SWPPS Social Welfare Laws in The Philippines

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Farmers and Republic Act No. 6657 Comprehensive o Landless farmers and
Landless Rural – (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform farmworkers will receive
Workers & Agrarian Reform Law of Program (CARP) the highest
Artisanal 1998) - An Act instituting consideration to promote
Fisherfolks a comprehensive social justice and to
agrarian reform program move the nation toward
to promote social justice sound rural development
and industrialization, and industrialization,
providing the mechanism and the establishment of
for its implementation, owner cultivator ship of
and for other purposes. economic-size farms as
the basis of Philippine

Republic Act No. 8435 Farmer-Scientist o Providing training on

– Agriculture and Training Program values development and
fisheries modernization (FSTP) farming technologies.
act of 1997. An Act
prescribing urgent
related measure to
modernize the
agriculture and fisheries.

Republic Act No. 8550 Fisheries and Aquatic o Institutionalizing the

– The Department of Resource major role of the local
LGUs shall provide Management Council fisherfolks and other
support to municipal (FARMC) program resource users in the
fisherfolk through community-based
appropriate technology planning and
and research, credit, implementation,
production and conservation,
marketing assistance development and
and other services such protection of fisheries
as, but not limited to and aquatic resources of
training for the municipal waters as
additional/supplementary defined by the Local
livelihood Government Code
Republic Act No. 7279 Community Mortgage o Providing access to
– An act to provide for a Program (CMP) – is a decent and affordable
comprehensive and mortgage financing housing to every Filipino
continuing urban program of the Social family
development and Housing Finance
housing program, Corporation (SHFC)
establish the mechanism which assists the
for its implementation, legally organized
and for other purposes. associations of
underprivileged and
homeless citizens to
purchase and
develop a tract of
land under the
concept of community

Republic Act No. 1131 DSWD’s Sustainable o Livelihood and skills

– An Act Livelihood Program trainings
Institutionalizing the (SLP) o Cash grants for
Pantawid Pamilyang education and health to
Pilipino Program (4Ps) the beneficiaries

Indigenous People Republic Act No. 8371 Paralegal Training o The National
and Cultural – An act to recognize, Commission on
Communities protect and promote the Indigenous Peoples
rights of indigenous (NCIP), through its
cultural lawyers and legal
communities/indigenous officers, renders legal
peoples, creating a assistance to IP clients
national commission on as part of the general
indigenous peoples, mandate of the Office to
establishing recognize, protect and
implementing promote the rights of our
mechanisms, ICCs/Ips
appropriating funds
therefor, and for other
Indigenous People o The IPRA mandates the
Legal Assistance NCIP to protect and
promote the interest and
well-being of the
ICCs/IPs with due
regard to their beliefs,
customs, traditions and
institutions. The same
law likewise considers
the NCIP as the primary
government agency
through which ICCs/IPs
can seek government
assistance and as the
medium through which
such assistance may be
Assistance to o Provision of technical
Ancestral Domain and/or financial
Sustainable assistance to the
Development and Indigenous Cultural
Protection Plan Communities/Indigenous
(ADSDPP) Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in
formulation. the formulation of their
Ancestral Domain
Development and
Protection Plan

Ancestral o Through the Indigenous

Domain/Land Peoples Rights Act
Recognition (IPRA), Certificate of
Ancestral Domain Titles
(CADTs) are issued to
formally recognize the
rights of possession and
ownership of Indigenous
Peoples (ICCs/IPs) over
their ancestral domains
as identified and
delineated in
accordance with this
law, while Certificate of
Ancestral Land Titles
(CALTs) formally
recognize the rights of
ICCs/IPs over their
ancestral lands

Senior Citizens Republic Act No. 7432 Senior Citizen o 20% discount upon
– An Act to maximize the Discounts and Benefit purchase of goods and
contribution of senior services
citizens to nation
building, grant benefits
and special privileges
and for other purposes.

Senior Citizen o Provision of Walker,

Program Canes, Wheelchairs,
Eyeglasses and Health
o Provision of Medicines
Republic Act No. 9257 Health and Wellness o Provision of service
(Expanded Senior Program for Senior delivery packages and
Citizen Act of 2003) Citizen – promoting integrated continuum of
– An Act granting quality of life among quality care in various
additional benefits and older persons and settings
privileges to senior contribute to the o Accessibility to all health
citizens amending for the nation building facilities attending
purpose Republic Act Doctors
7432 otherwise known o Wellness camp for
as the “An Act to Senior Citizens
maximize the o Elderly Filipino Week
contribution of Senior (Walk for Life)
Citizen to Nation- Celebration
Building grant benefits
and special privileges
and for other purposes”

