Chlamydomonas Molecular Genetics and Physiology
Chlamydomonas Molecular Genetics and Physiology
Chlamydomonas Molecular Genetics and Physiology
Michael Hippler Editor
Genetics and
Microbiology Monographs
Volume 30
Series editor
Alexander Steinbüchel
Münster, Germany
More information about this series at
Michael Hippler
Chlamydomonas: Molecular
Genetics and Physiology
Michael Hippler
Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology
Universität Münster
Münster, Germany
Genomics and Functional Genomics
in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
1 Introduction
sequence), reductions in cost per genome, and the required sample size have
resulted in the pace of genome sequencing far outstripping experimental validation
of gene function. Consequently, biologists are presently working with a growing
parts list without the knowledge as to what the pieces do, how they interact and how
this results in a functioning cell.
Fortunately, a key development that came with the first genome sequences was the
birth of functional genomics (Hieter and Boguski 1997). Functional genomics lies
at the interface of two revelations: first, each genome encodes a plethora of proteins
with unknown or poorly defined function; second, each genome provides a list of
those proteins enabling the scale-up of experiments to simultaneously inform on the
function of as many of them as possible (Fig. 1). Determining protein function plays
a large part in modern biology generally, but what distinguishes functional geno-
mics from other fields is that protein function is informed by genome-wide studies,
such as transcriptomics and proteomics, and high-throughput screening including
protein-protein interactions, global protein localization efforts, and mutant library
phenotyping (phenomics) (Fig. 1).
As of yet, no single functional genomics approach has come close to deciphering
the function of every protein in a given genome. Instead each experiment provides a
single, global (but condition-specific) snapshot. The field therefore also encompasses
computational analyses that endeavor to establish bridges between the mountains of
high-throughout (HTP) genome-wide experimental data and protein function. Inte-
gration of functional genomics experiments and other genome-based analyses such as
comparative genomics can generate functional inferences. Functional genomics can
overlap significantly with systems biology, since both fields employ global approaches
to experimentation. Accordingly, systems-wide studies can be highly informative to
functional genomics
Fig. 1 The genome provides the raw sequence to which genes can be mapped. The function of
proteins encoded by those genes can be informed through functional genomics experiments that
relate biological information such as changes in transcript or protein abundance and phenotypes to
each locus. In order to maximize the value of genome-wide studies, computational analyses and
modeling are needed to gain a systems-level understanding of biological function from these
experimental pieces
Genomics and Functional Genomics in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 3
protein function where data is accumulated and interpreted from a holistic perspective.
Thereupon, functional genomics and systems biology can form the basis of, and
inform the design of, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology approaches.
with a molecular function even though nearly 80% of genes are linked with some form
of experimental evidence (as of 24 March 2016;
genomesnapshot). One can imagine that the state of gene function knowledge in
more complex eukaryotes such as plants, which have many more genes, is by compar-
ison limited (Chlamydomonas has nearly 10,000 more genes than S. cerevisiae,
although there is likely some functional redundancy due to gene duplications).
To a certain extent experimental characterization in other organisms can provide
some functional information. For instance, about 10,000 Chlamydomonas proteins
have at least one PFAM domain (Table 1; however, some of these domains are not
associated with a known function). A combination of sequence similarity, more
stringent bioinformatics analyses, and experimental evidence has led to annotation
of approximately 10% of predicted Chlamydomonas transcripts (Table 1). Making
inroads into deciphering complete function of the remaining 90% of genes and
placing these genes in a biological context requires functional genomics approaches.
Since many techniques in functional genomics rely on accurate gene models and
protein sequences, we start our discussion of functional genomics in Chlamydo-
monas with a prelude on structural genomics. Raw genome sequence indicates little
of biological function. A critical step prior to assigning and defining functional
annotations, which describe the role of an encoded protein, is to physically annotate
a genome (otherwise known as structural genomics). Physical annotations define
the structural attributes of the genome, such as the number and size of chromo-
somes/scaffolds, positions (i.e., coordinates) of genes on chromosomes, intron/exon
junctions, transcription start/stop sites, and translation start/stop sites. Since the
accuracy of the predicted protein sequence is dependent upon the quality of the
raw genome sequence and accuracy of the gene models, it is crucial for the phys-
ical annotations to be of a very high standard before functional annotations can be
reliably applied. Fortunately, as a result of numerous efforts integrating
6 I.K. Blaby and C.E. Blaby-Haas
significant forward strides to be made; the total number of scaffolds reduced from
1557 in v3 to 88 in the v4 assembly, providing the basis for several rounds of gene
model improvements. The first generation of gene models made available for
assembly v4, known as JGI v4, constituted 16,709 transcripts. Although this
collection of models did not officially support alternate transcripts, analysis by
Labadorf et al. inferred 611 alternative splice variants (Labadorf et al. 2010).
Subsequent updates were made possible by incremental improvements in the
Augustus algorithm, which supported inclusion of EST data (Stanke et al. 2008),
and proteomic data (Specht et al. 2011). Consequently, these model collections,
released between 2008 and 2012, saw the predicted transcript number increase from
15,818 with the Aug5 release to 17,114 with the Aug10.2 release (Table 1). This
latter release, known as JGI v4.3, benefited significantly from the advent of second-
generation sequencing technologies, and the inclusion of >6 million ESTs
sequenced on the 454 platform, as well as homology to the then-recently sequenced
Volvox carteri genome (Prochnik et al. 2010). The adoption of Augustus for gene
model identification also marked the transition to the now-standardized (and per-
manent) system for Chlamydomonas loci ID, written in the format CreX.gY. In
similar fashion to Arabidopsis loci identifiers (written as ATXGY ), Cre indicates
the organism (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), X denotes the chromosome/scaffold,
and Y is a unique six-digit identifier, which proceeds in numerical order from the
“beginning” of chromosome 1 to the “end” of the final scaffold. Initially this
identifier increased in increments of 50, thus allowing for the incorporation of
new genes without the need for all subsequent loci ID to be reshuffled. JGI v4.3
represented the final gene model version to be based upon the v4 genome.
Work on the next (and, presently, the most up-to-date) revisions to both the
nuclear genome sequence and gene models, v5 and v5.5, respectively, took full
advantage of advances in second-generation sequencing technologies and was
released in mid-2012. Efforts were made to close remaining gaps in the genome
sequence by construction of new genomic fragment libraries of differing insert
sizes [as a means of compromising between achieving some sequence (with small
inserts) and sequencing across repetitive sequence (with long inserts)] with a
combination of Sanger and 454-based technologies. These endeavors resulted in
reducing the total number of scaffolds from 88 in v4 to 54 in v5 (Table 2). In its
present state (v5), the genome totals 111.1 Mbp, averages 65% GC, and comprises
17 chromosomes plus additional 37 repeat-rich non-anchored scaffolds. These
chromosomes and scaffolds range ~1–10 Mbp and 0.1–0.8 Mbp, respectively.
Common metrics used to describe the quality of a draft genome are the N50 and
L50 statistics. N50 describes the smallest number of sequenced fragments required
to make 50% of the complete assembly, and L50 is the size of the smallest fragment
within the fragments comprising N50. Thus, a more complete genome will have a
higher N50 and a lower L50 than a less complete genome of the same size. As work
on the Chlamydomonas genome has progressed, the N50 has reduced from 24 to
7, and the L50 has increased from 1.7 to 8 Mb between v3 and v5.
Building upon the JGI v4 gene model inventory, extensive revisions, incorporat-
ing more than a billion reads from 59 independent RNA-Seq experiments, including
paired reads and stranded libraries (enabling direction and strand of the model to be
8 I.K. Blaby and C.E. Blaby-Haas
As with all draft genomes, work continues on both the assembly (continued gap
closing) and gene models. Chlamydomonas loci IDs are now static (or will deviate
only marginally to allow for transfer of loci as required for future updates). How-
ever, the complicated history and the number of studies conducted using earlier
generations of gene models necessitate the need to translate between versions.
Correspondence tables are available to download for this purpose (http://phyto Several studies have highlighted potential direc-
tions for future exploration, including a recent genomic analysis suggesting that a
fraction of gene models could be extended at the N-terminus (Cross 2015). Although
the analysis is entirely of an informatic nature, the implications this may have on
Table 3 Codon usage of highly expressed genes in Chlamydomonas
Codon aa % Codon aa % Codon aa % Codon aa %
U UUU F 0.33 UCU S 0.46 UAU Y 0.20 UGU C 0.06 U
UUC F 3.18 UCC S 1.80 UAC Y 2.51 UGC C 1.50 C
UUA L 0.05 UCA S 0.11 UAA STOP 0.31 UGA STOP 0.45 A
UUG L 0.14 UCG S 1.83 UAG STOP 0.33 UGG W 1.08 G
C CUU L 0.30 CCU P 0.60 CAU H 0.14 CGU R 0.69 U
CUC L 1.01 CCC P 3.34 CAC H 1.70 CGC R 4.75 C
CUA L 0.10 CCA P 0.16 CAA Q 0.16 CGA R 0.05 A
CUG L 6.25 CCG P 1.00 CAG Q 3.31 CGG R 0.59 G
A AUU I 1.15 ACU T 0.64 AAU N 0.13 AGU S 0.13 U
AUC I 3.05 ACC T 3.50 AAC N 3.30 AGC S 1.75 C
AUA I 0.04 ACA T 0.14 AAA K 0.08 AGA R 0.03 A
AUG M 2.79 ACG T 0.78 AAG K 7.37 AGG R 0.19 G
G GUU V 0.68 GCU A 2.13 GAU D 0.69 GGU G 1.43 U
Genomics and Functional Genomics in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
predicted protein sequence warrant further attention. Another study suggests exonic
regions are not included in the present reference assembly genome, potentially
indicating that the complete coding sequence (and consequently protein sequences)
is not represented (Tulin and Cross 2015). A further issue requiring attention is the
omission of a number of gene models, possibly numbering on the order of a
few hundred, that were represented in v4.3 but are not present in v5.5 (Blaby,
unpublished). It is presently unknown as to why these models were not picked up
by the Augustus 11.6 algorithm as many are highly supported by ESTs/RNA-Seq
datasets and include, for example, PSBW, encoding the W protein of photosystem II.
3.1 Transcriptomics
20 genome paper
RNA-Seq experiments are
proteins/transcripts (x1000)
16 v3 typically mapped to
17,741 gene models
8 # of non-redundant proteins in
NCBI's Protein database
1st microarray # of transcripts
51 nuclear genes (microarray and RNA-Seq)
gene models
Fig. 2 Progress of genomics and transcriptomics in Chlamydomonas. The green line represents
number of nuclear-encoded protein sequences in GenBank starting at 1990. Because of the
redundancy caused by duplicated entries, protein entries from each year were mapped to JGI
5.5. If the sequence could not be mapped forward, it was not included in the graph. The number of
entries in GenBank significantly increased with deposition of predicted proteins associated with
the genome publication (Merchant et al. 2007), with only a handful of new sequences deposited
subsequently. Presently, about 70% of Chlamydomonas proteins in the Phytozome 11 database are
represented in GenBank, and the gene models associated with many of those deposited in 2007
have changed as a result of more accurate genome assemblies and gene model prediction
algorithms. Gray bars indicate the number of gene models released to the public in the indicated
years that map onto the v5.5 gene models. The purple line represents the progress of
transcriptomics in Chlamydomonas; the number of “gene-specific” probes reported for each
microarray is given, but it should be noted that there are potential redundancies and artifacts due
to the limited availability of accurate gene models when many of these microarrays were designed.
Starting in 2002 (Lilly et al. 2002) with a microarray that included probes for 51 nuclear genes,
transcriptomics of the nuclear genome progressively increased in scope over the next decade. As
EST libraries were made public followed by the first drafts of the nuclear genome, the size of
microarrays continued to increase, while the publication of Chlamydomonas RNA-Seq experi-
ments began in 2010. Although the present release of JGI gene models includes alternative
transcripts, most RNA-Seq analyses only include mapping to the primary transcripts
3.2 Proteomics
One must remember that transcriptome data only gives an indication of transcrip-
tional and post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA abundance. Many proteins in
the cell, however, are regulated at the posttranslational level either through post-
translational modifications or degradation. The detection and quantification of these
condition-specific changes require analysis of proteins. The history of proteomics in
Chlamydomonas is similar to that of transcriptomics: the number of proteins identi-
fied and quantified in a typical experiment has increased with time largely due to
availability of the genome sequence (for identification of peptides/proteins) and
technological advancements (Rolland et al. 2009).
Genomics and Functional Genomics in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 13
3.3 Phenomics
stocks, plasmids,
cDNA libraries,
kits, etc.
ChlamyStation http://chlamystation. Paris (IBPC) Collection of
As of March 2016
Defined here as a tool that can directly comparatively analyze data between (1) organisms or (2) conditions within an organism
Later versions of the genome/gene models can be queried by running PsiBLAST on a local terminal; source code is available at
18 I.K. Blaby and C.E. Blaby-Haas
Other global studies, such as metabolomes and lipidomes, have been conducted in
Chlamydomonas. These investigations can illuminate changes within the cell on the
systems level. From a functional genomics perspective of linking function to
specific proteins, the data generated from these types of experiments can be useful
when viewed in the context of other datasets (such as those described in this
section) that can ascribe each observation to a specific loci. Several studies in
Chlamydomonas have taken this multi-“omic” approach to understanding how
Chlamydomonas acclimates to different growth conditions, such as rapamycin
treatment (Kleessen et al. 2015), nutrient deprivation (Schmollinger et al. 2014;
Park et al. 2015), oxygen status (Subramanian et al. 2014), temperature (Légeret
et al. 2016), and light (Mettler et al. 2014).
Acknowledgments IKB and CEB-H are supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental
Research of the Department Of Energy.
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Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox
Jan H. Mussgnug
Abstract More than 99% of all genes of C. reinhardtii are encoded in the nuclear
DNA. Over the past decades, classical genetic techniques and molecular biological
strategies have been established that allow manipulation of the nuclear DNA for
fundamental research and applied tasks. The nuclear genome is haploid during the
vegetative stage of the green microalga’s life cycle, a feature promoting the eluci-
dation of specific genotype–phenotype interrelations in genetic studies. Supported
by the general progress of molecular technologies, the toolbox for C. reinhardtii
nuclear genome transformation and engineering has been greatly expanded, and,
today, a substantial arsenal of tools and techniques is available which can be utilized
to approach individual molecular research tasks.
Several important aspects of nuclear genetic engineering with C. reinhardtii will
be addressed in this chapter. Since in many cases, the prerequisite for genetic
engineering is the transformation of DNA, strategies for nuclear DNA delivery
will be introduced within the historical context. Furthermore, established DNA
elements, transformation selection markers, strategies to achieve modulation of
gene expression, and examples of versatile vectors will be summarized. Finally, cell
line-specific considerations will be addressed before future perspectives are
1 Introduction
2015). Here, the genetic information is stored as DNA, eventually transcribed into
RNA and, in the case of protein-coding genes, decoded in the cytosol to guide
formation of protein macromolecules. These functional units are then individually
distributed to the compartments of the microalgal cell and participate in regulating
life functions.
The very first successful DNA transformation of C. reinhardtii was published in
the year 1982 (Rochaix and van Dillewijn 1982), and since then, the development
and utilization of a versatile toolbox for genetic engineering has been a major focus
of molecular biologists working with this model organism. Genetic engineering
strategies have greatly been aided by the fast technical progress related to DNA
sequencing, DNA synthesis, bioinformatics, and chemical component analysis over
the last decades. Many regulatory genetic elements promoting stable transgene
(TG) expression are known today, and, furthermore, regulatory sequences have
been identified that allow modulated TG expression for more complex gene expres-
sion trials.
Several positive and negative transformation markers allow fast and easy selec-
tion of successfully transformed algal cells. Depending on the individual TG and
the host cell line, however, nuclear gene expression can still be challenging, and the
efficiency has to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Stable integration of recombinant DNA into the nuclear genome is well established,
and three methods are commonly used to achieve DNA transfer: biolistic particle
bombardment, vortexing in the presence of small particles, and electroporation. The
choice of the preferred method mainly depends on the parental cell line characteris-
tics, especially on the presence or absence of an outer cell wall, and potential
constraints with respect to the available laboratory equipment. In addition to the
three main methods, T-DNA transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
was described to be possible as well (Kumar et al. 2004) but does not seem to be
commonly applied. Micro- and nanoinjection (Nichols and Rikmenspoel 1978;
Hennig et al. 2015) could also be feasible methods but apparently have not yet
been applied for stable transfer of nucleic acid into C. reinhardtii cells. Since it has
been shown that the efficiency of DNA transformation was increased when vector
sequences were omitted from nuclear transformation setups (Meslet-Cladiere and
Vallon 2011), it is reasonable to recommend avoiding unnecessary DNA regions
from transformation experiments.
Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox Development 29
Biolistic particle bombardment of plant cells was first demonstrated by Klein et al.
(1987), who used a particle gun to deliver tungsten particles previously coated with
nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into onion (Allium cepa) cell tissue (Klein et al. 1987).
In the following year, this technique was successfully applied to achieve the first
stable and efficient DNA transformation of C. reinhardtii cells. Since codon
optimized and reliable dominant selectable markers promoting antibiotic resistance
were not yet established, most initial trials relied on transformation of photosyn-
thetic or auxotrophic Chlamydomonas mutants with the respective endogenous
genes to restore photosynthetic competence or nutrient prototrophy, respectively.
Boynton et al. (1988) were the first to succeed with this strategy by restoring an
atpB-deficient chloroplast mutant (Boynton et al. 1988), a method later also applied
to introduce embedded foreign genes (Blowers et al. 1989).
Shortly thereafter, several examples of successful biolistic transformation of the
nuclear genome followed. For nuclear transformants selection, Debuchy et al. (1989)
used the argininosuccinate lyase gene (ARG7), whereas Kindle et al. (1989) chose the
nitrate reductase gene (NIT1) to restore the corresponding nuclear mutant cell lines
(Debuchy et al. 1989; Kindle et al. 1989). In a related work, it was shown that DNA
co-transformation into the nuclear genome was also possible with this method (Day
et al. 1990). The presence of a wild-type (wt) cell wall does not prevent biolistic DNA
transformation, and nonhomologous insertion of the transformed DNA at apparently
random loci is far more common than integration by homologous recombination. An
early work estimated a ratio of 24:1 (random vs. homologous events) (Sodeinde and
Kindle 1993), but more recent work indicates an even higher ratio in favor of random
integration (Zorin et al. 2005).
2.3 Electroporation
The application of electric impulses for reversible membrane breakdown and stable
DNA transformation was first demonstrated by Neumann and colleagues in 1982,
who successfully used this technique to transfer a herpes simplex thymidine kinase
gene into LTK mouse cells (Neumann et al. 1982). Most likely, the main reason
behind the increased membrane permeability after electric field application is that
aqueous pores are formed, which allow transmembrane molecule transport other-
wise prevented by an intact lipid bilayer (Yarmush et al. 2014).
An advantage of the electroporation method is that it is fast and can be achieved
with rather inexpensive equipment. It therefore has been used to transform many pro-
and eukaryotic species, including Chlamydomonas cell lines, both with and without
an outer cell wall (Brown et al. 1991; Shimogawara et al. 1998). Recently published,
large-scale analyses of nuclear insertions sites after electroporation of cell wall-
deficient C. reinhardtii strain CC-4533 (CMJ030) revealed that DNA insertion occurs
at apparently random loci. Furthermore, sequence evidence suggests that endonu-
cleolytic events can occur during mutagenesis and lead to DNA rearrangements
before integration, resulting in misleading flanking sequence identifications in
subsequent insertion site analyses (Zhang et al. 2014; Li et al. 2016). A notable
feature of the electroporation method is that it can also be applied to introduce
exogenous proteins into C. reinhardtii (Hayashi et al. 2001).
Plasmids are most commonly used as vectors for Chlamydomonas nuclear trans-
formation, and some selected examples are presented in a later section of this
chapter. Transformation plasmids usually consist of a cloning vector backbone
and one or more TG inserts. A typical insert comprises promoter/50 UTR, coding
region, and 30 UTR sequences and can contain one or more introns. The regulatory
Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox Development 31
50 and 30 sequences are often derived from endogenous or foreign genes with high
natural expression levels, including several inducible genes (see Sect. 3.2). If the
TG confers a selectable phenotype, positive transformant identification is straight-
forward. In case the TG does not confer a selectable phenotype, it can be
co-transformed on a second plasmid, be cloned into the selectable vector plasmid
as a separate expression cassette, or it can be fused with a reporter protein. In
addition, viral 2A peptides were recently successfully employed to express
multicistronic transgenes. Importantly, these 2A peptides allow direct coupling of
a gene of interest to a selection marker. By applying this strategy, Rasala et al.
(2012) demonstrated that coupling of xylanase1 with the FMDV 2A peptide
resulted in a 100-fold increase of enzyme activity, compared to the unlinked
control (Rasala et al. 2012). Many combinations of promoter DNA regions, selec-
tion markers, introns, and 30 UTR regions have been generated, and an updated
overview of successfully used vector elements is presented in the following
Table 1 List of promoters used for recombinant DNA expression in C. reinhardtii from nuclear
Name Organism, annotation References
ARG7 C. reinhardtii, argininosuccinate Specht et al. (2014)
ATX1 C. reinhardtii, copper chaperone Fei and Deng (2007)
ß2TUB C. reinhardtii, β2-tubulin Brunke et al. (1984)
C3 C. reinhardtii, C3 Voytsekh et al. (2008)
CAH1 C. reinhardtii, carbonic anhydrase Kucho et al. (1999), Ferrante et al. (2011)
CaMV Cauliflower mosaic virus, 35S Kumar et al. (2004), Guilley et al. (1982),
35S Ruecker et al. (2008)
CHOP2 C. reinhardtii, channelopsin-2 Fuhrmann et al. (2004)
CPX1 C. reinhardtii, Quinn et al. (2003)
coproporphyrinogen oxidase
CYC6 C. reinhardtii, cytochrome c6 Quinn et al. (2003), Ferrante et al. (2011)
FDX5 C. reinhardtii, ferredoxin Lambertz et al. (2010)
FEA1 C. reinhardtii, FEA1 (H43) Baba et al. (2011), Fei et al. (2009)
FOX1 C. reinhardtii, multi-copper Deng et al. (2014)
FTR1 C. reinhardtii, iron transporter Fei et al. (2010)
GPXH C. reinhardtii, glutathione Leisinger et al. (2001)
(GPX5) peroxidase
HSP70A C. reinhardtii, heat shock factor 1 Schroda et al. (2000)
HSP70A/ C. reinhardtii, hybrid promoter Schroda et al. (2000), Strenkert et al. (2013),
RBCS2 HSP70A/RBCS2 Lodha et al. (2008)
HSP70A/ Volvox carteri, hybrid promoter Hallmann and Wodniok (2006)
HYDA1 C. reinhardtii, [FeFe]-hydrogenase Pape et al. (2012)
LHCBM6 C. reinhardtii, LHCBM6 (CABII- Blankenship and Kindle (1992), Hahn and
1, LHCB1) Kück (1999)
LHCBM9 C. reinhardtii, LHCBM9 Grewe et al. (2014), Sawyer et al. (2015)
LIP Dunaliella tertiolecta, light- Park et al. (2013)
inducible protein
METE C. reinhardtii, B12-independent Helliwell et al. (2014), Croft et al. (2005)
methionine synthase
NAB1 C. reinhardtii, nucleic acid- Berger et al. (2014), Mussgnug et al. (2005)
binding protein 1
NIT1 C. reinhardtii, nitrate reductase Ohresser et al. (1997)
nos Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Diaz-Santos et al. (2013), Hall et al. (1993)
nopaline synthase
PSAD C. reinhardtii, photosystem I Fischer and Rochaix (2001)
RBCS2 C. reinhardtii, RUBISCO small Goldschmidt-Clermont and Rahire (1986),
subunit Kozminski et al. (1993)
Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox Development 33
Table 1 (continued)
Name Organism, annotation References
RBCS2 Dunaliella tertiolecta, RUBISCO Walker et al. (2005)
small subunit
saps Synthetic algal promoters Scranton et al. (2016)
SQD2 C. reinhardtii, Iwai et al. (2014)
SV 40 Simian virus 40, early promoter Hasnain et al. (1985), Ladygin and Butanaev
Alternative names are indicated in brackets. Table modified from (Mussgnug 2015)
For certain target proteins, constitutive high-level expression might not be desir-
able, e.g., in case dose-dependent phenotypes are investigated or if cytotoxic side
effects of the product cannot be excluded. Analyses of individual genes and full
transcriptomes have led to the identification of a great number of transcriptionally
regulated C. reinhardtii genes. Despite this fact, not many tightly controlled
34 J.H. Mussgnug
inducible promoters have been studied thoroughly for versatile recombinant DNA
expression. Three of the prominent examples will briefly be depicted in the follow-
ing paragraphs; however, it should be noted that novel, effective “on/off” promoters
are still in demand.
One of the best characterized inducible genes of Chlamydomonas is cytochrome
c6, for which studies on transcriptional regulation were performed already 25 years
ago (Merchant et al. 1991). Since then, it was demonstrated that the respective
promoter is silenced if copper is present, but transcription is strongly induced if
copper is completely absent or upon nickel addition (Quinn et al. 2003). A 428 bp
promoter sequence was subsequently used to build a versatile system for inducible
control of chloroplast genes (Surzycki et al. 2007), mediated by the factor NAC2
(Nickelsen et al. 1994).
The nitrate reductase NIT1 represents another strongly inducible C. reinhardtii
gene, and the promoter region has been studied in recombinant setups for many
years (Zhang and Lefebvre 1997). Here, transcription is repressed in the presence of
ammonium and induced when ammonium is replaced by nitrate. The NIT1 pro-
moter was used for inducible transcript silencing via RNAi (Koblenz and Lechtreck
2005), and a 791 bp 50 sequence was subsequently used to create a versatile
inducible microRNA expression system (Schmollinger et al. 2010). Interestingly,
the NIT1 promoter was also tested in the work of Surzycki et al. but was found not
to be effective in their setup (Surzycki et al. 2007).
The methionine synthase gene METE was shown to be repressed in the presence
of vitamin B12 (Croft et al. 2005), and Ramundo et al. used a 1213 bp region
upstream of this gene as an inducible promoter for a vitamin-controlled expression/
repression system for chloroplast genes (Ramundo et al. 2013). They found,
however, that complete silencing of gene expression could not be achieved via
vitamin B12 addition alone but was only possible via the additional activity of the
thiamine pyrophosphate-responsive riboswitch THI4 (Ramundo et al. 2013). This
riboswitch was originally identified by Croft and colleagues in the 50 UTR of the
THI4 gene and shown to regulate thiamine biosynthesis in vivo (Croft et al. 2007).
Since effective, inducible riboswitches can evidently be found in the C. reinhardtii
genome, it is possible that the discovery of additional riboswitches will lead to the
development of further, independent options to modulate recombinant TG expres-
sion in the future.
