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Muscle tissue is characterized by properties that
allow movement. Muscle cells are excitable; they 1. Excitability – the ability to respond to stimuli
respond to a stimulus. They are contractile, 2. Contractility- The ability to shorten and exert a
meaning they can shorten and generate a pulling pull or tension
force. When attached between two movable
objects, such as two bones, contraction of the 3. Extensibility – The ability to continue to
muscles causes the bones to move. contract over a range of resting lengths
 TYPE OF MUSCLE 4. Elasticity- The ability to rebound towards its
original length
1. Skeletal - Long cylindrical fibre, striated, many
peripherally located nuclei  SKELETAL MUSCLE STRUCTURE
- Voluntary movement, produces heat, - EPIMYSIUM - Each muscle is wrapped
protects organs in a sheath of dense, irregular connective
- Attached to bones and around entry & tissue called the epimysium, which allows
exit sites of body (e.g., mouth, anus) a muscle to contract and move powerfully
while maintaining its structural integrity.
2. Cardiac - Short, branched, striated, single - Surround the entire muscle tissue
central nucleus - PERIMYSIUM - Inside each skeletal
- Contracts to pump blood muscle, muscle fibers are organized into
individual bundles, each called a fascicle,
- Heart by a middle layer of connective tissue
called the perimysium-- sheat of
- Rhytmic contraction
connective tissue surrounding a bundle of
3. Smooth - Short, spindle-shaped, no evident muscle fibers
striation, single nucleus in each fiber
- ENDOMYSIUM - Inside each fascicle,
- Involuntary movement, moves food, each muscle fiber is encased in a thin
involuntary control of respiration, moves connective tissue layer of collagen and
secretions, regulates flow of blood in arteries by reticular fibers called the endomysium.
contraction - Key elements that separate single muscle
fibers from one another
- Walls of major organs and passageways

MACROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF - Skeletal muscle is a type of striated

SKELETAL MUSCLES muscle tissue that is under voluntary
 Skeletal muscles most commonly attach to control and is primarily responsible for
bones, and they help you move your body. the movement of bones and the
Unlike the other two types of muscle maintenance of posture. It plays a critical
tissue, skeletal muscles contract on a role in various bodily functions, including
voluntary basis via the somatic nervous locomotion, stability, and metabolic
system, allowing you to move your body processes
at will.
 Skeletal muscles also serve important STRUCTURE OF SKELETAL MUSCLE
functions, such as supporting your
posture, protecting delicate organs, and - Skeletal muscles are made up of long,
they even produce heat during cylindrical cells known as muscle fibers.
contraction, which helps the body Each fiber comprises myofibrils, which are
maintain a proper temperature. further subdivided into sarcomeres, the
fundamental contractile components.
Sarcomeres are made up of thick (myosin)
and thin (actin) filaments that interact to 1. Movement. Skeletal muscles contract to move
cause muscle contraction. bones, facilitating locomotion and various physical
Mechanism of Muscle Contraction
2. Posture. Maintenance They help maintain body
1. Neuromuscular Junction: The process begins posture and stabilize joints.
at the neuromuscular junction, where a motor
neuron releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, 3. Heat Production. Muscle activity generates
stimulating the muscle fiber. heat, aiding in thermoregulation.

- A synaptic connection between the terminal 4. Metabolic Functions. Skeletal muscle plays a
end of a motor nerve and a muscle crucial role in glucose metabolism and insulin
sensitivity, influencing overall metabolic health.
2. Action Potential: This triggers an action
potential that travels along the muscle fiber's  Factors Affecting Skeletal Muscle
membrane and into the T-tubules, ing to the release Activity
of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
1. Neurological Factors The central nervous
3. Sliding Filament Theory: Calcium ions bind to system regulates muscle activity through motor
troponin, causing tropomyosin to shift and expose unit recruitment.
binding sites on actin. Myosin heads attach to these
sites, pulling the actin filaments toward the center 2. Physical Conditioning. Training can enhance
of the sarcomere, resulting in muscle contraction. muscle fiber size and efficiency, leading to
improved strength and endurance.
- the process of muscle contraction involving the
sliding of actin and myosin myofilaments past each 3. Nutrition. Adequate protein and energy intake
other to shorten the length of each sacromere are essential for muscle repair and growth.