Republic Act No. 9994

(Expanded Senior
Citizen Act of 2010)
– An Act granting
additional benefits and
privileges to Senior
Citizens, further
amending Republic Act
No. 7432, as amended,
otherwise known as “An
Act to maximize the
contribution of Senior
Citizen to Nation-
Building grant benefits
and special privileges Social Pension o Social pension worth
and for other purposes” Program P6,000 every year from
the Department of Social
Welfare and
Differently-abled Republic Act No. 10754 Health and Wellness o 20% discount and Value
Persons – An act expanding the Programs added Tax (VAT)
benefits and privileges of Exception
persons with disability o Medical and dental
(PWD) services, diagnostic and
Laboratory fees and
Professional Fees of
attending Doctors
o Educational Assistance
o Benefits from GSIS,
SSS and Pag-Ibig based
on their respective
o Special Discounts in
Special Programs
o Express Lanes

Republic Act No. 7277 National Health o Construction of

– An act providing for the Program Rehabilitation Centers
rehabilitation, self-
development and self-
reliance of disabled
persons and their
integration into the
mainstream of society
and for other purposes

Housing Programs o Health services

o Auxiliary social services
o Family care services
o Day care services for
disabled children of pre-
school age
o Public Accommodation
and Services

Republic Act 10070 Dissemination of o Persons with Disability

– Establishing information on Affairs Office [PDAO] in
Institutional Mechanism programs and every province, city and
To Ensure The activities for PWDS, municipality with the
Implementation Of training and local chief executive
Programs And Services employment appointing a PWD
For Persons With opportunities . affairs officer to manage
Disabilities In Every and oversee the
Province, City and Education and operations of the office.
Municipality, Amending empowerments
Republic Act No. 7277, programs for PWAs
Otherwise Known As
The Magna Carta For
Disabled Persons, As
Amended, And For
Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11228 National Health o Automatic coverage
– An Act Providing For Insurance o Under the law, all
The Mandatory Programs(NHIP) of persons with disability
Philhealth Coverage For the Philippine Health (PWDs) shall be
All Persons With Insurance automatically covered
Disability (PWDs), Corporation under Philhealth‘s
Amending For The (Philhealth) National Health
Purpose Republic Act Insurance Program
No. 7277, As Amended, (NHIP).
Otherwise Known As
The “Magna Carta For
Persons With Disability”

Republic Act No. 7277 PWD Accessibility o Construction of areas for

–An Act providing for Program PWDs in wheelchair in
the rehabilitation, self- the CCP venues
development and self- o Accessibility ramps
reliance of disabled leading to the theaters
person and their and rest rooms were
integration into the constructed
mainstream of society
and for other purposes.

Victims of Disasters Republic Act No. 7160 Emergency o Provision of immediate

and Calamities – “An Act Providing for a Assistance Program food and water relief
Local Government Code o Provision of temporary
of 1991” shelters and evacuation

Cash-for-Work o Temporary Employment

Program and Income Support to
the victims of disasters
and calamities

Republic Act No. 10121 Integration of Disaster o Mandatory Training for

– An act strengthening Risk Reduction the Public Sector
the Philippine Disaster Education Employees
Risk Reduction and
Management System,
providing for the National
Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management
Framework and
Institutionalizing The
National Disaster Risk Disaster risk o Disaster risk reduction
Reduction And reduction and and management
Management Plan, management activities for youth
appropriating funds programs
therefor and for other
Calamity Loan o Financial Aid to affected
Assistance Program members in calamity-
stricken areas.
Housing Assistance o Provision of Housing
Programs materials Assistance

Republic Act No. 10821 Comprehensive o Establishment of

– An Act Mandating the Emergency Program evacuation centers
Provision of Emergency for Children o Immediate delivery of
Relief and Protection for basic necessities
Children Before, During, o Stronger measures for
and After Disasters and the safety and security
Other Emergency of the children
Situations o Provision of health,
medical and nutrition to
the children

Child-responsive o Training on psychosocial

training program interventions for children
o Training on proper
procedures to assess
the situation, safeguard
and protect the affected

Workers in Formal Presidential Barangay o Monthly travelling
Labor and Migrant Decree No. 1569 Nutrition Scholar allowance
Workers – “Strengthening the (BNS) Program – o Entitled to second
Barangay Nutrition a human grade Civil Service
Program by resource Commission (CSC)
providing for development eligibility after
barangay nutrition strategy of the completing two
scholar in every Philippine Plan of years of continuous
barangay, providing Action for and satisfactory
funds therefore, and Nutrition, which service.
for other purposes.” involves the o BNS kit consisting
recruitment, of a bag and other
training, materials related to
deployment and performing tasks,
supervision of e.g forms; medical
volunteer workers assistance and
or barangay survivorship
nutrition scholars. assistance.
Republic Act No. Legal o Victims of illegal
10022 Assistance recruitment and related
– An Act amending cases which are
Republic Act No. administrative or
8042 otherwise criminal in nature in the
known as the form of legal advice.
Migrant Workers
and Overseas
Filipinos Act of
1995, as amended,
further improving
the standard of
protection and
promotion of the
welfare of migrant
workers their
families and
overseas filipinos in
distress and for
other purposes.

