.


like father, like sun, like mother and like daughter ETC.

2.environment:Environment also plays an important role in the development of personality.

Environment consists of
A. culture.:It is a behavior, which is shared by the members of the society.

the child behavios the way which is acceptable

B. family:also influences the development of personality. The influence depends up onA. size of the family.
B. birth order.

C. race, religion and education of parents.

Theories of personalities:1. freduian stages or psyco analytical theory.

It is assured that man is motivated more by unceen forces rather than
rationalthoughts. It includes the following.
1. the Id:A.

It is the formulation of unconscious behavior of the individual. It

B. it gives immidieat satisfaction.

C. it includes sectual pleasure.

EX: lanch box.

D. it demands immediate demand.

2. the ego:A. it is concerned with realities of life.
B. it is the conscious stage of an individual.
C. the ego check the Id in a person.

lonch box.

3. the super ego:A. it is the higher level force to check the Id.
B. it is a moral constraine.
C. in doing an immoral act.

a lecturer is affaried to drink in a bar.

To eat at stalls located on road side.
This theory is theoretical nature.

II. Erikson stages:-

The first theory lay stress on biologically needs.

B. eriction gives more importence to social factors. They areA. stage 1 infancy.
Chaild is more dependent during the early stages. Fealing of trust and miss-trust
are developed at this stage. These feelings are influenced by the behavior of parents. A chaild
trusts parents if they are effectionate.
2. early chaildhood autonomy:At this stage one tries to develop on his own. If freedom is given to a chaild he
feals sence of autonomy. He develops share if parents take care of him in all box of his life.

shert given by a parent.

Similarly in organizations people want to work independently after basic

training. If he is allowed he feals sence of autonomy. If he is cretesized he feals sence of
modals of organizational behaviour:1. auto cretic modal.
2. custodian modal
3. supportive modal.
4. Collegerate modal.

1. auto cretic modal:It depends up on power.

in this method managerial orientation is formal.
Authority is deligated.
Employees are obedient to their boss, but not their manager.
Boss pays minimum wages.
Workers produce minimum output, because their basic needs are to be met.
Some employees give high performance because they like boss.

2. custodian modal
It success depends up on economic resources.
They concentrate more on wages and benefits.
Since basic needs are satisfied, employer provides security needs.
This method can not be followed when it can not provide retairment benefits to its employees.
Employees are satisfied under this method with the organization.

3. supportive modal:-

Depends on leadership rather than power and money.

Leadership helps employees to grow in the organization.
Leader assumes that workers are always willing to work.
When management supports workers, they feal a sence of participation.
Workers are more recognized under this modal.
Workers status needs are met under this method.
They may say we instead of they.

4. coleginal modal:It is an extension of supportive modal.

It means group of people working together.
It depends up on tth encouragement of management.
Employees feal that they are useful.
Managers are joined contributers under this method.
Quality work is produced.
It develops self deceplain.

5. system modal:It is of recent development.

Under this method the workers anticipated something than basic needs and security needs.
Workers have to work for more hours. Their work relates to ethics, intigraty and trust.
To achieve this, managers should demonistrate a sence of caring to the workers.
The workers should generate helthy employer and employee relationship.
Status needs, esteem needs, self actualization etc are met.

Johari window***:It is a modal to study inter-personal relationship.

It was developed by lufe and Ingam.
It is the modal which shows how people are expose themselves to others and get feedback from

How culture is learned:A


by stories
By material symbles.

Unit 4.
Motivation:*Theories of motivation.
*Approatches to leadership.
*Leadership behaviour.
*leadership types.
*leadership fields.
*leadership cross cultural environment.
*corporate leadership and demand.
Group dianamics.
*group formation and development.
Conflict management and nagation skills.
Motivation:Introduction:Management has to co-ordinate various factors of production to achieve the goals
of the organization. 2 factors are responcible for the effective performance of the
organization. They are,
A human factors
B non-human factors.
The human factors include the people and their ability to work.
Non-human factors are the machine, used in production.
If a person has no ability he will have no efficiency.
If a persone has ability but not motivated, his performance will decrease.
Meaning of motivation:It is encouragement given to the people to give their best.

Definition of motivation:Motivation is the complex of forces to keep a person at work in

Types of motivation:It is are 2 types. They are,
Positive motivation.
Nagetive motivation.
Importance of motivation:1

high performance:motivation encourages employees to give their best.


low obsnitism and a labor turnover

organizational image.
better industrialrelations.
acceptability to change.

Techniques of motivation:-

3. accidents need theory of motivation:This theory is also called learned treat theory. In this theory individuals acquire certain
needs from the culture of the society. The needs may be
A. needsfor achievement.
B. need for power.
C need for affiliation.
A needsfor achievement:A. the individuals have small desire to find solutions with the problems relating to
B to set the goals and take risks.
C To take feedback on work performed.
D To achieve goals set.

