Or Reflection Paper and Send It To My Padlet Possible Guide Questions
Or Reflection Paper and Send It To My Padlet Possible Guide Questions
Or Reflection Paper and Send It To My Padlet Possible Guide Questions
3. If yo u a r e t h e t e a c h e r o f t h e c h i l d , w h a t w o u l d y o u d o ?
4 . What important things that will you consider if you meet a student like
5. W h a t i m p o r t a n t l e s s o n d i d y o u g e t i t f r o m t h e m o v i e ?
Among all the movies I watched that have beautiful stories to tell of how a child is
so special despite of its learning disorder is the Indian movie, “Every child is Special”.
This movie tells a story of a special child with dyslexia who is surrounded with much
struggles in his environment that he dared to endure such. Such struggles include being
beaten up, reprimanded, fighting with other kids, less social skills, and inactive to simple
things that he should experience. It opens my eyes about the learning disorder.
Struggling with dyslexia as a youth is a no easy experience, especially if the people
around the child, such as the loved ones, are clueless about it. It enlarges my sense of
empathy, patience, and understanding to children. I may be fortunate for not
experiencing this but I still feel the struggles the child went through in school. As I see
myself today while taking a course that will lead me to become a teacher of the next
generation, I have come to realize that students with special needs, such as dyslexia,
allow me to learn how to depend on them, how to show my affection and love to them,
and how to improve my ability as a teacher in understanding them not just in their
learning capacity, but even in treating them with respect, tender love, and care despite
of dyslexia. Despite of the learning disorder, there is so much more a teacher can do
good things to a child with special needs. All the teachers need are patience, empathy,
and making the child feel that they belong in this world they are living in. These are
essentials a teacher has to acquire for a child to grow in a happy and harmonious
environment. The child best feels that school is cool and that he is loved when the
teachers know exactly what the child has went through beyond being a pupil. The
teacher should learn the art of discovery. To discover a child’s potential and allowing it
to grow and thrive is the best discovery and success any teacher can have. Just like the
movie, discovery is a process and an art. As what Mark Van Doren says, “The art of
teaching is the art of assisting discovery”.
As I ponder to retrospect what the movie has taught me, every child is special
because every child is unique. Unique in a way that every child is different from any
other child. Although every child is different in capabilities, each of them is equally
significant to the community. Whether the child has dyslexia or not, this does not make
him less valued and less skilled, but instead, this makes him more special because
dyslexia increases the level of awareness and understanding to children experiencing
this. As a future educator, the most important lesson that I learn and could reflect upon
for the rest of my life is to be selfless to my students. If selflessness is present in a
learning environment, I am not just only an inspiration, but I am also a symbol of hope to
future teachers with a heart and passion to teach and to students with or without special
needs. To end this beautiful reflection of mine, allow me to share this famous quote
from Brad Henry: “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a
love of learning”.