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Asia Pacific Journal of Research

ISSN (Print): 2320-5504

ISSN (Online): 2347-4793



P.CH. Praveen Kumar

Research Scholar
Department of Business Management
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh.

Dr. P.V. Vara Prabhakar

Research Supervisor & Assistant Professor
Department of Business Management
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh.

In the recent epoch employee expectations are enormously increasing from their job and organization due to globalization effect.
No doubt organizations are also in search of finding amicable solutions with respect to motivating employees and in transforming
themselves into learning ones. Personality could be explained as the sum of total ways in which an individual reacts and interacts
with others and environment. Motivation is a broader term which envisages the future of the organization and sustains its
progress. Out of many motivational theories ‘Vroom’s Expectancy Theory’ is a unique theory which is totally based on cognitive
model i.e. revolves around the conscious thoughts about the circumstances. Indian Telecom sector is growing day-by-day with an
impeccable progression. The totality of the Telecom sector is a perfect combination of technology and human resource efforts.
The increased competition among Telecom firms raised many issues relating to treatment of the employee motivation. This paper
explores the impressions of personality and work motivation in the context of Vroom’s expectancy theory application on employee
motivation. The study is conducted on Indian Telecom Sector. It can be considered as a multi-dimensional study where employee
motivation is compared with certain critical aspects of the identified personality dynamics.
Keywords: Motivation, Vroom‟s expectancy theory, personality, human resource, Indian telecom sector.

Indian telecom sector is extremely performing after the new industrial policy announcement. In fact Indian telecom sector
emerged as one of the world‟s strongest one. India witnessed a telecom revolution in the last decade. Telecom sector in India is
providing employment at large scale. Even the technology using in Indian telecom sector is updated. Uniqueness of this sector is
being dynamic and impressive services. The leading telecom service providers in India are Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited,
Reliance-Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
Indian scenario reflects the global changes and the emergence of providing fast paced services like 2G, 3G and 4G etc. Indian
economy is procuring reasonable amount of contribution from this service sector. With the entry of world famous telecom
company Vodafone uplifted this sector and world countries shifted their view on the ongoing things in India. The totality of the
success in this sector lies with human resources efficiency. The emerging economies like India, specifically concentrating more on
providing economical services to the customers.
Telecom Practices in India are something different to know. Telecom service charges are comparatively low in India. With the
entry of Jio Telecom services, there is a paradigm shift observed in terms of increased competition. Jio adopted a unique strategy
to attract customers i.e. offering free services. Airtel, India‟s telecom giant struggling with implementing survival strategies. Airtel
is offering telecommunications since 15 years. Since its inception continuously strived to attain market leader position. After
facing many struggles stood as market leader.

www.apjor.com Vol: I. Issue LXXXVI, March 2018

Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793

Glimpses of Indian Telecom Sector:

 World‟s second tele-communication market with 1.05 billion subscribers.
 Globally third in highest number of internet users.
 GSM services are continued their dominance with 98.66% in total share in type
of communication.
 The five important groups in Indian Telecom sector are Department of
Telecommunication, Association of Unified Telecom
Service Providers of India, Cellular Operators Association of India, Association
of Competitive Telecom Operators and Internet & Mobile Association of India.
 Generating employment at large scale. 3 million got direct employment and more
than 2 million secured indirect jobs.
Source: Telecom Regularity Authority of India Report, Feb-2018.