3.3 Introns
expression and that this effect is not dependent on the orientation or localization
relative to the promoter of the TG (Lumbreras et al. 1998). Kovar and colleagues
observed that adequate expression of an engineered ALS protein was dependent on
the presence of the respective set of introns (Kovar et al. 2002). Eichler-Stahlberg
et al. performed a luciferase-based reporter study on the relevance of the individual
RBCS2 introns and demonstrated that highest levels of reporter activity were
obtained when introns 1, 2, and 3 were inserted in the correct order (Eichler-
Stahlberg et al. 2009). Furthermore, preliminary data from a systematic study in
our lab showed that the gene expression can significantly be enhanced by strategical
distribution of multiple RBCS2 introns into a target transgene-coding sequence.
Interestingly, an enhancing effect was not detected for all introns tested, indicating
the presence of specific enhancer elements. These examples clearly show that intron
characteristics of a given target transgene is a factor that should be taken into
account for nuclear gene expression approaches.
3.4 30 UTRs
Shen and colleagues performed a large-scale computational study and showed that
the average length of C. reinhardtii 30 UTRs is 595 nucleotides (with several
extending 1450 nucleotides), which is roughly twice as long as the average
30 UTRs of Arabidopsis thaliana (Shen et al. 2008). Polyadenylation of the 30 ends
of nuclear pre-mRNAs is a crucial step for functional gene expression, and
cis-elements guiding this process can regularly be detected within the 30 UTRs.
Recent bioinformatic (Zhao et al. 2014) and experimental (Bell et al. 2016)
investigations clearly confirmed the earlier notion that (UGUAA) is the dominant
polyadenylation signal for C. reinhardtii nuclear genes. Interestingly, the sequence
data indicated that alternative polyadenylation of nuclear mRNAs can occur (Zhao
et al. 2014), although extend and relevance for functional gene expression are still
under debate (Bell et al. 2016).
With regard to recombinant gene expression approaches, the 30 UTR derived
from the RBCS2 gene was applied most often (Lumbreras et al. 1998; Cerutti et al.
1997); however, many more were successfully used, including the 30 UTRs from
PSAD (Fischer and Rochaix 2001), COP (Sizova et al. 2001), ARS (Davies et al.
1992), and ALS (Kovar et al. 2002). Furthermore, TG expression was demonstrated
to be possible even without inclusion of a defined 30 UTR (Meslet-Cladiere and
Vallon 2011). Enhancement of TG expression via optimization of the respective
30 UTR could be a feasible strategy, but this was not yet investigated systematically.
36 J.H. Mussgnug
Table 2 List of positive transformation markers applied for C. reinhardtii nuclear transformation
Name Organism, annotation Activity References
aadA Escherichia coli, pR538–1, Resistance to Cerutti et al. (1997),
aminoglycoside spectinomycin and Meslet-Cladiere and
adenyltransferase streptomycin Vallon (2011)
AC29 C. reinhardtii, ALBINO3.1 Complementation of Ferris (1995),
(ALB3.1) yellow, acetate-requiring Bellafiore et al. (2002)
ALS C. reinhardtii, acetolactate Resistance to Kovar et al. (2002)
synthase sulfometuron methyl and
related sulfonylurea
aph 700 Streptomyces Resistance to Berthold et al. (2002)
hygroscopicus, hygromycin B
aphVIII Streptomyces rimosus, Resistance to Sizova et al. (1996,
aminoglycoside paromomycin 2001)
ARG7 C. reinhardtii, Complementation of Debuchy et al. (1989)
argininosuccinate lyase arginine auxotrophy
ARG9 Arabidopsis thaliana/C. Complementation of Remacle et al. (2009)
reinhardtii, N-acetyl orni- arginine auxotrophy
thine aminotransferase
ATPC C. reinhardtii, ATP Restoration of photosyn- Smart and Selman
synthase subunit thetic competence (1993)
ble Streptoalloteichus Resistance to bleomycin, Stevens et al. (1996),
hindustanus, BLE (BRP) phleomycin and zeo(my) Lumbreras et al. (1998)
protein cin
cat Transposon Tn9, chloram- Resistance to Tang et al. (1995)
phenicol acetyltransferase chloramphenicol
CRY1 C. reinhardtii, ribosomal Resistance to emetine and Nelson et al. (1994)
protein S14 cryptopleurine
gat Synthetic glyphosate Resistance to glyphosate Bruggeman et al.
acetyltransferase (2014), Castle et al.
hpt E. coli, hygromycin Resistance to Butanaev (1994),
phosphotransferase hygromycin B Kumar et al. (2004)
NIC7 C. reinhardtii, quinolinate Complementation of Ferris (1995), Ferris
synthetase A nicotinamide auxotrophy et al. (2002)
NIT1 C. reinhardtii, nitrate Restoration of growth on Fernandez et al.
(NIA1) reductase nitrate (1989), Kindle et al.
NIT2 C. reinhardtii, nitrogen Restoration of growth on Schnell and Lefebvre
metabolism transcription nitrate (1993), Camargo et al.
factor (2007)
Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox Development 39
Table 2 (continued)
Name Organism, annotation Activity References
nptII Transposon Tn5, neomycin Resistance to kanamycin, Hall et al. (1993),
phosphotransferase G418, and paromomycin An et al. (1985),
Barahimipour et al.
OEE1 C. reinhardtii, oxygen- Restoration of Mayfield and Kindle
evolving enhancer protein 1 photosynthetic (1990)
PDS C. reinhardtii, phytoene Resistance to norflurazon Bruggeman et al.
desaturase (2014)
PPX C. reinhardtii, Resistance to oxyfluorfen Bruggeman et al.
(PPO) protoporphyrinogen (2014), Randolph-
oxidase Anderson et al. (1998)
PSY C. reinhardtii, phytoene Restoration of carotenoid- McCarthy et al. (2004)
synthase less phenotype
TETX Enterobacteriaceae Resistance to tetracycline Garcia-Echauri and
bacterium SL1, tetracycline Cardineau (2015)
resistance protein
THI10 C. reinhardtii, Complementation of thia- Ferris (1995), Ferris
hydroxyethylthiazole mine auxotrophy et al. (2002)
Alternative names are indicated in brackets. Table modified from (Mussgnug 2015)
Table 3 List of reporters used for color or light-emission detection in C. reinhardtii nuclear
transformation experiments
Name Organism, annotation Activity References
ARS2 C. reinhardtii, arylsulfatase Color reaction with, Davies et al. (1992), de
e.g., X-Sulf Hostos et al. (1989), Specht
et al. (2014)
xyn1 Trichoderma reesei, Fluorescence from, Rasala et al. (2012)
xylanase 1 e.g., DiFMUX2
BFP, Entacmaea quadricolor Blue, cyan, green, Fuhrmann et al. (1999),
CFP, (blue), Aequorea victoria orange, red, or Franklin et al. (2002),
GFP, (cyan, green, yellow), yellow fluorescence Rasala et al. (2013),
OPF, Discosoma sp. (orange, red) Neupert et al. (2009),
RFP, fluorescent proteins Lauersen et al. (2015)
GLUC Gaussia princeps, luciferase Chemiluminescence Fuhrmann et al. (2004),
RLUC Renilla reniformis, luciferase Shao and Bock (2008),
LUCCP Photinus pyralis, luciferase Ruecker et al. (2008),
LUXCT Vibrio harveyi, luciferase Minko et al. (1999),
Matsuo et al. (2006), May
field and Schultz (2004)
DiFMUX2: 6,8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-xylobioside; X: 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-
indolyl. Table modified from (Mussgnug 2015)
Table 4 Options for subcellular targeting of recombinant protein as described by Rasala et al. 2014 (1) and Lauersen et al. 2015 (2)
Subcellular target Signal peptide Signal peptide
location origin Signal peptide sequence orientation References
Nucleus SV40 large PKKKRKV C-terminal 1, 2
ER retention HDEL C-terminal 1
Peroxisomal PTS1 (Cucurbita IHHPRELSRL C-terminal 2
microbodies sp.)
Peroxisomal PTS1 HIVTKTPSRM C-terminal 2
microbodies (C. reinhardtii)
Peroxisomal PTS1-like peptide SWRRSLI C-terminal 2
ER endoplasmic reticulum
J.H. Mussgnug
Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox Development 41
Rasala et al. 2014). ER targeting was observed with three signal peptides, derived
from the arylsulfatase ARS1 (30 AA), the BIP1 chaperon protein (34 AA), or the
C. reinhardtii carbonic anhydrase CAH1 (21 AA), respectively. C-terminal addition
of an ER retention signal (HDEL) was demonstrated to prevent secretion and retain
the recombinant protein in the ER.
Five of the six enzymes associated with the glyoxylate cycle were recently
shown to reside in peroxisomal microbodies (Lauersen et al. 2016), one of which
being the malate synthase PTS1. C-terminal addition of the respective 10 AA signal
peptides derived from the pumpkin or Chlamydomonas malate synthase, as well as
a 7 AA PTS1-like peptide, resulted in successful targeting into these microstruc-
tures (Table 4).
It should be noted that the establishment of expression vectors facilitating
controlled subcellular protein targeting is an important step in terms of nuclear
tool development, because this will allow implementation of increasingly complex
metabolic pathway engineering projects in C. reinhardtii.
The generation of mutants deficient in specific nuclear gene expression has been
invaluable to study gene functions. In principle, random or targeted mutagenesis
strategies can be applied, and variable mutagens and vector tools have been
established for this purpose.
regions via TAIL-PCR. Sequence data could be determined for 50 mutants; how-
ever, backcrossing of 17 of these mutants revealed that only 50% showed
molecular marker and phenotype cosegregation (Dent et al. 2005), thus demon-
strating that half of the cell lines represented untagged mutants. A related but
larger-scale study was published recently. Here, glass bead transformation was
performed to generate a collection of 49,000 mutants. After prescreening for
photosynthesis-related phenotypes, 459 flanking DNA sequences derived from
439 mutants could be isolated. Interestingly, cosegregation of 17 out of 20 mutants
was reported in this study, corresponding to 85% (Dent et al. 2015).
It is not possible to draw a general conclusion regarding a typical ratio of
cosegregation at this point, because the overall number of cell lines analyzed still
is comparably low, and it is very likely that the ratio can depend on several
experimental parameters. The fact, however, that untagged mutants are found
quite often is a clear indication that an unknown number of background mutation
events can take place during DNA insertional mutagenesis, potentially triggered by
the transformation procedure or by spontaneous events. Since the overall mutation
event number can therefore apparently be significantly higher than the number of
DNA plasmid insertions determined by concomitant DNA gel blot analyses,
assignment of specific gene functions will generally require further experiments,
e.g., functional complementation.
Since small or large deletions often occur at the insertion site (Dent et al. 2015),
insertional mutagenesis is not well suited to generate gain-of-function mutants, and
the presence of foreign DNA classifies the mutants as GMO.
Some key considerations discussed in this paragraph are summarized in Table 5.
The first trials to introduce the CRISPR/Cas9 system for C. reinhardtii were
published by Jiang et al. (2014), and it was shown that the system is functional, but
lack of surviving transformants indicated possible toxicity issues (Jiang et al. 2014).
Work of Greiner (Humboldt University Berlin), however, provided evidence that
expression of a Cas9-YFP fusion protein in C. reinhardtii was possible, and specific
Cas9 nuclease activity was detectable (Greiner 2014). Very recently, Shin et al.
(2016) demonstrated the successful generation of knockout and knock-in mutants
via direct intracellular delivery of commercially manufactured, specific sgRNA/
Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) by electroporation (Shin et al. 2016). As a proof of
concept, the authors independently targeted the loci of MAA7, CpSRP43, and
ChlM, with the idea that knockout of these targets would lead to easily detectable
phenotypes. Indeed, mutants of all three target loci could be isolated; however,
currently unknown events led to curious in-frame indel patterns, or when
co-transformation was performed to enhance RNP delivery, unexpected DNA
vector insertions at the Cas9 cut sites (Shin et al. 2016). In a similar approach,
Baek and colleagues used CRISPR-Cas ribonucleoproteins to generate a two-gene
knockout cell line that constitutively produced the pigment zeaxanthin (Baek et al.
2016). Despite this proof of principle, a versatile CRISPR-Cas-based DNA tool is
not yet available for Chlamydomonas. The range of microalgal species accessible
via CRISPR-Cas-based methods, however, is rapidly expanding and already
includes the oleaginous species Nannochloropsis oceanica (Wang et al. 2016)
and the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Nymark et al. 2016).
An alternative strategy to obtain knockout cell lines for a specific gene is the
generation of large-scale random DNA insertion mutant collections and subsequent
identification of the cell line affected in expression of the gene of interest. This
strategy has been applied with notable success. Gonzales-Ballester and colleagues
(2011) created two large-scale mutant collections with a total of 122,000 cell lines
by insertional mutagenesis of the AphVIII marker gene, conferring resistance to the
antibiotic paromomycin. Systematic DNA superpools from these mutants were
generated, which allowed subsequent PCR-based screenings and identification of
individual cell lines with specifically affected target regions (Gonzalez-Ballester
et al. 2011).
Zhang et al. (2014) introduced a promising new method designated
ChlaMmeSeq (Chlamydomonas MmeI-based insertion site sequencing) and showed
that this method can be applied to simultaneously map thousands of insertion sites
in pooled mutant cell lines. The technique is based on the extraordinary character-
istics of the MmeI restriction enzyme, which can be exploited for the high-
throughput identification of 20–21 bp flanking genomic DNA sequence tags
(Zhang et al. 2014). The procedure recently was applied as part of an advanced
mapping approach in a CC-4533 cell line background. Despite notable difficulties
based on cassette truncations and interfering DNA rearrangements resulting in no or
misleading flanking site identifications, an initial indexed library of 1935 mutants
(representing 1562 genes) could successfully be established (Li et al. 2016). Since
then, the total number of mutants of this library has been increased to 37,000
46 J.H. Mussgnug
(as of April 2016), and access is possible via the website https://www.
It should be noted that generation and maintenance of large-scale
Chlamydomonas mutant collections is still very labor-intensive, and in case the
generation of a knockout cell line within a specific cellular background is aimed for,
de novo setup of such a strategy is not a practical option for many laboratories.
As a conclusion, a major current limitation of Chlamydomonas genetic engi-
neering remains the absence of an efficient and easily adaptable tool to generate a
specific nuclear knockout mutation in a distinct Chlamydomonas cell line.
5.1.1 pGenD
The pGenD vector was introduced by Fischer and Rochaix (2001) as a versatile
nuclear gene expression vector. The expression cassette is based on the intron-free
PsaD gene and comprises 822 bp of the PsaD 50 upstream region, 591 bp coding
region, and 624 bp of the 30 downstream region (Fischer and Rochaix 2001).
Versatility of the vector was reached by introducing the unique NdeI and EcoRI
restriction sites into the expression cassette, allowing fast and easy replacement of
the coding sequence. The same regulatory elements were used for the derived
pJR38/39 expression vectors (Neupert et al. 2009).
This construct was created by Rohr et al. (2004) and can be used for target gene
silencing via RNA interference (RNAi). The expression cassette is controlled by the
Nuclear Transformation and Toolbox Development 47
RBCS2 promoter and the 35S terminator and comprises an inverted repeat derived
from the endogenous MAA7 30 UTR. The inverted repeat region is separated by a
DNA spacer which can easily be replaced by a target sequence via DNA restriction
(EcoRI) and insert ligation. The target insert must comprise an inverted repeat
sequence derived from the target gene and should be separated by a DNA spacer.
The final silencing cassette therefore is constructed to allow the formation of a
double-stranded RNA hairpin-loop structure that triggers co-silencing of the endog-
enous MAA7 and the specific target gene. MAA7 encodes the Chlamydomonas
tryptophan synthase ß subunit, and silencing of this gene confers resistance to
5-fluoroindole, since the enzymatic conversion into the toxic 5-fluorotryptophan
is prevented (Rohr et al. 2004). This allows direct selection for cell lines which
show efficiently co-silenced marker and target genes, even facilitating the identifi-
cation of cell lines with efficiently silenced gene families (Mussgnug et al. 2007).
5.1.4 pChlamiRNA1–3
Molnar et al. (2009) developed a versatile plasmid vector system for miRNA-
mediated gene silencing. The pChlamiRNA vectors are based expression of the
miRNA cre-MIR1157, and the most versatile versions allow easy targeting of
specific genes of interest. The authors provide detailed instructions for vector
customization as supporting information, including target site identification
(Ossowski et al. 2008), amiRNA design and respective DNA oligonucleotide
preparation, and vector assembly (Molnar et al. 2009). This tool was further
modified by Schmollinger et al. (2010) to include the inducible NIT1 promoter,
thus allowing conditional amiRNA expression, a strategy successfully applied
before for an inverted repeat RNAi gene-silencing construct (Schmollinger et al.
2010; Koblenz and Lechtreck 2005).
48 J.H. Mussgnug
The pOpt plasmid toolkit for recombinant protein synthesis was designed in silico and
constructed in a strictly modular fashion (Lauersen et al. 2015). The vector system is
based on two tandem expression cassettes, one destined for the selection marker and the
other for the recombinant protein, which can furthermore be customized by tagging and
modified for subcellular targeting. The inclusion of unique restriction sites for each of
the modules prior to de novo DNA synthesis of the vector and the exchangeable
elements allows highly flexible and simple adaptation of both expression cassettes.
The initial version of the pOpt toolkit comprised two selectable transformation
markers, five reporter tagging, and six subcellular localization options. Because of
the modular design, it can easily be expanded by additional modules.
networks. Conservation of such large cell line collections, however, is still technically
challenging, despite recent progress in developing high-throughput procedures for cell
line propagation and cryopreservation (Li et al. 2016). Furthermore, as long as a
knockout mutant is not available for a desired cell line, the lack of an efficient tool
applicable for generation of targeted nuclear knockout strains or site-specific genome
editing still represents a major drawback.
The utilization of the bacterial CRISPR/Cas system has been a major technological
breakthrough in the field of genetic engineering for many pro- and eukaryotes.
Unfortunately, adaptation of the original method comprising the Cas9 enzyme from
Streptococcus pyogenes (SpCas9) (Jinek et al. 2012) to Chlamydomonas seems to be
rather difficult. Due to the impressively fast progress in this research field, including the
generation of rationally engineered SpCas9 variants (Slaymaker et al. 2016; Kleinstiver
et al. 2016) and identification of alternative nucleases like the Cas9 homologue from
Staphylococcus aureus (SaCas9) (Ran et al. 2015) or the programmable Cpf1 endonu-
cleases from Acidaminococcus sp. BV3L6 and Lachnospiraceae bacterium ND2006
(Zetsche et al. 2015), it seems likely that establishment of such a versatile editing tool
for Chlamydomonas—a major goal for decades—will eventually be achieved in the
near future.
Metabolic pathway engineering of C. reinhardtii, especially when several engineer-
ing steps or multiple cellular compartments are involved, is still very much in its
infancy. The emerging efforts to create modular and more versatile genetic tools,
combined with novel options for TG expression modification, e.g., via riboswitches,
enhancer elements, or 2A peptide sequences, have opened the doors to tackle increas-
ingly sophisticated engineering tasks. In this context, the further development and
community-wide implementation of standardized procedures, from cell cultivation to
cloning methods like, e.g., Golden Gate assembly (Engler et al. 2008, 2014), would be
Given that C. reinhardtii combines several features common to plants, bacteria,
and yeast, the establishment of C. reinhardtii as an industrial biotechnology
platform by implementing synthetic biology and modular DNA device strategies
(Scaife et al. 2015) represents a logical next step to advance fundamental and
applied microalgal research.
Acknowledgments I thank Dr. Lutz Wobbe for critical comments on the manuscript and the
German state North Rhine-Westphalia for funding.
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58 J.H. Mussgnug
Abstract Mitochondrion is the site where the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphor-
ylation (OXPHOS) take place. After a brief overview of Krebs cycle and acetate
metabolism in Chlamydomonas, this chapter focuses on OXPHOS components.
OXPHOS is composed of five major multiprotein complexes: NADH:ubiquinone
oxidoreductase (complex I), succinate dehydrogenase (complex II), ubiquinone:
cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III), cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV),
and ATP synthase. Three complexes (complexes I, III, and IV) pump protons from
the matrix to the intermembrane space (IMS) and build a gradient which is used by
ATP synthase to produce ATP. In Chlamydomonas and other eukaryotes, proteins
forming these complexes have a dual genetic origin. A few proteins, mostly
hydrophobic polypeptides, are mitochondrion-encoded, while the vast majority
are nucleus-encoded and imported from the cytoplasm. Here we will review our
current knowledge about these complexes.
List of Abbreviations
The mitochondrion houses the Krebs cycle in the matrix and OXPHOS in the inner
mitochondrial membrane (Fig. 1). Pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, is
imported inside the mitochondria by crossing both the outer and the inner mitochon-
drial membrane. Similar to most ions and metabolites, pyruvate is hypothesized to
cross the outer membrane through the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC)
based on the fact that humans deficient of VDAC1 show impaired pyruvate oxida-
tion and ATP production (McCommis and Finck 2015). In Chlamydomonas, two
VDAC proteins have been identified in the genome, ASC1 and ASC2, sharing 64%
of sequence identity to each other (Salinas, unpublished). In contrast, specific
pyruvate carriers for the inner mitochondrial membrane have been identified in
yeast, Drosophila, and humans (Bricker et al. 2012). Accordingly, two genes
described as encoding mitochondrial pyruvate carriers are present in version 5.5 of
the Chlamydomonas genome ( Cre02.g113100.t1.1
and Cre10.g433400.t1.1. Once pyruvate enters the matrix, it is converted into acetyl
CoA by the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH, composed of
three subunits encoded by PDC1, PDC2, and PDH1 genes; Fig. 1). Acetyl CoA then
enters the Krebs cycle, consisting of eight mitochondrial enzymes, whose presence
has been confirmed in the mitochondria by proteomic analysis (Atteia et al. 2009).
The following genes encode the components of Chlamydomonas Krebs cycle
(Atteia et al. 2009): (1) Fumarase (FUM, Fig. 1) is encoded by FUM1; (2) malate
dehydrogenase (MDH, Fig. 1) is represented by two isoforms encoded by the MDH3
and MDH4 genes; (3) citrate synthase (CIS, Fig. 1) is represented by one isoform
encoded by CIS1; (4) aconitase (ACH, Fig. 1) is represented by the lone isoform
encoded by ACH1; (5) isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH, Fig. 1) is represented by three
isoforms, two are NAD-dependent and encoded by IDH1 and IDH2, while one
isoform encoded by IDH3 is NADP-dependent; (6) the 2-oxoglutarate dehydroge-
nase complex (OGDH, Fig. 1) is composed of three subunits, encoded by OGD1,
OGD2, and OGD3; (7) succinyl-CoA synthase (SCS, Fig. 1) is composed of two
subunits encoded by SCLA1 and SCLB1 genes; (8) succinate dehydrogenase (com-
plex II/SDH, Fig. 1) will be described in the OXPHOS section.
Exchange of metabolites between cellular compartments involves different
transporters (Fig. 1). Thirteen genes corresponding to mitochondrial substrate
complex III
Cyt c RIP1 C1 2 UQ + 4 H+ complex II / SDH complex I IMS
SDH 3/4
UQ + 2 H+ CAG
SDH1 NUO9 4 H+
complex IV 75 kD 24kD
51 kD
4 H+ + O2 acetate acetate
succinate fumarate NADH NAD+ 2 H2O
2 H2O O2
4 H+ ACS
succinyl-CoA malate UQH2 UQ
ATP synthase NADH
c γ/δ/ε
oxoglutarate oxaloacetate CO2 PDH NAD+
NADH ATP CIS pyruvate
H+ IDH AAT pyruvate
isocitrate citrate malate
ACH aspartate glutamate
CIS oxoglutarate MDH
oxaloacetate citrate isocitrate isocitrate succinate oxaloacetate membrane
malate glyoxylate glyoxylate
MAS Catabolism
acetyl-CoA acetate acetate Anabolism
Fig. 1 General scheme of mitochondrial carbon metabolism in C. reinhardtii. OXPHOS: only bacterial core subunits and Chlamydomonas-specific modules
(green) are represented. Only H+ involved in ΔpH (red) are depicted in complexes I, III, and IV. AAT aspartate aminotransferase, ACH aconitase, ACS acetyl
CoA synthase, CIS citrate synthase, FUM fumarase, GFY putative acetate transporters, ICL isocitrate lyase, IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase, MAS malate
synthase, MDH malate dehydrogenase, MITC14 oxoglutarate/malate carrier, OGDH 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, PDH pyruvate dehydrogenase complex,
SCS succinyl coenzyme A synthetase
62 S. Massoz et al.
2.1 Complex I
Complex I (EC, the first complex of OXPHOS, catalyzes the reaction
45 subunits (in humans), out of which 41 are conserved among eukaryotes (Cardol
2011). Fourteen of these subunits represent the core of the complex as they form the
structure of the most simplistic bacterial complex I (type I NDH) (Efremov et al.
2010; Berrisford et al. 2016) and are conserved in all eukaryotic complex I. Among
these 14 core subunits, the mitochondrially encoded subunits ND1, ND2, ND4,
ND5, ND6, ND3 (NUO3), and ND4L (NUO11) form the membrane arm of the
complex. The nucleus-encoded 75 kDa (NUOS1), 51 kDa (NUO6), 24 kDa
(NUO5), 49 kDa (NUO7), 30 kDa (NUO9), TYKY (NUO8), and PSST (NUO10)
subunits form the matrix part of the complex (bovine and Chlamydomonas nomen-
clature). In addition to these core subunits, around 30 supernumerary subunits are
present in the eukaryotic complex I. Though their role remains unclear, these
subunits are thought to stabilize and protect complex I (Hirst et al. 2003).
In complex I, electrons are channeled from NADH to a ubiquinone molecule
through a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and seven iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters
named N3, N1b, N4, N5, N6a, N6b, and N2. An eighth Fe-S cluster is located
near the FMN, named N1a, and thought to serve as an electron store meant to avoid
an excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production (Zickermann et al. 2015).
These Fe-S clusters are mostly reduced under physiological conditions (Kotlyar
et al. 1990). The FMN with a midpoint redox potential at pH 7 of ~ 340 mV serves
as the first electron acceptor from NADH; the N3, N1b, N4, N5, N6a, and N6b are
equipotential at 250 mV and serve as a path for electron transport (Ohnishi
1998; Brandt 2011). The high-potential N2 cluster (120 mV) serves as final
electron acceptor and catalyzes electron transfer to the ubiquinone molecule.
The prokaryotic core complex I is divided into modules based on function and
position within the complex (Fig. 2). The N module, located at the most distal part
of the matrix arm, is related to NAD+-reducing hydrogenases (Friedrich and Weiss
1997). It is responsible for NADH oxidation and is composed of the 75 kDa,
51 kDa, and 24 kDa subunits. The 51 kDa subunit bears the FMN and the N1b
Fe-S cluster. The 24 kDa bears the N1a Fe-S cluster. The large 75 kDa bears the N3,
N4, and N5 Fe-S clusters.
