Reading in The Philippine History Module 1 Section 1. Introduction, Meaning and Relevance of History
Reading in The Philippine History Module 1 Section 1. Introduction, Meaning and Relevance of History
Reading in The Philippine History Module 1 Section 1. Introduction, Meaning and Relevance of History
B. Questions to Answer:
1. How do events happen history! answer: it is the study of people, actions,
decisions, interactions, behaviours, study of past, study of change, over time, and
the invertigation from the past.
2. why did stone civilizations fail to survive! andwer From archedogy suggest that
five factors have almost invariably been involved in the loss of civilizations
uncontrollable population movemente new epidemic diseases, failing stater leading
to increase warfare, environmental change, depletion of resources
3. What is the relevance of history and historion ? Explain. answer: history gives us
the opportunity to learn from other part mistaker it helps us understand the many
reasons why people may behave the way they do. The relevance server ar a catalyst
for demonstrating and promulgating the value of history for individuals
communities and the notion
4. Do you agree that Philippine history is a story of struggle How conflicts and
controversies affect our history? Answers.
the Philippine Internal conflict of over four decader this includes violence related
to two main causes…
5. How can total history be achieved by oral and local history answer:
so what are oral histories, and why is it important to record them, a way of
gathering, recording and preserving a diverse range of personal experiencer that
generally are not well documented in written..
2 Home Activities t what do creation stories tell about corly Filipinos? Answer.
cosmonugy or creation myths usually tell the world was created, and the most of
the time. also includer how mankind came into existence Each ethnic group in the
milippinel has their own creation mythe on creation in the Philippines extremely
1. How doer country's geography affect the Filipino People?
answer: Filipino people were affected in the geography of the country be means of
diverse fronspor lothon, culture natural resources, livelihood and others Traveling
from different province to another needs to undergo an inter islond mode of
transportation cultures of each irland may differ From one another because of its
distance while a lot resourcer were found in the Philippines.
of natural
Identify and describe the culture of the indigenous people /
community of the
The Philippines consist of numerour upland and lowlond indigenou ethnolinguistic
groups living in the country with Austronesians making FO up the overwhelming
majority, while full of partial Australo-Melonerions scattered throughout the
Archipelago The highland Austroncions and Australo- melancsions have co-existed
with their lowland Austronesion and neighbor groups for thousand of years in the
Philippine Archipelago. what are the cultural influencer brought about by the Arian
traders to the ancient Filipinos answers Between the 10th and leth centuries and
before the spanish colonization... chinese traders sailed to the philippines. They
brought porcelain and silk, in exchange for beerwox, deer hom trepoing sea slug.
One major influence that the chinese contribution within the culture was culinary
arts *.
How was a chieftain selected in a baranggay 2 should be be considered a tyrant 2
answer: Yes, because early Filipino lived in scattered barangay govemed because
mostly. of them are build a houre in the water like the rea nomads (bodjao) and
specially they we the barangay a typed of lached-lug boat that ure For pishing
trading exchanging product etc…
6. Discuss how early Filipino sammunities live and interact with other islanders
answers: During the pre-colonial era, Mlipinas of let's say the Molays were alote to
interact with other irlarders by way of trading their trading cystem before was called
barter where one good is gold sold in exchange for for another good. For example,
salt if traded for rice.
6. which among the ancient Filipino traditions still exist at present ?
answers: A "piesta or the spanish word for party is an intergal part of Filipino
culture with one beings different parts of the country whether the religeous
Section 3 set A.
1. False 2. False 3. True 4 True 5.true 6. True 7.false 8.false 9.true 10.true
Set C.
a Journals articles that comment on or analyze. b. Diaries provide a personal angle
on history and often giver voice the common person... CScrapbooks data back
centuries or people began to document their lives. The place they visited. d.
Newspapers disseminating news and informations on paper presented cignificant
challenge e-Public Books writing of these more popularized books war a emerging
from script. newly a Google makes it first acquisition in its cooperate history, which
forms the basis of this, hat since gone on to acquire more than 200 other. b.
Dictionary as evidence day the fact learned 20 languages in order. c. Encyclopedia
provicting beric overviews of topic context. In other. words, identifying where the
topic file in over al d. Biography provide background to the cocial and political
historier of the only thical method, colouring and outlining it with reality.