Time is dynamic. Time shift brings many changes in a competitive environment. The new entrant Jio enlarged the competition
intense and seems to be completely dominated the market. The marketing mechanics of Airtel is also so enigmatic. But all these
have direct implications on functioning of the total telecom sector. The present market trend implies need for estimating the
employee commitment levels and affect of market forces in enhancing their share proportion. No doubt Airtel and Jio are the
perfect competitors and striving to get new customers apart from retaining old customers. Here the hidden element is employee
engagement. Assessment of employee level of commitment is depends on HR strategies implemented with reference to employee
Employee motivation is an age old conception but still, it has occupied a predominant place in the human resource administration.
Even though it seems to be vivid, yet there are multiple observations explored various studies conducted at global level. Various
environmental factors like social, economic & psychological could have noticeable impressions on employee motivation.
Managing humans at work is so complex. Studies reveal that the human resource expectations from the job are amplifying.
Motivation is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Several telecom organizations incorporate strategies like financial incentive
schemes and retirement benefits as a part of job treatment.
This sector is so dynamic in functioning. Every new entrant throws typical challenges to the existing players. Getting lion‟s share
is the expected result of the telecom companies. The operators perceive things in different senses. The employment rules and
regulations are completely structured and organized. Besides competition, human resources significant play a determinant role in
move towards organizational excellence. Employee motivation is still considered as an unsolved enigma. The telecom companies
seriously involved in sorting out crucial motivational strategies for retaining existing talent and attracting new talents.
Relevance of vroom’s expectancy theory on employee motivation in 21 st Century:
Vroom‟s expectancy theory considers motivation as a force. The theory revolves around three elements namely valence,
expectancy and instrumentality. Victor vroom in his theory suggested that „individuals are motivated by benefits (rewards) as a
result of the performance‟. This theory propagates that employee motivation is certainly focused on matching rewards with
performance. There is measure for each and every employee‟s efforts. HR administrators practice different motivational
mechanisms in order to ensure that the employee intentions are perfectly addressed.
Till date the world witnessed so many industrial revolutions, typical industrial disputes & industrial transformations. The change
management says that everything will change. But the reality is “change” is also a subject to some limitations, in detail certain
things will never change; such as employee expectations, hindered unsatisfied employee expectations, job challenges etc.
We have many motivational theories advocating the significance of encouraging employee towards attainment of industrial &
organizational goals, out of many theories vroom‟s expectancy theory explored the motivation as a push factor, and this theory
establishes the interrelatedness of rewards and instrumentality. So, there is lot of scope to do research in order to establish logical
relationship between employee motivation & employee performance from the point of relevance this study is going to address the
kind of association existing among personality, motivation, individual growth, organizational progress and in gaining competitive

Literature Review:
Employee motivation and demographics are correlates with each other; hence they required the right treatment (Deepa Francis &
V.A. Santhosh, 2016). Job satisfaction is intensively improves the work performance of the employees. It could affect on the
employee job contributions (Elizabeth Boye & Kwesi Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016).Personality factor has direct influence on
employee work performance. In her study stressed the association between need for motivating employees & managing
effectively the organizational change (Ayesha Binte Safiullah, 2015). Employee work performance can be managed through

www.apjor.com Vol: I. Issue LXXXVI, March 2018

Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793
providing appropriate rewards in right time. Vroom‟s theory of motivation states same and organizations must devise new
motivational schemes to reach the state of improved performance (Kashmala Nizam & Faiza Maqbool Shah, 2015).
Attainment of organizational goals is effectively possible through motivating human resources (Chukwuma, Edwin & Obiefuna,
2014). Employee motivation and organizational effectives possess optimistic relationship and well appreciated employees would
produce better outcomes (Quratul Ain Manzoor, 2012). Rewards, job design, traits have a positive influence on employee
motivation. Vigorously the employee performance management has progressively attached with motivational factors (Naeem,
Shahzad, Zahid, Saqin & Muhammad, 2001). Employees perform better whenever their personalities are rightly managed. It also
enhances their occupational effectiveness. Employee engagement is also becomes a reality through applying the motivational
factors like participation of employees in decision making and inspiring through skills improvement and career development
(Kafil & Sharmin, 2016).
Every element of work could certainly influences the organizational performance and visibly effects on employee motivation such
as late working hours. The study reflected a negative impact of late working hours on employee performance and organizational
performance on whole. The every micro element of job may significantly works on employee motivation for assigned work
(Simpson CL & Severson RK, 2000). Proactive decision makings occupies as a pivotal place in the organizational progression. In
this connection personality fit element enhances the span of employee motivation quotient (G.V.Chandra Mouli &
Y.Subbarayudu, 2013).
Motivated employees ensures that considerable retention rates and improved performance of the organization in overall
productivity and effectiveness (Mohamed & Lucy, 2016). Motivation is all about continuously inspiring through noticeable job
rewards (Chaudhary & Sharma, 2012). Vroom‟s theory proved that the rewards would change the scenario of organizational
success rate. An attractive salary is considered as a valuable tool and enormously improves employee‟s performance and
organizational productivity (Muogbo, 2013). Assigning work based on employee capacities is another significant element of
motivation that assists in getting maximum productivity (Ali, Abrar & Haider, 2012). Organizational dreaming may also rightly
managed through managing employee expectations. Harmonizing the employee expectations and organizational excellence is a
notion related to motivational strategies of the firm. Talent management and employee performance are interconnected.
Personality factor significantly effects on employee occupational self-rejections. Performance evaluations could be done on the
basis of avoidance degree of occupational self-rejections of the employees. Empowering employees considerably increases the
level of motivation among them. (Viswanath, Juturu & Chandra Mouli, G.V, 2014). Effects of employee occupational self-
rejections on talent management: A study of personality factor role in performance evaluation issues.
Delegating power, authority and sharing responsibility maximizes their commitment (Ghosh, 2013). Understanding the
personality psychodynamics maximizes the organizational opportunities in achieving personality fit i.e. job and organization fit.
Mammoth research works relating to the motivation is not clearly emphasized the understanding of conception, due to differences
in theory v/s application and treating more as a subjective element (Beer & Spector, 2015).