4. Relaxation: When stimulation ceases, calcium 4. Age and Hormonal Changes. Aging can lead to
is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, muscle atrophy aanges in hormonal levels,
and the muscle relaxes as myosin detaches from impacting muscle mass and function.
 Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
1. Neuromuscular junction. A site where a motor
1. Type I (Slow-twitch fibers): These fibers are nerve fiber and skeletal muscle fiber meet. This
fatigue- resistant and are primarily used for process is also known as synapse or synaptic cleft.
endurance activities. They rely on aerobic
metabolism. 2. SYNAPTIC CLEFT. A gap between a nerve
ending and muscle fiber membranes are very close
2. Type Ila (Fast-twitch fibers): These are but DO NOT TOUCH.
intermediate fibers that can use both aerobic and
anaerobic metabolism, providing a balance  HOW DOES SKELETAL MUSCLE
between endurance and power. CONTRACT?

3. Type IIb (Fast-twitch fibers): These fibers are - Motor Unit- Consists of one neuron and
designed for quick bursts of strength and power but all skeletal muscle and the specific part of
fatigue quickly, relying predominantly on skeletal muscle is MOTOR END PLATE
anaerobic metabolism. - Neurotransmitter - stimulates the skeletal
muscle fibers called Acetylcholine/ ACh
 Role of Skeletal Muscle in the Body - The excitation contraction and coupling
- A sequence of events transmission along
sarcolemma for sliding of myofilaments
- Myofilaments is a key molecular  RELAXATION
regulators of the contraction - Begins with the motor neuron, which
- ACh/ acetylcholine- Binds with receptor stops releasing its chemical signal, ACh,
proteins on the sarcolemma and triggers an into the synapse at the NMJ. The muscle
action potential on muscle fibers. fiber will repolarize, which closes the
- Action potential allows a signal to be gates in the SR where Ca++ was being
transmitted quickly over long distances.) released. ATP-driven pumps will move
Ca++ out of the sarcoplasm back into the
- results in the “reshielding” of the actin-
 Calcium channels open and calcium enters binding sites on the thin filaments.
 Calcium causes synaptic vesicles
 Diffuses across synaptic cleft and attaches  GROSS ANATOMY
to membrane receptors
 If enough ACh is released, then the - The study of those body structures large
sarcolemma becomes temporary and is enough to be examined without the help of
more permeable to sodium ions (Na+) then magnifying devices.
rush to muscle fiber and potassium
ions(k+). However, more Na+ enters then  ORBICULARIS OCULI
the K+ leaves.
 Movement of ions generates an electrical  circles around the eyes
current (action potential)  it allows your eyes to open, close, wink
 The enzyme acetylcholinesterase breaks and squint
down acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in
synaptic cleft, ending the process  ORBICULARIS ORIS
- circular muscle of the lips
 SLIDING FILAMENT THEORY - often called as kissing muscle
- Most popular theory
- First proposed by Hugh Huxley(1954)  BUCCINATOR
states that muscle contraction involves - Runs horizontally across the cheek and
movement of thin filaments to thick inserts into the orbicularis oris. It flattens
filaments. the cheek Gas in whistling.
- The myosin heads attach to binding sites - It is also listed as a chewing muscle
on the thin filaments, and the sliding because it compresses the check to hold
begins. Each cross bridge attaches and food between the teeth during chewing.
detaches several times during a
contraction, generating tension that helps  ZYGOMATICUS
pull the thin filaments toward the center of - Extends from the corner of the mouth to
the sarcomere cheek bone


