Physiology U-4 Excitable Muscle Tissue
Physiology U-4 Excitable Muscle Tissue
Physiology U-4 Excitable Muscle Tissue
lar Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Types of Muscles
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
Functions of Muscles
Structure of Skeletal Muscles
Muscle Contraction
Muscle Metabolism
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy
Muscle Fatigue
Cardiac Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Compare the similarities and differences among types of muscles
Describe the structural organization of skeletal muscle
List proteins that form thick and thin filaments
Describe structural components of sarcomere
Explain mechanism of muscle contraction (Excitation-contraction
Discuss molecular bases of muscle contraction
Describe the reactions by which muscle fibers produce ATP.
Muscle Tissue
Muscle cells have a special capacity to utilize chemical energy
(ATP) to produce force and movement that enable us to manipulate
objects around us.
Muscle cells are highly specialized cells for the conversion of chem-
ical energy into mechanical energy.
About 40% of the body weight is skeletal muscle & 10% is smooth
& cardiac muscle.
Types of Muscles
Muscles are grouped into three major categories according to:
Their location in relation to other body structures
Their histological (tissue) structure
The way their action is controlled
These classifications are:
A.Skeletal muscle
B.Cardiac muscle
C.Smooth muscle
Types of Muscles…
A. Skeletal/voluntary muscles:
Types of Muscles…
B. Cardiac muscle:
Forms the wall of the heart
They are striated
They are involuntary, controlled by autonomic nervous sys-
Have the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium
Motive power for blood circulation (provides force for mov-
ing blood throughout the body)
C. Smooth muscles:
Located in the wall of hallow organs (gastrointestinal tract,
blood vessels, uterus, urinary bladder)
They have non-striated appearance
Involuntary muscle, controlled by autonomic nervous system
Have the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium
Types of Muscles…
Types of Muscles…
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue:
Electrical excitability
Is the ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing
electrical signals called action potentials.
Ability to shorten in length.
Ability to stretch without being damaged.
Is the ability to return to its original length and shape after
contraction or extension.
Functions of Muscles:
Producing body movements
Movements of the whole body such as walking and running, and
localized movements such as grasping
Storing and moving substances within the body
Temporary storage of food in the stomach or urine in the urinary
Movement of body parts
Movement of blood throughout the body
Movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels
Movement of food through the GI tract
Movement of bile out of the gallbladder and into the digestive
Movement of urine through the urinary tract
Movement of semen through the male and female reproductive
Movement of a newborn through the birth canal
Functions of Muscles:
Maintain posture
Muscle contraction is constantly allowing us to remain upright.
Contractions of your neck muscles hold your head upright.
As you stand, your leg muscles keep you on two feet.
Stabilize joints
Muscles keep the tendons that cross the joint nice and firm.
This does a wonderful job of maintaining the integrity of the
Structure of Skeletal Muscles…
Skeletal muscle consist of numerous subunits or bundles called fas-
cicles (muscle fascicles).
- Surrounded by connective tissue (called the perimysium)
Each fascicle is composed of numerous muscle fibers (muscle cells)
which is covered with endomysium.
Structure of Skeletal Muscles…
Structural organization of skeletal muscle
Entire muscle
Muscle fascicles
Muscle fibers
thin filament (actin, troponin & tropomyosin)
thick filament (myosin)
Structure of Skeletal Muscles…
Structure of Skeletal Muscles…
Connective Tissue Components of Skele-
tal Muscle…
Three layers of connective tissue extend from the fascia to protect
and strengthen skeletal muscle:
Epimysium – is the outermost layer which surrounds entire muscle.
Perimysium – is a connective tissue which surrounds muscle fasci-
cules (bundle of muscle fiber)
Surrounds groups of 10 to 100 or more muscle fibers, separating
them into bundles called muscle fascicles.
Endomysium – is a connective tissue which surrounds individual
muscle fiber
A thin sheath of connective tissue separating individual muscle
fibers from one another.
Connective Tissue Components of Skele-
tal Muscle…
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber
The number of skeletal muscle fibers is set before you are
born, and most of these cells last a lifetime.
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber…
The plasma membrane of a muscle cell.
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber…
T-tubules are invaginate from the sarcolemma toward the cen-
ter of the muscle fiber.