Workers in the Republic Act 8425 Philippine Approach o Protection by labor and
Informal Sector (Social Reform and to Social Reform and social laws
Poverty Alleviation Poverty Alleviation - o Security in their workplace,
Act) Sector-Specific protection against
– An act Flagship Program discrimination, harassment
institutionalizing the and abuse.
social reform and o Access to programs and
poverty alleviation services catering to their
program, creating special needs and
for the purpose of organization into unions,
National Anti- cooperatives and other
Poverty forms of associations
defining its power
and functions, and
for other purposes.

Cross Sectoral o Institution-building and

Flagship Programs effective participation in
o Sustainable livelihood
o Expansion of micro-
credit/microfinance services
and capacity-building
o Infrastructure build-up and
Department of Trade o Free briefing sessions -
and Industry (for info and guidance on
micro enterprises) government regulatory
Programs processes, current
business trends, sources
of financing, and livelihood
skills training (open to the
o Capacity building activities
bring to the provinces
programs for micro and
small-sized enterprises
designed to promote
entrepreneurship, improve
access to credit and
markets, and increase
productivity and operational
o Consultancy and
Counseling Services

Republic Act No. 9178 Promotion of the o Briefing/orientation that is

(“Barangay Micro Barangay Micro provided to encourage the
Business Enterprises Business Enterprises formation and growth of
(BMBEs) Act of 2002.”) (BMBEs) Law barangay micro business
– An act to promote the enterprises by granting
establishment of them incentives and other
Barangay Micro benefits. The act primarily
Business Enterprises aims to integrate micro
(BMBEs), providing enterprises in the informal
incentives and benefits sector into the mainstream
therefor, and for other of the economy.

Republic Act No. Establishment of o Business Registration

10644 (“Go Negosyo Negosyo Centers in Assistance - Accept and
Act”) – An act every province city and facilitate all new registration
promoting job municipality. and renewal application of
generation and MSMEs, including
inclusive growth application for Barangay
through the Micro-Business Enterprise
development of micro, (BMBE).
small and medium o Facilitate access to grants
enterprises. and other forms of financial
assistance, shared service
facilities and equipment,
and other support for
MSMEs through national
government agencies
o Provide information and
services in training,
financing, marketing and
other areas as may be
required by MSMEs
Women Republic Act No.6734 Women’s Welfare o Sustainable Livelihood
– An act providing for Program - one of the Assistance - Increased
an organic act for the regular programs of options for economic
autonomous region in the Ministry of Social security through
muslim Mindanao Services which aims technical assistance,
to promote the access to credit and
welfare of marketability.
disadvantaged o Protection and Security
women giving – Strengthening of
special attention to human rights protection
the prevention, systems and
eradication of participatory mechanism
exploitation of
women in any forms
as well as promotion
of skills for
employment and

Republic Act Women and Children o Establishment of women

9262 (This Act shall be Protection Program and children protection units
known as the “Anti- – Establishment of (WCPUs) in DOH-retained
Violence Against Women and Children hospitals and Local
Women and Their Protection Unit in all Government Unit (LGU)
Children Act of 2004”) Department of supported hospitals.
– An act defining Health (DOH) o Provision of medical
violence against women hospitals” assistance to victims
and their children, through a socialized
providing for protective scheme by the Women and
measures for victims, Children Protection Unit
prescribing penalties (WCPUs) in DOH-retained
therefore, and for other hospitals or in coordination
purposes. with LGUs or other
government health facilities

Republic Act No. 9710 Gender and o Conducting of free seminars

– An act providing for Development o Granting of scholarship to
the Magna Carta Of Program (GAD) - It dependents of solo parents,
Women. Recognizing seeks to achieve PWDs, and Ips
that the economic, gender equality as a
political and fundamental value
sociocultural realities that should be
affect women’s current reflected in
condition, the State development choices
affirms role of women in and contends that
nation building and women are active
ensures the substantive agents of
equality of women and development, not
men. just passive
recipients of
Republic Act No. Extended Maternity o 105 days leave with full pay
11210 Leave Program for live childbirth
– An act increasing the o 60 days maternity leave for
maternity leave period female employee who
to one hundred five experienced miscarriage or
(105) days for female those who delivered stillbirth
workers with an option
to extend for additional
thirty (30) days without
pay , and granting an
additional fifteen (15)
days for solo mothers,
and for other purposes

