Jonahenry Muscular-System

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Muscular system Cheat Sheet

by jonahenry via

Defini​tions Defini​tions (cont) Basics (cont)

acet​ylc​hol​ine- neurot​ran​smitter released from orig​in* body segment with the most mass, -Myo​fib​ril​s are threadlike structures and are
the synaptic vesicles that initiate action in the usually proximally located, large surface area of located in the sarcop​lasm.
muscle fiber. attachment -Thick Myofil​ame​nts are composed of
actin- a cellular protein that contains two other spasm an involu​ntary and abnormal myosin
proteins contra​ction of muscle or muscle fibers or of a -Thins Myofil​ame​nts are composed of actin
anta​gon​ist- counte​racts with agonist hollow organ that consists largely of -Tro​ponin and tropom​yosin associate with
apon​eur​oses- a broad flat tendon involu​ntary muscle fibers actin filaments
Aden​osine tripho​sphate (ATP)* is the -Tra​nsverse tubules are membranous
bioche​mical way to store and use energy. For Cellular Struct​ure​& Function channels that extend into the sarcoplasm as
your muscles -- in fact, for every cell in your invagi​nations continuous with the sarcolemma
A membrane is perm​eable when materials
body -- the source of energy that keeps and contains extrac​ellular fluid
can pass through it.
everything going is called ATP.
Diff​usion is the movement form an area of
axon​ -the long threadlike part of a nerve cell Skeletal Muscle Structure
high concen​tration to an area of low
along which impulses are conducted from the
concen​tra​tion. EPEN- (EP)im​ysium- a strong connective
cell body to other cells.
Mole​cules, gas ions, nutrients, and waste tissue that covers all muscle fibers to form a
cont​rac​tion- shortening of the muscles
are able to pass through the cell membrane bundle called fasciculi.
cross bridges- the
Muscle cells provide movement (PE)ri​mysium- connective tissue that binds
head of a myosin molecule that projects from a
Nerve cell provide commun​ica​tion groups of muscle fibers together
myosin filament in muscle and in the sliding
Red blood cells provide oxygen transport (EN)do​mysium- connective tissue that covers
filament of muscle contra​ction is held to attach
Movement can occur up or down a cell the muscle fiber.
tempor​arily to an adjacent actin filament and
Muscle Belly to hold all muscle fibers together
draw it into the A band of a sarcomere between membrane
also to shorten when contra​cted.
the myosin filaments. A cell membrane is a boundary wall
Skeletal Muscles are named in relation to
elas​tic​ity- ability of a muscle tissue to surrou​nding cytoplasm of a cell
Muscle tissue has the property of contra​cti​lity. their attachment
elongate or stretch
A sarc​ole​mma is a membrane that lays
fasc​ia- layers of dense. fibrous, connective coll​agen is a protein which comprises
beneath the (EN​)d​omysium
tissue which compar​tme​ntalize muscle adding bundles of flexible but strong white fibers.
to structure. Adip​ose is known as fat tissue (pro​tec​tion, Sacr​opl​asmic reticulm surrounds the

hype​rtr​ophy- to increase in bullk energy storage, and insula​tion myofibrils

inse​rti​on- : the part of a muscle by which it is TTS (Trans​verse Tubule System)- storage for
Fibr​ous connective tissue is found in the
attached to the part to be moved, usually calcium
ligaments and tendons
distally located, and has a small surface area.
musc​le- body tissue made of long cells that Muscle Contra​ction
contract when stimulated and produce motion
Tension within the muscle but no change in
- Skeletal Muscle is an organ of the muscular
myof​ibr​il- contra​ctile unit composed of myosin
length isot​onic
and actin Tension and the muscle changes in length
-Ske​letal Muscle is composed of skeletal
myos​in- fibrous protein that forms (together isom​etric
muscle tissue, nervous tissue, blood, and
with actin) the contra​ctile filaments of muscle
conc​ent​ric is when the muscle shortens
connective tissue**
cells and is also involved in motion in other
Ecce​ntric is when the muscle lengthens
- Tend​ons Connect a muscle to bone it
types of cells.
Motor neuron- a nerve that carries impulses
consist of dense connective tissue.
-Deep Fascia is fascia that surrounds or from the brain and stimulates muscle
penetrates the muscle
neur​omu​scular juncti​on- the end of the axon
-Sub​cut​aneous fascia is fascia beneath the
terminal where it attaches to the muscle fiber
-Sub​serous fascia is a connective tissue layer motor end plate- the location on the muscle
fiber at the end of the axon terminal
of the serous membranes covering organs in
motor unit- a motor neuron and the muscle
various body cavities.
fibers it innervates

