Anaphy Notes Midterm
Anaphy Notes Midterm
Anaphy Notes Midterm
Connective tissue coverings
The Muscular System- muscles are responsible for all Smooth Muscle
types of body movement Has no striations
Three basic muscle types are found in the body: Spindle-shaped cells
Single nucleus
1. Skeletal muscle Involuntary – no conscious control
2. Cardiac muscle Found mainly in the walls of hollow organs
3. Smooth muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Characteristics of Muscles
Has striations
Usually has a single nucleus Neurotransmitter attaches to receptors on the
Joined to another muscle cell at an intercalated sarcolemma
disc Sarcolemma becomes permeable to sodium
Involuntary (Na+)
Found only in the heart Sodium rushing into the cell generates an action
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Once started, muscle contraction cannot be
o Cells are multinucleate stopped
o Nuclei are just beneath the sarcolemma
The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
o Sarcolemma – specialized plasma membrane
o Sarcoplasmic reticulum – specialized smooth Activation by nerve causes myosin heads
endoplasmic reticulum (crossbridges) to attach to binding sites on the
o Myofibril- bundles of myofilaments. Myofibrils thin filament
are aligned to give distinct bands Myosin heads then bind to the next site of the
o I band = light band thin filament
o A band = dark band This continued action causes a sliding of the
o Sarcomere- contractile unit of a muscle fiber myosin along the actin
The result is that the muscle is shortened
Organization of the sarcomere (contracted)
o Thick filaments = myosin filaments. Composed
of the protein myosin and has ATPase enzymes
o Thin filaments = actin filaments. Composed of
the protein actin Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle
o Myosin filaments have heads (extensions, or
cross bridges) Muscle fiber contraction is “all or none”
o Myosin and actin overlap somewhat Within a skeletal muscle, not all fibers may be
stimulated during the same interval
o At rest, there is a bare zone that lacks actin
Different combinations of muscle fiber
contractions may give differing responses
o Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) – for storage of
calcium Graded responses – different degrees of skeletal muscle
Nerve Stimulus to Muscles
Types of Graded Responses:
Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a nerve
to contract 1. Twitch
Motor unit- one neuron. Muscle cells - Single, brief contraction
stimulated by that neuron - Not a normal muscle function
Neuromuscular junctions – association site of 2. Tetanus (summing of contractions)
nerve and muscle - One contraction is immediately followed by
Synaptic cleft – gap between nerve and muscle. another
Nerve and muscle do not make contact. - The muscle does not completely return to a
- Area between nerve and muscle is filled with resting state
interstitial fluid - The effects are added
3. Unfused (incomplete) tetanus
Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
- Some relaxation occurs between contractions
Neurotransmitter – chemical released by nerve - The results are summed
upon arrival of nerve impulse. The 4. Fused (complete) tetanus
neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle is - No evidence of relaxation before the following
acetylcholine. contractions
- The result is a sustained muscle contraction - Oxygen must be “repaid” to tissue to remove
oxygen debt
Muscle Response to Strong Stimuli
- Oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated
Muscle force depends upon the number of lactic acid
fibers stimulated Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of
More fibers contracting results in greater ATP causes the muscle to contract less
muscle tension
Types of Muscle Contractions
Muscles can continue to contract unless they
run out of energy Isotonic contractions
- Myofilaments are able to slide past each other
Energy for Muscle Contraction during contractions
Initially, muscles used stored ATP for energy - The muscle shortens
- Bonds of ATP are broken to release energy Isometric contractions
- Only 4-6 seconds worth of ATP is stored by - Tension in the muscles increases
muscles - The muscle is unable to shorten
After this initial time, other pathways must be Muscle Tone
utilized to produce ATP
Direct phosphorylation Some fibers are contracted even in a relaxed
- Muscle cells contain creatine phosphate (CP) muscle
- CP is a high-energy molecule Different fibers contract at different times to
After ATP is depleted, ADP is left provide muscle tone
CP transfers energy to ADP, to regenerate ATP The process of stimulating various fibers is
CP supplies are exhausted in about 20 seconds under involuntary control
Series of metabolic pathways that occur in the o Results of increased muscle use
mitochondria o Increase in muscle size
Glucose is broken down to carbon dioxide and o Increase in muscle strength
water, releasing energy o Increase in muscle efficiency
This is a slower reaction that requires o Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant
continuous oxygen
Muscles and Body Movements
Anaerobic glycolysis
Muscles are attached to at least two points
Reaction that breaks down glucose without Origin – attachment to a moveable bone
oxygen Insertion – attachment to an immovable bone
Glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid to
produce some ATP Types of Muscles
Pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid Prime mover – muscle with the major
Anaerobic glycolysis (continued) responsibility for a certain movement
Antagonist – muscle that opposes or reverses a
This reaction is not as efficient, but is fast prime mover
Huge amounts of glucose are needed Synergist – muscle that aids a prime mover in a
Lactic acid produces muscle fatigue movement and helps prevent rotation
Fixator – stabilizes the origin of a prime mover
Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt
FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE PERIPHERAL 1. Multipolar neurons have many dendrites and a
NERVOUS SYSTEM single axon. Most of the neurons within the CNS
and nearly all motor neurons are multipolar.
