Final Sib Full Asignment
Final Sib Full Asignment
Final Sib Full Asignment
Tania Agurto
Doug Rapley
EDUC 220
Fall 2017
Education, is a single word and nevertheless it covers so much. Each child is a world,
ways of thinking and learning that are different and converge in a classroom. Different realities
and challenges. What great responsibility as future teachers we have to teach each one of them
In the following paragraphs I will make my dreams known, my thoughts regarding the
expectations I have about Education. The essay will be divided into five sections that are: All
Students Can Learn, Teacher’s Expectations, Students’ Social Ecology Theory, Cultural Diversity
When I was studying at university, I had a teacher, Professor Ortiz, who always said "a
good student learns despite the teacher". His phrase discouraged me every time I listened to it,
because I felt that I had full responsibility for my learning process, even when I did not know
Over time I have learned that each person has a potential to develop. Sometimes it is in
sight and sometimes not, sometimes even unknown by the person who owns it. I firmly believe
that one of the teacher’s duties is to help to discover, develop and also enhance it. Nevertheless,
how can we reach each of our students if each person is a different world? It’s a very difficult
and demanding task. I think that observation must be an ability to develop, as well as empathy.
As we take time to meet our students then our task of seeing their potential and helping to
develop it will be much simpler. If we observe with sufficient detail, then we will find the best
treasure as something that would help me all my life. Someone told me that a good leader knows
how to delegate tasks and then verify them. That’s what I think a good teacher should do. Allow
their students to be an active part of their learning, delegating tasks to them and verifying that
they can fulfill them, as well as recognizing the work and effort they put in their assignment.
When I think of my future students, I try to remember what I would have liked to receive myself
as a student, I believe that this is a good exercise in getting closer to them and attaining the
expected learning.
Teacher’s Expectations
I have always thought that a good teacher can change the life of a child. Many times, the
work of the teacher is not valued, it is not given the importance it has. However, the good
influence of a teacher can install valuable ideas in student minds, therefore it is pretty important
the teacher's expectations about what his/her students can achieve and what the teacher can do in
What do we mean by the teacher's expectations? Reflecting on that I think what should a
teacher expect from a student? Many of the teachers I have met expect them to behave in the
classroom, to participate in classes and learn. I think those are good things to expect, but I ask
myself again, is that enough? I think that expecting only that from the students is not to value
them sufficient. From my personal point of view, I think that expecting them to develop critical
thinking is very satisfying, because it is one of the most useful tools that students could cultivate
I intimately believe that what one expects has a direct relationship with vocation. When
we study what we are really passionate about, we think of giving our best in order to perform in
the best possible way, because we are enjoying what we do, because that fills our life. That is the
key of everything. Being a teacher is more than just deliver content, it is more than assessment
it is more than reaching certain standards. A teacher needs to go beyond to do his/her work well,
he/she needs to know the background of each student, to know about his/her microsystem to see
what their interests are, to realize what is the best way to teach each one. Besides it is the other
part of being a teacher, which has nothing to do with knowledge but with the heart. The teacher
should be able to have his/her students trust, to see him/her as someone to trust any problem and
in this way the teacher can install in the mind and in the heart of the student the idea that he or
she can achieve his/her best version, no matter their circumstances, their country or their
ethnicity because we all have a potential to develop…. It is not easy to be a teacher, but it fills
the soul.
When we talk about what a teacher expects from students, I relate it immediately to the goals that
the teacher has set out to help students to cope with expectations. I wonder, is the planning
important? Are the objectives important? of course yes! Long time ago I learned that we must set
goals to achieve objectives, and that those goals must be written and must have date to verify
progress. Not long ago I learned that the goals that we draw must be intelligent and achievable,
one step at a time. That is the way to work, plan smart. Without proper planning for each class it
is impossible to achieve goals for our children to progress. Planning is one of the foundations of
On repeated occasions I have asked myself what should be done to motivate a child to
want to learn. It is difficult to think that with all the opportunities that exist today, someone does
All the above makes me think about the importance of connecting learning with the social
environment of our students. Is it important that, as teachers, we know their social environment,
their ideas, their hobbies, their reality? My answer is, absolutely yes! Why? Simply, because we
want them to learn, we want them to discover themselves, we want them to let themselves dream
that they can be whatever they want to be. I think that if they feel their reality identified in some
proportion in some content they are learning, they will not feel so distinct and that will make
Does the social environment have an impact on a student's learning? Of course, yes. The
support, or on the contrary, the discouragement of a family towards a child can powerfully
influence their learning, above all their motivation to progress and improve. Also, the cultural
influence is important. In places where there is no equality of gender for example, we can hardly
see a young girl opening her way to be a professional, independent in all areas of her life. I
Such as there are ways to encourage a child, there are also ways to slow down their
progress, most of the time it will be their environment and the reality they experience that does
not allow them to believe that they can achieve their dreams, but as long as they walk in a
classroom should be the teacher who makes them feel that despite the difficulties involved in
At the time when I was attending school in Chile there was not massive immigration yet
as it happens today, it was difficult and even strange to have a classmate from another country.