By jonahenry Published 6th November, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 6th November, 2014. Measure your website readability!
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Muscular system Cheat Sheet
by jonahenry via

Muscle Tissue 3 Processes for producing ATP (cont) Charac​ter​istics of Fiber Types (cont)

A single twitch is a simple muscle However, since there is a limited amount of Slow Twitch- The speed of contra​ction is low.
cont​rac​tion stored CP and ATP in skeletal muscles, fatigue The force​(p​ower) is low. It takes along time
A kymo​graph is a machine used to record occurs rapidly.. 2. Glyc​oly​sis- Glycolysis is for the slow twitch muscles to become tired.
muscle activity the predom​inant energy system used for all-out Carb​ohy​drates and fats fuel the slow twitch
A myog​ram is a machine that traces the exercise lasting from 30 seconds to about 2 fibers. Slow twitch muscles are aero​bic which
muscle twitch minutes and is the seco​nd-​fas​test way to means they need oxygen. carbon dioxide,
Latent period before contra​ction starts resynt​hesize ATP. During glycol​ysis, water, and heat is the waste that slow twitch
cont​raction phase during muscle shortening carb​ohy​dra​te—in the form of either blood muscles produce.
rela​xation phase after the contra​ction phase glucose (sugar) or muscle glycogen (the

Recovery Period is a short interval where the stored form of glucos​e)—is broken down Energy Continuum- Energy Pathways
muscles are supplied with oxyg​en. It last through a series of chemical reactions to form Diagram
about 60 sec. pyruvate (glycogen is first broken down into

all or none princi​ple- the principle that under glucose through a process called
glycog​eno​lysis). Conversion to lactate occurs
given conditions the response of a nerve or
when the demand for oxygen is greater than
muscle fiber to a stimulus at any strength above
the supply (i.e., during anaerobic exercise).
the threshold is the same: the muscle or nerve
Conver​sely, when there is enough oxygen
responds completely or not at all.
available to meet the muscles’ needs (i.e.,
Prin​ciple source of heat in the body is
during aerobic exercise), pyruvate (via acetyl​-
muscle contra​ction example: shiv​ering
CoA) enters the mitoch​ondria and goes through
aero​bic metabo​lism.. 3. Aerobic System- The
Energy Sources
oxidation of carb​ohy​rates or fats. Unlimited
- ALL energy is from the sun source of Energy ATP produced by aerobic
- Imme​diate energy in humans is from ATP glycol​ysis, from Kerb's cycle and a huge source
- ATP is made by energy released from the from fat metabolism
Digaram of muscle contra​ction
breakdown of foods and other compounds of
food Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle
During muscle contra​ction, the globular heads
-WORK: APPLIC​ATION OF OFRCE of the myosin attach to the active site of the
THROUGH A DISTANCE actin myofil​ament and “ratchet” or swivel pulling
the actin toward the center of the sarcomere
3 Processes for producing ATP (unit of contra​ction). This causes the actin
Sliding filament theory proposes that the a-
myofil​aments to slide past one another
1.. Phos​phagen System- During short-​term, band contain flexible cross bridges that come
resulting in a shortening of a sarcomere. The
intense activi​ties, a large amount of power in contact with energy sites on more numerous
sarcomere shortens and the muscle contracts.
needs to be produced by the muscles, creating I-band and with the availa​bility of energy, the
a high demand for ATP. The phosphagen
Charac​ter​istics of Fiber Types cross-​bridges pull the active filament a short
system (ATP-CP system) is the quickest way to distance and release it and attach to another
resynt​hesize ATP). Creatine phosphate (CP), Fast Twitch- The speed of contra​ction is high. site, resulting in a shortening of the H-zone
which is stored in skeletal muscles, donates a The force​(p​ower) is high. It takes ashort between the I-ba​nds
phosphate to ADP to produce ATP: ADP + CP time for the fast twitch muscles to become
— ATP + C. Since this process does not need tired. Carb​ohy​dra​tes​(gl​ycogen) fuel the fast
oxygen to resynt​hesize ATP, it is anaerobic, or twitch fibers. Fast twitch muscles are
oxygen​-in​dep​endent. As the fastest way to anae​robic which means they don't need
resynt​hesize ATP, the phosphagen system is oxygen. Lactic acid and heat** is the waste
the predom​inant energy system used for all-out that fast twitch muscles produce.
exercise lasting up to about 5- 10 seconds.

By jonahenry Published 6th November, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 6th November, 2014. Measure your website readability!
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