1. Sensory division, or afferent (toward) division- 2. Bipolar neurons have two processes: one
conducts action potentials from sensory dendrite and one axon. Bipolar neurons are
receptors to the CNS . The neurons that located in some sensory organs, such as in the
transmit action potentials from the periphery to retina of the eye and in the nasal cavity.
the CNS are called sensory neurons. 3. Pseudo-unipolar neurons have a single process
2. Motor division, or efferent (away) division- extending from the cell body. This process
conducts action potentials from the CNS to divides into two processes a short distance from
effector organs, such as muscles and glands. the cell body. One process extends to the
periphery, and the other extends to the CNS.
The motor division can be further subdivided based on
the type of effector being innervated. Supporting cells
1. The somatic nervous system transmits action Glial cells (neuroglia) are the supportive cells of the CNS
potentials from the CNS to skeletal muscles. and PNS, meaning these cells do not conduct action
2. The autonomic (self-governing) nervous potentials. Instead, glial cells carry out different
system (ANS) transmits action potentials from functions that enhance neuron function and maintain
the CNS to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and normal conditions within nervous tissue.
- autonomic nervous system, in turn, is divided Most neuroglia retain the ability to divide, whereas
into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. neurons do not.
The neurons that transmit action potentials from the 1. Astrocytes serve as the major supporting cells
CNS toward the periphery are called motor neurons. in the CNS.
- stimulate or inhibit the signaling activity of
Enteric nervous system (ENS) is a unique subdivision of nearby neurons.
the peripheral nervous system. The ENS has both
- participate with the blood vessel endothelium REGIONS OF THE BRAIN
to form a permeability barrier, called the blood-
Cerebral hemispheres
brain barrier, between the blood and the CNS
2. Ependymal cells line the fluid-filled cavities
Brain stem
(ventricles and canals) within the CNS.
- produce cerebrospinal fluid, and others, with
cilia on the surface, help move the BRAINSTEM
cerebrospinal fluid through the CNS.
3. Microglia act as immune cells of the CNS. They The brainstem connects the spinal cord to the
help protect the brain by removing bacteria and remainder of the brain. It consists of the medulla
cell debris. oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain. The brainstem
4. Oligodendrocytes provide an insulating contains several nuclei involved in vital body functions,
material that surrounds axons. such as the control of heart rate, blood pressure, and
5. In the PNS, the glial cells known as Schwann breathing.
cells provide insulating material around axons. Medulla oblongata is the most inferior portion
Myelin sheaths are specialized layers that wrap around of the brainstem and is continuous with the
the axons of some neurons. These myelin sheaths are spinal cord. The medulla oblongata contains
formed by the cell processes of glial cells ascending and descending nerve tracts, which
convey signals to and from other regions of the
Gaps in the myelin sheath, called nodes of Ranvier brain.
occur about every millimeter between the Immediately superior to the medulla oblongata
oligodendrocyte segments or between individual is the pons. Some of the nuclei in the pons
Schwann cells. relay information between the cerebrum and
the cerebellum.
Organization of Nervous Tissue
The midbrain, just superior to the pons, is the
Gray matter consists of groups of neuron cell smallest region of the brainstem. The dorsal
bodies and their dendrites, where there is very part of the midbrain consists of four mounds
little myelin called the colliculi. The two inferior colliculi are
In the CNS, gray matter on the surface of the major relay centers for the auditory nerve
brain is called the cortex pathways in the CNS. The two superior colliculi
Clusters of gray matter located deeper within are involved in visual reflexes and receive touch
the brain are called nuclei. and auditory input
In the PNS, a cluster of neuron cell bodies is Scattered throughout the brainstem is a group
called a ganglion of nuclei collectively called the reticular
White matter consists of bundles of parallel formation. It is particularly involved in
axons with their myelin sheaths, which are regulating cyclical motor functions, such as
whitish in color respiration, walking, and chewing. The reticular
White matter of the CNS forms nerve tracts, or formation is a major component of the reticular
conduction pathways, which propagate action activating system, which plays an important
potentials from one area of the CNS to another. role in arousing and maintaining consciousness
White matter of the PNS consists of bundles of and in regulating the sleep-wake cycle.
axons and associated connective tissue that CEREBELLUM
Motor output