T-tubules are open to the outside of the fiber and thus are filled
with interstitial fluid.
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber…
The cytoplasm of a muscle fiber.
The space b/n the myofibirls are filled with intracellular fluid
called sarcoplasm.
Has lots of mitochondria, glycogen granules (to provide glu-
cose for energy needs) as well as myofibrils and sarcoplasmic
Contains a red-colored protein called myoglobin found only in
muscle, and binds oxygen molecules.
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber…
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Muscle cell version of the
smooth endoplasmic retic-
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber…
A muscle cell has two tubular
a. Transverse tubules (T-tubules)
Function: conduction of depolar-
b. Longitudinal tubules (smooth en-
doplasmic reticulum)
Function: Ca2+ storage
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal Mus-
cle Fiber…
Each muscle fiber has
many T-tubules
Typically each
myofibril has a
branch of a T-
tubule encircling
it at each A-I
At each A-I junction,
the SR will expand
and form a dilated
sac (terminal cis-
terna). Each T-tubule will be flanked by a ter-
minal cisterna. This forms a so-called
triad consisting of two terminal cister-
nae and one T-tubule branch.
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal
Muscle Fiber…
Are contractile organelles (machinery) of skeletal muscle
Thin filaments…
Each thin filament is made up of 3 -types of proteins:
actin, tropomyosin, & troponin.
Loosely wrapped around the actin helix & covering the myosin
binding site is the filamentous protein, tropomyosin.
Thin filaments…
Is a long fibrous molecule that extends over numerous actin
It blocks the myosin-binding sites in muscles at rest.
Prevents cross bridge cycling until it is moved aside by tro-
Thin filaments…
Troponin is a complex of three proteins attached intermittently
along the sides of the tropomycin molecules.
Troponin-I (has strong affinity for actin)
Troponin-T (has strong affinity for tropomyosin)
Troponin-C (has strong affinity for Ca++)
Troponin is a three-polypeptide complex that binds calcium ions
Thick filaments
Thick myofilaments are composed of the protein myosin.
Thick filaments…
Thick filaments…
Characteristics of the Myosin Head:
Myosin head has "ATP-binding sites"
ATP ADP + Pi + energy.
Thick filaments…
Thick filaments…
Summary Skeletal Muscle Fibers Proteins
Contractile proteins - proteins that generate force during muscle
Myosin – a contractile protein that makes up the thick filament. A
myosin molecule consists of a tail and two myosin heads, which bind to
myosin-binding sites on actin molecules of a thin filament during muscle
Actin – a contractile protein that is the main component of the thin fila-
ment. On each actin molecule is a myosin-binding site where a myosin
head of a thick filament binds during muscle contraction.
Regulatory proteins - proteins that help switch the muscle contrac-
tion process on and off.
Tropomyosin - regulatory protein that is a component of the thin filament.
When a skeletal muscle fiber is relaxed, tropomyosin covers the
ing sites on actin molecules, thereby preventing myosin from binding to
actin. 45
Summary Skeletal Muscle Fibers Proteins
Troponin - regulatory protein that is a component of the thin filament.
When calcium ions (Ca2+ ) bind to troponin, it undergoes a change in shape; this
conformational change moves tropomyosin away from myosin-binding sites on
actin molecules, and muscle contraction subsequently begins as myosin binds to
Structural proteins - proteins that keep the thick and thin filaments of the my-
ofibrils in proper alignment, give the myofibrils elasticity and extensibility, and
link the myofibrils to the sarcolemma and extracellular matrix.
Titin - structural protein that connects a Z disc to the M line of the sarcomere, thereby
helping to stabilize the position of the thick filament. Because it can stretch and then
spring back unharmed, titin accounts for much of the elasticity and extensibility of my-
Thick and thin filament
Microscopic Organization of Skeletal Muscle
When viewed under microscope skeletal muscle cells have a
striped appearance (striated muscle).
Microscopic Organization…
Each sarcomere is bordered on either end by Z disc, which run
perpendicular to the long axis and anchor the thin filaments at
one end.
Microscopic Organization…
The thick filaments in a sarcomere are connected by M lines
(middle of sarcomere), which also run perpendicular to the
long axis.
Microscopic Organization…
The A band contains a zone of overlap between thick & thin
filaments .
The portion of the sarcomere which does not contain any thick
filament is known as the I band.