The Q module, or quinone reduction module, is composed of the 49 kDa,
30 kDa, TYKY, and PSST subunits. This module allows electron transfer to the
ubiquinone through the N6a and N6b Fe-S clusters located on the TYKY subunit
and through N2 reaction center cluster. The 49 kDa, TYKY, and PSST subunits are
thought to be derived from a Ni-Fe-type hydrogenase (Friedrich and Weiss 1997;
Vignais and Billoud 2007) where the proximal Fe-S cluster from the Ni-Fe reaction
center became the current N2 cluster (Kerscher et al. 2001). It is interesting to note
that the N2 cluster, long thought to be harbored by the 49 kDa and PSST subunits,
has been shown to be only linked to the PSST subunit (Sazanov and Hinchliffe
2006) with the 49 kDa subunit being at the interface of this cluster. Despite the fact
that the 49 kDa and 30 kDa proteins are the only core subunits of the matrix arm that
do not provide ligands for cofactors, Chlamydomonas cells inactivated for their
expression fail to assemble whole complex I as also observed in all species
(Neurospora and E. coli) investigated so far (Schulte and Weiss 1995; Duarte
et al. 1998; Massoz et al. 2014).
64 S. Massoz et al.
The P module, often divided into the proximal (Pp) and distal region (Pd), is
composed of the remaining membrane subunits. The ND1, ND2, ND3, ND4L, and
ND6 subunits compose the Pp module (Fig. 1). The Pd module is composed of the ND4
and ND5 subunits. ND2, ND4, and ND5 are homologous to the E. coli cation/H+
antiporter MrpA/MrpD (Mathiesen and Hägerhäll 2002). These three subunits are
responsible for three out of four proton-pumping sites in complex I. The fourth site is
thought to be a channel located in the small ND subunits (ND3, ND4L, and ND6) with
maybe part of the ND1 subunit (Zickermann et al. 2015; Berrisford et al. 2016).
The current proton-pumping mechanism model for complex I is supported by
crystal structures in the bacterium Thermus thermophilus [reviewed in Sazanov
(2015)], the fungus Yarrowia lipolytica (Zickermann et al. 2015), and mammals
(Vinothkumar et al. 2014). The proton-pumping channels through the membrane
domain are distant from the redox-active groups mediating electron transfer through
the hydrophilic domain (Efremov and Sazanov 2011). As a consequence, the proton-
coupled electron transfer in complex I is expected to differ mechanistically from that
in other respiratory complexes. The current model for proton pumping is based on a
two-stage stabilization-change mechanism. This model proposes that the stabiliza-
tion of a negatively charged ubiquinone drives a conformational change causing
energy transmission to the membrane arm and resulting in proton pumping (Brandt
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Pathways in Chlamydomonas 65
assembly factors. Recombinant assembly factor Ind1 from humans (huInd1) (also
called NUBPL, Table 1) expressed in E. coli has been shown to bind Fe-S clusters
in vitro, and depletion of huInd1 was shown to be responsible for decreased complex
I assembly (Sheftel et al. 2009). These results point toward a role of huInd1 in Fe-S
cluster insertions. The apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) also plays a role in complex I
assembly since cells depleted for this factor display decreased complex I activity
(Mimaki et al. 2012), though the exact role of this assembly factor remains unknown.
Whether plant complex I assembly follows the same pathway as in humans or not
is difficult to say. On the one hand, on the 14 assembly factors described in humans,
11 have putative homologs in Arabidopsis (Table 1), suggesting that similar patterns
of assembly could be found. On the other hand, as plant complex I contains an
additional gamma carbonic anhydrase module attached to the Pp module
(Sunderhaus et al. 2006; Klodmann et al. 2010; Fromm et al. 2016), this suggests
that the assembly should follow a different assembly pattern than that found in
humans at least for the attachment of these subunits to complex I. Indeed, the
carbonic anhydrase subunits of the module seem to be crucial for the beginning of
assembly of complex I in A. thaliana (Fromm et al. 2016). At that stage, our
knowledge is extremely limited since only two assembly factors have been demon-
strated to participate in complex I assembly in plants: IND1 (homolog of huInd1)
and L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GLDH). The role of IND1 in complex I
assembly of A. thaliana is more complex than in humans as the factor has been
suggested to participate to both complex I assembly and mitochondrial translation
(Wydro et al. 2013). GLDH catalyzing the last step of ascorbate biosynthesis is
found in 400–850 kDa subcomplexes in A. thaliana and has been shown to be
necessary for the assembly of the membrane arm of the complex (Schimmeyer
et al. 2016). GLDH thus represents the first plant-specific assembly factor since
GLDH is not conserved in humans (Schimmeyer et al. 2016).
In C. reinhardtii, gamma carbonic anhydrase subunits are found by proteomic
analysis of complex I (Cardol et al. 2004). These subunits should also form a domain
like in Arabidopsis, as a gamma carbonic domain similar to that of Arabidopsis has
been found in Polytomella (Sunderhaus et al. 2006), a very close relative of
Chlamydomonas. This suggests that insertion of these subunits in the complex
should follow similar pattern to that proposed in plants. Ten out of the fourteen
assembly factors found in humans have putative homologs (Table 1), and the plant-
specific factor (GLDH) has also a homolog in C. reinhardtii (Table 1), but no
functional analysis has never been undertaken on these putative factors. Neverthe-
less, subcomplexes observed in mutants obtained in the core subunits allow us to
suggest a pattern for complex I assembly. Indeed, in nd5 or nd4 mutants and in a
mutant affected in the nucleus-encoded NUOB10 subunit (PDSW), a 700 kDa
subcomplex assembles and contains all modules except the Pd module, as proteomic
analysis suggested (Cardol et al. 2002, 2008; Barbieri et al. 2011). A 200 kDa soluble
subcomplex, bearing NADH dehydrogenase activity, is observed in wild-type, nd4
and nd5 mutants and is the only module detected in nd1, nd6, nd3, and nd4L mutants
(Cardol et al. 2002, 2006). It has been shown to contain at least the NUOS1 (75 kDa)
subunit (N module) and the NUO7 (ND7) subunit (Q module) (Cardol et al. 2002)
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Pathways in Chlamydomonas 67
Table 1 Gene name of subunits and assembly factors of the mitochondrial OXPHOS chain
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
Complex I
Core subunits
NDUFS7 nuo19.3 j PSST NUO10 (PSST) a,f
NDUFS8 nuo21.3c j TYKY NUO8 (TYKY) a,f
NDUFV2 nuo24 j 24 kDa NUO5 (24 kDa) a,f
NDUFS1 nuo78 j 75 kDa NUOS1 (75 kDa) a,f
NDUFV1 Nuo51 j 51 kDa NUO6 (51 kDa) a,f
NDUFS2 nuo49 j Nad7 NUO7 (ND7) a,f
NDUFS3 nuo30.4 j Nad9 NUO9 (ND9) a,f
ND1 ndh-1 j Nad1 nd1 a,f
ND2 ndh-2 j Nad2 nd2 a,f
ND3 ndh-3 j Nad3 NUO3 (ND3) a,f
ND4 ndh-4 j Nad4 nd4 a,f
ND4L Mt-nd4l j Nad4L NUO11 (ND4L) a,f
ND5 ndh-5 j Nad5 nd5 a,f
ND6 ndh-6 j Nad6 nd6 a,f
Supernumerary subunits
NDUFA1 nuo9.8 j MWFE NUOA1 a,f
NDUFA2 nuo10.5 j B8 NUOB8 a,f
NDUFB3 nuo10.6 j B12 NUOB12 a,f
NDUFA5 nuo29.9 j B13 NUOB13 a,f
NDUFS6 nuo18.4 j 13 kDa NUOS6 a,f
NDUFA6 nuo14.8 j B14 NUOB14 a,f
NDUFA11 nuo21.3b j B14.7 TIM17 a,f
NDUFB11 nuo11.7 j NDU12 NUO17 a,f
NDUFS5 nuo11.5 j 15 kDa NUOS5 a,f
NDUFB4 nuo6.6 j NDU8 NUOB4 a,f
NDUFA12 nuo13.4 j DAP13 / B17.2 NUO13 a,f
NDUFA13 nuo14 j B16.6 NUOB16 a,f
NDUFB7 NCU11348 j B18 NUOB18 a,f
NDUFS4 nuo21 j 18 kDa NUOS4 a,f
NDUFA8 nuo20.8 j PGIV NUOA8 a,f
NDUFB9 NCU11258 j B22 NUOB22 a,f
NDUFB10 Nuo12.3 j PDSW NUOB10 a,f
NDUFA9 Nuo40 j 39 kDa NUOA9 a,f
NDUFB8 Nuo20.1 j ASHI TEF29 a,f
NDUFB2 NCU01436 j AGGG _ a,f
NDUFB1 Nuo20.9 j 20.9 kDa NUO21 a,f
NDUFC2 Nuo10.4 j NDU9 NUOP1 a,f
NDUFC1 NCU08300 j NDU10 Cre17.g725400 a,f
68 S. Massoz et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
NDUFA3 nuo9.5 j B9 Cre12.g537050 a,f
NDUFA7 NCU08930 j B14.5a Cre12.g484700 a,f
NDUFA4 NCU02016 j At3g29970 _ a,f
NDUFB5 nuo17.8 j SGDH _ a,f
_ _ CA1 CAG1,CAG2, a,f
_ _ CA2
_ _ CA3
_ _ CAL1
_ _ CAL2
_ _ P1 _ a,f
_ _ P2 _ a,f
_ _ _ NUOP4 a,f
_ _ _ NUOP5 a,f
_ _ At3g07480 NUOP3 a,f
Candidate plant- _
specific subunits
_ _ At1g68680 _ a,f
_ _ P3 _ a,f
_ _ TIM23–2 TIM23 a,f
_ _ At2g28430 _ a,f
_ _ DUF543 _ a,f
Assembly factors
NDUFAF1 CIA30 j At1g17350 NUOAF1 a,f
_ CIA84 j _ _ a
Foxred1 _ At2g24580 Cre16.g671450 a,f
NDUFAF2 NCU00278 j At4g26965 _ a,f
NDUFAF3 _ At3g60150 Cre12.g496800 a,f
NDUFAF4 _ _ _ f
NDUFAF5 _ At1g22800 Cre13.g584750 f
NDUFAF6 NCU09517 j At1g62730 Cre03.g194300 f
NDUFAF7 _ At3g28700 Cre02.g096400 f
TIMMDC1 _ At1g20350 Cre10.g452650 f
TMEM126B _ _ _ f
Ecsit _ _ _ f
_ _ GLDH GLDH f,g
ACAD9 NCU06543 j IVD Cre06.g296400 f
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Pathways in Chlamydomonas 69
Table 1 (continued)
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
Complex II
_ _ SDH5 _ a
_ _ SDH6 _ a
Assembly factors
SDHAF1 SDH6 At2g39725 LYR1 a,b
SDHAF2 SDH5 SDHAF2 Cre12.g550750 a,b
SDHAF3 SDH7 _ _ b
SDHAF4 SDH8 _ _ b
_ FLX1 _ Cre04.g217913 a
_ TCM62 _ _ a
Complex III
UQCRC2 QCR2 At3g16480, MPPA2 a
_ _ _ MPPA1 a
MT-CYB COB AtMg00220 cob a
CYC1 CYT1 At3g27240, CYC1 a
UQCRCFS1 ISP At5g13440, RIP1 a
UQCRQ QCR7 At4g32470, QCR7 a
UQCRB QCR8 At3g10860, QCR8 a
UQCRH QCR6 At2g01090, QCR6 a
UQCR10 QCR9 At3g52730 QCR9 a
UQCR10 QCR10 At2g40765 QCR10 a
UQCRFS1 _ _ _ a
Assembly factors
BCS1 BCS1 At5g17760 BCS1 a
ABC1 COQ8 At4g01660 COQ8 a
_ BCA1 _ _ a
UQCC1 CBP3 At5g51220 Cre01.g052050 a
UQCC3 CBP4 _ _ a,d
UQCC2 CBP6 _ _ a,c
TTC19 _ _ _ a
_ CYC2 _ _ a
70 S. Massoz et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
LYRM7 MZM1 _ Cre07.g332150 a
Cytochrome c
CYC CYC1 At1g22840, CYC a
Assembly factors
System III System III System I System III a
_ CYC2 _ a
_ CYC3 _ HCS2 a
_ _ _ HCS3 a
_ _ AtMg00830 _ a
_ _ AtMg00900 _ a
_ _ AtMg00960 _ a
_ _ AtMg00110 _ a
_ _ AtMg00180 _ a
_ _ At1g15220, _ a
Complex IV
MT-CO1 COX1 COX1 cox1 a
_ _ _ COX2b a
COX5b COX4 _ COX4/5b a
COX4I-1 COX5a _ _ a
COX4I-2 COX5b COX5B-1, COX5B- _ a
_ _ At3g62400, COX5C a
At2g47380, COX5C
COX5a COX6 _ _ a
COX7a COX7 _ _ a
COX7c COX8 _ _ a
COX6c COX9 _ _ a
COXVIIb _ _ _ a
COX8 _ _ _ a
COX6b COX12 COX6B-1, COX6B- COX12 a
_ _ _ COX90 a
Assembly factors
Membrane insertion and processing of complex IV subunits
COX20 COX20 _ _ a
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Pathways in Chlamydomonas 71
Table 1 (continued)
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
COX18 COX18 _ COX18 a
_ MSS2 _ _ a
_ MSS51 _ _ a
_ PNT1 _ _ a
_ IMP1 _ IMP1 a
IMMP2L IMP2 At3g08980 IMP2 a
_ SOM1 _ _ a
Copper metabolism and insertion into a
complex IV
COX17 COX17 COX17–2 COX17 a
COX11 COX11 COX11 COX11 a
COX19 COX19 COX19–1 COX19 a
COX23 COX23 At1g02160 COX23 a
PET191 PET191 At1g10865 PET191 a
CMC1/CMC2 CMC1/CMC2 At2g07681, ccmC _ a
Heme A a
COX10 COX10 COX10 COX10 a
COX15 COX15 COX15 COX15 a
Assembly a
_ PET100 At4g14615, _ a
_ COX14 _ _ a
_ COA1/2/3 _ _ a
_ COX25 _ _ a
_ CMC3 _ _ a
_ COA4 _ _ a
CCDC90A FMP32 _ _ e
Unknown function a
COX16 COX16 At4g14145 COX16 a
CSRP2BP PET117 _ _ a
ATP synthase
Fo subcomplex
_ _ ATP6–2 _ a
ATP5F1 ATPB AtMg00640 _ a
ATP5G3 ATPC AtMg01080, ATP9A a
72 S. Massoz et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
_ _ _ ATP9B a
ATP5H ATPD At3g52300 _ a
ATP5I ATPE At5g15320 _ a
ATP5J2 ATPF At4g30010 _ a
ATP5L ATPG At2g19680 _ a
ATP5J ATPH _ _ a
ATP8 ATP8 AtMg00480 a
ATP5O ATP5 At5g13450 ATP5 a
ATPI INH1, STF1 At5g04750 _ a
_ STF2 _ _ a
_ ATPJ/I _ _ a
F1 subcomplex
ATP5A1 α AtMg01190, ATP1(α) a
ATP5B β At5g08670, ATP2 (β) a
At5g08690 a
ATP5C1 γ At2g33040 ATP3 (γ) a
ATP5D δ At5g47030 ATP16 (δ) a
ATP5E ε At1g51650 ATP15 (ε) a
_ ATPK _ _ a
_ _ At2g21870 _ a
_ _ _ ASA1 a
_ _ _ ASA2 a
_ _ _ ASA3 a
_ _ _ ASA4 a
_ _ _ ASA5 a
_ _ _ ASA6 a
_ _ _ ASA7 a
_ _ _ ASA8 a
_ _ _ ASA9 a
Assembly factors
Fo subcomplex
_ ATP10 AAF18252 _ a
ATP23 ATP23 _ _ a
_ ATP25 At3g03420.1 Cre17.g697934 a
_ ATP22 _ _ i
F1 subcomplex
ATPAF1 ATP11 At2g34050 ATP11 a
ATPAF2 ATP12 At5g40660 ATP12 a
_ FMC1 _ FMC1 a
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Pathways in Chlamydomonas 73
Table 1 (continued)
Saccharomyces Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas
Homo sapiens cerevisiae thaliana reinhardtii Reference
_ HSP90 _ HSP90 h
Alternative oxidase
_ AOX- AOX1a,AOX1b, AOX1 a
AAC37481 j AOX1c,AOX1d,
Type-II NAD(P)H dehydrogenase family
_ NDAe1, NDA1, NDA2 NDA1, NDA5 a
NDAe2, NDAi1
Adapted from (a) Salinas et al. (2014), (b) Van Vranken et al. (2015), (c) Tucker et al. (2013),
(d) Brand et al. (2014), (e) Paupe et al. (2015), (f) Subrahmanian et al. (2016), (g) Klodmann and
Braun (2011), (h) Francis and Thorsness (2011), (i) Helfenbein et al. (2003)
Data retrieved from N. crassa
Data retrieved from Y. lipolytica
Gene names of complex I subunits of A. thaliana follow bovine nomenclature for the core and
supernumerary subunits. P1, P2, At3g07480 and gamma carbonic anhydrase (CA1, CA2, CA3,
CAL1, CAL2) do not have bovine counterparts but are not plant-specific either
2.2 Complex II
until dimerization occurs. Its role has been speculated to protect FAD and to
maintain Sdh1 in an assembly-competent state (Van Vranken et al. 2015).
Regarding Sdh2 maturation, incorporation of the Fe-S clusters is needed prior to
dimerization. This step involves at least two assembly factors named Sdh6 and
Sdh7. Despite the fact that both proteins possess a LYR motif, recently identified as
interacting with Fe-S centers in mammals (Rouault 2015), no direct evidence
currently points at those proteins as actually playing a role in Fe-S cluster transfer
into the Sdh2 subunits. These two assembly factors are thought to protect the Sdh2
subunits and the Sdh1/Sdh2 dimers before assembly with Sdh3 and Sdh4 (Un et al.
2014). Little is known about the Sdh3 and Sdh4 subunits assembly process, beside
the fact that Sdh1 and Sdh2 seem to be needed for Sdh3 and Sdh4 to assemble. At
last, a protein named Tcm62 has been shown to play a role in complex II assembly.
A mutant isolated in yeast was shown to be depleted in complex II activity (Dibrov
et al. 1999). The exact role of Tcm62 is still under discussion, but it has been
suggested to support protein folding, most likely primarily Sdh2 (Rutter et al. 2010;
Dibrov et al. 1999).
In C. reinhardtii three out of these six assembly factors have been predicted
based on genome analysis (Table 1), but little is known about eventual similar-
ities or differences in the assembly steps. To our knowledge, no complex II
mutants have been characterized so far, but a mutant potentially affected of
Sdh3 has been identified in the indexed mutant library recently produced
(Li et al. 2016). It is interesting to note that even though C. reinhardtii is part
of the green lineage, its complex II doesn’t share the complexity of complex II in
land plants which is composed of eight subunits (Salinas et al. 2014).
Complex III (EC, the third complex of the OXPHOS chain and the second
proton-pumping complex, catalyzes the following reaction:
2.4 Complex IV
The Cox1, Cox2, and Cox3 subunits are the core subunits of complex IV. The
Cox1 subunit bears heme a, heme a3, and the CuB center. The Cox2 subunit carries
the CuA center, while the Cox3 subunit does not bear any prosthetic groups. In most
organisms, Cox1, Cox2, and Cox3 are encoded in the mitochondrial genome as they
80 S. Massoz et al.
other before being assembled together. This process is reviewed in Soto et al. (2012).
The Cox1 subunit is the first to be inserted in the membrane, a process which requires
at least the conserved Oxa1 protein. Cox2 is then inserted and processed in the
membrane, thanks to at least Oxa1 in addition to the Cox20 and Cox18 assembly
factors. The two proteins will then be attached to each other. The Cox3 subunit will
then be assembled and attached to the Cox1 and Cox2 subcomplex. Unlike the Cox
assembly process, the heme insertion and maturation assembly seem much more
conserved between yeast and Chlamydomonas. The current knowledge is reviewed
in Barrientos et al. (2009) and Soto et al. (2012). The copper cofactor maturation
pathway involved the Cox17, Cox19, and Cox23 assembly factors; these three
soluble proteins possess copper-binding motifs and are thought to be part of a copper
distribution pathway. The Cox17 assembly factor would also transfer copper to Sco1
and Cox11, two membrane chaperones proposed to facilitate copper insertion into
the Cox1 and Cox2 subunits. Cox17 mutants have been produced in
Chlamydomonas (Remacle et al. 2010). In cox17 mutants, total amount of complex
IV was found unchanged, but complex IV activity was decreased, an observation
that was explained by a diminished copper availability. Inside complex IV, hemes
a are present. These hemes are derived from heme b transformed into heme O and
then finally into heme a. The conversion from heme b to heme O is processed by at
least Cox10, while the conversion from heme O to heme a is processed through two
discrete monooxygenase steps. The first step is catalyzed by at least Cox15, Mfdx
(Yah1 in yeast) (Barros et al. 2001), and Arh1 (Soto et al. 2012). No enzyme has been
yet identified as candidate for the subsequent oxidation step (Soto et al. 2012).
Interestingly, a C. reinhardtii mutant (called w17) was recently identified in a
hydroxylase/monooxygenase with a partial dark growth defect phenotype (Massoz
et al. 2015). It was later shown that this mutant possessed a 30% reduced complex IV
activity (Massoz, unpublished data), though a clear relationship between the
depleted gene and the actual phenotype remains to be demonstrated.
In C. reinhardtii, ten subunits have been confirmed to compose complex IV, and
eight potential subunits homologous to those found in other eukaryotes were found
in the genome (Cardol et al. 2005; van Lis et al. 2003) including the subunit COX90
specific to Chlamydomonas (Lown et al. 2001). COX2 and COX3 are encoded in
the nucleus in C. reinhardtii (Perez-Martinez et al. 2001, 2002). In addition, the
COX2 gene is split into COX2a and COX2b genes, a characteristic shared by all
chlorophycean algae (Rodriguez-Salinas et al. 2012). Both COX3 and COX2a/b
have gained attributes from nuclear genomes, proper codon usage and introns, and
an overall decreased hydrophobicity in the corresponding gene products compared
to their mitochondria-encoded counterparts (Perez-Martinez et al. 2001).
Complex IV nuclear mutant (cox3 mutant) or mitochondrial mutant (cox1
mutant) in C. reinhardtii shows no complex IV activity or assembly altogether
(Colin et al. 1995; Remacle et al. 2010) and, like complex III mutants, lack the
whole cytochrome pathway of respiration.
82 S. Massoz et al.
3 Alternative Pathways
over-reduction of the ubiquinone pool and thus acting as against ROS accumulation
(Milani et al. 2001) and allowing a better functioning for complex III, since
ubiquinone is required in the Q cycle. Second, the AOX pathway, serving as a
modular exit point for electrons, would allow a more constant reoxidation of
NADH, which is used as electron acceptor upstream of the OXPHOS. Such
functions are reflected in Chlamydomonas AOX-RNAi cell lines (Mathy et al.
2010), where ROS production is increased up to fivefold and the ROS scavenging
enzymes are overexpressed. The mutant cell lines also exhibit heavy metabolic
changes (Mathy et al. 2010) with an overall decrease in the catabolic pathways such
as glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and glyoxylate cycle and a shift toward anabolic
pathways. These metabolic changes lead to increased cell size and biomass without
any impact on growth rate. In complex III mutants or WT strain exposed to H2O2,
AOX1 transcripts exhibit increased expression (Dinant et al. 2001) correlated to an
increased amount of proteins (Molen et al. 2006).
AOX has also been shown to be induced in Chlamydomonas by a variety of
stresses including cold, ROS exposure, change in the source of nitrogen source
(Molen et al. 2006), or heat (Zalutskaya et al. 2015). All these external conditions
are likely to activate several specific transcription factors, since a reporter gene built
with a 1073 bp fragment of the AOX1 promoter would not respond to all stresses
(Molen et al. 2006). Posttranscriptional regulations are also involved since the
complex III inhibitor antimycin A leads to an increase at the transcript level but
not at the protein level (Molen et al. 2006).
Alternative NADH dehydrogenase transfers electrons from NADH to the ubi-
quinone pool. Among the six type-II NADH dehydrogenases identified in
Chlamydomonas (Cardol et al. 2005), the 53 kDa NDA1 has been shown to be
localized at the inner side of the mitochondrial membrane (Lecler et al. 2012)
(Fig. 1), while NDA2 and NDA3 were found to be located in the chloroplast (Jans
et al. 2008; Terashima et al. 2010). The loss of NDA1 was correlated to a slight
decrease of NADH dehydrogenase activity, but no impact on heterotrophic growth
was observed. However, when coupled to a complex I mutation, severe respiratory
and growth defects could be observed, underlining the importance of the enzyme in
NADH oxidation in the absence of complex I (Lecler et al. 2012).
Acknowledgments Simon Massoz is a recipient of PhD FRIA fellowship (Fond pour la formation a
la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture). Pierre Cardol is a research associate from F.R.S.-
FNRS (Fond de la Recherche Scientifique). Technical support from Q.B.P. Miriam Vázquez-Acevedo
and financial support from grants 245486 from CONACyT-F.R.S.-FNRS (Mexico-Belgium) and
from grants 239219 (CONACyT, Mexico), IN203311-3 (DGAPA-UNAM, Mexico) and MIS
F.4520, FRFC 2.4597, CDR J.0032 and CDR J.0265.17 (Belgian F.R.S.-FNRS) are also gratefully
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Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast:
Photosynthetic Electron Transfer
Authors Philipp Gäbelein and Laura Mosebach contributed equally to the work.
1 LEF Operation
Being functionally interposed between PSII and PSI in LEF, the homodimeric Cyt
b6f complex pursues the photosynthetic electron transport chain at the level of the
PQ pool via successive PQH2 oxidation at the Qo site, involving the release of
100 P. Gäbelein et al.
protons into the thylakoid lumen. Subsequently, electrons follow two bifurcating
routes: either they pass through the high potential chain starting from the [2Fe-2S]
centre of the Rieske subunit via heme c at Cyt f to finally reduce PC or they return to
the PQ pool joining a modified Q-cycle via the Cyt b6 low potential chain from
heme bl over heme bh to the Qi site, where successive PQ reduction occurs,
including the uptake of protons from the thylakoid stroma. In addition, a heme ci
on the stromal face near the Qi site has been described, although its function is
elusive so far (Kurisu et al. 2003; Stroebel et al. 2003; Baniulis et al. 2008).
2 LEF Regulation
In contrast to qT, the capacity to dissipate excitation energy as heat is not always
present in C. reinhardtii [opposed to the situation in vascular plants, where
qE-dependent NPQ is constitutive (Rochaix 2014; Wobbe et al. 2015)], but largely
depends on the availability of LHCSR3 (Peers et al. 2009). LHCSR3 expression is
induced in response to environmental conditions promoting photooxidative stress,
i.e. high light, being sensed by a blue light photoreceptor (Petroutsos et al. 2016).
In addition, LHCSR3 expression is induced in response to low CO2 availability,
requires functional photosynthetic electron transfer and is regulated via Ca2+ and
the Ca2+ sensor CAS (Petroutsos et al. 2011; Maruyama et al. 2014; Wang et al.