B. need for power:A. it is the need to control the environment.

B. individuals with high power will havedesire to control others.
interest in the fealings of others.
3. need for affiliation:A. individuals are interested to maintain good relations in the work place.
B. he is interested in getting assurance others.
C. he will have sinsiour interest in the fealings

4. ERG theory:It is proposed by Alderfer.

He pree-formulated the Mastrow Theory.
He reduced mastrows timings to 3 needs.
They are.
A existence needs.
B Related needs.
C Growth rate.
Existence needs:It is a combination of pscylogical and safety needs of Mastrow.
2. related ness needs:It is a combination of social needs and esteem needs of Mastrow. It is the relationship
with the people who they are interested.
Growth rate:According to Mastrow only 1 needs arize at a time that aldrafer assumes that a
combination arases at a time more than one need.

Process theories:A Croons theory:Crooms felt that content modals of motivationdid not explain the satisfaction arrived by
He developed a new theory of motivation.
There are 3 concepts which gives satisfaction. They are.
A balance
B instrumentality
C expectancy.
D Balance:a

It is the prifarance of an individual of a particular outcome.

It may be equalent to value, incentive etc.
When a person achieves an outcome it is positive balance.
When a persone does not attain then outcome outcome balance.
When a persone is indifferent to attain the outcome then the balance is zero.

A B. Instrumentality:a It is the input to get the second outcome.

b It is the 1st outcome for the 2nd level.
EX: an individual desires
promotions. Promotion requires superiors performances. In this case the first
outcome is superior performance. The 2nd outcome is promotion.
c Expectency:i Expectancy and instrumentality appears the same, but they are
different. Expectancy is the propability for the first level of outcome.
Instrimentality is second level of outcome.
ii Conclusion:According to croom the some of balance instrumentality and
expectancy is motivation.

Quarter and mordran modal expectancy theory:

1. Satisfaction leeds to performance:2. There is low relationship between satisfaction and performance.
3. performance is function of 3 factors. They are,
A. performance depends on motivation.
B. motivation should be some payment.
c. employ should have the knowledge of the job.

Goal setting theory:This theory is proposed by Aven in the year 1960. According to him intention to
work to achieve the voal is important.
Efficiency is enhanced when the worker knows what to do and how to do.
Accepting different task.

Leadership:Leader is a person when he encourages the workers.

It is the ability to influence theworkers.
He should have capacity to attract the people.
Approaches to leadership:
1. trait theory:
This is the earliest theory. It is developed in the during 1930-1950. According to
this theory it has certain values and this leeders will encourage social activities.
According to this theory leaders are born, they are not made.

Physical factors of a leadership:

Socio ability,
Self confidence.

Acquired qualities:
1. human policies.
2. empathy.
3. emotional stimulity.
4. objectivity.
5. motivating skills.

Behavioural approtch:There are certain defects in trait theory. In this theory the importance is given for
actual behavior of a leeders instead of personal traits.
Drawbacks:A same behavior is not suitable in all situations.

3. situational approtch.
It is also called as contengiency approach.
Leadership is effected by situations from where you have come.
There is no single type of leadership will be suitable in all situations.
Fred leadership:
This fred leeder is also a contengiency modal. There are
number relationship task
Leeder power.

4. park bool theory:

It is the combination of

It speeks of effectiveness of leadership indifferent situation.

They are directive.
Goal oriented.
5. broomds decision theory.
This theory is developed by victor room. It is based on situational variables.
Character of a leeder effects the effectiveness of the organization.
Leeder behavior:
Situational variables.
His personal attitude.
Organizational effectiveness.

Styles of leadership:
Auto cretic.
Decessions are taken by only leeder.
Openion of a subordinate is not concedered.
Subordinaters do not like him.
3 types.
1. strict auto cretic.
2. denominent auto cretic.

2. free rein style.

It Is also called asser fail. Ffr

Organizational effectiveness***
Nature of effective organizations:

Advanced planning
Performance standered.
Balanced priorities.
Continues monatory.
Employee recognition.

Importance organizational effectiveness:A.


It increases job opportunities.

Helps to organize individuall work.
It increases awairness of employes.
It increases the ability of the workers.
It results in increased production.

Organizational effectiveness solutions:A. Strategy implimentations.

B. Strategic work force alignment.
C. Change management.

Case study:

Noval evulated from IAM banglor and joined in his fathers business. He
employed 28 seme-skilled workers. After one week his father called him and said
that he had observed the working of his sun with men and women for the past few
days, his father told that he wants to say something though he is not interested. He
told his sun that it is too nice to people. He told that the sun new the principles of
management of and managing the people in IAM. Those principles are not valid

in the regular business. For that the father told his sun that there is some thing
more than being nice to people in the organization.
2 Do you think Novals father understood the principles of management currectly?
3 If were Novel what would be your reactions to your fathers comments?

A. Noval was graduate from THE IAM the institute is known for developing
managers using latest techniques in organizing the various activities for the
B. Most of the morderan organizations recognize human resource is very important.
Managing people by is known well by Japanis techniques.
C. In the present case Mr Novel is time to provide conseniour atmostfear to the
workers which increase their efficiency. His father has a time to approach in
bringing the human resources.
D. They altered the management on the needs and fillings of employees. They have
shown the social factors on workers productivity. The importance of informer
groups in the organizations is seen.

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