- When calcium ions are present the myosin - Covers the angle of the lower jaw.
binding sites on actin are exposed, the - This muscle closes the jaw by elevating
ATP breakdown provides energy to cock the mandible.
myosin head, the cock myosin attaches to
the exposed actin binding site.  TEMPORALIS
- (As calcium is present, the process - fanshaped muscle overlying the temporal
continues until the muscle fiber is bone.
contracted) - It inserts into the mandible and acts as a
synergist of the masseter in closing the
REMEMBER: Contraction begins when jaw.
myosin binding to actin forms a cross
- A single sheetlike muscle that covers the
anterolateral neck MYOGENISIS - The formation of muscle tissue
- Originates from the connective tissue during the development of an embryo. Multistep
covering of the chest muscles and inserts process that refers to the formation and
into the area around the mouth. development of muscular tissue from
- Its action is to pull the corners of the undifferentiated cels.
mouth inferiody, producing a downward
sag of the mouth (the "sad clown" face). MESODERM - One of the three tissue layers in
 STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through
- Paired sternocleidomastoid muscles are embryonic development, it produces many
two headed muscles, one found on each internal organs of the adult, including the muscles,
side of the neck of the two heads of each spine, and circulatory system
muscle, one arises from the sternum, and
the other arises from the clavicle MYOBLASTS - Founder cels initiate fusion with
surrounding “naïve” fusion-competent myoblasts,
 MUSCLES OF THE UPPER which in turn, take on the identity and features of
AND LOWER LIMB the original founder cell
 Muscles of the Upper Limb
- Ability to grasp structure PROCESS OF MYOGENESIS
- Has high MOBILITY
- Prone in dislocated joints - Myogenesis is the formation of muscular
 3 Groups of upper limb tissue, particularly during embryonic
1. Muscles that arise from the shoulder development. Muscle fibers form from the
girdle and cross the shoulder joint. fusion of myoblasts into multi-nucleated
2. It causes movement at the elbow joint. fibers called myotubes. In early embryonic
3. The upper limb muscles include the development, these myoblasts proliferate if
muscles of the forearm which insert the enough fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is
hand bones and cause their movement. present. When the FGF runs out, the
myoblasts cease division and secrete
 Muscles of the Lower Limb fibronectin onto their extracelular matrix
- Ability to grasp structure
- Prone in dislocated joints
 3 Regions of lower limb - Myoblast is a type of embryonic
- The thigh (upper leg) progenitor cel that differentiates to form
muscle cels. Skeletal muscle fibres are
- The leg (lower leg)
made when myoblasts fuse together, so
- The foot
muscle fibres have multiple nuclei. The
fusion of myoblasts is specific to skeletal
muscle (e.g., biceps brachi), not cardiac or
smooth muscle
- The muscular system begins with the
MOSEDERM- The embryonic layer from which
formation of muscle cells caled
muscle tissues develop, including cardiac muscle,
myoblasts. Myoblasts originate from the
skeletal muscles cels, tubule cel of the kidney, red
mesoderm and fuse together to form long
blood cels, and smooth muscle in gut
and multinucleated fibers called muscle
fibers. Muscle fibers are attached by
- Middle developmental layer between
collagenous connective tissues, and the
ectoderm and endoderm
entire muscle is enclosed in a fibrous
CARDIAC MUSCLE column, and rib cage. These muscles play
a vital role in maintaining posture,
- Striations facilitating movement, and protecting vital
- Branching cells organs within the thoracic and abdominal
- Involuntary rhythmic contractions cavities.
- Found in the heart
- Usualy has a single nucleus, but can have FUNTION OF AXIAL MUSCLES
more than one
- Main muscle of the heart - Postural Support: Maintaining an upright
- Pumping mass of the heart position and stability of the spine.
- Critical in humans - Movement: Allowing for various
- Heart muscle cels movements of the head, neck, and trunk,
- Behave as one unit including flexion, extension, rotation, and
- Heart always contracts to its ful extent lateral bending
- Respiration: Assisting in the mechanics of
STRUCTURE OF CARDIAC MUSCLE breathing through the diaphragm and
intercostal muscles
- Cardiac muscle cells (fibers) are short, - Protection: Shielding vital organs in the
branched and interconnected thoracic and abdominal cavities from
- Cells are striated and usualy have 1 external forces
- Adjacent cardiac cells are joined via MUSCLE OF FACIAL EXPRESSIONS
electrical synapses (gap junctions)
- These gap junctions appear as dark lines FACIAL MUSCLE - Facial muscle also caled as
and are caled intercalated discs “craniofacial muscle”

