Bhavnath Temple Case Analysis

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Executive Summary:
During post-independence period, Indian government planned to develop the
economy of the country. As a part of plan, when Gujarat was in undivided Bombay
presidency, a plan was proposed to build a dam across the rivers Lokmata and Sadmata in
northern Gujarat, which was supposed to increase the Agriculture production in the area in
greater level, but the problem was an ancient temple named “Bhavnath Temple” situated
near the dam. The dam is threat to the temple and people in that area stood against the
plan even though government considered alternative location for the temple.
Main Report:
1. Situation Analysis
(a) Introduction:
A plan was formerly proposed to build a dam in Northern Gujarat with a capacity to
withhold 4700 million cu. ft. which can irrigate 92,000 acres of land in three district. There
was an ancient temple nearby the dam and the government ensured the safety of the
temple to the public. But a new revised plan was suggested to the government, increasing
the capacity of dam to 5700 cubic million feet which can irrigate larger area, so that much
more agricultural area can be benefitted. But by increasing the capacity of the dam, the
temple cannot be saved. So, the Government promised people to shift the temple to a safer
place, but the public did not accept that idea.
(b) Statement of objective:
The Government of is interested in construction of the dam for an overall economic
development of the area along with increase in irrigation potential and agricultural
(c) Decision Problem Statement:
As government wants to improve the economy of the state by building the dam,
people in the locality are opposing this because of the safety of the temple and they are not
ready for the relocation of the temple.

T e
(d) Criteria for Decision Making:

 Long term economic development

 Agricultural advancement
 Religious sentiment
 Social cost
 Marginal cost and benefit

2. Decision Process:
(a) Generating Alternatives:
1) Follow initial plan of construction of dam with 4700 million cubic feet capacity.

2) Follow subsequent plan of construction of dam of capacity 5700 million cubic feet.

3) Follow original plan and then go for extension potential.

(b) Evaluation of Alternatives:

Particulars 4700 million cubic feet 5700 million cubic feet
Area irrigated (acre) 92000 111574
FSL 592 595
HFL 596 601
Cost (crores) 1.7 1.9
Submergence Area (acre) 10500 12734
Revenue (lakhs) 163.57 (15.83+147.74) 198.372 (19.198+179.174)
(Revenue/Cost) Ratio 0.962 1.044


For 5700 (million cu. ft.):

By Linear Interpolation

Area irrigated = (92000*5700/4700) = 11574 acres

Submergence area = (10500*5700/4700) = 12734 acres

Revenue from irrigation = (15.83*5700/4700) = 19.198 lakhs

Revenue from increase in irrigation = (147.74*5700/4700) = 179.174 lakhs

(Revenue/cost) Ratio:

For 4700 case = (163.57/170) = 0.962

For 5700 case = (198.372/190) = 1.044

(c) Selection of Alternatives:
We are going with the third alternative which is an extension of our first
plan. The reason for this is to make the villagers comfortable with the dam and see the
economic benefit of this advancement.

3. Implementation:
Since the temple is a popular religious site so it can be develop as a major tourist
attraction and through this we can generate some revenues and we will make arrangements
for fair also so that the villagers will also generate some income for them. When the more
money will flow in the area then they will be able to think objectively at a later stage. So it
will provide us a better scope to expand the dam capacity to 5700 million cu. ft. after 10
years or later. We will provide jobs to the villagers as labourers for the construction of the

4. Contingency Plan:

Submitted By:-
Group Name: Team Hi’Five
Pankaj Gupta – P41091
Tulika Agrawal – P41120
Anunjay Rajput – P41069
Vivek P – P41123

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