Readings in Philippine History (Activities)

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Name: Briny B.

Year & Section: BSN 1 STEM- C
Instructor’s Name: Teresita Katigbak
Subject: Readings in Philippine History
Primary source has been regarded as
the source of the “best evidence” but
when many eyewitnesses supply
information discrepancies and
contradictions emerged, what do you
The Study of History think is the best solution to have
accurate and exact narration of events
coming from different sources.
Why do social scientists refer to history in
 In order to achieve a well diverse and
analyzing or predicting a certain situation
reliable source of information we
or a particular behaviour?
need to always keep in mind to check
whether the information we have is
true by researching it thoroughly
 Social scientist study all aspects of and scanning some reliable sources
society from past events and that can backbone the said
achievements to human behaviour information. By that, we can avoid
and relationships among groups. discrepancies and contradictions in
Their research provides insights into any matter, if we, ourselves is fully
the different ways individuals, aware and have the necessary
groups, and institutions make knowledge of what the information is
decisions, exercise power, and about, before we finally digest it on
respond to change. It is undeniable our systems and gives our personal
that social science can open up opinion and assumptions about that
debates, discourse, and gives us a certain issues/topic.
compilation of studies and researches
that governments, private,
companies, and the civil society can
use in shaping our collective future.
Social science helped people List down specific examples of
understand the consequences and primary and secondary sources of
application of the new technologies data
of the age. Furthermore, it would be
Primary Sources Secondary
difficult on the part of social
scientists if they do not take into
account the cultural relativism and 1. Archives 1. Dictionari
diverse historical background of and es and
different societies in analysing the manuscrip encyclope
present and predicting the future. ts material dia
2. Photograp 2. Political
hs, audio commentary History
, video Chapter 2
recordings Controversies in Philippine History
, films
3. Journals, 3. Biographi ACTIVITY 1
letters and es
diaries Where do you think was the first mass
in the Philippines held? Support your
4. Speeches 4.
answer with primary sources (e.g.
individual persons, original
documents, etc.) or secondary sources
5. Published 5. Textbooks (articles, books, manuscripts.etc.)

Name: Briny B. Obamos

Year & Section: BSN 1 STEM- C
Instructor’s Name: Teresita Katigbak
Subject: Readings in Philippine
History and Political Science existed, and show how changes in these
have occurred.
A history degree program contributes to
a deep understanding of the cultural and History and ethics
historical context of political decisions,
History and ethics have a close
social movements, and cultural shifts
relationship. Although a true historian is
over time. The study of past political
not expected to pass distinct and
movements, developments, events and
sensitive judgements on the historical
relations forms a valuable part of the
incidents and characters, yet they must
study of political science. History
know about the ethical principle of the
provides study material to political
time which influenced the conduct of the
science, which serve as the foundation
people in the past.
for studying the current political
movements, events and relations. History and Psychology
History and Economics A historian must have to show some
psychological insights while making an
Economics is the study of patterns
analysis of the motive and actions of
therefore economic history seeks to try
men and societies. As the result of the
to understand historical events by
influence of psychology historians have
appealing to our knowledge of economic
under taken the study of the results and
processes. There has been a long
impacts of war. Psychology history also
standing connection between economics
demonstrates how the field began and
and history. Most major historical events
developed in response to modern culture,
have an economic basis to them. In
politics, economics and current events.
looking at the major wars fought since
the 1980’s economic has played a key History and Geography
role in the start of the war. They knew
winning a war would be a good result for The relationship between history and
their businesses and economy. geography is especially close because
they represents two fundamental
History and Sociology dimensions of the same phenomenon.
Key concepts of geography, such as
In actual practice the relation between
location, place, and region are tied
history and sociology is very close. The
inseparably to major ideas of history
sociologist of necessity derives his
such as time, period, and events. By
material from the data furnished by
studying history and geography it can
anthropology and history. Sociology in
help us frame how geography impacted
the broadest sense is the study of human
societies as well as how it helped shape
interactions and interrelations, their
human choices.
conditions and consequences. Historical
analysis can develop a critical approach
to the study of the past, present, and
future. It can illuminate the varieties of
cultural and social diversity that have
Epigraphy the forms and processes of writing; not
the textual content of documents.
is the study of inscriptions, or epigraphs,
Included in the discipline is the practice
as writing; it is the science of
of deciphering, reading, and dating
identifying graphemes, clarifying their
manuscripts, and the cultural context of
meanings, classifying their uses
according to dates and cultural contexts,
and drawing conclusions about the
writing and the writers. Specifically
included from epigraphy are the
historical significance of an epigraph as Philology also includes the study of texts
a document and the artistic value of and their history. It includes elements
a literary composition. of textual criticism, trying to reconstruct
an author's original text based on variant
copies of manuscripts it is also the study
is a scholarly discipline centred on the of language in oral and written historical
critical analysis of documents: sources; it is the intersection of textual
especially, historical documents. It criticism, literary criticism, history,
focuses on the conventions, protocols and linguistics).Philology is more
and formulate that have been used by commonly defined as the study of
document creators, and uses these to literary texts as well as oral and written
increase understanding of the processes records, the establishment of their
of document creation of information authenticity and their original form, and
transmission, and of the relationships the determination of their meaning.
between the facts which the documents
purpose to record and reality. The
discipline originally evolved as a tool for Authenticity as a concept is integral to
studying and determining the the discipline of archaeology.
authenticity of the Discriminating between real artifacts
official charters and diplomas issued by and forgeries, determining secure
royal and papal chanceries. Diplomatics provenance, and investigating how past
also includes the study of other records, actually happened are all activities at
such as bills, reports, cartularies, the core of producing archaeological
registers, and rolls. knowledge and can be seen essentially
as quests for authenticity. Since the
beginnings of archaeological research,
Palaeography can be used to provide archaeologists have expressed concern
information about the date at which a regarding their ability to present the
document was written. It is also the past as realistically as possible and to
study of historic writing systems and the communicate the nature of
deciphering and dating of historical archaeological work in an accurate way
manuscripts, including the analysis of that a variety of diverse audiences will
historic handwriting. It is concerned with be able to understand. Just like for
example an archaeologist have found
some artifacts or relics on the site where
Magellan allegedly stayed during the
war therefore they will find out whether
it is true or not that this place was the
place where Magellan stayed long years
Chemistry is the study of ink, ink is
composed of chemical, which means
chemist determine the element or
chemical properties by finding the date
of the material therefore you will now
know whether the ink that have been
use is current or not.

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