2016). Binding of LHCSR3 to the PSII-LHCII supercomplex is facilitated by the
PSII subunit R (PSBR) (Xue et al. 2014). The resulting PSII-LHCII-LHCSR3
supercomplex is proposed to exist in two distinct states: the light-harvesting state
and the photoprotective state. A transition from the high fluorescent to the energy
dissipative state is triggered by the protonation of LHCSR3 (Liguori et al. 2013;
Tokutsu and Minagawa 2013; Ballottari et al. 2016). Until lately, it had been
established that the luminal pH sensor PSII subunit S (PsbS), being essential for
qE-dependent NPQ induction in land plants (Li et al. 2000, 2004; Fan et al. 2015),
played no role in C. reinhardtii, as the PsbS gene product was not detected under a
wide range of growth conditions (Bonente et al. 2008). Recent studies however
revisited the biological function of PsbS in C. reinhardtii, reporting a rapid but
transient accumulation of PsbS in response to high-light stress (Correa-Galvis et al.
2016; Tibiletti et al. 2016). Importantly, a knockdown of PsbS resulted in dimin-
ished NPQ capacity and LHCSR3 accumulation, implicating that LHCSR3-
dependent NPQ in C. reinhardtii partially depends on the presence of PsbS
(Correa-Galvis et al. 2016). Intriguingly, PsbS expression is induced in response
to UV-B light via the photoreceptor UVR8 and acclimation to UV-B light primes
C. reinhardtii for photoprotection during subsequent high-light stress (Allorent
et al. 2016).
The induction of qE-dependent NPQ is tightly coupled to the osmotic compo-
nent of the pmf (ΔpH) and hence creates a regulatory feedback loop between
electron transfer and light harvesting: Once the excitation flux exceeds the capacity
of downstream metabolic reactions, the arising acidification of the thylakoid lumen
initiates a downregulation of PSII photochemistry, thereby alleviating the reducing
pressure exerted on downstream components of the photosynthetic electron trans-
port chain (Kramer et al. 2004a). State transitions and qE-dependent NPQ play
complementary roles in the acclimation to high-light stress in C. reinhardtii
(Allorent et al. 2013).
Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast: Photosynthetic Electron Transfer 103
3 CEF Operation
with the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane and likely positively charged
under physiological conditions (Munekage et al. 2002). PGRL1 exhibits two
transmembrane domains and features a negatively charged N-terminal loop,
which presumably interacts with the positively charged regions of PGR5, resulting
in heterodimerization. Furthermore, PGRL1 forms homodimers being destabilized
in the presence of TRX. Accumulation of PGR5 requires the presence of PGRL1,
whereas PGR5 promotes PGRL1 stability. (DalCorso et al. 2008). Furthermore,
PGRL1 performs iron-dependent redox-induced conformational changes and fea-
tures six redox-active cysteine residues, which mediate diverse intra- and
intermolecular interactions via thiol-disulphide transitions (Petroutsos et al. 2009;
Hertle et al. 2013). Four of these cysteines form a rubredoxin-fold, which may
facilitate the binding of an iron-containing cofactor (Petroutsos et al. 2009). The
four cysteines potentially involved in the binding of this cofactor are also required
for heterodimerization (Hertle et al. 2013). Copurification implicates the PGRL1-
PGR5 complex associates with PSI. Moreover, split-ubiquitin and yeast two-hybrid
assays revealed that PGRL1 interacts with FDX and FNR, whereas both PGRL1
and PGR5 interact with the Cyt b6f complex, as confirmed by
co-immunoprecipitation assays (DalCorso et al. 2008; Hertle et al. 2013). In
addition, BiFC studies demonstrated PGRL1 interacts with ANR1 and CAS
(Terashima et al. 2012). Leister and his group demonstrated in vitro that PGRL1
exhibits the required features of an FQR: PGRL1 accepts electrons from FDX in a
PGR5-dependent way and donates electrons to PQ. The redox-dependent interac-
tion of PGRL1 with PGR5 may induce a conformational change enabling electron
transfer from FDX to PGRL1 (Hertle et al. 2013). However, in C. reinhardtii
mechanistic evidence is lacking that PGRL1 in fact acts as FQR in vivo. While
on the molecular level, the function of PGRL1 and PGR5 is elusive, the phenotype
of PGRL1/PGR5 knockout mutants has been studied in detail.
The photosynthetic phenotype of C. reinhardtii PGR5 and/or PGRL1 knockout
mutants strongly resembles the one described for A. thaliana (Munekage et al.
2002, 2004; Nandha et al. 2007; DalCorso et al. 2008; Suorsa et al. 2012): Both
pgrl1 and pgr5 fail to induce qE-dependent NPQ in response to high light (Tolleter
et al. 2011; Johnson et al. 2014) and FQR-dependent CEF in anoxia, where both the
stroma and the PQ pool tend to be reduced (Tolleter et al. 2011; Alric 2014; Johnson
et al. 2014; Godaux et al. 2015). Likewise, both mutants feature diminished electron
transfer rates (Petroutsos et al. 2009; Dang et al. 2014; Johnson et al. 2014) and are
extremely susceptible to PSI photodamage in response to high light (Johnson et al.
2014; Kukuczka et al. 2014). Both the deficient induction of qE-dependent NPQ
and the enhanced PSI photoinhibition related to impaired photosynthetic control
likely arise from insufficient acidification of the thylakoid lumen, i.e. perturbation
of the regulatory feedback loop linking metabolic capacity and excitation flux. This
lost capability to fine-tune the transmembrane proton gradient may arise from
reduced proton influx and/or enhanced proton efflux. In fact, in vivo ECS absorp-
tion spectroscopy indicated, in response to high light, the pmf in A. thaliana pgr5 is
diminished due to an increased gH+ of the ATPase (Avenson et al. 2005; Wang et al.
2015). Such alterations of the ATPase conductivity imply a potential direct
Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast: Photosynthetic Electron Transfer 107
4 CEF Regulation
Emerging concepts for the regulation of CEF, in particular in relation to LEF, range
from a dynamic competition between electron flow pathways to a structural and
thermodynamic segregation (Eberhard et al. 2008). In a freely diffusing system,
reaction kinetics have to be considered. While the rate-limiting step of LEF is the
oxidation of PQH2 at the Qo site of the Cyt b6f complex, the reduction of PQ has
been considered as the rate-limiting step of CEF, since LEF and CEF compete at
this point (Alric 2010). Furthermore, the stromal redox poise and in particular the
redox state of the NADP+/NADPH pool have been proposed to modulate CEF
operation relative to LEF activity (Hald et al. 2008; Alric et al. 2010; Johnson
2011). In addition, FNR and reduced FDX may play an essential role in electron
flow partitioning (Breyton et al. 2006; Goss and Hanke 2014). As LEF and CEF
coincide at various points but compete at others, a varying extent of spatial
separation has been predicted. In vascular plants, which feature extensive lateral
heterogeneity, restricted diffusion of PQ in compartmentalized pools may confine
CEF to unstacked areas, whereas LEF might predominate in stacked regions
(Kirchhoff 2014). Since in C. reinhardtii, lateral heterogeneity is not as pronounced
as in vascular plants, further concepts suggesting the formation of multiprotein
complexes directing electrons towards distinct routes might be more relevant in this
context. According to the FNR model, the association of FNR with PSI (or soluble
FNR in the thylakoid stroma) might promote LEF, whereas following the associ-
ation of FNR with the Cyt b6f complex, CEF may operate preferentially (Joliot and
Joliot 2006; Johnson 2011; Goss and Hanke 2014). A potential CEF supercomplex
has been isolated from C. reinhardtii upon sucrose density gradient centrifugation
of solubilized thylakoids (Iwai et al. 2010a; Terashima et al. 2012). In vascular
plants, such a multiprotein complex remained elusive (Breyton et al. 2006), until it
has been identified in a recent electron microscopy-based study (Yadav et al. 2017).
The formation of the putative CEF supercomplex in C. reinhardtii is induced in
response to alterations of the chloroplast redox poise as upon shifts to anoxia or
high light (Takahashi et al. 2013; Bergner et al. 2015), i.e. reducing conditions
where CEF is induced to dissipate stromal redox pressure (Alric 2014). The
multiprotein complex comprises major components of the electron transport
chain such as the Cyt b6f complex, PSI and FNR, both LHCI and LHCII as well
as PGRL1, PETO (Iwai et al. 2010a; Takahashi et al. 2013), PGR5 (unpublished
data), ANR1 and CAS (Terashima et al. 2012). Knockdown of PETO, ANR1
and CAS results in impaired CEF induction upon a shift to anoxia, as well as in
high-light sensitivity in the case of ANR1 and CAS (Terashima et al. 2012;
Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast: Photosynthetic Electron Transfer 109
Takahashi et al. 2016). Association of the Ca2+-sensor CAS with the putative CEF
supercomplex points to a Ca2+-dependent regulation of FQR-dependent CEF in
C. reinhardtii (Terashima et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2015).
In addition to the “classical” linear and cyclic electron transport pathways, there
exists a multitude of pathways which are all more or less directly interconnected
with the regulation and function of the major photosynthetic complexes. These
“auxiliary” pathways are mainly thought to optimize photosynthetic function as
well as ensure continued operation of the system in an ever-changing environment.
Accordingly, the processes discussed in the following sections are most prominent
when organisms experience harsh growth conditions.
5.1 Ferredoxins
The three microbial-type FDXs are less well characterized than the isoforms
related to vascular plant FDXs, with the least information being available for
FDX6. Isoforms 3 and 4 show no function in supporting LEF, as they are inefficient
in electron donation to FNR or hydrogenase. FDX4 could however indirectly affect
the function of the electron transport chain, as glycolytic enzymes and Ch-PRX1
(see Sect. 5.3.3) have been identified as potential interaction partners (Peden et al.
5.2 Chlororespiration
these conditions, the cellular content of Nda2 and PTOX2 increases together with
the chlororespiratory activity. This combined effect has been interpreted as a switch
in the function of the thylakoid membrane from a photosynthetic towards a respi-
ratory mode in an effort to maintain a balanced availability of nitrogen and carbon
resources (Wei et al. 2014).
In contrast to the situation observed for photoheterotrophic nitrogen limitation,
photoautotrophic conditions do not result in a downregulation of photosynthetic
carbon fixation. Nevertheless, PTOX and Nda2 levels as well as the
chlororespiratory activity are also found to be upregulated under these conditions
(Saroussi et al. 2016). As the photosynthetic electron transport chain is still fully
functional, the role of the chlororespiratory enzymes under these conditions can be
expanded to a more direct involvement in photosynthetic electron flow (discussed
Further indications for the critical role of the chlororespiratory enzymes in
adjusting the dark state of the photosynthetic electron transport chain were given
by studies observing chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics and low-temperature fluo-
rescence spectra in a ptox mutant (Houille-Vernes et al. 2011; Takahashi et al.
2013). The ptox mutant strains exhibit an overall increased reduction of the PQ pool
in darkness, leading to an altered distribution of the mobile LHCIIs between the
photosystems, modulated through the activity of the Stt7 kinase (Depège et al.
2003): Whereas in darkness, the majority of the mobile antenna is connected to PSII
in the wild type (state I), it is connected to PSI in ptox (state II). Also, upon a
transition from darkness to light, the quantum yield of PSII is drastically lowered in
ptox due to the reduction of the PSII primary electron acceptor PQ, limiting the
efficiency of PSII. Whether these phenotypic differences are accompanied by
reduced fitness under growth conditions in which they are expected to have the
strongest impact, e.g. fluctuating light, remains to be investigated. Taken together,
these results implicate a dual role of chlororespiration in darkness, which would be
(1) a direct involvement in cellular metabolism and (2) priming dark incubated cells
to ensure a photosynthetic function appropriate to the potential onset of light. As a
complicating matter, these two tasks cannot be seen as being separate. In fact, there
seems to be a tight interconnection between overall metabolism and photosynthetic
function and regulation. For instance, the magnitude of CEF has been hypothesized
to rely upon the cellular redox state (Takahashi et al. 2013), with the
chlororespiratory enzymes being critical elements involved in such a regulatory
While there is clear experimental evidence for the role of the chlororespiratory
enzymes in dark metabolism, the presence of light-driven electron transport
enhances the complexity of the PQ pool redox state. Hence, the role of Nda2 and
especially PTOX in photosynthetic electron transport is still a matter of intense
scientific debate.
Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast: Photosynthetic Electron Transfer 113
linked to H2O splitting, was first described by Mehler in 1951 (Mehler 1951). In
principle, the reduction of O2 resulting in the formation of ROS can occur at any
place of the electron transport chain where highly reducing intermediates are
formed and have access to O2 (Rutherford et al. 2012). In the case of the reaction
observed by Mehler, this interface would likely be the terminal electron accepting
iron-sulphur cluster FB at the stromal side of PSI.
From there, O2 reduction results in the formation of O2• , which is subsequently
converted to H2O2 and O2 by a chloroplast superoxide dismutase (SOD). Alterna-
tively, a reduction of O2 at the stromal face of PSI can be facilitated by flavodiiron
proteins (FDPs) which avoid ROS formation. In any way, utilizing the full linear
electron transport chain from H2O splitting at PSII through the Cyt b6f complex to
O2 reduction to H2O at PSI, these water-to-water cycles contribute to the buildup of
the trans-thylakoid proton gradient and therefore support all mechanisms requiring
this gradient like ATP synthesis or photoprotection but do not result in NAD(P)H
Various isoforms of the metal-bearing SODs exist throughout all kingdoms of life,
the most common containing iron (FeSOD), manganese (MnSOD), combined
copper and zinc (Cu/ZnSOD) or nickel (NiSOD) as cofactors. FeSODs and
MnSODs are evolutionary closely related, whereas neither Cu/ZnSODs nor
NiSODs have a close relationship to the other SODs (Fink and Scandalios 2002;
Priya et al. 2007). Most photosynthetic organisms contain combinations of
Cu/ZnSODs with FeSODs and MnSODs, a notable exception being the chlorophyte
green algae, including C. reinhardtii, which lack Cu/ZnSODs (Asada et al. 1977).
So far, the consequence of this difference in the composition of primary antioxidant
enzymes is unclear: For Cu/ZnSODs, very high enzymatic activities have been
reported, and the enzymes are estimated to be present in stoichiometric amounts
when compared to PSI. Furthermore, immune-labelling experiments in spinach
chloroplasts illustrate a thylakoid membrane association leading to the formation
of ROS-scavenging microdomains at the stromal face of PSI, leading to immediate
O2• disproportionation when generated at the photosystem (Ogawa et al. 1995).
On the other hand, FeSODs have also been found associated with the thylakoid
membrane (Friso et al. 2010), and overexpression of FeSODs but not Cu/ZnSODs
in tobacco facilitates higher tolerance to methyl viologen-stimulated, light-depen-
dent oxidative stress (Van Camp et al. 1996). C. reinhardtii retains FeSOD levels
even under iron limitation, while PSI and other iron-containing chloroplast proteins
are degraded. Moreover, an additional chloroplast-localized MnSOD is induced
under these conditions, stretching the importance of the antioxidant defence system
in general and specifically under conditions in which the electron transport chain is
restructured (Page et al. 2012).
The H2O2 arising from the activity of SODs is less reactive than other ROS and,
potentially for this matter, is also an important signalling molecule. However, there
Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast: Photosynthetic Electron Transfer 117
is a need for further processing of the compound, as it is still a strong oxidant and
has been shown to inhibit key biochemical pathways, most importantly CO2
fixation by the CBB cycle (Kaiser 1976). A variety of chloroplast-localized
enzymes function in H2O2 detoxification, namely, ascorbate peroxidase (APX),
glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and peroxiredoxins (PRXs). It should be kept in mind
that H2O2 is membrane permeable to a small extent, can be transported across
membranes (Bienert et al. 2006) and is indicated to diffuse out of the chloroplast
(Takeda et al. 1997). Therefore, the scavenging of ROS produced at the photosyn-
thetic electron transport chain might not be confined to the compartment of its
shown to form multimeres which have been described to adopt chaperone functions
and protect other proteins from degradation under stress conditions (Jang et al.
2004; Aran et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2009).
Out of the PRX variants, 2-cys PRX was shown to be by far most abundant
within the chloroplast stroma in A. thaliana (Peltier 2005). Given the fact that
Ch-PRX1 is so far the only PRX which could be isolated from C. reinhardtii, this is
likely to hold true for the alga as well. Evidence of physiological relevance of the
two other PRX types found in the chloroplast, the type II-PRX Ch-PRX5 and the
PRXQ Ch-PRX6 (in the nomenclature of Dayer et al.) is scarce (Dayer et al. 2008).
Studies from vascular plants indicate that PRXQ is associated with the thylakoid
membrane in the vicinity of PSII (Lamkemeyer et al. 2006) and/or could even be
targeted to the lumen (Petersson et al. 2006). Judging from the phenotype of
A. thaliana plants with altered PRXQ content, the function of the enzyme may be
related to photosynthesis. In contrast to 2-cys PRX and PRXQ, chloroplast type
II-PRX of A. thaliana was characterized as a soluble protein in the stroma (Dietz
et al. 2006). In the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803, this type of
PRX was shown to be crucial for the growth of cultures when photosynthesizing in
the presence of O2 even at comparably low light intensities (Kobayashi et al. 2004).
Based on the data available so far, a contribution of each type of PRX present in the
chloroplast to a light-driven water-to-water cycle seems possible.
The same holds true for the potentially chloroplast-localized GPXs described so
far. Two out of these three enzymes, Ch-GPX1 and Ch-GPX2, are selenocysteine-
containing GPXs (selenoGPXs). Selenocysteine-containing proteins are wide-
spread amongst organisms but absent from yeast, some animals and embryophytes.
Hypothetically, the low redox potential of selenocysteine led to selection pressure
against its utilization once the O2 concentration in the atmosphere was increasing,
whereas an O2-buffering aquatic environment led to organisms retaining these
enzymes (Lobanov et al. 2007). Non-selenocysteine-containing GPXs (NS-GPXs)
and selenoGPXs show high sequence similarity, but the selenocysteine in their
active site is replaced by a cysteine. Regarding the reaction sequence, selenoGPXs
are reduced by GSH in a two-step mechanism not involving disulphide formation
within the enzyme or with another subunit (Johansson et al. 2005). In contrast,
NS-GPXs act via the standard PRX/GPX reaction mechanism described above, and
like PRX their reduction is rather dependent on TRX than on GSH. Based on their
redox properties, their peroxidase activities should be lower than those of
selenoGPXs. One NS-GPX, Ch-GPX5, might be present in two isoforms, one of
which is potentially located in the chloroplast and one in the cytosol. Based on EST
analysis, this is also the most highly expressed GPX isoform in C. reinhardtii
(Dayer et al. 2008).
Transcription studies firmly established an involvement of Ch-GPX5 in ROS
response. Expression of the corresponding gene is increased in response to singlet
oxygen- and organic peroxide-induced oxidative stress (Leisinger et al. 2001),
amongst other stresses likely leading to intracellular formation of these compounds
(Ledford et al. 2004; Fischer et al. 2006). Conversely, mutants screened for high
Ch-GPX5 expression show coinciding elevated singlet oxygen production (Fischer
120 P. Gäbelein et al.
et al. 2010). The notion that the enzyme is involved in ROS protection is further
underpinned when looking at the protein level, where Ch-GPX5 overexpression
lines show enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress (Ledford et al. 2007; Fischer et al.
2012). For the selenoGPX isoforms, the situation is less clear: So far, CrGPX1 has
been reported to be upregulated on transcript level in sulphur-starved cells (Zhang
et al. 2004). Earlier reports show strong dependency of scavenging of externally
added H2O2 on a selenite-containing GPX in cultures supplemented with sodium
selenite (Takeda et al. 1997). However, the identity of the GPX causing this effect
was not revealed.
Changes in light or CO2 availability are expected to modulate the redox pressure
exerted on the photosynthetic electron transport chain. FDPs would play a role as a
safety valve downstream of PSI, similar as is discussed for PTOX downstream of
PSII. A similar role can be inferred during the initial phase of sulphur starvation, but
additionally, the transient induction seems to advance the acclimation process by
driving light-dependent O2 uptake before the O2-sensitive hydrogenase and fer-
mentation take over.
6 Concluding Remarks
Fig. 1 Overview of the various electron transfer/metabolic pathways described in this chapter.
Reaction steps contributing to the buildup of reducing power are depicted in a colour gradient
towards dark green. Reaction steps leading to consumption of reducing power are depicted in
colour gradients towards yellow. Protons translocated from the stroma to the thylakoid lumen and
enzyme complexes contributing to the buildup of the proton motive force (ΔμH+ or pmf) are shown
in wine red. In a, ATP consumption in the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle is highlighted by
a colour gradient from red to blue. For detailed description, refer to text. a, b, c, d and e, depiction
of LEF, CEF, chlororespiration, Mehler reaction/ROS detoxification and Mehler-like reactions
Table 1 Summary of the discussed electron transfer pathways with their respective electron
donors, electron carriers, electron acceptors and products
Electron Electron
Electron transfer pathway donor Electron carriers acceptor Product
Linear electron flow H2O PSII, PQ, Cyt b6f, PC, NADP+ O2,
FQR-dependent CEF (B) FDX(?) FNR? PQ ATP
NDH-dependent CEF (B) NAD(P) NDA2 PQ ATP
Chlororespiration (C) NAD(P) NDA2, PTOX O2 H2O
Mehler (D)-, Mehler (E)- PSI: FB – O2 O2• ,
like reactions NADPH FLV O2 H2O,
O2• detoxification (D) O2• (a) SOD O2• (b) O2 (a)
H2O2 (b)
H2O2 detoxification (D) Ascorbate APX H2O2 H2O,
H2 production FDX Hydrogenase H+ H2,
interconnections between the resulting metabolic networks and the exact molecular
mechanisms behind them are not fully understood. However, our current knowl-
edge implies that in photosynthesis, a substantial amount of the captured energy is
utilized to ensure a safe functioning of the process itself, and, as a direct result of
this conclusion, a deepened knowledge of the underlying mechanisms will open a
wide variety of possibilities to ultimately improve the utilization of the sun as an
energy source.
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Bioenergetic Pathways in the Chloroplast: Photosynthetic Electron Transfer 133
Jun Minagawa
Abstract Plants and algae have acquired the ability to acclimate to ever-changing
environments to survive. During photosynthesis, light energy is converted into
electrochemical energy by several membrane protein supercomplexes, which is
used to fix CO2. The efficiency of photosynthesis is modulated by many environ-
mental factors, including temperature, drought, CO2 concentration, and light.
Recently, our understanding of such regulations of photosynthesis and the under-
lying molecular mechanisms has increased considerably. The photosynthetic
supercomplexes undergo supramolecular reorganizations within a short time after
receiving environmental cues. Two such representative reorganization events
include state transitions that balance the excitation of the two photosystems and
qE quenching that thermally dissipates excess energy at the level of the light-
harvesting antenna. This chapter will focus on recent findings regarding the
environmental regulation of photosynthesis in model organisms, paying particular
attention to the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, illustrating the
dynamic behavior of the photosynthetic machineries in nature.
Chl Chlorophyll
Cyt bf Cytochrome b6f complex
DCCD Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
DCMU 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea
Fd Ferredoxin
HL High light
LHCI and LHCII Light-harvesting complex protein I and II
LL Low light
NPQ Non-photochemical quenching
J. Minagawa (*)
Division of Environmental Photobiology, National Institute for Basic Biology, 38
Nishigonaka, Okazaki 444-8585, Aichi, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
PQ Plastoquinone
PSI and PSII Photosystem I and II
RNAi RNA interference
Vx Violaxanthin
WT Wild type
Zx Zeaxanthin
α-DM n-Dodecyl-α-D-maltoside
β-DM n-Dodecyl-β-D-maltoside
1 Introduction
or one to two loosely bound LHCII trimers are associated with the C2S2-type
supercomplex (Boekema et al. 1999; Yakushevska et al. 2001). When A. thaliana
thylakoid membranes are solubilized with α-DM, the C2S2M2 organization is the
largest type observed (Ruban et al. 2003; Caffarri et al. 2009) (Fig. 1c). These
results from single-particle analysis were confirmed through the direct observation
of the thylakoid membranes by cryoelectron tomography (Daum et al. 2010; Kouřil
et al. 2011). When the PSII-LHCII supercomplex from the green alga C. reinhardtii
was prepared with high concentrations of β-DM (50 mM; 2.6%), the C2S2 organi-
zation appeared as in vascular plants (Nield et al. 2000a). The lack of M- and
L-trimers in C. reinhardtii in earlier reports was ascribed to the absence in this alga
of CP24 (Minagawa and Takahashi 2004), which was presumed to serve as a linker
between PSII core subunits and an M-trimer in A. thaliana (Kovács et al. 2006; de
Bianchi et al. 2008). However, both trimers were found in a more recent single-
particle analysis of the α-DM-solubilized PSII-LHCII supercomplex from
C. reinhardtii, in which three LHCII trimers were attached to each side of the
core (the C2S2M2L2 PSII-LHCII supercomplex) (Tokutsu et al. 2012) (Fig. 1a).
The supercomplex formed by PSI and its light-harvesting complex proteins
(LHCI) is also a large Chl-protein complex that is made up of nearly 20 subunits.
The PSI supercomplex collects light energy and drives electron flow from plasto-
cyanin to ferredoxin (Fd). The association of LHCIs with a monomeric PSI core
was determined by 2.8–3.3 Å crystal structures of the PSI-LHCI supercomplex
from pea (Pisum sativum), in which the side of the PsaF/J subunits was occupied by
the crescent-shaped LHCI belt (Amunts et al. 2010; Qin et al. 2015) (Fig. 1d). The
other side of the core is unoccupied under normal conditions, exposing the PsaH/I/L
subunits, but it can dock the mobile LHCII(s) under “State 2” conditions as
described below. In vascular plants, the LHCI belt is formed by the four LHCI
proteins in the order of Lhca1, -4, -2, and -3 (Fig. 1d). In C. reinhardtii, however,
9 LHCI proteins in total, encoded by the LHCA1–9 genes (Stauber et al. 2003;
Minagawa 2009), form a double-layered LHCI belt attached to the side of the PsaJ/
F/G subunits when grown under low light (LL) conditions (Drop et al. 2011)
(Fig. 1b). Proteomic studies demonstrated that the LHCI belt is in fact heteroge-
neously composed and several LHCI proteins are not present stoichiometrically
(Tokutsu et al. 2004; Stauber et al. 2009). The composition of LHCI proteins is
known to be variable in response to environmental changes, where downregulation,
degradation, or processing of LHCI polypeptides were reported, in particular iron
deficient conditions (Moseley et al. 2002; Nield et al. 2004; Tokutsu et al. 2004).
Because plants and algae typically do not have means to escape from adverse
environments such as high light (HL) or LL, cold or hot temperatures, drought, or
low CO2 concentration, their ability to acclimate to such conditions is crucial for
survival in their niches. The central unit of the photosystems, the core complex,
conducts charge separations. The components of these charge-separation devices
are almost completely conserved among cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae, moss, and
vascular plants, likely because the process was sufficiently optimized when
cyanobacteria originally acquired the ability to oxidize water 2.7 billion years
ago by employing the system of a series of enzymes for oxygenic photosynthesis
Chlamydomonas: Bioenergetic Pathways—Regulation of Photosynthesis 139
that remains in use today (Brocks et al. 1999; Summons et al. 1999). Furthermore,
this core system is invariable in changing environments. The only exception is the
so-called photoinhibition, which is a multistep process of D1 protein degradation
upon HL illumination and the replacement of damaged D1 with a newly synthe-
sized D1 polypeptide (Nixon et al. 2010). Photoinhibition is, in one sense, a
deleterious event for PSII because it loses the activity, but, in another, it could
save all the downstream components from the events even more devastating,
namely, the production of more dangerous reactive oxygen species (Asada 1999).