SMOOTH (VISCERAL) MUSCLE - It is where flat skeletal muscle lies

underneath the skin of the face and scalp.
- found in holow organs (such as stomach, - The facial muscle is located around facial
intestines, and, urinary bladder) openings (eye, mouth, nose, and ear or
- contracts much more slowly than the other across the skul and neck)
two muscle types, and these contractions
tend to last longer. (construction is slow BUCCINATOR - forms the muscular basis of the
and sustained. cheek, filing the interval between the maxila and
- Do NOT have striations and mandible. it also maintains the tightness of the
Sacromere-(the basic contractile unit of cheeks and presses them against the teeth during
muscle fiber) chewing. It also assists the tongue to keep the
bolus of food central in the oral cavity
o SUPERIOR - originates from the alveolar
- Smooth muscle fibers are spindle shape process of maxila, opposite the three
Produces their own connective tissue maxilary molar teeth
(endomysium) o INFERIOR- originates from the
- nucleus is single and elongated, and it is buccinator ridge of the mandible, opposite
centraly placed. the three mandibular molar teeth
- Contractile proteins (such as myosin, actin o POSTERIOR- originates from the
and tropomyosin) are present anterior margin of the pterygo mandibular
raphe behind the third mandibular molar.
- Axial muscles are crucial components of
the human muscular system, primarily - a thin muscle that arises from the lateral
responsible for supporting the axial surface of the zygomatic bone and extends
skeleton, which includes the skul, vertebral diagonaly to the angle of the mouth. Here,
it contributes to the formation of the superiorly to insert onto the epicranial
modiolus by interlacing with several other aponeurosis at the lambdoid suture
facial muscles
- function of the zygomaticus major: CRANIAL APONEUROSIS
involves elevating and everting the angle (EPICRANIAL APONEUROSIS)
of the mouth super lateraly, thereby
producing a smile in synergy with other - The epicranial aponeurosis is the
muscles aponeurotic layer of the scalp; the
central tendon of the epicranius muscle,
ZYGOMATICUS MINOR connecting the frontal and occipital belies
of the occipitofrontalis muscle, and the
- The zygomaticus minor, similarly to its temporoparietalis muscles
major counterpart, arises from the lateral - The third layer of the scalp and the
surface of the zygomatic bone and extends strongest
diagonaly towards the lips
- acts in harmony with other tractors of the MASSETER - Muscle of the jaw.
upper lip to elevate and evert the upper lip,
thereby contributing to a variety of facial - arises from the zygomatic bone
expressions such as smiling, frowning or (cheekbone) and is inserted at the rear of
grimacing. the mandible (jawbone). The contraction
of the muscle raises the mandible, and it is
ORBICULARIS OCULI MUSCLE particularly used in chewing food. The
masseter can be felt at the side of the jaw
- The function of the orbicularis oculi when the teeth are clenched
depends on which part of the muscle
contracts. Contraction of the orbital part ORBICULARIS ORIS MUSCLE
puls the skin of the forehead and cheek
towards the nose and tightly closes the - a powerful muscle with only a thin layer of
eyes, commonly for protective purposes fat over it to protect it, so it is natural that
o ORBITAL - the most peripheral this would break down in the face of
part overlaying the orbital rim. It repetitive force. This area is best when
arises from the nasal part of the treated in the preventative phase
known as (lacrimal) part is the EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLE - controls the
deepest part of the orbicularis movement and stabilization of the eyebal
frontal bone, oculi situated between
the medial palpebral ligament and - Superior rectus – upward movement
the lacrimal sac. - Lateral rectus- outward movement
o PALPEBRAL- the central part of - Medial rectus – inward movement
the muscle that comprises the - Inferior rectus – downward movements
eyelids - Superior oblique – downward and
upward movement
OCCIPITO FRONTALIS MUSCLE- a wide - Inferior oblique- inward and outward
muscle that overlies the superior surface of the movements
scalp, extending from the eyebrows to the superior
nuchal lines of the occipital bones MUSCLES OF THE NECK

