SW-109 G1
A place for working people where their higher moral and intellectual capacities were
developed to ensure full participation in a democracy as exemplified by the US.
Hull House in Chicago- first settlement house in the U.S founded by Jane Adams and
Ellen Gates Star in 1889. Residents of settlement houses became the champions for
social reform. They fought to equal opportunities for the poor and handicapped; and the
abolition of prejudice and the discrimination against the people because of their skin,
religion, race and foreign birth. Programs they had are boys and girls club, kindergarten,
adult education, handicraft, art and cultural workshops.
5.2 Basic Policy of American Social Welfare
Basic Principle- The individual is primarily responsible for his welfare but the community should
establish a basic measure of security in areas beyond the individual’s control.
Basic Objective- The development, achievement, and happiness of individual.