Therefore, photoinhibition can be considered as a safety valve for the photosyn-
thetic electron transport.
In contrast to the core complex, the surrounding light-harvesting antenna is
diverse, flexible, and dynamic. Different photosynthetic organisms generally have
different antenna systems to take advantage of the light environment in their own
niches. Moreover, the light-harvesting performance of the antenna system in a
single species can be dynamically adjusted to different light regimes. The capabil-
ities of the light-harvesting antenna to acclimate are especially important for
photosynthetic organisms to optimize their photosynthetic performance and to
protect their photosynthetic machinery from the photooxidative damage in the
natural environment, where the quality and quantity of light fluctuates over time.
This chapter presents an overview of the two representative acclimation events
of photosystems in C. reinhardtii, state transitions, and qE quenching. These
acclimation events are accompanied by reorganization of photosystem
supercomplexes and super-supercomplexes.
2 State Transitions
2.1 Introduction
Each of the two charge-separation devices—PSI and PSII—in the thylakoid mem-
branes has a distinct pigment system with unique absorption characteristics. Thus,
an imbalance of energy distribution between the two photosystems tends to occur in
natural environments (Allen 1992; Bellafiore et al. 2005). Because the two photo-
systems are functionally connected in series under normal conditions, plants and
algae must constantly balance their excitation levels to ensure the optimal efficiency
of electron flow. State transitions are engaged in balancing the light-harvesting
capacities of the two photosystems. State 1 occurs when PSI is preferentially excited
and the light-harvesting capacities of PSII and PSI are increased and decreased,
respectively; this state is indicated by a higher Chl fluorescence yield at room
temperature. Conversely, State 2 occurs when PSII is preferentially excited and
the light-harvesting capacities of PSII and PSI are decreased and increased, respec-
tively, to readjust the excitation balance; this state can be monitored as a lower Chl
fluorescence yield at room temperature (Minagawa 2011) (Fig. 2).
140 J. Minagawa
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of state transitions; a transition from State 1 to State 2. Upper,
when PSI is preferentially excited, the stroma of chloroplast and the PQ pool are oxidized. Under
these conditions, LHCIIs are bound to PSII (State 1). Lower, when the PQ pool is reduced,
migration of the mobile LHCIIs from PSII to PSI occurs to establish State 2. bf, Cyt bf; Fd,
ferredoxin; Pc, plastocyanin
The core concept of state transitions has been documented, an instant redistri-
bution of the light-harvesting systems of the two photosystems (Bonaventura and
Myers 1969; Murata 1969) and of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the
redistribution, including the involvement of cytochrome b6 f (Cyt bf) (Wollman and
Lemaire 1988), the binding of PQH2 to the Qo-site of Cyt bf (Vener et al. 1997; Zito
et al. 1999), and the phosphorylation of LHCII by redox-dependent kinase
(s) (Depège et al. 2003). Moreover, evidence for the molecular events occurring
at PSII and PSI are rapidly accumulating owing to advances in genetic and
biochemical techniques using the green alga C. reinhardtii. This progress is due,
in part, to a unique ability of this alga, where much more LHCII (as much as 67%) is
involved in state transitions (Delosme et al. 1996) as compared with vascular plants
(only 20–25%) (Allen 1992).
Chlamydomonas: Bioenergetic Pathways—Regulation of Photosynthesis 141
Fig. 3 A model for the remodeling of the photosynthetic supercomplexes in the thylakoid
membranes during state transitions in C. reinhardtii. Side views of the membrane planes showing
alterations in the thylakoid ultrastructure and photosystem supercomplex composition: State
1 (left): thylakoids are more stacked, and large arrays of PSII-LHCII supercomplexes reside in
the appressed regions. The periodicity of thylakoid membranes is well defined. PSI-LHCI
supercomplexes, Cyt bf, and ATP synthases are in the non-appressed regions. State 2 (right): a
number of LHCII proteins are phosphorylated, and the thylakoids are partially unstacked and
undulated. The periodicity of the thylakoid membranes is weak. Many of the phosphorylated
LHCIIs (red) are in the energy-quenching state and remain associated with PSII, so that a large
part of the PSII-LHCII supercomplex array is preserved. Some of the phosphorylated LHCIIs (red)
are aggregated, and in the energy-quenching state, the other phosphorylated LHCIIs are associated
with PSI-LHCI supercomplex. The unphosphorylated LHCIIs (blue) stay on PSII and act as light-
harvesting antenna for PSII
are different in vascular plants and most of green algae (Nevo et al. 2009). In vascular
plants, grana and stroma-lamellae regions are clearly separated. While 10–20 layers of
the thylakoid membranes are stacked in grana region, only a single or a few membrane
stacks are present in the stroma-lamellae region (Mustárdy and Garab 2003;
Mullineaux 2005; Shimoni et al. 2005). Many green algae have areas of appressed
thylakoid membranes, which we also call grana, but do not have the highly structured
multiple membrane layers as the grana in vascular plants (Bertos and Gibbs 1998;
Engel et al. 2015). It is thus plausible that variances in the molecular mechanism for
state transitions and the other photoacclimation events of photosynthetic machineries
could be due to such differences in the thylakoid supra-structures. These problems need
to be clarified in future studies.
Vascular plants without PsaH and PsaL (Lunde et al. 2000) and those without PsaO
(Jensen et al. 2004) are deficient in state transitions. Because these small PSI subunits
are located on the opposite side of the LHCI belt (Amunts et al. 2010; Qin et al. 2015)
(Fig. 1), they were hypothesized to constitute a binding site for the mobile LHCII(s).
Further information regarding the reorganization of PSI upon a transition from State
1 to State 2 was provided in a study on C. reinhardtii, wherein the PSI-LHCI-LHCII
supercomplex from the State 2 cells contained two minor monomeric LHCII proteins,
CP26 and CP29, and one major trimeric LHCII protein, LHCBM5, suggesting a pivotal
role for the minor monomeric LHCII in state transitions, at least in green algae
(Takahashi et al. 2006, 2014). The significance of the minor LHCII in state transitions
in C. reinhardtii was further supported by an RNA interference (RNAi) study in which
the level of CP29 or CP26 was individually reduced (Tokutsu et al. 2009). Both the
CP29 and CP26 RNAi mutants underwent reductions in the PSII antenna size during a
State 1-to-State 2 transition. However, the LHCIIs undocked from PSII did not
reassociate with PSI in the CP29-RNAi mutant. By contrast, the mobile LHCIIs in
the CP26-RNAi mutant did reassociate with PSI, such that a PSI-LHCI-LHCII
supercomplex could be visualized on a sucrose density gradient (Tokutsu et al. 2009).
These results thus clarified that CP29, but not CP26, is crucial for the classical
antenna migration-type state transitions in C. reinhardtii. The 2D structures of such a
PSI-LHCI-LHCII supercomplex were recently visualized by single-particle analysis of
electron micrographs in C. reinhardtii (Drop et al. 2014) and in A. thaliana (Galka et al.
2012), where two LHCII trimers/one LHCII monomer (in C. reinhardtii) and one
LHCII trimer (in A. thaliana) were found near the PsaH/I/L subunits.
144 J. Minagawa
3 qE Quenching
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Xanthophylls
leading to an increase in the fluidity of the thylakoid membranes and the promotion
of the energy-dissipative aggregation of LHCIIs (Goral et al. 2012).
In contrast to the npq1 mutant of vascular plants, the npq1 mutant in
C. reinhardtii, which is a different allele as described above, showed only a minor
effect on qE, indicating a possibility that the majority of photoprotection can be
achieved without Zx in this alga (Niyogi et al. 1997a, b). Although the lack of the
plant-type Vx de-epoxidation activity showed little photoinhibition under HL con-
ditions, an additional mutation in npq1 that inhibits lutein synthesis (lor1) caused
severe photoinhibition, suggesting that lutein, a central structural component of
LHCIIs, largely contributes to qE quenching in C. reinhardtii (Niyogi et al. 1997a).
3.3 qE Effectors
The npq4 mutant, which is deficient in the rapid induction of qE despite the normal
xanthophyll cycle and normal lumenal acidification, has been reported in both
A. thaliana and C. reinhardtii, but the alleles were mapped to different gene—the
four-helix LHC family protein PsbS in A. thaliana (Li et al. 2000) and the three-
helix LHC family protein LHCSR3 in C. reinhardtii (Peers et al. 2009). Again, the
same phenotype with different genotypes indicates that plants and algae perform qE
quenching in different ways. In PsbS, although one Chl molecule was identified in
its crystal structure (Fan et al. 2015), all of the canonical pigment-binding sites
identified in the LHCII crystal structure (Liu et al. 2004) are not conserved. PsbS is
not stably associated with the PSII-LHCII supercomplex (Caffarri et al. 2009) but
shows stronger association with LHCII trimer upon monomerization under HL
conditions (Correa-Galvis et al. 2016a). Several lines of evidence suggested that
PsbS in A. thaliana controls the macro-organization of the thylakoid membranes
through acidification of the lumen (Kiss et al. 2008; Kereiche et al. 2010; Goral
et al. 2012). Such a membrane “phase transition” is thought to facilitate the
dissociation of several LHCII proteins, including CP24, CP29, and the LHCII
M-trimer from PSII (Betterle et al. 2009); moreover, their aggregation (Kiss et al.
2008; Johnson et al. 2011) likely allows for the conformational change within major
LHCII (Ruban et al. 2007) and/or minor LHCII (Ahn et al. 2008) to generate
energy-quenching site(s). Alternatively, Wilk and colleagues reported that PsbS
directly interacts with LHCII and induces energy dissipation (Wilk et al. 2013). A
further study on Chl lifetimes showed that PsbS does not affect the relaxation
dynamics of the Chl excited state but changes the amount and the initial induction
rate of quenching (Sylak-Glassman et al. 2014).
Although both Zx and PsbS are thought to be crucial for qE quenching in
vascular plants, the green alga C. reinhardtii does not express the PSBS protein
at least under normal conditions (Finazzi et al. 2006; Bonente et al. 2008), and a
mutant deficient in Vx de-epoxidase activity still exhibits qE quenching (Niyogi
146 J. Minagawa
et al. 1997a, b). The PSBS protein encoded in the genome of C. reinhardtii shares
45% identity over 180 amino acids with A. thaliana PsbS (Minagawa and
Takahashi 2004), including the putative pH-sensing Glu residues (Li et al. 2004).
Because PSBS is constitutively present even in LL-grown plants (Demmig-Adams
et al. 2006), it provides instant photoprotection for vascular plants when they are
shifted to HL. The activation of qE in C. reinhardtii, however, requires prolonged
exposure to HL (Niyogi et al. 1997b), suggesting that algae have a largely different
mechanism for qE induction.
The C. reinhardtii npq4 mutant was mapped to an “ancient” LHC protein,
LHCSR3 (Peers et al. 2009). The genes for LHCSR3 (Lhcsr3.1 and Lhcsr3.2),
formerly known as LI818 (Gagne and Guertin 1992), encode a 25–26 kDa integral
membrane protein whose expression was induced under HL (Richard et al. 2000),
low CO2 (Miura et al. 2004), or low iron (Naumann et al. 2007) conditions.
Although PsbS binds few pigments, LHCSR3 is capable of binding Chl a and b,
as well as xanthophylls (Bonente et al. 2011). A recombinant LHCSR3 polypeptide
reconstituted with Chls and xanthophylls dissipated excitation energy in a low-pH
buffer, suggesting that this protein is a quenching site in C. reinhardtii (Bonente
et al. 2011). In addition to this “HL-specialized” antenna protein involved in
quenching, genetic analysis in C. reinhardtii has led to the identification of other
LHCs related to quenching. Depletion of one of the major trimeric LHCII proteins,
LHCBM1, in the npq5 mutant decreased its capacity for thermal energy dissipation
(Elrad et al. 2002). There is also an LHCSR3 homologue, called LHCSR1
(Minagawa 2009). A recent study reported an intriguing feature of this protein,
which is not observed in LHCSR3, namely, LHCSR1 which acts as low-pH sensor,
whose small amount induces thermal dissipation of a large array of the excited
LHCII (Dinc et al. 2016). Furthermore, very recent studies detected a rapid and
transient expression of PSBS, suggesting this plant-type qE effector could also be
involved in the algal-type qE, but the details still need to be clarified (Correa-Galvis
et al. 2016b; Tibiletti et al. 2016).
Fig. 4 A model for the induction of qE quenching in C. reinhardtii. When C. reinhardtii cells are
exposed to HL for a few hours (a), the expression of LHCSR3 is induced (b). LHCSR3 (yellow) is
then associated with the PSII-LHCII supercomplex to form the PSII-LHCII-LHCSR3
supercomplex (c). Though the PSII-LHCII-LHCSR3 supercomplex is still in a light-harvesting
state under dark or LL conditions, the lumen of the thylakoid membranes was acidified under HL
conditions (d), which causes a conformational change in its C-terminal region (red; “H” denotes
protonation) (e) to transform it into energy-dissipative state. When DCCD binds to LHCSR3
(yellow; “D” denotes DCCD), the PSII-LHCII-LHCSR3 supercomplex is not protonated (f). The
crystal coordinates were obtained from the Protein Data Bank: PSII core, 3ARC; LHCII, 2NHW;
and PSI-LHCI supercomplex, 2WSC
Acknowledgments The work conducted in my laboratory was supported by the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science and the Japan Science and Technology Agency.
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Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation
and Signaling
Anja Hemschemeier
A. Hemschemeier (*)
Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Plant Biochemistry, Workgroup
Photobiotechnology, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum,
e-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction
Approximately 2.3 billion years ago, molecular oxygen (O2) accumulated in the
Earth’s atmosphere (Bekker et al. 2004; Goldblatt et al. 2006), a process also known
as the “oxygen catastrophe.” It is widely accepted that the evolutionary invention of
oxygenic photosynthesis by early cyanobacteria was responsible for the emergence
of an oxygenated atmosphere (Lyons 2007; Buick 2008). Notwithstanding of being
the cause for one of the Earth’s mass extinction events, the accumulation of the
reactive and oxidizing gas is assumed to have allowed the evolution of complex
multicellular life forms (Hedges et al. 2004; Falkowski et al. 2005). One important
reason for this is the high energy yield of aerobic respiration. However, the
availability of the O2 molecule also resulted in the emergence of much more
complex biochemical networks (Raymond and Segre 2006) due to the evolution
of enzymes that utilize O2 as a substrate or reactant (Goldfine 1965; Raymond and
Blankenship 2004). Not least, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS, RNS)
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 157
Fig. 1 Overview on important O2-dependent processes and their counterparts under anoxia that are
induced in the framework of acclimatory processes upon sensing and signaling the shortage of O2
that result from O2 chemistry are employed in signaling pathways as well as for
pathogen defense (Halliwell 2006; Thannickal 2009). The flip side of the coin is
that many higher eukaryotes that probably evolved with the help of O2 are now
dependent on the molecule. Most animals and higher plants are aerobes and cannot
survive O2 deficiency for an extended period of time. In contrast, facultative
anaerobes such as the bacterium Escherichia coli make use of the benefits of O2
in its presence, but they can also grow in its absence. In any case, when the O2
concentrations are below those needed for the normal operation of aerobic path-
ways (hypoxia) or in the complete absence of O2 (anoxia), the metabolism has to be
adjusted (Fig. 1). Many organisms can switch from aerobic to anaerobic respiration
and utilize electron acceptors other than O2 while still generating adenosine tri-
phosphate (ATP) through electron transport phosphorylation (Amend and Shock
2001; Ginger et al. 2010; Müller et al. 2012). In the absence of suitable electron
acceptors or in organisms incapable of anaerobic respiration, O2 deficiency induces
fermentation, during which ATP is generated through substrate-level phosphoryla-
tion, yielding much less energy compared to respiration. Additionally, fermentation
results in the accumulation and often secretion of reduced end products, because the
reducing equivalents [mostly reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phos-
phate) (NAD(P)H)] that are produced during the oxidative degradation of the
substrate have to be reoxidized in order to allow a continuous substrate flow.
158 A. Hemschemeier
Glycerol Pi
NAD NADH Glucose
ADP ADP Oxaloacetate MDH
HYDA PFR Pyruvate MME Malate Succinate
H2 FDXred CoA
AcetylCoA Formate
Acetylphosphate Acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde D-Lactate
Acetate Ethanol
According to the pattern and amount of end products, PFL is the major fermentative
enzyme of wild-type Chlamydomonas cells. PFL is present in many prokaryotic and
some eukaryotic species (Stairs et al. 2011), and the enzyme from Escherichia coli is
well analyzed. PFL catalyzes the non-oxidative homolytic cleavage of pyruvate to
acetyl-CoA and formate and employs a glycyl radical and two conserved cysteines
(Cys) for this reaction (Buis and Broderick 2005 and references therein). The glycyl
radical is introduced into the PFL polypeptide posttranslationally by the radical S-
adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzyme PFL activase (PflA) (EC (Buis and
Broderick 2005; Shisler and Broderick 2014) and makes the PFL enzyme sensitive
toward O2-induced cleavage at the site of the radical (Wagner et al. 1992).
In Chlamydomonas, besides the typical fermentation pattern, further results indi-
cating the activity of a PFL enzyme were enzyme assays using cell extracts
(Kreuzberg et al. 1987) and the fact that the formate analogue and mechanism-
based PFL inhibitor hypophosphite (HP) (Knappe et al. 1984) inhibits formate
secretion by the cells (Kreuzberg 1984). On the transcript and protein level,
Chlamydomonas PFL was first described 2006 (Atteia et al. 2006). PFL activity
was confirmed on the biochemical level using the recombinant protein, and the algal
PFL1 gene (Cre01.g044800) is able to complement an E. coli pfl mutant
(Hemschemeier et al. 2008). To date, the Chlamydomonas PflA has only been
identified on the transcript level (Atteia et al. 2006; Hemschemeier et al. 2008)
(GenBank: AAW32935, AJ620192).
The algal PFL1 was detected in the chloroplast and the mitochondrial fraction
both on the activity (Kreuzberg et al. 1987) and the protein level (Atteia et al. 2006;
Terashima et al. 2010). As only a single PFL-encoding gene can be found in the
alga’s genome, the enzyme appears to be dually targeted, probably by the approx-
imately 70-amino acid-long N-terminus which has no homology to bacterial
enzymes and which is dispensable for catalytic activity (Hemschemeier et al.
2008). It is noteworthy that although the PFL fermentation system of
Chlamydomonas is highly similar to that of E. coli, the microalga does not appear
to reutilize formate in a similar way. E. coli reimports formate and converts it into
H2 and CO2 via the formate hydrogen lyase (FHL) complex (Sawers 2005), which
is not present in Chlamydomonas. In fermenting Chlamydomonas cells, formate
does not accumulate intracellularly (Hemschemeier et al. 2008), but in the medium
(Gfeller and Gibbs 1984; Kreuzberg 1984).
The second product of PFL, acetyl-CoA, can be converted either to acetate,
allowing the additional production of ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation, or
to ethanol, resulting in the reoxidation of two NAD(P)H molecules (Fig. 2). For the
former reaction, Chlamydomonas most likely employs phosphate acetyltransferase
(PAT; EC and acetate kinase (ACK; EC like many prokaryotes
(Wolfe 2005). The microalga contains two genes for each enzyme. ACK1 (Cre09.
g396700) and PAT2 (Cre09.g396650) lie directly adjacent on chromosome
9, while ACK2 (Cre17.g709850) and PAT1 (Cre17.g699000) lie separated on
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 161
chromosome 17. ACK1 and PAT2 are chloroplast localized; ACK2 and PAT1
were detected in the mitochondria (Atteia et al. 2009; Terashima et al. 2010; Yang
et al. 2014). For the acclimation of Chlamydomonas to anoxia in the dark, the
chloroplast system might be more important: ack1 and pat2 mutants show a
slightly reduced survival after prolonged dark-anoxic incubation when compared
to the wild type or an ack2 mutant, and only mutations in the ack1 or pat2 genes
result in significantly reduced acetate secretion (Yang et al. 2014). Notably, even
an ack1ack2 double mutant still secretes acetate, suggesting the presence of
additional pathways of acetate formation from acetyl-CoA (Atteia et al. 2013;
Yang et al. 2014).
Ethanol production from acetyl-CoA requires acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
(EC and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC activity. In E. coli,
both activities lie on one single polypeptide, the AdhE protein, whose ADH domain
belongs to the iron (Fe)-containing ADHs (Kessler et al. 1991). Chlamydomonas
possesses at least one protein with high homology to the E. coli AdhE (ADH1;
Cre17.g746997) (Atteia et al. 2006) which is constitutively present (Hemschemeier
et al. 2008; Magneschi et al. 2012) although it might be as O2 sensitive as other
Fe-containing ADHs (Cabiscol et al. 1994; Echave et al. 2003). Chlamydomonas
possesses additional Fe-binding ADHs and also homologues to zinc (Zn)-
containing ADHs; however, an adh1 mutant does not secrete detectable amounts
of ethanol, indicating that ADH1 is the only (fermentatively) active ADH of the
alga (Magneschi et al. 2012).
many prokaryotes, some anaerobic protists, and other species of unicellular green
algae (Vignais and Billoud 2007; Peters et al. 2015), contains hydrogenases of the
[FeFe] type (also see chapter “Chlamydomonas: Hydrogenase and Hydrogen Pro-
duction” on hydrogenases and hydrogen production). The isoform HydA1 and
probably also the isoform HydA2 are located in the chloroplast (Happe et al.
1994; Forestier et al. 2003; Terashima et al. 2010). HydA1 accepts electrons from
reduced ferredoxin and thereby from photosynthetic electron transport (Winkler
et al. 2009; Hemschemeier and Happe 2011; Ghysels et al. 2013). During fermen-
tation in the dark, Chlamydomonas evolves relatively low but significant amounts
of H2 (Gfeller and Gibbs 1984; Kreuzberg 1984; Philipps et al. 2011), probably
through the reaction catalyzed by PFR: in vitro, a coupled enzyme assay including
Chlamydomonas PFR, ferredoxin, and HydA1 and the substrates pyruvate and
coenzyme A evolves H2 (Noth et al. 2013) (Fig. 2). Notably, also oxaloacetate,
but not α-ketoglutarate, can be utilized by the algal PFR besides pyruvate.
Whether the PFR-ferredoxin-HydA1 pathway operates in vivo is not clear yet, as
no pfr1 mutant has been published to date. Because PFR and PFL utilize the same
substrate, it was hypothesized that reduced PFL activity would enhance pyruvate
turnover by PFR and thus ferredoxin reduction and H2 production. However,
analyses in different laboratories and of different strains yielded conflicting results:
H2 production in darkness was higher in a pfl1 mutant and the HP-treated wild type
in one study (Philipps et al. 2011), but lower in allelic pfl1 mutants (Catalanotti
et al. 2012) or after HP treatment of the wild type in another study (Kreuzberg
1984). Catalanotti et al. (2012) suggested the higher CO2 and ethanol levels
determined in pfl1 mutant cultures to be due to pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC; EC (Fig. 2). Indeed, Chlamydomonas has PDC activity (Kreuzberg et al. 1987),
and a protein of the expected size can be detected using an antibody against Pisum
sativum PDC (Hemschemeier et al. 2008). PDC is probably encoded by the gene
PDC3 (Cre03.g165700) whose product is localized in the cytosol (Burgess et al.
2016). In the pfl1 mutant described by Catalanotti et al. (2012), the PDC3 transcript
is higher abundant than in the wild type, while PFR transcript and PFR protein are
less abundant. Because the only ethanol producing fermentative enzyme of
Chlamydomonas is probably the ADH1 enzyme (see above, Magneschi et al.
2012), it would also have to oxidize the acetaldehyde produced by PDC. AdhE
enzymes indeed are able to convert acetaldehyde directly (Kessler et al. 1991;
Bruchhaus and Tannich 1994), and the pfl1 mutant has higher ADH1 transcript
levels (Catalanotti et al. 2012).
The different experimental outcomes regarding H2 evolution might be
explained by different incubation conditions. Higher H2 yields in algae with
impaired PFL1 activity were observed in cells that were concentrated in full
medium (Philipps et al. 2011), while lower H2 yields were observed analyzing
allelic pfl1 mutants (Catalanotti et al. 2012) or the wild type treated with HP
(Kreuzberg 1984) that were both anaerobically incubated in buffer. The amounts
of PFR protein are indeed much lower in anoxic cells incubated in buffer versus
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 163
full medium (van Lis et al. 2013). Another factor might be that different
Chlamydomonas strains were analyzed. The community becomes increasingly
aware of the fact that Chlamydomonas strains isolated at different locations or
even the same strain kept for years in one or the other laboratory show genetic
and/or phenotypic differences that can be quite significant (Chochois et al. 2010;
Jang and Ehrenreich 2012; Flowers et al. 2015; Gallaher et al. 2015).
Most higher plants or their organs are not very tolerant against hypoxia or anaero-
biosis (e.g., Drew 1997; Fukao and Bailey-Serres 2004; Bailey-Serres and
Voesenek 2008). The plenty of fermentative routes of Chlamydomonas and the
flexibility of the alga in dealing with the failure of fermentative subsystems should
indicate that the microalga can thrive well in O2 deficiency. Furthermore, the
availability of a hydrogenase coupled to photosynthetic electron transport helps
the alga to restart photosynthetic electron transport after dark-anoxic incubation,
which is also an important aspect of dealing with periods of anoxia in its natural
environment. HydA1 serves as a transient electron acceptor until sufficient amounts
of ATP are produced by linear and cyclic electron flow for the Calvin cycle to take
over as the major electron sink (Ghysels et al. 2013; Godaux et al. 2015). However,
Chlamydomonas does not grow under anoxic conditions unless supplied with light
(Graves et al. 1990; Hemschemeier et al. 2013a). Arrested growth in the dark is
accompanied by a significant decrease of the amounts of transcripts involved in
various aspects of cell growth and division (DNA biosynthesis, replication, and
structure, general transcription, and translation) (Hemschemeier et al. 2013a). This
response appears to be a “power save mode,” similar to the quiescence of several
plant species exposed to hypoxia (Bailey-Serres and Voesenek 2008). Whether or
how long this response can ensure the survival of Chlamydomonas in the long term
is not clear yet, because different observations were published. For example,
Magneschi et al. (2012) concentrated Chlamydomonas cell suspensions in buffer,
purged the suspension with argon, and then incubated them anoxically in the dark.
These cells, when dropped on agar plates and transferred back to light, showed
reduced growth already after 6 h and hardly any growth after 18 h of dark anoxia,
indicating that most of the cells died (Magneschi et al. 2012). After a similar
treatment, but concentration and incubation in high salt medium, the algal cells
showed a reduced growth only after 18 h of dark anoxia (Yang et al. 2014). In yet
another study, cells grew after several days of dark anaerobic incubation. Here,
cells were spotted on full medium agar plates, kept in an N2-H2 atmosphere in the
dark and then transferred back to normoxia (Whitney et al. 2011). The latter study
additionally indicated that the tolerance of the cells changed depending on the time
of day at which they were shifted to darkness and anoxia. After self-anaerobization
and transfer of the liquid cultures back to normoxia and light, cells incubated
without O2 in the dark for 24 h bleach, but green afterwards (Hemschemeier
2013). Even after 72 h of dark anoxia, cells green again, although this takes
considerably longer compared to cells treated for 24 h. Taken together, these results
show that many parameters influence the vitality of Chlamydomonas under O2
deprivation in the dark, such as nutrient availability, cell density, time of day, and
maybe also the speed at which anaerobiosis sets in.