The I band contains only thin filament and is light under the
microscope and actually part of two sarcomeres at once.
Microscopic Organization…
Microscopic Organization…
Microscopic Organization…
Sarcomere within myofibrils
Microscopic Organization…
Microscopic Organization…
Components of the Sarcomere
Z discs - narrow, plate-shaped regions of dense material that sep-
arate one sarcomere from the next.
A band/The dark - middle part of the sarcomere that extends the
entire length of the thick filaments and also includes those parts
of the thin filaments that overlap with the thick filaments. A
stands for anisotropic which is a fancy way of saying that it ap-
pears dark under the microscope.
I band/ The lighter - less dense area of the sarcomere that con-
tains the rest of the thin filaments but no thick filaments. It is
light under the microscope (it is isotropic).
Z disc passes through the center of each I band.
H zone - A narrow region in the center of each A band that con-
tains thick filaments but no thin filaments.
M line - A region in the center of the H zone that contains pro-
teins that hold the thick filaments together at the center of the 56
Muscle Contraction: The Sliding Filament Hypothesis
Hanson & Haxley proposed that the skeletal muscles shorten dur-
ing contraction because;
The thin filaments slide over the thick filaments.
When all the sarcomeres in a fiber do this, the entire fiber gets
Muscle Contraction: The Sliding Filament Hypothesis…
Muscle Contraction
The whole process of muscle contraction is divided
into 4 steps:
Excitation-contraction coupling
In general each muscle is served
by one nerve – a bundle of axons
carrying signals from the spinal
cord to the muscle.
Within the muscle, each axon
will go its own way and eventu-
ally branch into multiple small
extensions called telodendria.
Each telodendrium ends in a
bulbous swelling known as the
synaptic end bulb.
Excitation: The Neuromuscular Junction…
• The endplate potential is localized to the endplate region
and is not propagated.
• Adjacent to the motor end plate, the sarcolemma contains
voltage-gated ion channels.
– In order for these channels to open, the VM must depolar-
ize from its resting value of –90 mV to approximately –
50 mV. This is the threshold.
• The VM will soon return to normal & no muscle contraction will oc-
Excitation: The Neuromuscular Junction…
• If VM reaches threshold, fast Na+ channels open & Na+ rushes in
causing the VM to depolarize to +30 mV. The depolarization stops
when the Na+ channels become inactivated.
• At this point, slow K+ channels will open & K+ efflux occurs.
This returns VM to its resting level. This is repolarization.
This is known as an action potential.
Excitation: The Neuromuscular Junction…
• An AP can propagate itself across the surface of the PM.
• The depolarization caused by the Na+ influx in one particular area
of the sarcolemma causes voltage-gated channels in the adjacent
membrane to open.
• The resulting ionic influx then
causes voltage-gated channels to
open in the next patch of
membrane and so on & so on.
Thus. AP propagates itself.
Characteristics of NMJ
Transmission is unidirectional
There is a single NMJ per muscle fiber
The NT is always Ach
Synthesis: Choline + Acetyl-CoA = ACh by the action of
choline acetyltransferase
Storage: Ach form a complex with ATP, packed in vesicles
Release: Released by Calcium-dependent exocytosis
Metabolism: Metabolized by the action of acetylcholinesterase
The post-junctional receptor is always nicotinic receptor (NR)
The effect of Ach on NR is always excitatory producing EPSP/EPP
There is a synaptic delay (0.2 – 03 ms)
It is fatigable due to depletion of ATP & NT storage
Summary of NMJ activity
Arrival of AP at axon terminal
Fusion of synaptic vesicles
Release of Ach
Ach binds to its own receptor sites
Breakdown of Ach by acetylcholinesterase
AP propagation
Calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Contraction of the muscle cell
Drugs that Enhance or Block Transmis-
sion at the NMJ
Drugs that stimulate the muscle fiber by Ach like action
The difference between these drugs and Ach is that, the drugs are not
Drugs that Enhance or Block Transmis-
sion at the NMJ…
Drugs that Enhance or Block Transmis-
sion at the NMJ…
The complex series of events making up neuromuscular trans-
mission is subject to interference at several steps.
