Initial Stiffness Value Estimation
Initial Stiffness Value Estimation
Initial Stiffness Value Estimation
Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland, Tel: +48 17 854 11 27, Email: kozlowsk@prz,
University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal, Email: [email protected]
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, Email: [email protected]
In the advanced design of framed multi-storey buildings, actual properties of joints and connection should be taken into
account. It is namely: initial stiffness and moment resistance of a joint. The best way to obtain theses characteristics is
experimental testing, but tests are very costly and time consuming. Based on the results from experiments and
numerical analysis, few analytical methods were developed, amongst them component method, to estimate the
moment-rotation characteristic of joints. This method was applied also in design codes. In the lately approved
Eurocodes – Eurocode 3 (EC-3, 2005) and Eurocode 4 (EC-4, 2004), procedures allowing calculation of the initial
stiffness and moment resistance of steel welded and end-plate bolted joints as well as composite joints are introduced.
Eurocodes comprise also the method of classification of joints according to their strength as well as methods of global
analysis correlated to this classification. Calculation of moment resistance and initial stiffness of a joint, following
[email protected] [email protected]
Eurocode procedures is rather troublesome and time consuming, so there is a need to develop design tools in the form of
Aleksander Kozlowski
computer programs,
EMPLOYMENT (lastdiagrams or simple
three): Rzeszów formulasoffor
University estimation Poland,
Technology, of theseUniversity
values forofeveryday designCovilha,
Beira Interior, practice.Portugal
For this
MAIN a computer program ACHIEVEMENTS:CRSJAE was developed, which includes full Eurocode procedures. Using this program
wide parametric
•books, monographs:
study was conducted, resulting, after regression analysis, in simple formulas for calculation of the main
- Brodka J., Kozlowski
semi-rigid joint characteristics. Comparison A.: with
someand Stiffness
available of Semi-Rigid
experimental testJoints.
shows quite 322
(in Polish). Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Rzeszow, 1996.
- Kozlowski A.: Shaping of the Steel and Composite Skeletons with Semi-Rigid Joints. Monograph,
Keywords: steel joints, composite joints, stiffness of joints, moment resistance, Eurocodes
206 pages.(in Polish). Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Rzeszow, 1999.
- Brodka J., Kozlowski.: Skeleton Steel Buildings. Academic book (in Polish). Oficyna Wydawnicza
Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Rzeszow, 2003. person. Such calculation should be done in the final phase
- Brodka systems
J., Barszczapplied in multi-storey
A., Gizejowski of design
M., Kozlowski process, and
A.: Stiffness when checking
strength the safety
of sway framesof a joint
building, framedsemi-rigid structuresjoints.
are 2004.
still widely used in must be proved and this is very often done with the help
In advanced design of steel framed structures, of computer programs. For pre-design or for a conceptual
author and semi-rigid
of 139 papers actual
conference of reports.
joints phase of design it is necessary to supply designers with
and connection i.e.
PROFESSIONAL moment resistance
ACHIEVEMENTS: design and
of 78 projects oftools
stiffness, steelinand
form of structures,
simple formulas
and 96and/or
should be on
consulting taken
the pre-design phase of would allow for the estimation of main parameters of the
the structural engineer
MEMBERSHIPS activity, itassociations:
in international is required European
to estimateresearch jointprojects
COST: C1, in C12,
an easyC16,way
C26 1994),
not only preliminary member section sizes but also joint (Steenhuis, 1996).
Rzszard Especially important is the initial stiffness of
Kowalczyk The task of this paper is to provide design
PRESENT AFFILIATION: Full Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering and for
joints, used in the classification of joints with regard to guidelines the evaluation
Architecture, of moment
University of Beiraresistances and
Interior since
their stiffness
1992. (rigid, semi-rigid, nominally pinned), as initial stiffnesses of different types of steel and composite
well as in initial
SCIENTIFIC stability analysis
CAREER: MSc of frames
- Warsaw and in global
University joints in 1951,
of Technology the form PhDofinsimple
1957, formulas.
and DrSc Since considered
in 1967. In 1992
analysis carried out for the calculation of member forces joints are commonly
Title of Professor. Honorary Professor: Cracow University of Technology (2001) and Silesian University of Technologyused in steel tall buildings, the
(2004). regard to the actual stiffness of structural joints results of this study may be interesting for structural
(GiĪejowski, 2006).
PROFESSIONAL CAREER: over 50 years in research, consulting engineers involvedin various
and teaching in design of framed
universities steel and
and research in-
EC-3 (EC-3, 2005) and EC-4 (EC-4, 2004) provide steel-concrete composite
stitutes in his native Poland as well as abroad (Warsaw University of Technology, Bialystok University of Technology, buildings.
Institute classification
Research, of Institute
joints according to their
of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Fritz
strength and stiffness, Parametric study of moment resistance and initial
Leonhardt Design Office,together
Stuttgart,with methods
Germany, Theof University
global of Calgary, Canada, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA).
analysis correlated
UNESCO to this classification.
expert in vocational and technical Alsoeducation stiffness
methodsinofthe Middle East (1983 – 1989)
the calculation
initial stiffness anddynamics
structures, design moment Eurocodes
of structures, structural systems EC-3 (EC-3,
of tall 2005) Author
buildings. and EC-4 (EC-4,
or co-author
ofresistance of structural
over 80 papers steel and
in technical steel-concrete
journals composite
and conference 2004)
proceedings andcomprise
7 books and design procedures to calculate the
joints areofthere
Member Steeringincluded.