o FRONTAL - frontal part originates from - ANTERIOR

the skin of the eyebrows and the superior
parts of the periorbital group of facial PLATYSMA- Thin sheet of muscle that covers
muscles part of your shoulder and upper chest, extending
o OCCIPITAL- occipital part arises from up the jaw. It helps with jaw and mouth
the lateral two-thirds of the superior movements, as wel as tightening the skin in your
nuchal line of occipital bone and courses lower face and neck
largest muscles in the neck, helping you move
your head, extend your neck and control your - support the trunk, alow movement and
temporomandibular joint (in the jaw). It begins hold organs in place by regulating internal
just behind your ear and stretches to your abdominal pressure
colarbone - five main muscles: pyramidalis, rectus
abdominus, external obliques, internal
SUBCLAVIUS- Stabilizes your colarbone when obliques and transversus abdominis.
you move your shoulder and arm
SUPRAHYOIDS- Four muscles that move your
hyoid bone (a bone at the top of your neck, just 1. PYRAMIDALIS - This vertical muscle is
below your jawline) when you swalow and speak small and shaped like a triangle. It’s located at the
base of your pubic bone
INFRAHYOIDS- Four muscles below your
hyoid bone that move your larynx (voice box) up 2. RECTUS ABDOMINIS -This pair of muscles
and down goes down either side of the middle of your
abdomen from your ribs to the front of your pelvis
SCALENES- Three muscles that move your first
two ribs up and down so you can inhale air when EXTERNAL OBLIQUES- Your external
you breathe. They also help move the head and obliques are a pair of muscles, one on each side of
stabilize the cervical vertebrae (bones in your your rectus abdominis. They’re the largest of the
neck) flat muscles and sit at the bottom of the stack.


obliques are a pair of muscles on top of your
SPLENIUS CAPITIS AND SPLENIUS external obliques, just inside your hip bones.
CERVICIS- Strap-like muscles in the back of
your neck that help you extend and rotate your TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS- Your
head. transversus abdominis are the deepest of the flat
muscles, layered on top of your internal obliques
just below the occipital bone at the base of your INTERCOSTAL MUSCLE- three layers of
skul. They help extend your head in different muscles between the ribs which help with
directions breathing by moving the rib cage

TRANSVERSOSPINALIS MUSCLES- Five Location of Intercostal Muscles:

muscles that help you move your head forward
and backward, as wel as tilt it from side to side. External intercostals: Located on the sides of the
They also help stabilize your spine and move the body, helping lift the ribs during inhalation.
cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions of your
spine Internal: Found closer to the sternum, working to
pul the ribs together during exhalation.
Innermost intercostals: Positioned deep under
RECTUS CAPITIS ANTERIOR AND both the external and internal intercostals, helping
RECTUS CAPITIS LATERALIS- Two the internal intercostals with their function
muscles that control head movements from the
base of your skul Function of the Intercostal Muscles:

LONGUS CAPITIS AND LONGUS COLLI- External intercostal muscles: There are 11
Two muscles help you twist your head from side pairs, and they assist in inspiration (breathing in)
to side, as wel as twist and tilt your cervical spine by raising the rib cage to expand the chest.
Internal intercostal muscles: Also 11 pairs, they Resist intra-abdominal pressure: They
help with expiration (breathing out) by puling the help counter pressure from activities like
ribs down and inward, which decreases the size of coughing, sneezing, or lifting.
the chest. Act as sphincters: These muscles control
the openings of the urethra (urine passage),
Innermost intercostal muscles: These muscles rectum (feces passage), and vagina (in
work alongside the internal intercostals women)
exhalation. to further assist in
DIAPHRAGM - It is a diamond shaped and is located
between thighs.
Diaphragm Structure: - In females the perineum is located at anus
and the vulva while in males, it is the area
- Separates the thoracic (chest) and between the anus and the scrotum
abdominal cavities. Dome-shaped at rest
with a convex top (creating the roof of the ANTERIOR - pubis in females, base of the penis
thoracic cavity) and a concave bottom in males
(creating the ceiling of the abdominal
cavity). LATERAL- It is located on medial surfaces of the
Role in bodily functions (Valsalva maneuver):
POSTERIOR – superior end of the intergluteal
- The diaphragm works with abdominal cleft
muscles during defecation, urination, and
childbirth. Holding your breath stabilizes  SHOULDER MUSCLES
pressure in the abdominal cavity,
increasing pressure on the intestinal, The four rotator cuff muscles
urinary, or reproductive tracts when
abdominal muscles contract 1. SUBSCAPULARIS- This muscle attaches
to the middle part of your scapula and
Diaphragm attachments: stretches to the bottom part of the bal of
your humerus.
- The diaphragm’s central tendon is fused 2. SUPRASPINATUS- This muscle
with the pericardial sac (around the heart) stretches from the top of the scapula to the
and pleural membranes (around the lungs). top of the humerus, at the bal of your
It attaches to the sternum, ribs, and lumbar shoulder joint
vertebrae. 3. INFRASPINATUS- This muscle
stretches from the bottom of the scapula
Openings in the diaphragm: and connects to the humerus behind the
- There are three key openings for structures 4. TERES MINOR -This muscle attaches to
passing between the chest and abdomen: the side of the scapula and attaches to the
Caval opening: For the inferior vena cava. humerus beneath the infraspinatus
Esophageal hiatus: For the esophagus and
nerves.  The lower leg comprises two primary
Aortic hiatus: For the aorta, thoracic duct, compartments: the anterior and posterior.
and azygous vein Each compartment contains muscles
responsible for various movements,
 PELVIC MUSCLE including dorsiflexion, plantarflexion,
Support pelvic organs: These muscles inversion, and eversion of the foot
hold up organs like the bladder, uterus, and
rectum, keeping them in place. DORSIFLEXION- the motion of the hand or
foot up and away from the body (pataas na galaw
ng paa
Plantarflexion- the movement allow to press tha - DEEP LAYER
gas pedal of your car(pababa na galaw ng paa)
Tibialis Posterior- Inverts the foot and supports
Inversion- the movement of the sloe toward the the medial arch
median plain (paloob)
Flexor Digitorum Longus -Flexes the toes and
Eversion- opposite movement, which turn the assists in plantarflexion.
sole outward and away from the midline (palabas)
Flexor Halucis Longus- Flexes the big toe and
 ANATOMY OF LOWER LEG aids in plantarflexion
Tibialis Anterior: Responsible for dorsiflexion MUSCLES
and inversion of the foot o Dorsiflexion- Raising the foot towards the
shin, primarily performed by the tibialis
Extensor Digitorum Longus: Extends the toes anterior.
and aids in dorsiflexion - Upward motion
o Plantarflexion - Pointing the toes
Extensor Hallucis Longus: Extends the big toe downwards, executed by mainly the
and assists in dorsiflexion. gastrocnemius and soleus.
- Downward motion
Fibularis Tertius: Assists in dorsiflexion and o Eversion and Inversion -Movements that
eversion of the foot tilt the foot outward (eversion) or inward
(inversion), facilitated by the fibularis
 LATERAL COMPARTMENT muscles and tibialis posterior, respectively