166 A. Hemschemeier
Transcripts of several genes that code for enzymes known to be involved in the
anaerobic metabolism of Chlamydomonas accumulate under anoxic conditions,
such as HYDA1 and HYDA2 (Happe and Kaminski 2002; Forestier et al. 2003),
PFR (Mus et al. 2007; Catalanotti et al. 2012), or PFL1 (Atteia et al. 2006). In case
of the hydrogenases (Happe and Kaminski 2002; Forestier et al. 2003) and PFR
(Catalanotti et al. 2012; van Lis et al. 2013), this transcriptional induction is
accompanied by an accumulation of protein, while the amounts of PFL1 protein
stay rather constant (Atteia et al. 2006; Catalanotti et al. 2012; Magneschi et al.
2012). It is noteworthy, though, that in several studies, a double-band pattern can be
observed in PFL1 immunoblots testing cell extracts from anoxic cells, whereby an
additional, slightly lower band appears (Atteia et al. 2006; Catalanotti et al. 2012;
Magneschi et al. 2012). This band pattern would be consistent with an O2-induced
cleavage of the PFL polypeptide at the site of the glycyl radical (Wagner et al.
1992). Although this has not been analyzed on the biochemical level in
Chlamydomonas yet, one might speculate that PFL is regulated mostly on the
posttranslational level via its conversion from the inactive form to the glycyl-
harboring active enzyme.
In addition to results on individual known genes, transcriptomics applying
microarray or RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analyses have revealed that the abun-
dance of hundreds of transcripts changes in dark-hypoxic or dark-anoxic
Chlamydomonas cells (Mus et al. 2007; Dubini et al. 2009; Hemschemeier et al.
2013a). In the context of anoxic gene regulation, it is noteworthy that the results of
the independent transcriptome analyses revealed only a relatively small number
of genes that were similarly regulated in all studies. Although the utilization of
different technologies (microarray versus RNA-Seq) and possibly also the progress
of the Chlamydomonas genome annotation (Blaby et al. 2014) are probably in part
responsible for these differences, the different treatment of the algal cells (cell
suspensions concentrated in buffer and purged with argon versus self-
anaerobization) will certainly have contributed to the different outcomes. From
these studies, but also from single-gene analyses, one can assume that many
“anoxia-responsive” genes are not directly or not solely regulated by the absence
of the O2 molecule, but also by other factors (see below).
Many O2 sensing and signaling components are known from various organism
groups (Bien and Espenshade 2010; Bailey-Serres et al. 2012; Butler 2013; Green
et al. 2014; Taabazuing et al. 2014), but not much is known on the factors that
regulate anoxia-responsive genes in Chlamydomonas. Although the fermentative
enzymes of the microalga show clear homology to their counterparts in other
organism groups, the associated O2 sensors or transcription factors were in most
cases not identified in its genome. However, considering the large number of
“unknown” genes in Chlamydomonas, it might well be that a known principle
of O2 sensing is carried out by a protein with no or no clear homology to a known
O2 sensor.
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 167
Labbe-Bois 1986; Hon et al. 2003). Heme levels are registered by the transcrip-
tion factor Hap1p that activates genes involved in the aerobic metabolism only in
a heme-bound state (Zhang et al. 1998; Mense and Zhang 2006). In the fission
yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and other fungi, an SREBP (sterol regulatory
element-binding protein) transcription factor activates various genes involved in
the hypoxic response when sterol and O2 levels are low (Todd et al. 2006; Lee
et al. 2009; Bien and Espenshade 2010; Butler 2013). S. pombe cannot take up
sterols from the environment and is thus dependent on its de novo biosynthesis,
which is impaired in anoxia (Hughes et al. 2005). In metazoa, a central transcrip-
tion factor of the hypoxic response is the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1), a
heterodimeric transcription factor consisting of HIF1α and HIF1β. Regulation
occurs to a large extent by stabilization of HIF1α. Although the regulation of
HIF1α is very complex and occurs on various levels (Fábián et al. 2016), one
major regulatory step is carried out by prolyl-4-hydroxylases. These enzymes
O2-dependently hydroxylate specific residues of the HIF1α polypeptide (Willam
et al. 2004), which is thereby targeted for proteasomal degradation (Robinson and
Ohh 2014). The HIF1α hydroxylases have a relatively low affinity for O2,
resulting in reduced hydroxylation activity in hypoxia and a stabilization of
HIF1α which then becomes available for activating genes involved in the hypoxic
metabolism (Semenza 2004, 2012).
In Arabidopsis, group VII ethylene-responsive factors (ERFs) are redundantly
involved in hypoxic gene expression and are stabilized in hypoxia (Bailey-Serres
et al. 2012; van Dongen and Licausi 2015). These ERFs are regulated through the
N-end rule, which refers to the lifetime of proteins in dependence of their
N-terminal amino acid. Several group VII ERFs feature a conserved N-terminal
sequence (MCGGAI) with a Cys directly following the methionine (Met). The Met
residue is probably constitutively removed by a Met aminopeptidase, exposing the
reactive Cys residue and allowing its O2-dependent conversion to sulfinic acid by
Cys dioxygenases (Weits et al. 2014). This is in turn recognized by an
arginyltransferase, and the arginylated N-terminus is a target for the protein degra-
dation pathway (Bailey-Serres et al. 2012; van Dongen and Licausi 2015).
In dark-anoxic Chlamydomonas cultures, more than 30 transcripts accumulate
that code for O2-dependent enzymes, including O2-dependent tetrapyrrole biosyn-
thetic enzymes and prolyl-4-hydroxylases (Mus et al. 2007; Hemschemeier et al.
2013a), indicating that pathways that depend on the O2 molecule are responsive to
anoxia on the gene regulatory level. However, Chlamydomonas lacks clear homo-
logues of the well-studied executing regulators Hap1p, SREBP, or HIF1α. The alga
contains at least 20 APETALA2/ethylene-responsive element-binding protein-
domain transcription factors (Dietz et al. 2010, plus own BlastP analyses on
Phytozome), but according to the current annotation, none starts with the conserved
MCGGAI motive or has a Cys at the second position. Obviously, if
Chlamydomonas makes use of this type of O2 sensing, the actual signal transducing
components are different.
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 169
The CRR1 transcription factor is a huge protein of 1232 amino acids which binds to
its target sequences through its SQUAMOSA promoter-binding protein (SBP)
domain (Kropat et al. 2005; Sommer et al. 2010), a plant-type DNA-binding
domain made of two Zn fingers (Yamasaki et al. 2004). The core DNA-binding
motive of SBP domain transcription factors is a highly conserved 50 -GTAC-30
sequence, but flanking nucleotides also play a role (Quinn et al. 2000, 2002;
Birkenbihl et al. 2005; Kropat et al. 2005; Liang et al. 2008). The transcriptional
activation of all Chlamydomonas CRR1 targets analyzed to date accordingly
depends on the presence of GTAC motives in their promoters, but the numbers
and positions of these target sites vary. The CYC6 core promoter (Quinn and
Merchant 1995) contains three GTAC motives, but only two of these confer
Cu-responsive gene expression and were therefore termed CuREs (copper response
elements). Notably, they can fulfil this function individually (i.e., mutations in one
of them do not abolish the expression of a reporter gene as long as the other one is
present) (Quinn et al. 2000). Two GTAC sites were analyzed in the promoter of the
gene encoding the aerobic coproporphyrinogen III oxidase CPX1, and only the
distal element allows Cu-responsive transcriptional activation (Quinn et al. 1999,
2000), while in the promoter of the Cu transporter encoding CTR1 gene, the
proximal of two analyzed GTAC sites is needed for Cu-dependent regulation
(Page et al. 2009). From the three GTAC motives present in the promoter of the
CRD1 gene coding for magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (oxida-
tive) cyclase, two are required in concert for a significant expression of a reporter
170 A. Hemschemeier
gene under Cu deficiency (Allen et al. 2008), and the same is true for the promoter
of the gene encoding the ferredoxin isoform FDX5 (Lambertz et al. 2010). All of
the CuREs analyzed so far are also necessary for the induction of CRR1 target
genes under anaerobiosis; however, the transcriptional activation of the CPX1 gene
requires an additional GTAC motive, which was therefore termed HyRE (hypoxia
response element) (Quinn et al. 2002).
The varying positions and relevance of the GTAC motives show that CRR1
targets are not regulated by exactly the same mechanism. This notion was further
supported by ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation) and FAIRE (formaldehyde-
assisted isolation of regulatory elements) experiments that revealed that Cu defi-
ciency results in changes of the nucleosome occupancy and in histone modifications
in the promoters of the three CRR1 target genes CYC6, CPX1, and CRD1 (Strenkert
et al. 2011). The patterns were consistent with a loosening of the chromatin
structure, and significant changes were dependent on the wild-type CRR1 gene.
However, the results were distinct for each target gene and indicated that the DNA
of the CYC6 promoter is tightly packed (and thus essentially inactive) in the
non-induced state, while the CRD1 promoter is rather loosely packed even under
non-activating conditions and the status of the CPX1 promoter is somewhere in
between (Strenkert et al. 2011). This fits to transcript level analyses showing that
CYC6 mRNA cannot be detected by RNA hybridization analyses in non-induced
cells, whereas low amounts of CPX1 and CRD1 can (Merchant et al. 1991; Hill and
Merchant 1992; Quinn et al. 2002).
To date, additional putative CRR1 targets have been identified by comparing the
transcriptomes of crr1 mutants with those of the wild type in Cu (Castruita et al.
2011; Blaby-Haas et al. 2016) or O2 deficiency (Hemschemeier et al. 2013a).
Motive-enrichment analyses showed indeed an overrepresentation of GTAC sites
upstream of targets in Cu-depleted cells (Castruita et al. 2011). The CRR1 targets in
anoxic cells overlap only partially with those of Cu-deficient cells (Hemschemeier
et al. 2013a; Blaby-Haas et al. 2016), which might indicate distinct functions of
CRR1 under both conditions. However, the target genes remain to be analyzed in
detail. Furthermore, while the CRR1 targets mentioned above are essentially all-or-
nothing targets that are not activated at all in the crr1 mutant, there seem to be
intermediate responses, too, and those can get easily overlooked in RNA-Seq
analyses in which certain cutoffs have to be set.
So far, only one example for such an intermediate response has been analyzed.
Notably, this is the HYDA1 gene, which is induced in Cu-deficient cells, too,
resulting in an accumulation of transcript and protein (Castruita et al. 2011; Pape
et al. 2012; Hsieh et al. 2013). The involvement of CRR1 in HYDA1 regulation was
discovered by chance in a reporter gene screening for mutants affected in HYDA1
promoter activation under anoxia (Pape et al. 2012). The thereby identified allelic
crr1 mutant and the crr1 mutant originally isolated in the lab of Sabeeha Merchant
(Eriksson et al. 2004) have about half the amount of HYDA1 transcripts as well as
hydrogenase activity compared to the parental strains (Pape et al. 2012). The
HYDA1 promoter contains two GTAC sites, and a mutation of both is required to
reduce reporter gene activity to 50% under hypoxic conditions in the light, while
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 171
they appear to have a stronger impact in Cu-deficient cells (Pape et al. 2012). In
electrophoretic mobility shift assays, the SBP domain of CRR1 can bind the one
GTAC motive tested, and mercury ions inhibit HYDA1 gene induction (Pape et al.
2012). Mercury probably disturbs the binding of the CRR1 SBP domain to DNA
(Sommer et al. 2010) and inhibits the induction of several CRR1 targets (Hill et al.
1991; Quinn et al. 2002). HYDA1 transcript accumulation is less sensitive to
mercury than the CPX1 gene (Quinn et al. 2002), which is consistent with its partial
regulation by CRR1.
To date, the varying responses of CRR1 targets to limitations in Cu or O2 are not
understood. Most probably, CRR1 interacts with other proteins for a fine-tuning of
gene regulation. For example, the results regarding the chromatin and histone status
mentioned above suggest that CRR1 recruits histone modifying enzymes to its
target promoters (Strenkert et al. 2011). The size and architecture of the CRR1
polypeptide make such functions likely. With a length of ca. 80 amino acids, the
SBP domain constitutes only a small part of the protein. In its N-terminus, CRR1
has an AHA (aromatic, hydrophobic, acidic) domain which might be involved in
transcription transactivation in SBP box transcription factors from Arabidopsis and
Physcomitrella patens (Riese et al. 2007), but which does not appear to have an
essential function in CRR1 (Sommer et al. 2010). C-terminal of the SBP domain,
CRR1, and other SBP box factors feature a conserved domain which was termed
IRPGC domain according to highly conserved amino acids (Kropat et al. 2005;
Riese et al. 2007) and which might be involved in the homodimerization of
Arabidopsis SPL7 (Garcia-Molina et al. 2014). The C-terminus of CRR1 contains
ankyrin repeats which are often involved in protein-protein interactions (Mosavi
et al. 2004). CRR1 without ankyrin repeats restores growth, photosynthetic activity,
and CYC6 expression in the Cu-deficient crr1 mutant, but not CYC6 induction in
anaerobiosis (Sommer et al. 2010). It is therefore possible that CRR1 needs to form
homodimers or to interact with other proteins for CYC6 induction in anaerobiosis,
but not in Cu deficiency. At the very C-terminus of CRR1 lies a Cys-rich domain
which has similarities to metallothioneins and the Cu1+-binding domain of metal-
responsive transcription factor1 from Drosophila melanogaster (Kropat et al. 2005;
Sommer et al. 2010). Besides their role in coordinating metal ions, cysteines are
also known for their redox-related functions, and some anoxia-responsive sensors
indeed make use of the redox properties of Cys residues (Malpica et al. 2006;
Bueno et al. 2012). Therefore, the Cys-rich C-terminus of CRR1 is an interesting
candidate for both metal and anoxia sensing. Similar to the observations regarding
the CRR1 ankyrin repeats, the crr1 mutant equipped with a CRR1 protein without
the Cys-rich C-terminus (termed crr1ΔCys) shows restored growth, photosynthe-
sis, and CYC6 induction in the absence of Cu, but CYC6 transcript levels do not
change in anoxia. Additionally, in contrast to the wild type, this strain does hardly
accumulate Cu in O2 deficiency, but overaccumulates Zn under all conditions tested
(Sommer et al. 2010). The comparison of the transcriptomes of dark-anoxic crr1
mutants, crr1ΔCys strains, and the wild type showed that 23 of the anoxic CRR1
targets were not misregulated in crr1ΔCys strains, and in contrast to the crr1
mutant, the cells can grow in an anoxic atmosphere in the light, although not as
172 A. Hemschemeier
well as the wild type (Hemschemeier et al. 2013a). This indicates that the Cys-rich
C-terminus of CRR1 plays no essential and/or no O2-specific role in anoxia. It was
discussed that it is rather involved in sensing the Zn status, which is also connected
to the Cu availability (see below) (Sommer et al. 2010).
A noteworthy feature of the CRR1-mediated transcriptional response of
Chlamydomonas is its inducibility by nickel (Ni) ions. To date, no biological role
of Ni is known in the microalga, and its effects are thus probably pharmacological
(Quinn et al. 2003; Blaby-Haas et al. 2016). The comparison of the transcriptomes
of CRR1, crr1, and crr1ΔCys genotypes under Cu and O2 deficiency as well as Ni
addition revealed that the CRR1-dependent transcriptional response to Ni addition
is very similar to that to Cu deficiency, while its overlap with the hypoxia-
responsive transcriptome is significantly lower, again hinting to the involvement
of different additional factors (Blaby-Haas et al. 2016). Also, the Cys-rich C-ter-
minus of CRR1 seems to be needed for the most part of the Ni response, while its
role in the hypoxic response is less pronounced (Hemschemeier et al. 2013a; Blaby-
Haas et al. 2016). From their observations, Blaby-Haas et al. (2016) concluded that
Ni might interfere with a co-regulator of CRR1, which binds to the Cys-rich region.
Based on similarities to mammals, in which Ni inhibits the abovementioned prolyl-
4-hydroxylases, whose activity is also compromised by low O2 levels, it was
suggested that this co-regulator might be regulated by prolyl-4-hydroxylases in a
similar fashion as HIF1α (Blaby-Haas et al. 2016).
chemistry of Cu, which becomes reduced in anoxia and then tends to form insoluble
complexes that are hardly bioavailable. It would therefore make sense for an
organism to anticipate Cu deficiency in anoxia and vice versa. However, at least
in the laboratory, anoxic Chlamydomonas cells accumulate Cu (Sommer et al.
2010) and still produce plastocyanin holoprotein (Quinn et al. 2002), indicating
that the cells do not experience intracellular Cu shortage. Still, it seems plausible
that the oxidation state of the cellular Cu pool changes under anoxic conditions and
that this is registered by the Cu sensor (Quinn et al. 2002). This model is supported
by the observations that Cu2+ (present in aerobiosis) prevents the CRR1 SBP
domain from binding to its target sequence, but Cu1+ (probably present in anoxic
cells) does not (Sommer et al. 2010).
Another shared experience of Cu-depleted and anoxic cells is probably a change
in the overall metal status or its regulation. CRR1 is needed for a proper response to
Fe deficiency, probably via the biosynthesis of the Cu-containing ferroxidase FOX1
(La Fontaine et al. 2002; Eriksson et al. 2004; Chen et al. 2008). The responses of
Chlamydomonas to Cu and Zn deficiency are interwoven, too. Zn-depleted cells
overaccumulate Cu1+ in bodies similar to lysosomes, termed cuprosomes, in a
CRR1-dependent manner (Hong-Hermesdorf et al. 2014). These cells obviously
experience intracellular Cu deficiency, because CYC6 accumulates and the plasto-
cyanin amount decreases (Hong-Hermesdorf et al. 2014). In anoxia, the solubility
and thus likely the bioavailability of many metal ions change. For example, Zn and
molybdenum, like Cu, are less and manganese and Fe more soluble in low O2
environments (Anbar 2008). The abundance of several transcripts encoding com-
ponents of metal assimilation pathways change in dark-anoxic Chlamydomonas
cells (Hemschemeier et al. 2013a). Six thereof are also regulated under Cu defi-
ciency, and four (CTR1 to CTR3 and the putative Fe transporter-encoding gene
IRT2) are CRR1 targets. Yet another and, for the time being, speculative explana-
tion for the coordinated response to Cu and O2 deficiency might be the
compromised respiratory activity of both anoxic and Cu-deficient cells. While the
former lack the electron acceptor, the latter cannot fully maintain the synthesis of
the Cu-containing cytochrome c oxidase (Kropat et al. 2015).
In most cases, the physiological function of the enzymes encoded by Cu- and
O2-responsive genes remains elusive in at least one of the two conditions. For
example, the cytochrome c6 encoding CYC6 transcript accumulates strongly under
both conditions (Quinn et al. 2000), but whereas the function of CYC6 as a
replacement of plastocyanin under Cu deficiency is clear (Wood 1978; Eriksson
et al. 2004), its role in anoxia is not known, especially as anoxia does not result in a
degradation of plastocyanin (Moseley et al. 2000; Quinn et al. 2002). Two further
well-analyzed examples of coordinate expression under both Cu and O2 deficiency
are the CPX1 and the CRD1 genes (Hill and Merchant 1995; Quinn et al. 2000,
2002; Moseley et al. 2002b). CPX1 is an enzyme in the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis
pathway, CRD1 is part of the chlorophyll-specific branch, and the catalysis of both
enzymes is O2 dependent. It was suggested that under Cu deficiency, higher
amounts of CPX1 would allow the biosynthesis of sufficient amounts of heme for
the CYC6 protein. In hypoxia, it might be a strategy to catch the limited O2
174 A. Hemschemeier
molecules. In yeast, the corresponding gene HEM13 is also induced in hypoxia, and
the HEM13 protein is rate limiting under this condition (Zagorec and Labbe-Bois
1986; Zagorec et al. 1988). In case of CRD1, a physiological function under both
Cu and O2 deficiency has been shown, because crd1 mutants are chlorotic under
both conditions (Moseley et al. 2000, 2002b; Quinn et al. 2002). In Cu-free
medium, photosynthetic electron transport of the crd1 mutant is disturbed, and
the amounts of photosystem I (PSI) and light-harvesting complexes (LHC) I and II
are strongly reduced (Moseley et al. 2000, 2002b). Notably, CRD1 is expressed
reciprocally to the CTH1 gene, encoding an isoform that shares 67% identical
amino acids with CRD1 (Moseley et al. 2002b), but basal amounts of CRD1
transcript are also detected under standard growth conditions (in the presence of
Cu and O2), and the CRD1 protein has a constitutive function. Low-temperature
(77K) chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectra and isolation and characterization
of PSI complexes indicate that in crd1 mutants, the LHCI antennae are permanently
uncoupled from PSI (Moseley et al. 2002a, b). Because of the similarity of the
photosynthetic apparatus of the crd1 mutant in full medium to that of the wild type
under Fe deficiency, it was hypothesized that the CRD1 enzyme, which belongs to
the class of diiron-carboxylate proteins, plays a role in sensing the Fe status and
transmits this signal via chlorophyll biosynthesis and the PSI subunit PsaK to the
PSI-LHCI complex (Moseley et al. 2002a). Why higher amounts of CRD1 are
needed when Cu and O2 are limited is not known. A mutant deficient for light-
dependent protochlorophyllide reductase that has a similarly reduced chlorophyll
concentration as the Cu- or O2-deficient crd1 mutant does not exhibit a disturbed
chlorophyll fluorescence pattern in Cu-free medium (Moseley et al. 2000). A crd1
suppressor strain in which, contrary to the wild type, the CTH1 protein is present in
the absence of Cu and O2, is not chlorotic under these conditions, but 77K
chlorophyll fluorescence spectra are still different from those of the wild type
(Moseley et al. 2002b). These results indicate that CRD1 and CTH1 do not solely
function as chlorophyll biosynthetic enzymes but that they have other, only par-
tially overlapping roles.
As noted above, one of the shared targets of Cu and O2 deficiency is the HYDA1
gene. Notably, further genes encoding (O2-intolerant) enzymes known to be
involved in the anoxic metabolism of Chlamydomonas are induced on the transcript
and/or protein level in fully aerated Cu-deficient cells, such as the [FeFe]-
hydrogenase maturases HydEF and HydG, PFR, PFL1, or PAT2 (Castruita et al.
2011; Hsieh et al. 2013). Although this has not been analyzed yet, it is unlikely that
the extremely O2-sensitive HydA1 (Stripp et al. 2009) is active in aerated
Cu-deficient cells, unless there are protective mechanisms. The physiological role
of Cu- and O2-responsive genes becomes even more puzzling in view of recent
results about the ferredoxin encoding FDX5 gene. The gene is strongly induced in
anoxia and Cu deficiency (Mus et al. 2007; Jacobs et al. 2009; Terauchi et al. 2009;
Lambertz et al. 2010) and is a CRR1 target (Lambertz et al. 2010; Castruita et al.
2011; Hemschemeier et al. 2013a). Fdx5 is a plant-type [2Fe2S]-ferredoxin located
in the chloroplast (Jacobs et al. 2009; Terashima et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2015). In
in vitro enzyme assays, Fdx5 does not mediate NADPH photoproduction via
Chlamydomonas: Anoxic Acclimation and Signaling 175
Fig. 3 Schematic overview on possible ways of O2 sensing and signaling in Chlamydomonas that
are discussed in the text. Except for the known role of CRR1, the depicted processes and pathways
are deduced from mutant phenotypes or physiological observations and remain to be confirmed
and understood in molecular detail, respectively
can be observed (Whitney et al. 2011; Zones et al. 2015). However, it is not known
whether the genes are regulated by the circadian clock. Because the effect of
darkness is also seen in not synchronized cells (Duanmu et al. 2013;
Hemschemeier et al. 2013a), it is well possible that the photosynthetic activity
and the resulting O2 content of the cells (Whitney et al. 2011) influence the
expression of “anaerobic genes”. Experiments that utilized the PSII inhibitor
3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) to test the effect of a sudden
drop of photosynthetic O2 evolution resulted in mixed responses depending on the
target gene analyzed. While the HYDA1, HYDEF, and PFR transcripts did not
significantly respond to DCMU treatment of Chlamydomonas in the light and still
responded to darkness, other dark-responsive transcripts (e.g., of genes putatively
involved in amino acid catabolism) were strongly induced by DCMU in the light
(Hemschemeier et al. 2013a). This suggests that different stimuli are responsible
for the dark-induced accumulation of different subsets of transcripts, such as the
relative O2 content, the redox potential, or the carbohydrate or energy status
(Fig. 3). The Chlamydomonas HYDA1 gene can be induced in aerobic cells by
adding the monothiol reductant β-mercaptoethanol to the cells (Hemschemeier
et al. 2013a), HydA1 amounts are lower in the anaerobic response 1 (anr1)-
deficient mutant impaired in cyclic electron flow under anoxic conditions
(Terashima et al. 2012), and HYDA1 transcript levels are lower in dark-anoxic
starchless mutants deficient for isoamylase (STA7) or ADP-glucose
pyrophosphorylase (STA6) (Posewitz et al. 2004b). Other signals emerging from
the photosynthetic apparatus influence HydA1 on the level of the absolute enzy-
matic activity (i.e., the maximal enzymatic activity detectable in the cells, for
example, by proton/deuterium (H/D) isotope exchange measurements (Jouanneau
et al. 1980) which is independent from physiological electron supply). Usually, this
maximum activity follows the transcript and protein amounts (Happe et al. 1994;
Forestier et al. 2003). H/D exchange activity is hardly detectable in the dark-anoxic
sta6 mutant, consistent with the transcript data shown by Posewitz et al. (2004b),
but reaches significant values under anoxia in the light (Chochois et al. 2009). In
contrast, the H/D exchange activity of the anoxic wild type is rather similar in the
dark or in the light. DCMU has no significant effect on hydrogenase enzyme
activity, while an inhibitor of the cytochrome b6f complex (2,5-dibromo-3-
methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB)) as well as the uncoupler carbonyl
cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) result in strongly reduced
H/D exchange activity. It was therefore discussed that the proton gradient which
results from cyclic electron flow is involved in the regulation of the synthesis or
stabilization of active hydrogenase (Chochois et al. 2009).
