Bhavnath Temple Inquisitors

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Problem Statement

The Government of the newly formed State of Gujarat is facing a dilemma. There is an attempt
to revive the project which was first started by the erstwhile government in 1947, which the
building of a dam across the river Lokmata and Sadmata. There are two proposals being
considered- building a small dam or a large dam. The plan of the larger dam would lead to
immense economic benefits in terms of agricultural productivity and socio-economic
development. However, the main problem is the submergence of an old temple, Bhavnath
Temple, which has been the center of religious activity of the community. A smaller dam would
leave the Temple unaffected but would lead to smaller economic benefits.

Defining criteria

Bhavnath Temple has been one of the most revered religious institutions of villages involved.
Consequently, deep religious sentiments of nearby villagers are attached to this institution.
Thus, due consideration should be given to the local sentiments. However, construction of the
dam would have direct and indirect agricultural benefits as well as generation of additional
income. Moreover, it would generate employment for the community. Hence, benefit would
be a parameter for evaluation. Another equally important criteria will be the various associated
costs. They include construction costs, rehabilitation costs, and costs to relocate the temple.

Following are the alternatives proposed regarding the dam rehabilitation and
improvement project against the criteria-

Sentiments Benefits Cost
Develops 92000 acres of
Going with the initial irrigation land in three districts. Direct cost of 1.7
plan of building dam of 2.Annual yield of irrigation crore and Monetary
4700 million cubic ft. project generated is 15.83lakhs. cost- Setting up of
without affecting the 3.Increase in agricultural livelihood for
Bhavnath temple. production increases upto 30,400 affected people
tons (Rs.147.74lakhs)
1. Develops more than 92000
Going with the plan of acres of irrigation land in three
Direct cost of 1.9
building dam with districts. 2.Annual yield of
crore and Monetary
increased capacity of Highly irrigation project generated is
cost of Setting up of
5700 million cubic ft. Affected more 15.83lakhs. 3. Increase in
livelihood for
and submerging the agricultural production more
affected people.
Bhavnath temple. than 30,400
Going with the plan of Direct cost of 1.9
building the dam with 1. Develops more than 92000 crore and Monetary
increased capacity and acres of irrigation land in three cost of setting up of
changing the layout of districts. 2. Preventing the livelihood for
temple to prevent it submergence of Bhavnath affected people and
from submerging under temple. building of the new
the dam construction. layout.
Going with the plan of 1. Develops more than 92000 Direct cost of 1.9
building dam with acres of irrigation land in three crore and monetary
increased capacity of districts. 2. Preventing the cost of setting up of
5700 million cubic ft. by Less submergence of Bhavnath livelihood for
taking help of influential affected temple. 3. Growth of the area affected people and
leaders to convince the around the new temple and building of new
villagers for shifting of increasing the source of income temple and the area
Bhavnath temple . for the villagers. around.
Decision and Action Plan:

The fact that on two different occasions the government has decided on the larger capacity dam
shows that extracting the economic benefit from the given situation is of utmost importance
along with preserving the sentiments of the community. Keeping these facts in mind the path
to pursue would be convincing the villagers to shift the temple but to do so in the most sensitive

The proposed methodology should be to form a body consisting of influential members of the
village community such as community elders, priests and sarpanch. They will explain to the
locals about the economic benefits of the dam, rehabilitation efforts and efforts taken for
shifting the temple deities with due respect to the rituals. In order to compensate for the new
location of new temple will be build on the model of the older temple along with all the
additional structures (suryakund, yagnakund, bhrugukund and dharmshala) will be replicated
along with the restructuring of temple the government will also take initiative to beautify and
maintain the grounds. Moreover, the government will facilitate the continuance of annual fair
in a manner to increase the footfall and generate revenue.

The construction of the new temple will involve the villagers and lead to employment and
income generation. The villagers will be closely involved in every step of the process.

Contingency Plan:

In case the proposed plan is not accepted by the locals then the government will go ahead with
the smaller dam which does not involve submergence of the temple and think about the future
expansion of the project. It will allow some level of economic development to take place
without hurting the religious sentiments.


The case of Bhavnath Temple is a delicate situation and requires a tradeoff between economic
development and religious sentiments. The villagers should not feel that they are being put up
against the Government. At the same time, the Government cannot give in completely since it
would lead to losses of great magnitude. There should be sensitivity in dealing with the
situation, the Government has the responsibility of making the villagers a part in the process.
The alternative suggested should be actively pursued with patience. However, safety and peace
should also be kept in mind. Hence, if the construction of a larger capacity dam is not possible,
the government should go ahead with the construction of a smaller dam and think about
expansion projects in the meantime.

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