Benefits Help To Boot Employee Morale?: Improved Working Conditions

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Individual Assignment

Q.NO.1: Solution
a) Problem statement:

Management dilemma: Decrease in the morale of employees of Haines Company.

Management question: How can Haines Company increase the morale of employees?

Research question 1: Do improved working conditions, raised pay scales, and vacation
benefits help to boot employee morale?

Research question 2: Does side income impact the relationship between pay scale and
employee morale?

b) Conceptual Framework:

Improved working

Attractive vacation Morale boost


Raised pay scales


c) Statement of hypotheses:

H1: Better the working conditions, higher the morale of employees.

H2: More attractive the vacation benefits, higher the morale of employees.
H3: Better the pay scales, higher the morale of employees.

H4: Supplement income moderates the relationship between pay scale and morale of

Q.NO. 2: Solution

a) Problem statement

Management dilemma: The turnover of minority women in working place is increasing.

Management question: How can the company retain its minority women?

Research question 1: Do unavailability of an influential mentor, lack of an informal

network, lack of role models, and the dearth of visibility projects impact the turnover of
minority women in working place?

Research question 2: Does dissatisfaction in job mediates the relationship between

unavailability of an influential mentor, lack of an informal network, lack of role model,
dearth of visibility projects and turnover of minority women?

b) Conceptual Framework

Unavailability of
an influential

Lack of an
informal network

Dissatisfaction in Turnover of
job minority women
Lack of role models

Dearth of visibility
c) Statement of hypotheses
H1: Unavailability of an influential mentor in the system leads to the turnover of
minority women in the working place.

H2: Lack of an informal network with influential colleagues’ leads to the turnover of
minority women.

H3: Lack of role models impacts the turnover of minority women in the working place.

H4: Dearth of visibility projects leads to the turnover of minority women in the working

H5: Dissatisfaction in job mediates the relationship between unavailability of an

influential mentor, lack of an informal network, lack of role models, dearth of visibility
projects and turnover of minority women in the working place.

Q.NO. 3: Solution

a) Problem statement
Management Dilemma: Incidence of smoking in movies has increased.
Management Question: How can the incidence of smoking in movies be decreased?
Research Question 1: Does exposure to smoking in movies affect the adolescent’s
intention to start smoking?
Research Question 2: Does positive attitude toward smoking impact the relationship
between exposure to smoking in movies and adolescent smoking initiation?
Research Question 3: Does person’s identification with a film character impact the
relationship between exposure to smoking in movies and positive attitude toward
b) Conceptual Framework

Exposure to
Positive attitude Adolescent
smoking in
toward smoking smoking initiation

identification with a
film character
c) Statement of hypotheses
H1: The more the exposure to smoking in the movies, the higher the chances of
adolescent smoking initiation.
H2: Positive attitude toward smoking mediates the relationship between exposure to
smoking in movies and adolescent smoking initiation.
H3: Person’s identification with a film character moderates the relationship between
exposure to smoking in movies and positive attitude toward smoking.

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