-Newspaper nerve of useful primary sources of hutorical research reflect the time
period in which they were created and provide a glimpe into rovisly at the time. a
documents b: Artifacts C. Archaeological siter d Features e. Paintings
SET D 7. 6 Letters
SET E D. Metacognitive Reading Report 1. The three (3) things that i significally
learned from the readings are a. The historians who know the present life the best
wir, understand the history, the best those historians with great knowledge about
the past and present can make sensible onalogies that could reason out the truth
about the history. - There were remonts pound in the study of the archeologert,
such as a portheted, a coin, and other evidences of the past. The fact are not the
main focus of the study. c. Historians rely mainly on evidence, whether it is hand
made or machine produced such a Films and early typer of photographs. 2. The
three (3) things that are still unclear to me are.... a 4. The three things that i want to
ark about the readings are... a what techniques do historians use to about the part!
6. what are the benefits of knowing the bictory? C what are the writing history? main
problems by historians
MODULE 2 Section 1 2. Property a Each community has pond only Family can Fich..
b. children inherited the propertier. q Man were monoganiour b. Men requires
giving downy 4. Religion a they worship many god and goderer bo: they believe in
cacred animal and trees. 5. Superstitions a Believes in aswang, dwende, kapre, etc. b.
They believe in magical power of amulet and charm. 4. Burial / Death a they honor
the death through prayer and rituals fo- they do lanoy or Palamay" B. Comparing
your corfums to the Tagalogs
1. Identify at least Five distinct of unique practices, cortums, and traditions in your
province or community. 6. Pabasa during holy week Pantoming d. Pamalay e. Flores
be Mayo. a Fiesta 2. Marriage a Ruled by Chieftain b- unit of government in the
community called "baranggay" Costums of the tagalog. (by Juan De Plasencia) 4.
Breaking Down the coctums of Tagalog Community
Now a days in the contemporary practice in the philippines society i observed the
practice of marriage in other couples pamalay they do the "my is the way of getting
know the Family of both sides of the couple In this practice they talk about the thing
that must do before the wedding and all of the preparation If both side of the couple
approved the things that they discussed in pamalay, they will wait for the wedding.
During the wedding day they go to reception in the house of the groom/ wife. they
followed after wedding the wife will stay in the house op the groom. Among thore
tagalog customs i choose this "concept." OF Marriage in Potencia D. Acressing
importance of the primary sources in understanding the brand Narro tive of
philippine History.
(3 reasons why plosercia's costums or tagdogs ir SI important to the grand narrative
of the philippine history.)
c. understanding the Bangsamoro Peace Problem and the Bangsamoro organic Law
500-word essay.. The Bangsamoro has a long history of struggle for self.
determination and autonomy that goes back to as early 15 6t under the Spanish
colonial rule and because of primodial perception of name land and the underlying
issues of social marginalization, ferrorism and the poverty and the sponiards was
started the problem. by invading the more region for their to rule it and it because of
spaniards, Joponere, american and even the Filipino was failed to Convert them and
that it was started or it should be the reason Of the constant war and insurrection
that there are primary of this moro conflict that has happened against the Spanish
rule in hundred years ago. Many Causes Sported the moro conflict in our country,
specifically in Sulu Mindorav. It started when the Spaniards and the americans tried
to co unize sulu, not moros were very revistont the Force of these two colonizers
and until the american annexation of the Philippines happened that should be up
with until now the motor are still firm about who they are and also in their religion,
in which they are really fought their istom religion against spaniards when they are
trying to change their religion to Christianity when americans had invaded Luton in
the Philippines - The low grant portal autonomy to the muslims. But to pully under
stand fully how did the moro community become in conflict with the government of
the country. The Bangsamoro has a long history of struggle for cel determination and
autonomy that goes back to as early 1565 under the Spanish colonial rule. The
bangsamoro conflict in the Philippines is deeply noted problem between the
government of the Philippines and the moro people wont a independent state
isolated from the state of the philippines that the conflict rise due to the
discrimination. The bangsamoro outonomous Region in Muslim Mindorgo should
represent the end.
principle is if we have equality on all things and having a repeat our community will
have peace B kartilya ng katipunon in modern world The provision of kartilya ng
katipunan are very significant to ideologies and rules of conduct that if were nurther,
and mani Fested by on, will be a deciding factor for the Philippine society to Flourish
we need to note that those ideologies and rules of conduct that are asigned
expected to become carily. Nowadays af i observe in our society there's a lot of
problems that we encountered.
