Bhavnath Temple II Team - Aaparajit

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Problem Statement:

With the singular aim of economic and agricultural development, the newly formed state of Gujarat
wants to undertake construction of two earthen dams amidst protests from the local people
regarding the consequent submersion and destruction of their age-old temple connected to the
much revered Brighu Rishi.

Situation Analysis:

After the country achieved its independence, the undivided state of Bombay proposed a plan to
construct two earthen dams across the rivers Lokmata and Sadmata in the northern part of Gujarat.
The original plan called for a smaller command area along with an all weather access and also
promised to save the temple from submergence by providing additional support of water weirs.
The government of Gujarat was more inclined towards increasing the general command area by
elevating the upper limit of FSL,HFL and TDL. This new plan met with protests from the villagers
as it would absolutely submerge their age-old temple. The details of which are illustrated in the
table below.

The Old Plan The Revised Plan

Cost of Construction – 1.7 Crore Cost of Construction – 1.9 Crore

Volume – 4700 Million Cubic Feet Volume – 5700 Million Cubic Feet
592 (Full Supply Level) 596 (Full Supply Level)
596 (Highest Flood Level) 601 (Highest Flood Level)
601 (Top of The Dam Level) 606 (Top of The Dam Level)

Submersion of 10,500 acres of land belonging Submersion of 10,500 acres of land belonging
to some 20 villages. Eight villages will be to some 20 villages. Eight villages will be
completely submerged and resettled completely submerged and resettled
elsewhere. elsewhere.
The Temple can be saved by the construction The Temple cannot be saved. It will get
of gates on the water weir so that the flood submerged.
level do not rise to endanger the temple.

Develop irrigation potential for 92,000 acres of The irrigation potential will get increased
land in three districts. Marginal addition to the cost of constructing
the canal system. Increase in agricultural
production and revenue.


Keeping in mind the present government’s keen interest in economic development, we came up
with the following criteria.

1. Economic and agricultural development of the area, facilitated by irrigation infused growth
in agricultural production.
2. Not harming people’s religious sentiment as much as possible & to find a mutually
agreeable solution



Adopting the original plan. In this case the temple will get submerged but the authorities agreed to
construct gates on water weirs so that the water level do not rise to endanger the temple and provide
an all-weather access to the temple for the people. The villagers agreed to this plan without any

Adopting the new plan made by the new government of Gujarat. The temple will get submerged.
On the bright side it will increase the overall irrigation potential compared to the first alternative
while a marginal cost would be added to the cost of construction. This faced a lot of opposition
from the residents of the villages because of the religious belief associated with the temple over
the generations.


The government can organize meetings involving some local influential people and religious heads
of the area along with Sarpanch to try convincing the people regarding the advantages that can be
achieved in case the temple is relocated to a new place. Also the government can try setting up the
tourism enterprise as well, viz. boating, new temple complex which will possibly attract a whole
lot of tourists and provide a source of livelihood to the villagers. As the place becomes a tourist
attraction, it will most likely result in an overall socio-economic development of the region.

Alternative – 4:

With reference to Table 1, the revised plan recommends an increase in the water levels in the
dam. To prevent any submergence, the main temple building (not the whole complex) can be
elevated by 10 feet above the water level of the dam and an all weather access to conduct the
prayers and offerings smoothly. The whole complex including the Dharmsala and other shops
around can be relocated nearby the temple. The tourism enterprise will still function and this may
result in more number of tourists being attracted to the age-old temple. This renewed plan will
safeguard the religious sentiments of the people and the government can maintain its trust with the

Alternative 4: We have decided that by elevating the main temple complex, most probably there
won’t be any resistance from the people and the government can go forward with the plan of
increasing the general command area of the dam and it is easier to convince the local villagers.
The surrounding area of the dam can also serve as an eco-tourism spot which can serve as an
alternate livelihood to the local people. This way, maximum benefits can be availed.

Contingency Plan:

If the people still remain adamant and the government fails to implement the best possible
alternative then as a contingency it can adopt the original plan. Although there won’t be high
revenue, thousands of people in the three districts would get an assured irrigation for themselves
thus increasing the productivity levels.


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