1. Presynaptic blockade of the NMJ
– Can occur if Ca2+ does not enter the presynaptic terminal to
participate in migration and emptying of the synaptic vesicles.
a. The drug hemicholinium interferes with choline uptake by the
presynaptic terminal and thus, results in the depletion of ACh.
b. Botulinum toxin interferes with Ach release.
– Toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.
Drugs that Enhance or Block
Transmission at the NMJ…
Botulinum toxin is an enzyme that breaks down a protein re-
quired for the binding & fusion of Ach vesicles with the
plasma membrane of the axon terminal.
Blocks the release of Ach from nerve terminals.
Drugs that Enhance or Block
Transmission at the NMJ…
2. Postsynaptic blockade
Can result from a variety of circumstances:
– Drugs that partially mimic the action of Ach can be effective
– Curare bind tightly to Ach receptors.
Does not open their ion channels
Medical use
Drugs that Enhance or Block
Transmission at the NMJ…
• The drug succinylcholine
– Blocks the NMJ in a slightly different way; this molecule binds
to the receptors and causes the channels to open.
– B/se it is slowly hydrolyzed by AChE, its action is long lasting &
the channels remain open.
– This prevents resetting of the inactivation gates of muscle mem-
brane sodium channels near the endplate region and blocks sub-
sequent action potentials.
– Drugs that produce extremely long-lasting endplate potentials are
referred to as depolarizing blockers.
Drugs that Enhance or Block Transmission at
the NMJ…
Main ingredients in certain pesticides & “nerve gases”
Inhibits acetylcholinesterase
The Ach is not destroyed,
The motor end plate remain depolarized
Contraction Cycle
Is the repeating sequence of events that causes the filaments to
slide over one another.
At the onset of contraction, the sarcoplasmic reticulum re-
leases Ca2+ into the cytosol, there, they bind to troponin.
Contraction Cycle…
Mechanism of Muscle Relaxation
It has the following steps
1. Following muscle contraction, Ca2+ is re-uptaken back into SR
by Calcium-pump, this requires ATP.
2. Decreased Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm→ Ca2+ detaches from tro-
ponin-C →Tropomyosin covers the active sites of actin.
3. Head of myosin charged with ATP, and detached from actin
Therefore, muscle relaxation is an active process requiring
Large amount of energy (ATP) is consumed during muscular
performance for the following activities:
1. To move the head of myosin (power stroke)
2. Active Ca2+ pump from sarcoplasm to SR
3. For Na+- K+ -pump in the membrane
4. For muscle relaxation
Rigor Mortis
After death, cellular membranes become leaky. Calcium
ions leak out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol
and allow myosin heads to bind to actin.
ATP synthesis ceases shortly after breathing stops, however,
so the crossbridges cannot detach from actin. The resulting
condition, in which muscles are in a state of rigidity (cannot
contract or stretch), is called rigor mortis (rigidity of
Rigor mortis begins 3–4 hours after death and lasts about 24
hours; then it disappears as proteolytic enzymes from lyso-
somes digest the crossbridges.
Types of Muscle Contractions
1. Isometric contraction (constant length)
• Iso = same; metr = length
When a muscle develops tension but does not shorten or
lengthen, the contraction is said to be an isometric (constant
length) contraction.
The tension generated is not enough to exceed the resistance of
the object to be moved, the muscle does not change its length.
Such contractions occur when the muscle supports a load in a
constant position or attempts to move an otherwise supported
load that is greater than the tension developed by the muscle.
An example would be holding a book steady using an out-
stretched arm
Types of Muscle Contractions…
• It is the type of contraction with no change in length
• No work is done in this type of contraction
Types of Muscle Contractions…
2. Isotonic contraction (constant tension)
– Iso=same, ton=tension
Tension developed by the muscle remains almost constant while
the muscle changes its length.
Isotonic contractions are used for body movements and for moving
The two types of isotonic contractions are concentric and eccentric.
In a concentric isotonic contraction, if the tension generated is
great enough to overcome the resistance of the object to be moved,
the muscle shortens.
Picking a book up off a table involves concentric isotonic contractions.
Eccentric isotonic contraction, when the length of a muscle in-
creases during a contraction.