Republic Act No. National Safe o Establishment of birthing

10354 (Responsible Motherhood stations in urban and rural
Parenthood and Program - Guided by areas in the country to
Reproductive Health the Department of facilitate the health-based
Act of 2012, also known Health FOURmula assistance to birthing
as the Reproductive One Plus thrust and mothers
Health Law or RH Law) the Universal Health o Delivery of quality maternal
– Law that provided Care newborn health services
universal access to
methods on
contraception, sexual
education, and maternal
care in the Philippines


Children, Youth Republic Act No. 9155 Program for o Basic Education Training
and Students – An Act instituting a Illiterates:
framework of Basic Literacy
governance for basic Program (BLP)
education, establishing
authority and
renaming the
Department of
Education, culture and
sports as the
Department of
Education, and for other
Republic Act 9231 Philippine Program o Livelihood Assistance to
– An Act providing for Against Child Labor Parents of Child Laborers
elimination of the worst (PPACL)
forms of child labor and
affording stronger
protection for the
working child, amending
for this purpose
Republic Act No. 7610
as amended, otherwise
known as the “Special
Protection of Children
Against Child Abuse ,
Exploitation and
Discrimination Act”

Republic Act No. 9344 Diversion Program Typical services provided for youth
– An Act establishing a and families in diversion programs
comprehensive juvenile include one or more of the
justice welfare system, following:
creating juvenile and o Screening and assessment
justice welfare council o Education and tutorial
under the Department services
of Justice, appropriating o Victim awareness classes
funds therefor and for and activities
other purposes. o Service learning programs
o Substance use education
and counseling
o Job skills training
o Mental health treatment
o Crisis intervention
o Family counseling
o Parenting skill development
supports for rebuilding
family relationship
o Quality recreation and
organized sports programs

Republic Act No. Special Program for o Provision temporary

10917 Employment of employment to poor but
– An act amending Students (SPES) - deserving student
certain provisions of RA is an employment- o Providing students with
9547, otherwise known bridging programme experience while earning
as an act strengthening that aims to provide income
and expanding the temporary
coverage of the special employment to
program for disadvantaged youth
employment of to augment their
students, amending for family’s income and
the purpose provision of help ensure that
RA 7323, Otherwise beneficiaries are
known as the special able to pursue their
program for education.
employment of
Republic Act No. Tertiary Subsidy o Allowance for books,
10931 (“Universal Program supplies, transportation, and
Access to Quality miscellaneous personal
Tertiary Education Act”) expenses, including a
– An act promoting reasonable allowance for
universal access to the documented rental or
quality tertiary purchase of personal
education by providing computer or laptop, and
for free tuition and other other education-related
school fees in state expenses;
universities and o Allowance for room and
colleges, local board costs incurred by the
universities and student.
colleges and state-run
institutions, establishing
the tertiary education
subsidy and student
loan program,
strengthening the
unified student financial
assistance system for
tertiary education, and
appropriating fund

Non- Republic Act No. Microcredit and o Agricultural microfinance
governmental 10693 financial literacy
organizations – An Act strengthening programs o Housing microfinance
(NGOs) non-government
organizations (NGOs)
engaged in
microfinance operations
for the poor

Cooperatives Republic Act No. 9520 Capability Building o Mandatory training for
– An Act amending the Program for Officers
cooperative code of the Cooperatives
Philippines to be known
as the “Philippine
Cooperative Code of
2008”. It is declared
policy of the State to
foster the creation and
growth of cooperatives
as a practical vehicle for
promoting self-reliance
and harnessing people
power towards the
attainment of economic
development and social
People Living Republic Act No. 8504 Educations and o Utilizing information
with HIV/AIDS – The Philippine AIDS Information on regarding on HIV /AIDS in
Prevention and Control HIV/AIDS public and private schools
Act of 1998 - An act at any level
promulgating policies
and prescribing
measures for the
prevention and control Free Testing, o Availing free testing or
of HIV/AIDS in the Screening and undergo screening and
Philippines, instituting a Counselling counselling
nationwide HIV/AIDS
information and
educational program, Accreditation of HIV o Establishing testing centers
establishing a Testing Centers all around the country for
comprehensive accessibility
HIV/AIDS monitoring
system, strengthening
the Philippine National
HIV/AIDS Prevention o Availability of free voluntary
Aids Council, and for
Program HIV Counselling Testing
other purposes
services and conducting
community assemblies to
reduce stigma

Republic Act. 11166 Free HIV Treatment o Packages including

– "Philippine HIV and medication and diagnostics
AIDS Policy Act" - An for in-patients and out-
Act Strengthening the patients
Comprehensive Policy
on Human
Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) and Acquired
Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS)
Prevention, Treatment,
Care, and Support, and,
Reconstituting the
Philippine National Aids
Council (PNAC),
Repealing for the
Purpose Republic Act
No. 8504, Otherwise
Known as The
"Philippine Aids
Prevention and Control
Act of 1998", and
Appropriating Funds






College of Human Sciences
Department of Social Work


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