For example, Enequality nowadays as i observed some of LGBTG are engaged in
discrimination they embarassed. by other people the provision of kortilya ng
katipunan will help us to have a peaceful society and cape the problem in the quality.
c. comparing the kartilya ng katipunem and the Decalogue. The decalogue of the
Duties Of the son's of the people by Andres Bonifacio (and compare #) is which
constitute a decalogue Bear always in mind that the love of God is also the
community while the kartilya ng Katipunan is served as the quided hook for new
members of organi action, which laid our group of rutes and principles. D. Assessing
the Importance of the Primary sources in understanding the Grand Narrative of
philippine History.
s. The passage will also can be used now adays in our society, because it also tells to
have a peace and to reunite Filipino people to cope the recent problem in our
society. The principles of kartilya marked in the minds of ancient Pilipinos that can be
used in our society.
Section 4. First Voyage around the world. (by Magellan and Antonio Pigafetta). A. It's
time to know them better 1. Cuns. moons Bloodr a. The captain-general desired to
land at Humunu I Homonton) b. And which he named acquada da II huoni segnialli
( the watering place of Good signs) and later the entire group of island achepelago c.
Their not any together with their interpreter went arbore to with zuby Tuesday the
king of mazona and later the prince their prince chip wednesday they conceciated
the place and burtied their two dead crews. d. the spaniards wave ashore in the
island of mocton and Fighting commenced between them and the ment of Raja ci
lopulapu and led to the death of magallanes e. 21 spaniards were marracked by the
zubuanos thus porcing the remaining spaniards to depart Juby immediately. 2.
Descriptions of Our Ancestors a. some have cpot of gold on every tooth. b. some are
bit larger than his men and the finest looking man. C some are painted (tattooed)
wore gold earrings. d. Some are perfumed with storax and benzoin. e. wore cotton
cloth all embriodeted with silk which covered him from wairt to the knees. 3.
Cultural Milieu a. Thanks giving b. kaised clasped hand and Fared towards the sky
and then turn to others Frierdship (cari-can)
CA ritual of Friendship wherein one has to shed a drop of his blood from his right
arm and the other will do the same and partake each other blood. Mad d. Monage it
one can have many wives as they wish but one of them is the principal wife. e
Gratitude 4. Customs Traditions a Foods our ancestors cat umoy crice) coconut, meat
and fish and drink wraca (arrack) a wine taken from palm (coconut) b. - our
ancestors dont have Formal religion but they have God which they called "abba",
although, no religion they have idols mode of woods, hallow and lack hack parts. OF
c. Festivitier our ancestors are heavy drinker. Before the ling drinks he raised his
classed honds towards the sky and then towards the person he is drinking with and
the former extends his post of the left hands toward the latter sometimes they have
a meal that would last for hours. d-Dwellings built up from the ground on huge ports
of woods and that ched with pig and palm leaver e Trade A our ancestors have
customs that all ships then will enter their port should pay tribute.
C. Bonifacio walked out after proclaiming the result as null and invalid 4. Chapter 42
Militiary court b. 5 Chapter 44 Death of the Bonifacio Brothers a. The Bonifacio
brothers were found guilty and sentenced to death b aguinaldo commuted the
sentence to banisment.
D. c. Gerall Pio del Pilar and Nornap Moriel Persuaded aguinaldo to impare the
original sentence. 8. Assersing the importance of primary sources in understanding
the Grand Narrative of Philippine History.
(5 reasons) why mnga Gunita ng Himagsiron is important to the Grand Narrative of
Philippine thistory. 1. we tend to Forget about our history and think the importance
of people know them go though. 2. If show how our country evolved and because
hows it nowadays also how much the people back then. Section 6 A. Fact Check
Pueblo Filipino). Proclamation of Philippine Independence (Acta de la Proclamacion
de Independencia del 1. white trongle It symbolize liberty, equality and Fraternity.