As you lower the book to place it back on the table, the previously shortened bi-
ceps lengthens in a controlled manner while it continues to contract 88
Types of Muscle Contractions…
• It is the type of contraction with no change in muscle tension
• Occurs when contraction moves an object of moderate weight
• Work is done in this type of contraction
Force of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Determined by:
1. Number of motor units activated
2. Size of muscle
– increasing the size of individual muscle cells (not increasing cell #)
3. Series-elastic elements
– sheath around the muscle & the connective tissue tendons that attach
muscle to bone
– "stretching" of non-contractile parts allows time for muscle to produce a
tetanic contraction
4. Degree of muscle stretch (actin-myosin overlap)
Muscle Metabolism
Muscle Metabolism…
1. Creatine Phosphate
While muscle fibers are relaxed, they produce more ATP than
they need for resting metabolism.
The excess ATP is used to synthesize creatine phosphate, an en-
ergy-rich molecule that is found only in muscle fibers.
The enzyme creatine kinase (CK) catalyzes the transfer of one of
the high-energy phosphate groups from ATP to creatine, forming
creatine phosphate and ADP.
Creatine phosphate and ATP provide enough energy for muscles
to contract maximally for about 15 seconds.
Muscle Metabolism…
Muscle Metabolism…
2. Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
Anaerobic cellular respiration is a series of ATP-producing reac-
tions that do not require oxygen.
When muscle activity continues and the supply of creatine phos-
phate within the muscle fiber is depleted, glucose is catabolized to
generate ATP.
Anaerobic cellular respiration can provide enough energy for about
30 to 40 seconds of maximal muscle activity.
Muscle Metabolism…
Muscle Metabolism…
3. Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Muscular activity that lasts longer than half a minute depends in-
creasingly on aerobic cellular respiration, a series of oxygen-re-
quiring reactions that produce ATP in mitochondria.
Muscle tissue has two sources of oxygen:
1. Oxygen that diffuses into muscle fibers from the blood and
2. Oxygen released by myoglobin within muscle fibers.
Both myoglobin (found only in muscle cells) and hemoglobin
(found only in red blood cells) are oxygen-binding proteins.
Aerobic cellular respiration supplies enough ATP for prolonged
activity provided sufficient oxygen and nutrients are available.
Muscle Metabolism…
It occurs in the mitochondria.
Pyruvic acid from glycolysis is
the primary substrate.
The cell also utilizes fatty acids &
amino acids.
Aerobic respiration typically
yields 36 ATP per molecule of
Muscle Metabolism…
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Skeletal muscle fibers are not all alike in composition and
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers…
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers…
1. Slow-oxidative (SO) fibers or red fibers
“Fast” because they contract and relax more quickly than slow
oxidative fibers.
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers…
Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy
Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy…
The manner in which forceful contraction leads to hypertrophy
is not known.
However, that the rate of synthesis of muscle contractile pro-
teins is far greater during hypertrophy.
Along with the increasing size of myofibrils, the enzyme sys-
tems that provide energy increase, number of mitochondria,
myoglobin, sarcomeres.
When a muscle remains unused , the rate of decay of the con-
tractile proteins is greater than the rate of replacement.
Therefore, muscle atrophy occurs
Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy…
Muscle atrophy: Disuse atrophy &
Denervation atrophy
Muscle hypertrophy: Increase in size of muscle fiber
↑№ of actin and myosin filaments in each fiber
↑№ of sarcomeres
↑Enzyme system of glycolysis
↑Amount of myoglobin, ↑Mitochondria
↑№ of capillaries
As a result, there is an increase in the force and strength of
contraction, decrease in fatigability
Muscle Fatigue
Physiological inability to respond to a stimulus.
Muscle Fatigue…
When a skeletal-muscle fiber is repeatedly stimulated, the ten-
sion developed by the fiber eventually decreases even though
the stimulation continues.
Muscle Fatigue…
Muscle Fatigue…
If a muscle is allowed to rest after the onset of fatigue, it can
recover its ability to contract upon re-stimulation.
Muscle Fatigue…
• In contrast, low-frequency fatigue develops more slowly with
low-intensity, long-duration exercise, such as long-distance run-
ning, during which there are cyclical periods of contraction & re-
– This type of fatigue requires much longer periods of rest, often
up to 24 h, before the muscle achieves complete recovery.
Muscle Fatigue…
Many factors can contribute to the fatigue of skeletal muscle.
Fatigue from high-intensity, short duration exercise is thought to
involve at least three different mechanisms:
1. Conduction failure
The muscle AP can fail to be conducted into the fiber along the
T-tubules, w/c terminates the release of Ca2+ from the SR.