Summary of Literature Review:

The literature review sum-up is as follows: The three factors namely ability, work environment and capabilities to do jobs effects
individual and organizational performance. Maslow & other renowned theories of motivation are also believed that the
fundamental nature of human being is satisfaction results in performance. Employee performance is collectively based on
individual ability as well as motivation. Through employee motivation the top level management not only is focusing on improved
performances but also in the creation of positive image of the firm in a global panorama. Motivated employee plays a vital role in
improving business performance. Job influencing variables assessment is a tool used to measure the employee performance in
connection to personality treatment. Employees view their job responsibilities under various job influentials. More over the team
working throws a plenty of challenges in exploring hidden talents of the employees. Neither individual nor group
accomplishments are totally relies on the element „how well they are treated and tuned. Among all the identified motivational
factors such as opportunities for growth and development, job security, interesting work significantly can contribute towards
organizational advancements.

Research Gap:
Based on the review of related studies, the researcher intends to have a specific study on assessment of personality and motivation.
The critical personality elements are measured with the Vroom‟s expectancy theory of motivation. For this study the researcher
identified the following variables: Personality factor, Career planning & development, Training & development, Financial
incentives, Employee empowerment & Non-financial incentives. All these variables are examined through the application of
Vroom‟s motivational theory.

Statement of the Problem:

Modern organization are talking about organization sustenance, innovative strategies, optimal profits and augmented learning
practices, in fact all these are real-time possibilities if the business firms, emphasizes more on balancing the employee
expectations and market trends. Hence there is great relevance of vroom‟s expectancy theory and tuning the employees, in specific
the telecom sector in India is moving towards practicing un beatable business strategies on par with global standards, even the
future is so visible with perfect competitors, therefore the title rightly coined as understanding “Personality and Work Motivation:
A Decisive Assessment of Vroom‟s Expectancy Theory on Employee Motivation”.

www.apjor.com Vol: I. Issue LXXXVI, March 2018

Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793
Objectives of the Study:
The following are the objectives of the study:
1. To study the present scenario of Indian Telecom Sector ;
2. To assess the impact of personality on employee motivation.
3. To explore the relationship between the personality and employee motivation.

The hypotheses of the study are as follows:
H1: There is a significant influence of demographics of respondents on personality and employee motivation.
H2: There is a significant relationship between personality and employee motivation.

This study is conducted in the Bengaluru cluster of Indian Telecom Sector. The reason is corporate offices of major telecom
companies are situated in Bengaluru. The researcher approached executive level employees through direct and indirect survey
methods. The total population of Indian telecom sector is accounting to 5 million. Out of which more than 30% are working in
Bengaluru segment. Hence, the population in this segment is unknown. In this connection 390 employees were selected for the
study and it is more than the standard sample size 384. Employees from all the top telecom companies are represented in the
sample. Questionnaire is used as a research instrument. The researcher approached directly basing on the employee availability
and others of this sample are consulted through mails and telephonic conversations. All the responses are carefully recorded.
Convenience sampling method is used to pick the respondents. The survey is conducted for two months, i.e. from December, 2017
to January, 2018. The demographic profile of the respondents includes males and females. Male respondents are accounting to
276 (71%) and 114 (29%) are females. Majority of the employees age is ranging between 20 – 25 (46%), followed by 26 – 30
(28%), 31 – 35 (11%) and above 35 (15%). Most of the respondents hold their Bachelor‟s Degree i.e. 61%, followed by Post
Graduates (24%) and Other degrees (15%). The demographics relating to respondents job designation reveals that most of the
respondents possess senior executive level (49%) followed by executive level employees having not less than 5 years of
experience (27%) and new entrants and possessing experience less than 2 years). The statistical tools like Mean, ANOVA,
Correlation and Hurwicz Criterion are used to analyze the tabulated data.

a. Impressions of Personality factor on employee motivation
The weighted average scores of factors are revealed the following results: the Extroversion decisive of
personality factor on learning (2.83), decision-makings (1.83), emotional stability (1.84), avoidance of occupational self-rejections
(1.77) and Attentiveness is (1.95).
The weighted average scores of factors are exposed the following results:
the Introversion decisive of personality factor on self-analysis (3.22), job fit (1.89), emphatic attitude (1.89), job justification
(1.81) and self-concept is (1.94).
b. Association between personality factor and work motivation:
The spearman rank correlation rs between personality factor and work motivation. Correlation values are rs = .837 and n = 390
which exhibits a higher degree of correlation and the p value p < 0.05. It indicates that the relationship between personality factor
and individual performance is noticeable and on the basis of p value (which is less than the significant value) alternative
hypothesis can be accepted.

