Introduction To Ester Boserup
Introduction To Ester Boserup
Introduction To Ester Boserup
SIMON (ANTI MALTHUSIAN THEORISTS) is one or two years. In the fallow period
the land is invaded by wild grasses.
Prepared by: GROUP 3 Annual cropping: The land is left
uncultivated for only several months
ESTER BOSERUP between harvest and planting. Within this
group Boserup also includes crop rotation
Ester Boserup was a Danish economist. She systems.
studied economic and agricultural development,
worked at the United Nations as well as other Multi-cropping: Occurs when the same
international organizations, and wrote seminal plot of land bears two or more crops every
books on agrarian change and the role of year; in such a system there is no real
women in development. fallow period.