CTBUH, and of the moment of
above Committee
Permanent resistance
IABSE and initial stiffness of joints. These
mentioned joint properties is rather troublesome and time procedures are based on the component method. Analysis
consuming. It is enough to say, that hand calculation of of design procedures used in these codes for the
the moment resistance and initial stiffness of bolted joint, calculation of initial stiffness and moment resistance of
takes more that two hours of work of an experienced steel bolted end-plate joints shows that these
Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland, Tel: +48 17 854 11 27, Email: kozlowsk@prz,
University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal, Email: [email protected]
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, Email: [email protected]
In the advanced design of framed multi-storey buildings, actual properties of joints and connection should be taken into
account. It is namely: initial stiffness and moment resistance of a joint. The best way to obtain theses characteristics is
experimental testing, but tests are very costly and time consuming. Based on the results from experiments and
numerical analysis, few analytical methods were developed, amongst them component method, to estimate the
moment-rotation characteristic of joints. This method was applied also in design codes. In the lately approved
Eurocodes – Eurocode 3 (EC-3, 2005) and Eurocode 4 (EC-4, 2004), procedures allowing calculation of the initial
stiffness and moment resistance of steel welded and end-plate bolted joints as well as composite joints are introduced.
Eurocodes comprise also the method of classification of joints according to their strength as well as methods of global
analysis correlated to this classification. Calculation of moment resistance and initial stiffness of a joint, following
Eurocode procedures is rather troublesome and time consuming, so there is a need to develop design tools in the form of
computer programs, diagrams or simple formulas for estimation of these values for everyday design practice. For this
reason a computer program CRSJAE was developed, which includes full Eurocode procedures. Using this program
wide parametric study was conducted, resulting, after regression analysis, in simple formulas for calculation of the main
semi-rigid joint characteristics. Comparison with some available experimental test results shows quite good agreement.
Keywords: steel joints, composite joints, stiffness of joints, moment resistance, Eurocodes
S j.ini = A t ap h bb h cc d e B (1)
M Rd = C t fp h gb h ck d n D (2)
where: Fig. 7. Comparison for test no. 101.010 – experimental results, EC-3
A, B (C, D)– constants for the evaluation of initial component method and proposal of this study
stiffness (moment resistance) obtained from the
regression analysis,
a, b, c, e (f, g, k, n) – exponents for the evaluation
of initial stiffness (moment resistance) obtained from the
Eurocode 3 (2005). EN 1993-1-8. Design of steel structures - Part 1-8:
Design of joints. CEN, Brussels.
Eurocode 4 (2004). EN 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and
concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
CEN, Brussels.
L.(2006). Modelling, analysis and design of steel semi-continuous
frames. In: Progress in Steel, Composite and Aluminium Structures
(Eds. M.A. Gizejowski, A. Kozlowski, L. Sleczka, J. Ziolko). Taylor &
Francis, London.
Fig. 9. Comparison for test no. 109.001 – experimental results, EC-3 KOZLOWSKI A. (1997). Research activity in the field of semi - rigid
component method and proposal of this study joint in Rzeszow University of Technology. COST C1. Doc. C1/ WD2/
97 -14. Rzeszow.
KOZLOWSKI A., Pisarek Z. (1995). Moment resistance and stiffness
Comparison of results presented in Figs. 7 to 9 of end plate connections according to PN and EC3. Proceedings XLI
shows that proposed computational estimation of main Conf. KILiW PAN i KN PZITB. Krynica (in Polish).
characteristics of joints gives an approximation to test KOZLOWSKI A, Pisarek Z. (1997). Program CRSJAE for calculation
the moment resistance and stiffness of steel joint according to EC-3.
results within the range of ca 30% for the initial stiffness
Rzeszow University of Technology. Rzeszow (in Polish).
and moment resistance of joints. Moreover, although STEENHUIS M., GRESNIGT N., WEYNAND K. (1994). Pre-design
there are differences between the initial stiffness values of semi-rigid joints in steel frames. Proceedings of the Second State of
obtained from full EC-3 design procedure and those the Art COST C1 Workshop. Prague.
obtained from developed simple formulas, they are small STEENHUIS M., EVERS H., GRESNIGT N. (1996). Conceptual
and this constitutes a proof that proposed formulas might design of joints in braced frames. Proceedings of the Twelfth IABSE
Colloquium „Semi - Rigid Structural Connections”. Istambul.
be recommended for practical applications, especially for
WEYNAND K. (1992). SERICON - databank on joints in building
the pre-design stage of structural engineering activity. frames. COST C1 "Semi-Rigid Behaviour of Civil Engineering
Structural Connections". Doc. C1/WD2/93-22. Strasbourg.
The results of calculations presented in this study
allow for the formulation of the following conclusions:
The suggested procedure of using simple formulas
for the estimation of initial stiffness and moment
resistance of joints proved to be very useful and easy for
preliminary design of framed structures with semi-rigid
Developed in the paper formulas based on
Eurocodes 3 and 4 can estimate the main parameters of
the moment-rotation characteristic of joints with accuracy
not lower than 30%. This is not an excellent result, but
taking into account the complicity and interrelationship
of parameters involved and relatively simple procedure, it
can be considered as sufficient from engineering point of
The suggested procedure gives to the engineer a
tool to estimate by computation the values, which
previously were proposed to be assessed by “good