Hypothetically, the alga might also employ pathways involved in retrograde
plastid-to-nucleus signaling under dark anoxia. Signals emerging from tetrapyrrole
metabolism are implied to result in differential expression of nuclear genes
(Duanmu et al. 2013; Brzezowski et al. 2015). Tetrapyrrole biosynthesis and/or
degradation involve several O2-dependent steps which are probably impaired in
hypoxia. For example, bilin was reported to play a role in retrograde signaling in
178 A. Hemschemeier
While with the exception of CRR1, the components of O2 sensing and signaling in
Chlamydomonas are as yet unknown, a role of nitric oxide (NO) as a second
messenger is emerging. The NO molecule, a gas and free radical, is a ubiquitous
product of many enzymatic and chemical reactions within a cell (Blokhina and
Fagerstedt 2010; Stern and Zhu 2014). In higher concentrations, NO is toxic, and it
is indeed generated by activated macrophages as part of the pathogen defense (Fang
2004; Stern and Zhu 2014). However, it is also employed as a signaling molecule,
and NO-dependent processes in animals include neuronal communication, vasodi-
lation, and the immune response (Bryan et al. 2009). According to ongoing
research, it appears that NO is employed in signaling pathways in all organism
groups (Besson-Bard et al. 2008; Poyton et al. 2009; Moreau et al. 2010; Baudouin
2011; Baudouin and Hancock 2014; Stern and Zhu 2014). It is therefore not
surprising that it also plays important roles in Chlamydomonas. The responses of
the alga to Cu stress and Fe starvation appear to involve NO-regulated processes
(Zhang et al. 2008; Liping et al. 2013). Upon nitrogen starvation, the cytochrome
b6f complex of Chlamydomonas is degraded in a regulated process which also
involves NO (Wei et al. 2014). Especially well analyzed is the role of NO in
regulating nitrate assimilation in the microalga (de Montaigu et al. 2010; Sanz-
Luque et al. 2013, 2015), and it also plays a role in the hypoxic or anoxic response
of Chlamydomonas (see below). As is the case in plants (Baudouin and Hancock
2014), the molecular mechanisms of NO signaling in Chlamydomonas are in most
cases not understood, with the exception of emerging details on NO production and
detoxification in the context of nitrate assimilation (see below).
mutant, a gene coding for a putative sGC is affected (Cre16.g688901; note that the
gene was formerly known as CYG56, but in the current genome version, another
protein containing an adenylate/guanylate cyclase domain, Cre13.g603350, is
termed CYG56). The phenotype of the mutant is consistent with analyses of the
Chlamydomonas wild type, in which NO and cGMP accumulate in conditions of
ammonium repression (de Montaigu et al. 2010), and in which NO donors, cGMP
analogues, and PDE inhibitors result in the repression of the nitrate reductase
(NIT1)-encoding gene in the absence of ammonium, whereas sGC inhibitors or an
NO scavenger result in its derepression in the presence of ammonium (de Montaigu
et al. 2010). NO also regulates ammonium and nitrate assimilation sGC- and cGMP-
independently (Sanz-Luque et al. 2013). The high-affinity transport of ammonium,
nitrate, and nitrite as well as NIT1 activity are rapidly and reversibly inhibited by the
external addition of an NO donor, a process independent from inhibitors of sGCs or
PDEs (Sanz-Luque et al. 2013). Here, NO appears to act through posttranslational
modification, possibly S-nitrosylation, which is a process also occurring in
Chlamydomonas as shown by its S-nitrosoproteome (Morisse et al. 2014). Notably,
the inhibitory effect of NO on NIT1 was only observed in whole Chlamydomonas
cells, but not in cell extracts, not in E. coli cells heterologously synthesizing NIT1,
and not in the purified enzyme (Sanz-Luque et al. 2013). This indicates that the
putative posttranslational modification by NO is mediated by organism-specific
cellular structures. Because NO signaling is ubiquitous and involved in different
acclimatory processes in most organisms, there must be means of providing spec-
ificity to the NO signal, for example, by spatiotemporal patterns, protein-protein
interactions, and cross talks with other molecules or conditions (Kone et al. 2003;
Hess et al. 2005; Anand and Stamler 2012; Nakamura and Lipton 2013).
In Chlamydomonas as in plants, no NOS was identified yet, so that other
chemical or enzymatic reactions must be responsible for NO production. Similar
to plants, nitrate reductase seems to be a major source of NO. Nitrite and NIT1-
dependent NO production was shown (Sakihama et al. 2002), and very recently it
was revealed that the molybdoenzyme amidoxime reducing component (ARC) is
involved in this process (Chamizo-Ampudia et al. 2016) (Fig. 4). Like its homo-
logue in humans, Chlamydomonas ARC can be reduced by cytochrome b5 and an
associated reductase (Chamizo-Ampudia et al. 2011), but also by the diaphorase
domain of NIT1, allowing NO production from nitrite (Chamizo-Ampudia et al.
2016). In plants, both nitrate reductase-dependent and -independent processes have
been described (Baudouin 2011; Fr€ohlich and Durner 2011), and this probably
applies to Chlamydomonas, too, because NO-dependent processes have been
reported for Chlamydomonas nit1 mutants (Hemschemeier et al. 2013b; Liping
et al. 2013; Wei et al. 2014). The ammonium-induced repression of NIT1 can be
mimicked by Ca2+ ionophores (see above: certain animal NOSs are activated by
calmodulin), whereas L-NAME relieves ammonium repression. Additionally, Ca2+
ionophores induce and L-NAME impairs NO accumulation within the algal cells
(de Montaigu et al. 2010). This suggests (a) Ca2+-sensitive, Arg-dependent pathway
(s) as reported for plants.
182 A. Hemschemeier
Although the first and probably best studied hemoglobins are the O2 transporting
hemoglobins and myoglobins, hemoglobins are recognized today as versatile pro-
teins that fulfil various functions as enzymes or sensors (Hoy and Hargrove 2008;
Vinogradov and Moens 2008; Reeder 2010; Martı́nková et al. 2013). Several
enzymatic activities of hemoglobins involve nitrogen compounds, such as NO
dioxygenation, reduction of hydroxylamine and peroxynitrite, and nitrite to NO
reduction (Gladwin et al. 2003; Gardner 2005; Ascenzi et al. 2008, 2009; De
Marinis et al. 2009; Sturms et al. 2011a, b). Notably, many hemoglobins are capable
of catalyzing various reactions in vitro, so that their in vivo function cannot directly
be inferred from biochemical analyses. Different reaction kinetics and affinities,
however, can give clues. For example, the class 1 nonsymbiotic 3/3 hemoglobins of
plants usually have very high affinities and very low dissociation constants for O2,
making their function as O2 transport proteins unlikely (Hoy and Hargrove 2008;
Smagghe et al. 2009). The function of a hemoglobin can additionally change
depending on the environment or on protein partners. For example, animal hemo-
globin and myoglobin can reduce nitrite to NO under hypoxic conditions (Cosby
et al. 2003; Rassaf et al. 2007; Totzeck et al. 2012). The NO dioxygenase activity of
hemoglobins requires a reducing system that converts the heme group, which is left
oxidized after catalysis, back to the reactive reduced form (Smagghe et al. 2008).
Some, but not all hemoglobins, can be directly reduced by NADPH or FADH2
(Perazzolli et al. 2004; Sainz et al. 2013).
In Chlamydomonas, no 3/3 hemoglobins have been identified yet, which is in
contrast to plants which often contain both 3/3 hemoglobins and THBs (Vázquez-
Limón et al. 2012). The high number of THB genes in Chlamydomonas is rather
unusual, although some protists and Caenorhabditis elegans have also numerous
hemoglobin-encoding genes (Hoogewijs et al. 2004; Tilleman et al. 2011;
Vinogradov et al. 2013a). The domain architecture of the annotated
Chlamydomonas THBs indicates additional functions of the proteins, because
most of them have considerably elongated N- or C-termini with so far unknown
roles (Vinogradov et al. 2011; Hemschemeier et al. 2013b; Huwald et al. 2015). To
date, only two of the genes have been studied on the physiological level, THB1 and
Cre16.g661200 [termed THB8 in Hemschemeier et al. (2013b)]. THB1, which is
the shortest of all Chlamydomonas hemoglobins, has been analyzed most exten-
sively and is well characterized biochemically and structurally (Johnson and
Lecomte 2013, 2014; Johnson et al. 2014; Ciaccio et al. 2015; Rice et al. 2015).
Transcript and protein levels are high only in Chlamydomonas strains that possess
the global nitrate assimilation regulator NIT2 and that are cultivated in the presence
of nitrate (Johnson et al. 2014; Sanz-Luque et al. 2015). THB1 transcript levels can
be further enhanced by treating the cells with NO (Sanz-Luque et al. 2015), and the
protein has NO dioxygenase activity (Johnson et al. 2014; Sanz-Luque et al. 2015).
Notably, the diaphorase domain of NIT1 is able to reduce THB1 so that in vitro,
several cycles of NO dioxygenation are possible (Sanz-Luque et al. 2015). Probably
by abstracting electrons, THB1 protein reduces NIT1 activity in cell extracts, and in
strains with posttranscriptionally reduced THB1 transcript amounts, NIT1 activity
is inversely proportional to THB1 transcript levels (Sanz-Luque et al. 2015). A dual
184 A. Hemschemeier
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Chlamydomonas: Regulation Toward Metal
Eugen I. Urzica
1 Introduction
Although transition metals are essential for life, they could also be toxic. The same
chemical reactivity used for specific reactions could damage the macromolecules
when it is present in excess. Therefore, the organisms have developed mechanisms
that help to maintain the intracellular homeostasis and control the nutrient intra-
cellular levels. The nutrient assimilation pathways are induced at low nutrient
concentrations and turned off at high nutrient concentrations. Metal homeostasis
serves to ensure that the metal ions are accessible and the apoproteins only interact
with the right metal.
Metal ions are simple protein cofactors, and copper, zinc, iron, and manganese,
in particular, can play a role in many and often essential reactions within the cell.
To utilize metal ions as catalysts is imperative for the cell to overcome the unique
challenge of metal specificity and selectively. The interaction between a protein
and a different metal is generally unproductive, and with few exceptions, proteins
Based on the expression of sentinel genes, chlorophyll content, growth, and sensi-
tivity to high light, four stages of iron nutrition were defined in C. reinhardtii. Iron
replete, with 20 μM Fe in the medium, corresponds to the iron content of standard
laboratory growth medium (Harris 2009). The second stage is iron deficiency with
around 1–3 μM Fe (depending on the strain) when the cells are preparing for the
onset of iron limitation by upregulating iron transporters and adjusting their bio-
chemistry to minimize iron utilization, but their chlorophyll content is not or only
marginally affected. Fluorescence kinetics and low-temperature fluorescence stud-
ies indicate an impact on PSI light harvesting as well as electron transfer (Moseley
et al. 2002a). Iron-limited cultures (with iron concentrations bellow 0.5 μM Fe) are
visibly chlorotic and show an N-terminal processing of LHCA3 which correlates
with the drop in the excitation energy transfer efficiency between LHCI and PSI as
evidenced by low-temperature fluorescence emission spectroscopy (Moseley et al.
2002a; Naumann et al. 2005). The effect on chlorophyll biosynthesis visualized by
chlorosis could be attributed to a di-iron aerobic cyclase encoded by CHL27 in
chlorophyll biosynthesis (Tottey et al. 2003). Finally, in the iron-excess situation
(200 μM Fe), the cells are phenotypically indistinguishable from iron-replete cells
at normal light intensities but are sensitive to excess excitation energy (500 μmol
photons m2 s1) (Long and Merchant 2008). Even though the high-affinity iron-
uptake system is downregulated under iron-excess situation, it has been shown that
C. reinhardtii cells hyperaccumulate iron under both photoheterotrophic and pho-
toautotrophic conditions (Terauchi et al. 2010). The iron is most likely entering the
cells using the low-affinity pathway, evidenced by the increased IRT1 transcript
levels (see below) (Long and Merchant 2008).
Table 1 Known and putative proteins involved in iron assimilation and distribution of
intracellular iron
Transcript Gene
name name Defline Domain
Iron assimilation
Cre04. FRE1 Ferric-chelate reductase/ Ferric reductase-like transmem-
g227400. oxidoreductase brane component, FAD-binding
t1.2 domain; ferric reductase
NAD-binding domain
Cre09. FOX1 Multicopper ferroxidase Multicopper oxidase
Cre03. FTR1 Iron permease, membrane Iron permease FTR1 family
g192050. protein
Cre12. FEA1 Iron-assimilating protein 1 Low iron-inducible periplasmic
g546550. protein
Cre12. FEA2 Iron-assimilating protein 2 Low iron-inducible periplasmic
g546600. protein
Cre12. IRT1 Iron-nutrition-responsive ZIP ZIP zinc transporter
g530400. family transporter
Cre12. IRT2 Iron-nutrition-responsive ZIP ZIP zinc transporter
g530350. family transporter
Intracellular iron transport
Cre12. TEF22 DOMON domain, cytochrome DOMON domain, eukaryotic cyto-
g546500. b561/ferric reductase trans- chrome b561
t1.2 membrane domain
Cre05. Putative ferric reductase like Ferric reductase-like transmem-
g241400. transmembrane component brane component, FAD-binding
t1.1 domain
Cre16. MFL1 Mitoferrin-like protein Mitochondrial carrier protein
Cre05. NRAMP4 Natural resistance-associated Natural resistance-associated mac-
g248300. macrophage domain protein rophage protein
Cre02. CVL1 Similar to yeast CCC1 and VIT family
g099500. plant VIT1
Cre02. CVL2 Similar to yeast CCC1 and VIT family
g107550. plant VIT1
Cre16. FPN1 Similar to ferroportin Ferroportin1 (FPN1)
206 E.I. Urzica
Table 1 (continued)
Transcript Gene
name name Defline Domain
Cre12. FTX1 Frataxin Frataxin-like domain
Cre11. PIC1 PIC1 permease Protein of unknown function
g467759. (DUF3611)
Cre09. FER1 Pre-apoferritin Ferritin-like domain
Cre13. FER2 Ferritin subunit Ferritin-like domain
Cre01. Ferritin-like domain protein Ferritin2 domain
g033300. (ferritin2)
Unknown function
Cre12. FOX2 Multicopper oxidase Multicopper oxidase
Cre03. RBOL1 Respiratory burst oxidase Ferric reductase-like transmem-
g188300. brane component, FAD-binding
t1.1 domain
Cre03. RBOL2 Respiratory burst oxidase Ferric reductase-like transmem-
g188400. brane component, FAD-binding
t1.1 domain
more abundant than Fe3þ owing to reduced levels of oxygen (Ishimaru et al. 2006;
Thomine and Vert 2013; Walker and Connolly 2008).
After its import into Chlamydomonas cell, iron most likely binds to diverse low-
molecular-weight biological ligands forming the labile iron pool. From this labile
pool, iron is distributed to the chloroplast, mitochondria where it is needed for
photosynthesis and respiration, and for Fe–S clusters and heme synthesis or is
sequestered into the vacuole. Iron-deficient C. reinhardtii cells upregulate several
gene-encoding transporters with the potential to function in intracellular metal
distribution. These include a transporter of the natural resistance-associated macro-
phage proteins NRAMP4, Cre16.g687000 protein with sequence homology to plant
and mammalian ferroportins, CVL1 and CVL2 which are two putative transporters
Chlamydomonas: Regulation Toward Metal Deficiencies 207
similar to vacuolar plant VIT1 and yeast CCC1-like transporters, and two putative
ferric reductases (TEF22 and Cre05.g241400) (Table 1) (Urzica et al. 2012).
The NRAMP proteins are conserved from bacteria to humans, and they catalyze
the Hþ-dependent transport of divalent metal ions, such as Mn2þ, Fe2þ, Co2þ, Zn2þ
, Ni2þ, or Cd2þ (Courville et al. 2006; Nevo and Nelson 2006). The yeast genome
codes for three NRAMP transporters (Sm1p, Smf2p, and Smf3p), of which Smf3p
is vacuolar membrane localized and its expression is regulated by iron nutrition,
whereas mammals have two, SLC11A1 and SLC11A2 (Portnoy et al. 2000; Singh
et al. 2007). Mammalian SCL11A2 (also called DCT1/DMT1) functions in iron
import into enterocytes, after reduction of ferric iron by ferric reductase at the
apical membrane, and in Fe2þ transport from the endosome during the transferrin
cycle (Andrews 2000; Riedel et al. 1995). NRAMP3 and NRAMP4 in Arabidopsis
are both induced by iron deficiency (Thomine et al. 2000) and function to mobilize
iron from vacuoles during seed germination (Lanquar et al. 2005). The
C. reinhardtii genome codes for four NRAMPs (NRAMP1, NRAMP2, RET1,
and NRAMP4). C. reinhardtii NRAMP4 is induced by iron deficiency under both
photoheterotrophic and photoautotrophic conditions, and these changes in
NRAMP4 mRNA abundances are specific to iron-deficient/iron-limited cells,
whereas the NRAMP1 and NRAMP2 genes are induced specifically in
manganese-starved cells (Urzica et al. 2012). NRAMP4 from C. reinhardtii is
more closely related to Arabidopsis NRAMP3/NRAMP4 and mammalian DCT1
than to the other C. reinhardtii NRAMP proteins. Therefore, it seems likely that
C. reinhardtii NRAMP4 is involved in remobilization of vacuolar iron stores
needed for essential processes (photosynthesis and mitochondrial respiration) dur-
ing low-iron nutrition. A compartment called the acidocalcisome has been
described in C. reinhardtii (Ruiz et al. 2001). This compartment contains
polyphosphate and metals and is a specialized vacuolar structure based on proteo-
mic analysis of Cyanidioschyzon merolae acidocalcisomes that identified
V-ATPase subunits (Yagisawa et al. 2009). In addition, at least two candidate
metal transporters, including a protein related to S. cerevisiae Ccc1p and a cation
diffusion facilitator family member (putative Zn transporter), were described.
CVL1 and CVL2 are two proteins related to S. cerevisiae Ccc1p and Arabidopsis
VIT1 that are involved in the iron export from the vacuole into the cytosol (Kim
et al. 2006; Li et al. 2001). Although the increasing transcript levels of
C. reinhardtii CCVL1/CCVL2 seem counterintuitive, it is possible that under
iron deficiency, they function to only transiently store the potentially toxic iron
released from degraded or damaged iron–sulfur proteins into the vacuoles prior to
its redistribution to intracellular compartments. A similar pattern of expression and
function has been documented for a vacuolar zinc transporter in S. cerevisiae
(ZRC1) (MacDiarmid et al. 2003).
Cre16.g687000 encodes a ferroportin-like protein (FPN1), and similar increas-
ing expression profiles during iron deficiency have been observed for a plant
ferroportin IREG2/FPN2, whereas another plant ferroportin IREG3/MAR1 is
downregulated under iron deficiency in A. thaliana (Buckhout et al. 2009;
Colangelo and Guerinot 2004; Long et al. 2010; Kong and Yang 2010; Zheng
208 E.I. Urzica
et al. 2009). A. thaliana FPN2 is localized to vacuolar membranes and MAR1 to the
plastid envelope membranes. The proteins can apparently transport divalent cations
like Fe2þ, Co2þ, and Ni2þ (Conte et al. 2009; Morrissey et al. 2009; Schaaf et al.
2006). Since the overexpression of MAR1 in A. thaliana confers chlorosis which
can be rescued by excess iron, it has been suggested that MAR1 has a function in
iron import into the chloroplasts. In addition MAR1 can transport multiple
aminoglycoside antibiotics (Conte et al. 2009). On the other hand, FPN2 is playing
a role in sequestering other divalent cations to the vacuole. The latter function is
necessary in iron-deficient cells because members of the ZIP family (like IRT1/
IRT2, which are induced) are not as selective for iron as is the FTR1/FOX1 pathway
and may bring in unwanted, potentially toxic ions. For instance, plant IRT proteins
are known to transport Cd2þ (Connolly et al. 2002).
Another induced gene in iron-deficient/iron-limited C. reinhardtii is Cre05.
g241400 and encodes for a ferric reductase-like protein. This putative
ferrireductase could function to reduce intracellular ferric to ferrous prior to
transport into the vacuole or the chloroplast, by analogy to Fre6p in yeast or
FRO7 in Arabidopsis (Jeong et al. 2008; Singh et al. 2007).
C. reinhardtii genome also encodes for three cytochrome b561 family proteins
(TEF22, Cre14.g609900, and Cre13.g586600). TEF22 and Cre14.g609900 possess
a DOMON domain fused to a cytochrome b561 ferric reductase domain and are more
related to mammalian FRRS-like ferric reductases than they are to the plant homo-
logs (Urzica et al. 2012). Mouse, rat, human, and Drosophila melanogaster SDR2
(FRRS1) are indeed functional ferric reductases, and mouse SDR2 is also regulated
by iron (Vargas et al. 2003). Expression of mammalian duodenal cytochrome
b (Dcytb), which generates the Fe2þ used by DCT1/DMT1, is likewise regulated
by iron nutrition (McKie 2008; McKie et al. 2001), and two other mammalian
cytochrome b561 homologs from chromaffin granules and lysosomes function as
ascorbate-dependent ferric reductases (Fleming et al. 1997; Fleming and Kent 1991;
Njus et al. 1987; Su and Asard 2006; Zhang et al. 2006). These cytochrome b561
ferric reductases each possess four conserved histidine residues involved in coordi-
nation of two heme molecules and conserved sites for ascorbate and
monodehydroascorbate binding (Su and Asard 2006; Takeuchi et al. 2004; Trost
et al. 2000). The C. reinhardtii proteins retain the conserved residues, making them
likely to be true ferric reductases (Urzica et al. 2012). Proteomic studies indicated
that TEF22 is in the mitochondrion (Allmer et al. 2006; Atteia et al. 2009) suggesting
that TEF22 might be a ferric reductase involved in supplying ferrous iron for
mitochondrial respiratory complexes. Cre14.g609900 may function together with
FRE1 at the plasma membrane, whereas Cre13.g586600, whose
monodehydroascorbate and ascorbate binding sites are well conserved, might be
involved in ascorbate regeneration from monodehydroascorbate at the plasma
membrane or vacuolar membrane (Urzica et al. 2012). Members of the mitochon-
drial solute carrier (MSC) family can transport multiple substrates across the inner
mitochondrial membrane. Some of them are involved in iron import into mitochon-
dria, like MIT from rice (Bashir et al. 2011a, b), Mrs3p and Mrs4p in yeast
(Froschauer et al. 2009; Muhlenhoff et al. 2003), or mitoferrins 1 and 2 in zebrafish
Chlamydomonas: Regulation Toward Metal Deficiencies 209
and mouse (Shaw et al. 2006). C. reinhardtii encodes for a mitoferrin homolog
(MFL1) that is potentially involved in iron import into the algal mitochondria
(Table 1) (Blaby-Haas and Merchant 2012).
Another key player in the iron homeostasis is played by the ferritin. Due to its
ability to store large quantities of iron, ferritin is the major, and perhaps only, iron
storage protein (Koorts and Viljoen 2007; Theil 1987). Ferritin is a multimeric
complex, consisting of 24 subunits that form a shell around a core that can hold up
to 4500 Fe(III) atoms as an insoluble iron–oxyhydroxide mineral (Harrison and
Arosio 1996; Theil 1987). When iron is needed, reduction leads to release of the
metal from the complex, but the mechanism is not yet fully understood (Harrison
and Arosio 1996). Even though its three-dimensional structure is conserved, mam-
malian and plant ferritins differ in their subunit composition and the cellular
localization. In mammals, the ferritin complex is localized in the cytosol (Harrison
and Arosio 1996) and is composed of the H and L subunits in a tissue-dependent
stoichiometry. The H chain carries ferroxidase active sites that oxidize ferrous to
ferric iron, a prerequisite for mineralization in the core (Chasteen 1998). The L
chain that is present only in vertebrates does not have a ferroxidase site but is able to
form a complex and bind iron at neutral but not acidic pH (Levi et al. 1989).
Therefore changes in the ratio of H/L subunits, e.g., in response to iron nutrition or
in particular cell types, can affect the iron storage capability of ferritin (Koorts and
Viljoen 2007). In vascular plants, ferritin is located in the plastids rather than in the
cytosol and is the source of iron for de novo synthesis of the cytochromes and FeS
proteins in the photosynthetic apparatus during chloroplast development (Lobréaux
and Briat 1991).
Recently, ferritin was also found in plant mitochondria, and it was suggested that
this might be a consequence of dual targeting of one of the preproteins (Zancani
et al. 2004). Although ferritin is encoded by a multigene family in plants [four FER
genes in Arabidopsis (Petit et al. 2001); three in Lupinus luteus (Strozycki et al.
2010)], the subunits are all of one type with a ferroxidase active site and charac-
teristics of both the H and the L chains (Wade et al. 1993). During the early stages
of plant development, ferritin is mostly detected in the nongreen plastids of seeds
and developing organs, such as young leaves, where it serves as an iron pool
(Lobréaux and Briat 1991), whereas in the chloroplasts, it is only found during
senescence (Buchanan-Wollaston and Ainsworth 1997). The elevated protein level
sequestered iron at the expense of the iron-rich photosynthetic machinery and led to
an iron-deficient phenotype of the chloroplasts, evidenced by an increase in root
ferric reductase activity and in leaf iron content (Van Wuytswinkel et al. 1998).
Two genes FER1 and FER2 encoding ferritin subunits were identified in the
C. reinhardtii genome with 49% identity between the FER1 and FER2 subunits.
Both ferritin subunits are plastid localized, but FER1 is quantitatively recovered in
soluble extracts of cells, while FER2 is found associated with the particulate
fraction. Both FER1 and FER2 transcripts are increased in abundance as iron
nutrition is decreased, but the pattern for each gene is distinct (Long et al. 2008;
Urzica et al. 2012). The increased abundance of FER1 mRNAs in iron deficiency
(La Fontaine et al. 2002) is counterintuitive for an iron storage protein, and it has
210 E.I. Urzica
been suggested that plastid ferritin1 plays a role in buffering iron or holding it
transiently as it was released from PSI by degradation (Moseley et al. 2002a).
However, the iron content of the FER1 complex is decreased suggesting that
increased expression results in increased capacity for iron binding in the chloroplast
of iron-limited cells, which supports a role for FER1 as an iron buffer (Long et al.
2008). Busch et al. showed that there is a strong correlation between the induction
of the FER1 protein levels and the degree of PSI degradation under iron-limited
conditions. The PSI level can be fully restored within 24 h after iron repletion at the
expense of the accumulated ferritin, indicating that the ferritin-stored iron allows
fast adjustment of the photosynthetic apparatus with respect to iron availability
(Busch et al. 2008). Reducing the amount of FER1 protein using RNAi results in a
significant delay in the degradation of PSI under iron limitation, and these strains
are more susceptible to photooxidative stress under high-light conditions. This
suggests that it plays also a protective role under photooxidative stress conditions
(Busch et al. 2008).
On the other hand, FER2 protein levels are decreased in iron-deprived cells,
suggesting that there is an iron-nutrition-responsive regulation at the translational
or posttranslational level for FER2. Partial purification of the FER1 complex
indicates that the two ferritins are associated in distinct complexes but they do
not coassemble. The ratio of FER1 to FER2 is 70:1 in iron-replete cells, suggesting
a more dominant role of FER1 in iron homeostasis (Long et al. 2008).
transcription factors have been previously associated with iron deficiency in plants,
where they might function as regulators of iron-deficiency responses (Chen et al.