2. Three stars - ft symbolize the Island groups of Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao s. Eight
rays of the sun - It symbolize the province of Manila, cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga,
Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, 4. Color: Blue, Red and white according to curtoms and
traditions, white Laguna and Batangas cignifier purity and innocence: red. signifier
hardines and valor and blut signifier vigilore preservance and justice.
3. answer the questions that follow:
1. who rewed the First Flag of the Philippines ? - Doña Marcela Mariño Agoncillo
2. Where war First Flog sewed? the pirst Flag sewed in Hongkong.
2. Who composed the National Anthem Julian Felipe
4. who wrote the lyrics of National Anthem. Jose Palma B. In or out: The hioth ray
Proposal. Your stand: In or out? For me i don't want to have our flog have a nineth
ray not being judge 9 ray that represent the Muslim because they also have
contribute in our country also the Filipino that have a right to be part. But also
filipinos and also me can incalculate that our plag have only 8 rays. Then for me
there's nothing to be have to change our plag. If the time comes that the bill were
being approved i will owe there decisions.
Political caricatures the American Era (by Alfred Mccoy) OF * On the use of
Caricatures 1. Economic - the colonial economy would become the united states war
pre-industrial primarily characterized by rubiestence Framing from households also
were engaged in handicraft production, mostly for home consumption. 2. Political -
public colonial elections were events in which all Free white. males were expected.
In participate in order to demonstrate of proper civil pride public office attracted
many talented Young man of ambition to civic service and colonial north american
suff lage was the most wide spread in the world at the time society and culture in
colonial varried widely among the ethnic and social groups and from colony to the
other colony. agricultural are there primary venture through other mort regions and
in southern Colonies has a large plantation through thir a big role because the crops
they harvest it may serve Food. In the northern colonies has a strictly implented in
their religions Explanation: This caricature tillustrate the recent $ issue in country.
One is corona Virus our economy were have changing and decreased. The rack
symbolizes the Debt and profit that the people carried also the graph shows the
effect of Corona virur in our or Piro country a lot in terms in Dollar exchange in our
country. DEBT PROMIT B. Time to sketch. 5. Socio-cultural
C. Funny komiks artificial white fand 100 million ang ragastor, Island Halos pumatak
ang aking lupa noong malaman ko ito. alam niyo ba na inanod ang artificial na white
cand ca Manila Bay Milyon milyon ang nagastos sa pambili ngunit sa trang hampas
ng alon ito'y inand corap sanang lumangoy, di umano gamot daw ito sa stress or
pampakalma. By the way guys Fake news long pala, kung gusto nyo talagang maalis
ang stress! mag move on sa paranakit ng ex mo. Halika luicangay tayo sa manila Bay.
8. Filipino Grievances Against Governor wood A History repeat itself (explain your
observations in at leart 500 words. Base on my observation the Filipino Grievances
against Governor wood if not of an individual author but a collective output of the
group of Filipinas Politicians who are forced by circumstances to unite against a
common political enemy The draft of the document was attributed to two leading
lawyers at the time. Jore Abad Santos and Jorge Bacobo on November 12. 1926 the
upper and lower houre of the Philippine legirtature adopted the draft as a joint
& The peaceful resolution that restore democracy and open up opportunities and better
Future of the country. 4. The creation of constitution commision that will favor democracy,
and respect the rights of the people and reporm the country. 5. The responsibility of the
government to religously pay it Foreign debts despite the economic situation.
Instructions 1- 2 considered as primary sources on the positive contributions OF Cory
Aquino to the Philippines or the positive things that happened during her presidency. a
Evgeeline Rañola Having of 1987 constitution that used of the state. b. Cesar Morable 7
restoration of Democracy coming from old dictatorship. > restoration of press freedom a
Cesar Morable
b- Evageline añola > Multi party system that caused of ruined in time political rystem of our
country. realable 3- Between the (2) sides interviewed which do you think is more male
why? - For me most realable is the negative contribution of presidency OF president comry
Aquino, because those things that they say is to fally happened and they also experience the
things that they said in the interview.