2. Lactic acid buildup
o Alters a № of muscle proteins, including
Actin & myosin;
Proteins involved in Ca2+ release.
Ca2+-ATPase pump
Impaired relaxation of fatigued muscle.
Muscle Fatigue…
3. Inhibition of cross-bridge cycling
Due to buildup of ADP & Pi within muscle fibers
Delays cross-bridge detachment from actin
Changes contribute to the reduced shortening velocity & im-
paired relaxation
Resulting from high-intensity exercise.
Just compare who is better at…
Muscle Size
Cardiac Muscle
Is muscle of the heart.
Striated and has a sarcomere.
Has a single nucleus.
Shorter than skeletal muscle fibers, may be branched.
Involuntary, controlled by autonomic nervous system, drugs
and hormones.
Has the property of autorhythmicity and syncytium.
Extensively connected by gap junctions, through which action
potential travels the entire cell network.
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac muscle fibers have the same arrangement of actin and
myosin and the same bands, zones, and Z discs as skeletal muscle
However, intercalated discs are unique to cardiac muscle fibers.
The discs contain desmosomes, which hold the fibers together, and
gap junctions, which allow muscle action potentials to spread from
one cardiac muscle fiber to another.
Cardiac muscle tissue has an endomysium and perimysium, but
lacks an epimysium.
In response to a single action potential, cardiac muscle tissue re-
mains contracted 10 to 15 times longer than skeletal muscle tissue.
The long contraction is due to prolonged delivery of Ca2+ into the
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac muscle tissue contracts when stimulated by its own au-
torhythmic muscle fibers but skeletal muscle tissue contracts only
when stimulated by acetylcholine released by a nerve impulse in a
motor neuron.
The mitochondria in cardiac muscle fibers are larger and more
numerous than in skeletal muscle fibers.
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac Muscle…
Basic organization of cardiac muscle cells
Cardiac muscle cells are much smaller than skeletal muscle
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac Muscle…
Cardiac Muscle…
Excitation-contraction coupling
Action potential in cardiac muscle lasting 150-300msec longer
than the action potentials in skeletal muscle (≈5msec).
2. This allows some Ca2+ to diffuse from the ECF into the cyto-
plasm, which stimulates the opening of Ca2+ release channels
in the SR.
Cardiac Muscle…
The heart is composed of three major types of cardiac muscle:
1. Atrial muscle
2. Ventricular muscle, and
3. Specialized excitatory & conductive muscle fibers.
Smooth Muscle
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth muscle cells do not receive direct synaptic connec-
tions to specific cells.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Types of smooth muscle
The smooth muscle of each organ is distinctive from that of
most other organs in several ways:
Organization into bundles or sheets,
Response to different types of stimuli,
Characteristics of innervation, and function.
Smooth Muscle…
Visceral (single-unit) Multiunit smooth muscle
smooth muscle
More common type Less common type
Found in small arteries ,small Found in the walls of large ar-
veins, stomach, intestines, teries, in airways to the lungs,
uterus, and urinary bladder. in the arrector pili
Autorhythmic muscles that attach to hair fol-
The fibers connect to one an-
Lack gap junctions
other by gap junctions, through
which muscle action potentials Stimulation of one multiunit
can spread fiber causes contraction of that
fiber only.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth muscle tissue exhibits some important physiological
differences from cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Are electrically coupled such that electrical stimulation of one
cell is followed by stimulation of adjacent smooth muscle
Found in the walls of most viscera of the body, the GIT, bile
ducts, ureters, uterus, and blood vessels.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Various filaments have no regular pattern of overlap, i.e. they
do not exhibit striations.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth muscle fibers have thick and thin filaments but no
T-tubules and scanty SR.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Calcium ions flow into smooth muscle cytosol from both the
interstitial fluid and SR (few).
Smooth Muscle…
Source of calcium ions for smooth muscle contraction is cal-
cium ions that diffuse into muscle fiber at the time of the ac-
tion potential from ECF.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Most smooth muscle fibers contract or relax in response to ac-
tion potentials from the autonomic nervous system.
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth Muscle…
Smooth muscle contraction is controlled by hormones and
paracrines in addition to neurotransmitters.
Thank You!