Today the scenario is totally different, even in some schools in Santiago specific areas there are
more immigrant children than Chilean children. Haitians, Colombians, Peruvians and now more
and more commonly Venezuelans children fill the classrooms, light up and paint our schools in
As a student, I would have loved to know, even if it was a bit of other cultures and
realities, and in that way, expand my vision of life. I imagine that as a teacher it should be a good
and at the same time challenging experience to have students of different nationalities and
cultural backgrounds in a classroom. There is a lot of work that must be done to cover all the
needs that this may require. From the identification of academic and cognitive conditions to the
support at the human level for these children, passing of course for the prevention of unwanted
bullying. I think that allow to take time from obligatory curriculum to perform activities that
permit children to know their peers, their life stories, their dreams, their expectations could bring
them closer as classmates and even generate friendships that are always important to achieve
However, what would be more optimal for immigrant children? Cultural Pluralism or
Cultural Assimilation? What would allow them to feel integrated in a new country? Let’s
analyze both. Cultural Pluralism points to the sociocultural diversity, the differences are
respected, and they are seen as a wealth for the country that receives that new influence, it is a
contribution. However, by maintaining all their cultural traditions and language sometimes
they fail to incorporate themselves adequately and generate difficulties in their daily lives.
Cultural Assimilation points to the process of integration to a dominant culture in which the
culture is lost partially or sometimes totally in the group that is integrated. What is the
disadvantage? Loss of identity. When I arrived here, I was able to observe this in the Hispanic
community. I must admit that it is sad for me to see little children of Latino parents who speak
absolutely nothing of Spanish. Could we say then that they joined the country because they know
its language perfectly? I would say no. Many times, they seem to feel no place, neither from
here, nor from there. And what do we do then to integrate them? the change should not only
occur in them but in the whole society. Going back to the previous thing, I believe that there
must be a balance in both tendencies. When immigrating to another country, those who arrive
must incorporate themselves in the best way to this culture that receives them, but also those who
arrive have something to contribute. Soaking up this new culture without forgetting the roots,
without losing the identity, because we all have something valuable to contribute.
I used to think that curriculum was the content of each subject determined for each grade,
but at the end of my first semester of Education classes I realized that I was wrong, what I mean,
We define the curriculum as all organized and intended experiences of the student for which the
school accepts responsibility. In other words, the curriculum is not just the intellectual content of
the subjects taught but also the methods used to teach them, the interactions that occur among
people, and the school-sponsored activities that contribute to the “life experience”. (118)
The curriculum has a much broader spectrum than I imagined, that makes me reflect on
how important is the effective planning of the contents and activities to be developed with the
students, but also on the ability to make adjustments if necessary, depending on the reality of
each class. Personally, I will make changes based on how the students are learning, reviewing
when needed, checking comprehension, while keeping in mind that all the students come with
different skill sets and backgrounds, and by trying to make learning personal.
However, one part is the curriculum and planning, and another is the implementation of the
planned contents. Achieving these contents in an effective way is something complex many
times, that means teachers must give the best of them to achieve this goal. Berns declares:
“Teachers who try to work closely with each child and who understand group dynamics are more
likely to provide a successful and rewarding learning environment”. (218) If a teacher delivers
the planned content thinking of each class and assess students periodically, formally and
informally we are able to improve planning and delivery so as to not waste time on contents
already mastered and focus on those items that the students are struggling with and as a result we
can achieve meaningful learning and at the same time a student progress overview.
This work has been of great learning for me, since I have been able to discover myself
Without a doubt, becoming a teacher in a world that is constantly changing is not easy,
but it is challenging and worth trying. I understand that my accountability as a teacher will be
really important in this process not only of learning, but also of training persons as well.
Nowadays I have a broader spectrum of the current world, cultural exchange and the challenges
Berns, R. (2013). Child, family, school, community: socialization and support. Australia:
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., & Bolick, C. M. (2016). Those who can, teach. Australia: Cengage