Muscular System Educ
Muscular System Educ
Muscular System Educ
o Striated muscle
Skeletal muscle
appear striped
attached to bone
made up of skel m. cells (fibers)
the largest of the m. fiber types
the only muscle type under voluntary control
can contract rapidly and with great force
tires easily
responsible for locomotion
Cardiac muscle
arranged in spiral or figure 8-shape bundles
cardiac m. fibers are
o elongated, branched
o joined by special junctions called intercalated disks which
o represents a specialized junction
o are seen as dark, transverse lines bet muscle fibers
contraction is automatic, rhythmic, involuntary
o Smooth muscle
has no striations
cell is elongated, spindle-shaped
contraction is slow and involuntary
resistant to fatigue
found in the walls of hallow visceral organs
propels substances along a pathway
made up of muscle fibers
spindle shape
single nucleus
composed of
o thick filaments
are made up of myosin
also contains ATPase
has a small projection at one end called myosin head or
cross bridge
o thin filaments
composed of actin
anchored to the Z line
movement occurs
example: bend knee, rotate arm, smile
Isometric (“same length”)
muscles do not shorten
myofilaments try to slide but the muscle is pitted against an immovable
example: pushing a wall with bent elbow
o Muscle tone
the state of continuous partial m. contractions of some m. fibers even when the
m. is voluntarily relaxed
its contraction is not visible
makes m. firm, healthy, constantly ready for action
Types of Exercise
o Aerobic (endurance) exercise
result in stronger,more flexible muscles
muscle does not increase in size
muscles develop greater resistance to fatigue
bring about increase blood supply to muscles muscle cells form more
mitochon and store more O2