c. Impact of demographics on employees work motivation:

The ANOVA test results clearly indicated the kind of influence existing between the demographics of the employees on work
i. Impact of gender on work motivation: The table values are p = .3998, p>0.05, which displayed a non significant
relationship between gender and work motivation. Hence the perceptions of the employees on work motivation do
not vary by gender.
ii. Impact of age on work motivation: The table values are p = 2.898, p<0.05, which exhibited a significant association
between age and work motivation.
iii. Impact of education on work motivation: The table values are p = .2787, p>0.05, which exhibited a non significant
link between education of the respondents and work motivation.
iv. Impact of Job Designation: The table values are p = 2.383, p<0.05, which demonstrated a significant association
between job designation and work motivation.
d. Applications of Vroom’s theory in the assessment of personality dynamics on work motivation:
Hurwicz Criterion for various acts is considered to have in-specific examination of various concerns relating to personality and
work motivation. Analysis of Criterion values α (Max Value) + (1-α) (Min Value) are A1 = Career planning and development
(311.8), A2 = Training & development (211.3), A3 = Financial incentives (265.4), A4 = Employee empowerment (213.9) and A5 =
Non-financial incentives (204.7). Out of all A1 Act possess maximum value; hence it is considered as top rated influential on
work motivation.

www.apjor.com Vol: I. Issue LXXXVI, March 2018

Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793
Discussion of Results:
The core findings are listed below:
 The personality elements namely Extroversion and Introversion are examined with various job influencing variables such
as learning, decision makings, emotional stability, avoidance of occupational rejections, attentiveness, self-analysis, job
fit, emphatic attitude, job justification and self-concept. Results indicated that the workplace motivation element
interlined with the learning and self-analysis. Motivational strategies which incorporate these two elements possess
higher impact on occupational performances.
 The correlation statistics exhibited a noticeable association between the employee personality and work motivation. The
perceptions of the respondents are positive in this connection. In order to see impact of benefits on performance, the
organizations should devise their motivational policies on personality analysis.
 The four demographic elements included in the study are gender, age, education and job designation. Out of all only age
and job designation exposed a significant relatedness between personality and work motivation. Gender and education of
respondents‟ demographics exhibited a non significant alliance between the personality and work motivation. It confirms
that the organizational motivational strategies should emphasize more on age and job designation of employees.
 Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality variables relating to Vroom‟s expectancy theory can be rightly exercised on the
following work motivation strategies. Career planning and development (A1) carries highest value, which shows rewards
based on employee career planning and development results in increased motivational levels among the employees.
 Financial incentives (A3) Hurwicz act is also showing a considerable amount of impact on employee work motivation.
 Out of five criterions the Non-financial incentives (A5) Hurwicz act is the least preferred variable from the view of
respondents under the context of work motivation.
Recommendations & Conclusion:
The critical assessment of Vroom‟s expectancy theory with personality and work motivation revealed many interesting
findings. Based on the results and personal observation the following recommendations & conclusions are presented:
o Motivational strategies must give importance for the age and job experience. The human resource practitioners have to
understand that there are no universally applicable motivational policies. They change as per the employee expectations
and organizational requirements.
o In order to derive optimal benefits from the employee through work place motivation, the HR departments should focus
more on lining the personality dynamics with motivational strategies. Here also the Vroom‟s theory is proved with
establishing a link between rewards and results.
o Employees who are with extroversion personality gives more concern for learning at job and introverts believes more in
self-analysis. Thus, more emphasis is required in assessment of these variables while devising motivational strategies by
the organizations.
o Results depicted that the career planning and development facet is critical element in rewarding the employee rather than
others including financial incentives. Employee career planning and development should be a part of employee
o Training and development is another identified element that helps the organizations and employees in perfectly managing
the element of work motivation.

Scope for Further Research:

The present study explored various permutations and combinations which are to be considered in devising motivational strategies
and extracting the expected results out of them. The scope of the study is limited to assessment of personality and work motivation
beyond time and financial constrictions. There is a lot of scope to continue further in this arena. This study can be extended
through adding other demographic variables and sectors such as Banking, Insurance, IT companies etc. It is strongly
recommended to apply other motivational theories at workplace to examine the motivation vs results relationship.

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www.apjor.com Vol: I. Issue LXXXVI, March 2018

Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793
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www.apjor.com Vol: I. Issue LXXXVI, March 2018


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