Fibularis Longus -Everses and plantarflexes the  FUNCTION OF LOWER LEG

- Anterior Compartment: This group
- Long muscle located superficially in the primarily consists of flexor muscles and is
lateral compartment of the leg, together innervated mainly by the median and ulnar
with the fibularis brevis muscle nerves. Key muscles include:
- Flexor Carpi Radialis: Flexes and abducts
Fibularis Brevis Everses the foot and assists with the wrist.
plantarflexion - Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Flexes and adducts
the wrist. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis:
- A short muscle that lies in the lateral part Flexes the middle phalanges of the fingers.
of the lower leg deep to the fibularis - Flexor Digitorum Profundus: Flexes the
longus distal phalanges of the fingers.
- Flexor Policis Longus: Flexes the thumb.
- Superficial Layer o Posterior Compartment: This group
primarily consists of extensor muscles and
Gastrocnemius - Powerful plantarflexor of the is innervated by the radial nerve. Key
foot, also flexes the knee. muscles include:
- Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus: Extends
- Calf muscle and abducts the wrist.
- Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis: Extends
Soleus - Primarily responsible for plantarflexion, and assists in wrist abduction.
particularly during standing and walking - Extensor Carpi Ulnaris: Extends and
adducts the wrist.
- Extensor Digitorum: Extends the fingers.
- Extensor Policis Longus and Brevis:
Extend the thumb
- The muscles that cross the wrist joint are
involved in wrist flexion, extension, and
deviation. The synergistic action of the
forearm muscles contributes to the wrist's
stability and motion


The intrinsic muscles of the hand;

- Thenar Muscles: Responsible for thumb

movements, including abduction,
opposition, and flexion
- Hypothenar Muscles: Control the
movements of the little finger
- Lumbricals: Flex the metacarpophalangeal
joints and extend the interphalangeal joints.
- Interossei Muscles: Facilitate abduction
and adduction of the fingers.

- The coordinated action of these muscles
alows for complex hand and finger
movements necessary for tasks ranging
from gripping and pinching to precise
manipulation of objects. The interplay
between flexors and extensors also aids in
maintaining grip strength and controling
finger motion

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