Chapter 7: Muscular System
Chapter 7: Muscular System
Chapter 7: Muscular System
7.2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE TISSUE Epimysium: The outermost layer that encases
the entire muscle, merging with connective
Muscle tissue four major functional characteristics: tissue between adjacent muscles and
connecting to the skin. It separates the muscle
1. Contractility-is the ability of muscle to shorten from surrounding structures.
forcefully, or contract.
Perimysium: This layer subdivides the muscle
2. Excitability-is the capacity of muscle to respond to a
into bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles. It
stimulus. For skeletal muscle, the stimulus to contract is
provides pathways for blood vessels and nerves
from nerves that we consciously control. SSmooth and to supply each fascicle.
cardiac muscle fibers contract
Endomysium: The innermost layer that
3. Extensibility - means that a muscle can be stretched surrounds individual muscle fibers within each
beyond its normal resting length and still be able to fascicle. It acts as passageways for nerve fibers
contract. and blood vessels to supply each individual
muscle fiber.
4. Elasticity -recoil to its original resting length after it has
been stretched. -The protein fibers of these three layers blend together
and merge at the ends of muscles to form tendons,
which attach muscles to bones.
Whole Skeletal Muscle Anatomy
1. Skeletal Muscle
Definition: approximately 40% of body weight.
A type of muscle tissue responsible for
voluntary movement, attached to the skeletal
system. Skeletal muscle is also called striated
Skeletal Muscle Fiber Anatomy-
3. Muscle Contraction
Electrical Component Structures
Two Components: Muscle contraction involves
two main components: 1. Key Structures:
Sarcolemma: The cell membrane of muscle
o Electrical Component: The initiation of fibers, responsible for transmitting electrical
muscle contraction through nerve impulses.
impulses. Transverse Tubules (T Tubules): Inward folds of
o Mechanical Component: The physical the sarcolemma that extend into the interior of
shortening of muscle fibers due to the the muscle fiber, carrying electrical impulses to
interaction of contractile proteins. the center.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: A specialized smooth
4. Histology of Muscle Fibers endoplasmic reticulum that stores high levels of
Importance: Understanding the structure of calcium ions (Ca2+). The release of Ca2+ from
muscle fibers is essential for comprehending the sarcoplasmic reticulum triggers muscle
the mechanisms of muscle contraction. contraction.
Categorization: Muscle fiber components are
categorized based on their role in contraction.
2. The Triad: - A critical structure formed by two
Role: The interaction of actin and myosin
terminal cisternae (enlarged portions of the
myofilaments within sarcomeres provides the
sarcoplasmic reticulum) and their associated T tubule.
mechanical basis for muscle contraction.
Function: The triad plays a crucial role in muscle
contraction by facilitating the release of Ca2+
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
3. Other Organelles:
Mitochondria: Numerous mitochondria provide
energy for muscle contraction.
Glycogen Granules: Store energy in the form of
2. Muscle Relaxation
4. Ion channels are responsible for producing action 5. Contraction occurs when myosin heads bind to active
potentials. sites on actin, myosin changes shape, and actin is pulled
past the myosin.
5. A synaptic cleft separates the presynaptic terminal of 1. Calcium ions are transported into the sarcoplasmic
the axon from the motor end-plate of the muscle fiber. reticulum.
6. Acetylcholine released from the presynaptic terminal 2. Calcium ions diffuse away from troponin, preventing
binds to receptors of the motor end-plate, thereby further cross-bridge formation.
changing membrane permeability and producing an
action potential.
Muscle Contraction
2. Contraction Phase
3. Relaxation Phase
Types: There are two main types of muscle Definition: The ability of muscles to generate
contractions: varying levels of force in response to stimuli.
o Isometric Contractions: The muscle Mechanism: Muscle fibers can generate
does not shorten, but tension increases. different amounts of force depending on the
This occurs when trying to lift a heavy number of cross-bridges formed between actin
object or when maintaining posture. and myosin filaments.
o Isotonic Contractions: The muscle
shortens, increasing tension and 2. Cross-Bridge Formation and Force:
decreasing length. This happens during
limb movements to lift and move Cross-Bridges: Connections between actin and
objects. myosin filaments that drive muscle contraction.
Force Generation: Increasing the number of
2. Muscle Twitch cross-bridges increases the force of contraction.
1. Muscle Tone -Slow-twitch muscle fibers break down ATP slowly and
have a well-developed blood supply, many
Definition: A state of constant, partial mitochondria, and myoglobin.
contraction in skeletal muscles, even when at
rest. It's responsible for maintaining posture Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
and body position.
Mechanism: A small percentage of motor units Fast-twitch muscle fibers break down ATP
are constantly contracting out of phase with rapidly.
each other, resulting in a sustained, low-level o 1. Type IIa muscle fibers have a well-
tension. developed blood supply, more
mitochondria, and more myoglobin.
Importance: Essential for maintaining posture, o 2. Type IIb muscle fibers have large
keeping the back straight, head upright, and amounts of glycogen, a poor blood
abdomen flat. supply, fewer mitochondria, and little
The ATP synthesized by anaerobic respiration (1) location, (2) size, (3) shape, (4) orientation of
provides energy for a short time during intense fascicles, (5) origin and insertion, (6) number of heads,
exercise. Anaerobic respiration produces ATP and (7) function
less efficiently but more rapidly than aerobic
respiration. Lactate levels increase because of
anaerobic respiration.
Aerobic Respiration
Muscle Fatigue
Muscle Soreness