SWPPS Social Welfare Laws in The Philippines
SWPPS Social Welfare Laws in The Philippines
SWPPS Social Welfare Laws in The Philippines
Farmers and Republic Act No. 6657 Comprehensive o Landless farmers and
Landless Rural – (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform farmworkers will receive
Workers & Agrarian Reform Law of Program (CARP) the highest
Artisanal 1998) - An Act instituting consideration to promote
Fisherfolks a comprehensive social justice and to
agrarian reform program move the nation toward
to promote social justice sound rural development
and industrialization, and industrialization,
providing the mechanism and the establishment of
for its implementation, owner cultivator ship of
and for other purposes. economic-size farms as
the basis of Philippine
Indigenous People Republic Act No. 8371 Paralegal Training o The National
and Cultural – An act to recognize, Commission on
Communities protect and promote the Indigenous Peoples
rights of indigenous (NCIP), through its
cultural lawyers and legal
communities/indigenous officers, renders legal
peoples, creating a assistance to IP clients
national commission on as part of the general
indigenous peoples, mandate of the Office to
establishing recognize, protect and
implementing promote the rights of our
mechanisms, ICCs/Ips
appropriating funds
therefor, and for other
Indigenous People o The IPRA mandates the
Legal Assistance NCIP to protect and
promote the interest and
well-being of the
ICCs/IPs with due
regard to their beliefs,
customs, traditions and
institutions. The same
law likewise considers
the NCIP as the primary
government agency
through which ICCs/IPs
can seek government
assistance and as the
medium through which
such assistance may be
Assistance to o Provision of technical
Ancestral Domain and/or financial
Sustainable assistance to the
Development and Indigenous Cultural
Protection Plan Communities/Indigenous
(ADSDPP) Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in
formulation. the formulation of their
Ancestral Domain
Development and
Protection Plan
Senior Citizens Republic Act No. 7432 Senior Citizen o 20% discount upon
– An Act to maximize the Discounts and Benefit purchase of goods and
contribution of senior services
citizens to nation
building, grant benefits
and special privileges
and for other purposes.
Workers in Formal Presidential Barangay o Monthly travelling
Labor and Migrant Decree No. 1569 Nutrition Scholar allowance
Workers – “Strengthening the (BNS) Program – o Entitled to second
Barangay Nutrition a human grade Civil Service
Program by resource Commission (CSC)
providing for development eligibility after
barangay nutrition strategy of the completing two
scholar in every Philippine Plan of years of continuous
barangay, providing Action for and satisfactory
funds therefore, and Nutrition, which service.
for other purposes.” involves the o BNS kit consisting
recruitment, of a bag and other
training, materials related to
deployment and performing tasks,
supervision of e.g forms; medical
volunteer workers assistance and
or barangay survivorship
nutrition scholars. assistance.
Republic Act No. Legal o Victims of illegal
10022 Assistance recruitment and related
– An Act amending cases which are
Republic Act No. administrative or
8042 otherwise criminal in nature in the
known as the form of legal advice.
Migrant Workers
and Overseas
Filipinos Act of
1995, as amended,
further improving
the standard of
protection and
promotion of the
welfare of migrant
workers their
families and
overseas filipinos in
distress and for
other purposes.
Workers in the Republic Act 8425 Philippine Approach o Protection by labor and
Informal Sector (Social Reform and to Social Reform and social laws
Poverty Alleviation Poverty Alleviation - o Security in their workplace,
Act) Sector-Specific protection against
– An act Flagship Program discrimination, harassment
institutionalizing the and abuse.
social reform and o Access to programs and
poverty alleviation services catering to their
program, creating special needs and
for the purpose of organization into unions,
National Anti- cooperatives and other
Poverty forms of associations
defining its power
and functions, and
for other purposes.
Republic Act No. 9344 Diversion Program Typical services provided for youth
– An Act establishing a and families in diversion programs
comprehensive juvenile include one or more of the
justice welfare system, following:
creating juvenile and o Screening and assessment
justice welfare council o Education and tutorial
under the Department services
of Justice, appropriating o Victim awareness classes
funds therefor and for and activities
other purposes. o Service learning programs
o Substance use education
and counseling
o Job skills training
o Mental health treatment
o Crisis intervention
o Family counseling
o Parenting skill development
supports for rebuilding
family relationship
o Quality recreation and
organized sports programs
Non- Republic Act No. Microcredit and o Agricultural microfinance
governmental 10693 financial literacy
organizations – An Act strengthening programs o Housing microfinance
(NGOs) non-government
organizations (NGOs)
engaged in
microfinance operations
for the poor
Cooperatives Republic Act No. 9520 Capability Building o Mandatory training for
– An Act amending the Program for Officers
cooperative code of the Cooperatives
Philippines to be known
as the “Philippine
Cooperative Code of
2008”. It is declared
policy of the State to
foster the creation and
growth of cooperatives
as a practical vehicle for
promoting self-reliance
and harnessing people
power towards the
attainment of economic
development and social
People Living Republic Act No. 8504 Educations and o Utilizing information
with HIV/AIDS – The Philippine AIDS Information on regarding on HIV /AIDS in
Prevention and Control HIV/AIDS public and private schools
Act of 1998 - An act at any level
promulgating policies
and prescribing
measures for the
prevention and control Free Testing, o Availing free testing or
of HIV/AIDS in the Screening and undergo screening and
Philippines, instituting a Counselling counselling
nationwide HIV/AIDS
information and
educational program, Accreditation of HIV o Establishing testing centers
establishing a Testing Centers all around the country for
comprehensive accessibility
HIV/AIDS monitoring
system, strengthening
the Philippine National
HIV/AIDS Prevention o Availability of free voluntary
Aids Council, and for
Program HIV Counselling Testing
other purposes
services and conducting
community assemblies to
reduce stigma