2006; Ogo et al. 2006; Shen et al. 2008). Whether any of these genes can regulate
the iron-deficiency responses in C. reinhardtii remains to be experimentally
Copper can exist in two oxidation states (Cuþ and Cu2þ) and like iron can be found
as a cofactor in many electron transfer proteins and different enzymes such as
cytochrome oxidase, ferroxidase, or CuZn superoxide dismutase; thus copper is an
essential micronutrient for most organisms. Copper homeostasis must be tightly
regulated to maintain proper intracellular levels. Transporters that can import
copper have been identified in several organisms. The S. cerevisiae Ctr1 and Ctr3
are plasma membrane copper transporters with redundant functions; only deletion
of both could abolish the high-affinity copper uptake. The Fe3þ/Cu2þ reductase,
FRE1, is required for maximal copper uptake, indicating that Cuþ is the substrate
for the Ctr1 and Ctr3. The third CTR transporter in baker’s yeast, Ctr2p, plays a role
in mobilization of copper stores from the vacuole under conditions of copper
deficiency (Rees et al. 2004).
CTR type of transporters was also identified in humans and plants. For example,
hCTR1 is transporting Cuþ across the plasma membrane, and deletion of CTR1
homolog in mice is lethal (Lee et al. 2001). Once imported into the cells, copper is
bound to cytosolic chaperones that deliver the metal to target proteins. In
A. thaliana, the CTR-type transporters belong to a six-gene family of copper
transporters (COPT1–6) (Penarrubia et al. 2010; Pilon et al. 2006). Of these,
COPT1 and COPT2 are plasma membrane localized and can fully complement
the Δctr1 growth phenotype in yeast (Sancenon et al. 2003). COPT3 and COPT5
can only partially rescue defective mutants in copper transport, suggesting that they
might be involved in intracellular copper transport. In plants, Cu must also be
distributed to the chloroplast, and in A. thaliana the P-type ATPase transporters
PAA1 and PAA2 translocate Cu across the envelope and thylakoid membranes,
respectively (Abdel-Ghany et al. 2005; Shikanai et al. 2003).
C. reinhardtii genome encodes for four CTR-type transporters (COPT1 and
CTR1–3) (Table 2). Besides the CTR type of transporters, the C. reinhardtii
possesses five candidate copper-transporting P-type ATPases (CTP1–4 and
HMA1) that are potentially involved in intracellular copper transport (Table 2).
In C. reinhardtii the transcript levels of CTR1, CTR2, and CTR3 are highly
upregulated in response to copper deficiency. On the other hand, the abundance
of CTP1–4, COPT1, and HMA1 was not significantly changed in copper-deficient
cells (Castruita et al. 2011; Page et al. 2009).
216 E.I. Urzica
Once copper is imported into the cell, it has to be incorporated into the major
copper-containing proteins, ferroxidase (FOX1), plastocyanin in the chloroplast
and cytochrome oxidase in the mitochondria. Since these cuproproteins are located
in different cellular compartments, distinct pathways are used for copper delivery.
The plasma membrane-localized ferroxidase has an extracellular active site with six
Chlamydomonas: Regulation Toward Metal Deficiencies 217
copper atoms. The copper chaperone ATX1 is predicted to deliver the copper to the
Cuþ-transporting P-type ATPase (CTP1) in the trans-Golgi compartment where
FOX1 is matured (Blaby-Haas and Merchant 2012; Merchant and Bogorad 1986b).
In A. thaliana copper transport into the chloroplasts depends on the HMA
proteins P-type ATPase of Arabidopsis 1 (PAA1 or HMA6) and PAA2
(or HMA8), and analyses of chloroplast copper proteins in the paa1 and paa2
mutants demonstrate that both ATPases are required for copper delivery to plasto-
cyanin (Puig et al. 2007). In C. reinhardtii, plastocyanin, with a single copper at its
active site, is located in the thylakoid lumen, and the copper delivery to this
compartment requires the related Cuþ-transporting ATPases PAA1 and PAA2
(CTP2/Cre10.g424775 and CTP4/Cre10.g422201 in Chlamydomonas) in the enve-
lope and thylakoid membranes, respectively (Pilon et al. 2006). Based on similarity
to Arabidopsis PAA1 and PAA2, the Chlamydomonas protein CTP2 is predicted to
pump copper across the inner membrane, and CTP4 is predicted to pump copper
across the thylakoid membrane. Recently, a plant-specific copper chaperone has
been identified to deliver Cu with specificity to PAA1. This Cu chaperone evolved
early in the plant lineage by alternative-splicing event of the PAA1 pre-mRNA
(Blaby-Haas et al. 2014).
Cytochrome oxidase is localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane and has
three copper atoms associated with integral membrane subunits COX1 and COX2.
In Chlamydomonas, COX2 consists of two domains, a membrane component
COX2A and a soluble extramembrane domain COX2B, whose accumulation is
used as a proxy for the whole complex. Cox17 is most likely involved in Cu
trafficking toward mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX) as seen in yeast
(Cobine et al. 2006).
Even that C. reinhardtii genome codes for several candidate cuproproteins, the
transcriptome and proteome analyses indicate that the copper quota of the cell is
dependent largely on only a few copper-containing proteins (Castruita et al. 2011).
Plastocyanin is a blue copper protein that is required for photosynthesis and
involved in transferring the electrons from cytochrome b6f complex to PSI
(Merchant and Sawaya 2005). PCY1 mRNA which encodes the plastocyanin in
C. reinhardtii is one of the most abundant transcripts in the cell (top 10 of >17,000
genes), consistent with the abundance of plastocyanin (8 106 molecules per
cell) (Castruita et al. 2011). The PCY1 gene is constitutively expressed, but the
protein accumulates only in the presence of copper in the medium; in copper-
deficient cells, plastocyanin is rapidly degraded (Merchant and Bogorad 1986a, b).
A potential protease involved in plastocyanin degradation is RSEP1, a protein
related to bacterial membrane metalloproteases. RSEP1 expression is tightly regu-
lated by copper nutrition (highly induced in response to copper deficiency) and
dependent on the copper response regulator1 (CRR1) (Castruita et al. 2011). The
218 E.I. Urzica
CYC6 gene which encodes for the heme-containing cyt c6 is transcribed only in
copper-deficient C. reinhardtii cells, and its expression replaces the loss of plasto-
cyanin function, thus reducing the copper quota (Merchant and Bogorad 1986b). A
remarkable feature is that in C. reinhardtii, plastocyanin and cyt c6 are almost
functionally equally efficient in reducing PSI (Hippler et al. 1997).
Other abundant transcripts include FOX1, encoding the copper-containing
ferroxidase required for iron assimilation and hence more heavily expressed in
iron-deficient cells; COX2A and COX2B, encoding one of two copper-binding
subunits of cytochrome oxidase, which is essential for respiration in the mitochon-
dria; and UOX1 encoding urate oxidase, which functions in nitrogen metabolism.
The dominance of plastocyanin over other cuproproteins (e.g., 100-fold higher than
urate oxidase) has been confirmed using quantitative proteomics of soluble
C. reinhardtii fractions (Hsieh et al. 2013).
4 Other Metals
4.1 Zinc
In addition to iron and copper, zinc is an another essential micronutrient since many
enzymes contain zinc as a cofactor, usually coordinated via the zinc-binding
domains (Andreini et al. 2006). Intracellular zinc content must be regulated to
ensure that zinc-containing proteins can function; therefore, the zinc uptake must be
tightly regulated. The intracellular zinc status controls the expression of low- and
high-affinity transporters at the plasma membrane. Zinc compartmentalization is
also important; specific transporters can sequester zinc in the vacuole (in fungi,
plants), lysosome-related compartments (in Caenorhabditis elegans), or
zincosomes (in mammalian cells) in a situation of excess (Ehrensberger and Bird
2011; Eide 2009; Sinclair and Kramer 2012).
Two families of transporters have been implicated in zinc assimilation and
compartmentalization: the ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-like protein) family and the CDF (cation
diffusion facilitator) family. The ZIP transporters usually play a role in moving
either zinc or iron into the cytoplasm, whereas the CDF type of transporters
functions primarily to move zinc out of the cytoplasm (Blaby-Haas and Merchant
2012). C. reinhardtii genome encodes for 14 members of ZIP family transporters
based on the homology to known plant, yeast, and human transporters (Table 3).
220 E.I. Urzica
Table 3 Known and putative zinc transporters or known to be involved in zinc assimilation and
Transcript Gene
name name Defline Domain
Cre03. MTP1 CDF transporter Cation efflux family
Cre02. ZIL1 ZIP family transporter-like ZIP zinc transporter
Cre06. ZIL2 ZIP family transporter-like ZIP zinc transporter
Cre07. ZIP1 ZIP family transporter ZIP zinc transporter
Cre13. ZIP2 ZIP family transporter ZIP zinc transporter
Cre03. ZIP3 ZIP family transporter NUDIX domain
Cre09. ZIP4 ZIP family transporter ZIP zinc transporter
Cre06. ZIP6 ZIP family transporter ZIP zinc transporter
Cre07. ZRT1 Zinc-nutrition responsive ZIP zinc transporter
g351950. transporter
Cre01. ZRT2 Zinc-nutrition responsive ZIP zinc transporter
g000150. transporter
Cre13. ZRT3 Zinc-nutrition responsive ZIP zinc transporter
g573950. transporter
Cre01. ZRT4 Zinc-nutrition responsive ZIP zinc transporter
g066187. transporter
Cre07. ZRT5 Zinc-nutrition responsive ZIP zinc transporter
g355150. transporter
Cre12. ZCP1 Zinc-responsive COG0523 domain- CobW/HypB/UreG,
g536900. containing protein nucleotide-binding domain
Cre02. ZCP2 Zinc-responsive COG0523 domain- CobW/HypB/UreG,
g118400. containing protein nucleotide-binding domain
Chlamydomonas: Regulation Toward Metal Deficiencies 221
4.2 Manganese
vacuolar membrane, and in addition to manganese release from the vacuole, they
also transport iron (Lanquar et al. 2005, 2010). In C. reinhardtii four members of
the NRAMP family have been identified (NRAMP1, NRAMP2, RET1, and
NRAMP4). NRAMP1 and NRAMP2 are bacterial-like MntH class of Mn–Fe
transporters, while NRAMP4 is similar to the eukaryotic-type AtNRAMP3 and
AtNRAMP4 from Arabidopsis (Blaby-Haas and Merchant 2012).
The members of a second family, cation diffusion facilitator (CDF), are also
predicted to play a role in manganese transport. C. reinhardtii CDF proteins MTP2,
MTP3, and MTP4 are predicted to transport manganese based on phylogenetic
relationships, while MTP2 and MTP5 transcripts are three- and fivefold more
abundant in manganese-limited conditions (Allen et al. 2007b). Under conditions
of manganese deficiency, cells show a slower growth, and the activity of PSII is
compromised (decreased photosynthesis quantum efficiency). The oxygen evolving
enhancer proteins (OEE1–3) are slightly decreased under manganese deprivation,
but they are not localized anymore to the membrane, suggesting that manganese is
mostly required to stabilize the complex on the membrane (Allen et al. 2007b;
Hsieh et al. 2013) (Table 4).
Low-manganese nutrition has an impact on the activity of the major MnSOD in
C. reinhardtii, and the cells are sensitive to peroxide stress, most likely do to the
loss of MnSOD activities, known to possess antioxidant functions. Manganese
deficiency also leads to secondary iron deficiency and contains less intracellular
iron content, which might suggest that mechanisms to reduce iron levels in order to
protect the cells from increased oxidative stress are active (Allen et al. 2007b). A
proteome study of manganese-deficient and manganese-limited cells indicated that
the components of the 20S and 26S proteasomes and the T-complex chaperonin
were increased in low-manganese nutrition relative to the replete situation. This
increase in the proteasome levels suggests an overall increase in the amount of
proteolysis occurring in manganese-deficient cells, possibly due to increased levels
of oxidative damage (Hsieh et al. 2013).
Chlamydomonas: Regulation Toward Metal Deficiencies 223
The micronutrient ions described in this chapter (Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn) fulfil multiple
key functions in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell. In particular the chloroplast and
mitochondria have important requirements for these metals. Recent work revealed
that complex acclimation mechanisms evolved to allow maintenance of the photo-
synthetic function under metals deficiency. Several transcription factors that coor-
dinate the deficiency responses have been identified or proposed to play a role in the
regulation of metal homeostasis. However, further work will be required to deter-
mine how the metal status is sensed in the Chlamydomonas cell and how it is
signaled to other compartments to adapt uptake and trafficking in the cell.
Except for copper, the uptake systems for other metals (e.g., iron, zinc, manga-
nese) in chloroplasts and mitochondria remain to be identified.
Recent studies started to shed light on the interactions between metal homeo-
stases of chloroplasts, mitochondria, and/or vacuoles. For example, copper that
hyperaccumulates in the cells under zinc limitation can be remobilized from the
acidic compartments and can be sensed by the copper-transcriptional regulator
CRR1 and used for the synthesis of plastocyanin indicating that it is bioavailable
(Hong-Hermesdorf et al. 2014).
In conclusion, many open questions remain regarding the metal homeostasis
inside the organelles and the crosstalk of metals between organelles and represent
topical avenues for future investigations.
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Calcium-Dependent Signalling Processes
in Chlamydomonas
Glen L. Wheeler
Abstract Like all organisms, the motile green alga Chlamydomonas has evolved
an array of sensory mechanisms to enable it to detect and respond to an array of
abiotic and biotic stimuli. It is clear that Ca2+-dependent signalling mechanisms are
central to many responses in Chlamydomonas, from flagella function through to
stress signalling and photosynthesis. Chlamydomonas has long been used as a
model organism for flagella function and this aspect of signalling has received
much attention, with well-characterised roles for Ca2+ in flagella beat, phototaxis,
mating and deflagellation. Recent progress has identified a series of ion channels
and Ca2+-sensor kinases that underpin these responses and direct imaging of
flagella Ca2+ in Chlamydomonas cells has demonstrated the highly dynamic nature
of Ca2+ signalling in these organelles. The role of Ca2+ in other signalling processes
in Chlamydomonas has been less well explored, although exciting recent develop-
ments have demonstrated novel Ca2+-dependent signalling processes associated
with the regulation of photosynthesis. These developments highlight the diverse
roles of Ca2+ in Chlamydomonas physiology and the potential for the discovery of
novel Ca2+ signalling mechanisms within this organism.
1 Introduction
All organisms must sense and respond to their environment to ensure their survival.
As a motile soil-dwelling photosynthetic green alga, Chlamydomonas is likely to
experience rapid changes in light, osmotic stress and nutrient availability and
possesses diverse signalling mechanisms to help the cell respond to these stimuli.
In eukaryotes, Ca2+ acts a versatile second messenger, amplifying and propagating
intracellular signals in response to diverse environmental stimuli. Eukaryote cells
maintain a very low cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ (100 nM), resulting in a large
inward concentration gradient. The activation of Ca2+-permeable channels
localised to the plasma membrane or internal membranes results in rapid Ca2+
influx, leading to elevations in cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt). Ca2+ efflux proteins such
as Ca2+ ATPases or Ca2+/H+ exchangers return [Ca2+]cyt to its resting level and
therefore play an important role in shaping the Ca2+ transient (McAinsh
and Pittman 2009). Diverse Ca2+-binding proteins, such as calmodulin (CaM), the
calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) or the calcineurin B-like (CBL)
calcium sensor proteins and their CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs), respond
to the changes in cytosolic Ca2+ by eliciting a host of downstream responses (Edel
and Kudla 2015; Zhu et al. 2015). As [Ca2+]cyt elevations are generated by a wide
variety of stimuli, specificity in Ca2+ signalling is conveyed by the spatial and
temporal dynamics of each [Ca2+]cyt elevation. For example, [Ca2+]cyt elevations
can take the form of brief localised spikes lasting <1 s or large whole cell [Ca2+]cyt
elevations that persist for minutes or even hours. In combination with the broad
range of downstream responders, the distinct spatiotemporal dynamics of [Ca2+]cyt
elevations enable the cell to use Ca2+ signalling in response to many different
stimuli. Ca2+ has been implicated in many different signalling processes in
Chlamydomonas. Many of these relate to flagella function, reflecting the extensive
use of Chlamydomonas as a model organism for the study of this organelle, but
emerging evidence suggests that Ca2+ plays a central role in many other cellular
processes. This review aims to highlight the different roles of Ca2+ within the cell
and identify some of the key recent developments that are now providing insight
into the underlying cellular mechanisms.
Mechanoshock Photoshock
Fig. 1 Cellular mechanisms underlying the phobic motile responses. The scheme illustrates the
major proteins identified in phobic swimming responses of Chlamydomonas cells. In the
mechanoshock response, the flagella-localised mechanosensitive ion channel TRP11 is proposed
to activate the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel CAV2. In the photoshock response, bright light
activates channelrhodopsin (ChR1), leading to a whole cell depolarisation and activation of
CAV2 in the flagella membrane. In both responses, the resultant intraflagellar Ca2+ elevations
are likely sensed by LC4 in the outer dynein arm, which causes the switch to the undulating
waveform and the onset of backwards swimming
oda14 mutants, which lack DC3 and show defects in the photoshock response
(Casey et al. 2003a). However, this phenotype is most likely due to defects in
outer arm assembly in oda14 rather than Ca2+ binding by DC3, as complementation
of oda14 with a modified DC3 protein that does not bind Ca2+ restored the assembly
of the outer dynein arms and the photoshock response (Casey et al. 2003b). LC4 is
also related to calmodulin and undergoes a conformational change on binding Ca2+.
The affinity of LC4 for Ca2+ and its interactions with other outer dynein arm
proteins makes it the prime candidate to act as the major Ca2+ sensor in the outer
dynein arm and mediate the waveform conversion observed during the photoshock
response (Sakato et al. 2007).
Calmodulin (CaM) also plays an important role in modifying flagellar beat, by
regulating dynein-driven microtubule sliding through interactions with the central
pair of microtubules and the radial spokes (Smith 2002). CaM-containing com-
plexes associated with either the radial spokes or the central pair have been purified
from Chlamydomonas flagella, indicating the CaM acts in multiple roles (Dymek
and Smith 2007; Patel-King et al. 2004). A further CaM-containing complex was
isolated in high Ca2+ buffer, suggesting that changes in intraflagellar Ca2+ cause
CaM to form additional regulatory complexes (DiPetrillo and Smith 2010, 2013).
selective for H+ (Berthold et al. 2008; Schneider et al. 2013). As the relative
external concentrations of other cations is often much greater than that of H+,
particularly at alkaline pH, the photocurrent may be carried by Ca2+, Na+ or K+
even though channelrhodopsins exhibit a greater permeability for H+ (Berthold
et al. 2008). The discovery and subsequent optogenetic application of
channelrhodopsin have revolutionised the study of neuroscience, by enabling
non-invasive activation of transgenic neurons expressing channelrhodopsins.
Studies using anti-sense knockdown of channelrhodopsins suggested that ChR1
and ChR2 may perform different roles within the cell, with ChR1 responsible
primarily for responses to high light, e.g. photoshock, and ChR2 responsible for
low-light responses such as phototaxis (Sineshchekov et al. 2002). However, a more
recent study using gametes of cw2, which exhibit very little ChR2 expression,
demonstrated that RNAi knockdown of ChR1 almost completely prevented the
photocurrent and strongly inhibited the photoshock and the phototactic responses
(Berthold et al. 2008). This suggests that ChR1 alone can contribute to both of these
processes. The requirement for two functional channelrhodopsins in
Chlamydomonas therefore remains unclear.
The intensity of the light stimulus determines the amplitude of the photocurrent,
which causes depolarisation of the membrane potential. If the extent of
depolarisation reaches a certain threshold, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the
flagella membrane are activated, leading to Ca2+ influx into the flagella (Harz and
Hegemann 1991). The flagella current is carried by Ca2+ and has two clear
components: a fast transient current (IFF) lasting a few ms that coincides with the
switch to the undulating waveform and a slower sustained flagella current (IFS) that
has a much smaller amplitude and lasts around 600 ms, similar to the duration of the
backwards swimming (Holland et al. 1997). The fast flagella current represents an
action potential, as it is an all-or-nothing response that is triggered when a threshold
depolarisation is reached. In the presence of 100 μM Ba2+, the slow flagella current
has a much larger amplitude and leads to a sustained and erratic photophobic
response (Holland et al. 1996). This suggests that the slow flagella current is
normally regulated by feedback inhibition from the intraflagellar Ca2+ concentra-
tion, allowing maintenance of a similar intraflagellar Ca2+ concentration throughout
the duration of the photophobic response (Holland et al. 1996). Characterisation of
a mutant, ppr2, which is defective in the photophobic response but not in photo-
taxis, revealed that this phenotype was due to a defect in CAV2, a homologue of the
mammalian four-domain voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (Fujiu et al. 2009). CAV2
localises to the distal region of the flagella and appears to play a major role in
mediating the flagellar Ca2+ influx during the photophobic response.
The electrophysiological characterisation of the photoshock response not only
provides important information on the molecular mechanisms of Ca2+ signalling in
Chlamydomonas but also demonstrates an important environmental aspect of this
signalling mechanism. The imperfect H+ selectivity of ChR1 and ChR2 allows the
photocurrent to be carried by other cations, such as Na+ or Ca2+ at alkaline pH
environments where the concentration of H+ is much lower. The feedback inactiva-
tion of the resultant flagella current by the intraflagellar Ca2+ concentration ensures
238 G.L. Wheeler
that the flagella response is very similar even in a wide range of external Ca2+
concentrations. Thus, even if the cell encounters aquatic environments with a
significantly different ionic composition, which is highly likely for a freshwater/
soil organism, the cell is able to generate a robust and reproducible photoshock
Whilst it is clear that the photoshock response is mediated by light-induced
depolarisation of the plasma membrane, the mechanism through which
channelrhodopsin directs phototaxis is less clear. Channelrhodopsin is clearly the
sensor for phototaxis, as demonstrated by RNAi knockdown of ChR1 (Berthold
et al. 2008). However, phototaxis can be observed at low light intensities where the
photocurrent is only sufficient to depolarise the cellular membrane potential by
1 mV, which elicits no measurable flagella current (Hegemann and Berthold 2009).
The ppr2 mutant, which lacks the flagella-localised voltage-gated Ca2+ channel
CAV2, exhibits normal phototaxis (Matsuda et al. 1998). These findings suggest
that phototaxis does not rely on changes in flagella membrane potential and that
additional signalling mechanisms are required in order to transmit information from
the sensory region (the eyespot) to the flagella.
in swimming velocity (Kreimer and Witman 1994). Patch clamp recordings using
reconstituted liposomes from Spermatozopsis flagella membranes indicated the
presence of a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel that most likely underlies the avoidance
response (Hill et al. 2000).
Chlamydomonas also demonstrates tactic responses to stimuli other than light.
Vegetative cells exhibit chemotaxis towards ammonium and sugars (Ermilova et al.
1998; Sjoblad and Frederikse 1981), and gametes also exhibit chemotactic responses
to peptone and tryptone (Govorunova and Sineshchekov 2003, 2005). Chemotaxis
towards ammonium is dependent on external Ca2+, and chemotactic responses
towards sugars can be blocked by Ca2+ channel blockers (Ermilova et al. 1998;
Sjoblad and Frederikse 1981). There is some evidence for integration between the
chemotaxis and phototaxis signalling pathways, as the addition of tryptone to
gametes temporarily inhibits the channelrhodopsin-mediated photocurrent
(Govorunova and Sineshchekov 2003). Chlamydomonas also demonstrates negative
gravitaxis, i.e. a tendency to swim upwards, in the absence of light and other stimuli.
Gravitaxis was found to be normal in the ptx1 mutant and was unaffected by the
removal of Ca2+, suggesting that gravitaxis does not involve Ca2+-dependent
signalling mechanisms (Kam et al. 1999; Yoshimura et al. 2003).
3.1 Mating
3.2 Gliding
trailing leading
Fig. 2 Flagellar Ca2+ signalling during gliding. Chlamydomonas cells adhere to solid substrates
via their flagella and glide along the surface due to the movement of adherent flagella membrane
glycoproteins. (i) Retrograde IFT particles accumulate in adherent flagella and provide the motive
force to pull the cell body forwards. (ii) As the leading flagellum begins to move forwards, a
intraflagellar Ca2+ elevation occurs in the trailing flagellum only, which disrupts the interaction
between the IFT particles and the flagella membrane in the trailing flagellum. (iii) This prevents a
futile tug-of-war between the two flagella and allows the leading flagellum to pull the cell body
2013; Shih et al. 2013). In the trailing flagellum, the [Ca2+]fla elevations caused by
the dragging motion disrupt the accumulated retrograde IFT particles, which are
returned to the cell body by retrograde IFT (Collingridge et al. 2013). This suggests
that the interaction between the retrograde IFT particle and FMG-1B is sensitive to
Ca2+. The absence of external Ca2+ inhibits [Ca2+]fla elevations and leads to a
massive accumulation of IFT particles in the regions of the flagellum that are in
contact with the solid surface (Collingridge et al. 2013). In contrast, Shih et al.
(2013) demonstrated that IFT trains pause less frequently in the absence of external
242 G.L. Wheeler
Ca2+ and proposed that Ca2+ was required to initiate the interaction between the IFT
particle and FMG-1B. However, this proposal seems at odds with the direct
observations of [Ca2+]fla and IFT.
The ability to directly observe [Ca2+]fla in Chlamydomonas has highlighted some
important properties relating to these signalling pathways. Firstly, [Ca2+]fla eleva-
tions are very rapid (often <1 s) and they occur simultaneously along the length of
the flagellum, suggesting that changes in membrane potential and activation of
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are likely to be involved in their generation. Secondly,
the two flagella are able to act as independent Ca2+ signalling entities, which is
essential for the coordination of gliding motility. Thirdly, [Ca2+]fla elevations are
directly linked to the movement of microtubule motor proteins, which has interest-
ing parallels with other cellular processes, such as the Ca2+-dependent movement of
mitochondria along microtubules (Saotome et al. 2008). Although the molecular
identity of the Ca2+ channels involved in the flagellar signalling pathway has not yet
been confirmed, it is likely that the dragging motion of the trailing flagellum is
sensed initially by a mechanosensitive ion channel, which leads to membrane
depolarisation and activation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels along the length of
the flagellum (Collingridge et al. 2013). Further characterisation of the signal
transduction pathway regulating gliding motility is likely to yield important broader
insights into the nature of ciliary signalling.
3.3 Deflagellation
0.9 1.5
20 mM CaCl2
F ratio (OG/TR)
-15 0 15 30 45 60 75
Time (s)
In addition to its central role in the process of flagellar excision, Ca2+ also
contributes to the regulation of gene expression during flagellar regrowth (Cheshire
and Keller 1991). Acid-induced deflagellation is followed by the rapid accumula-
tion of transcripts for many flagella-related genes, and the increase is dependent on
external Ca2+ (Evans and Keller 1997). The induction of gene expression is also
greatly reduced in the presence of inhibitors of Ca2+ channels and in the adf1
mutant, although these also exhibit decreased deflagellation (Evans and Keller
1997). However, deflagellation of Chlamydomonas cells by mechanical shear in
the absence of Ca2+ prevents the upregulation of flagella-related gene transcripts,
indicating that Ca2+ entry is required for the transcriptional response (Cheshire et al.
1994; Cheshire and Keller 1991).
There is also a direct requirement for Ca2+ in flagellar regrowth and length
control. In low external Ca2+ (<0.15 μM), deflagellated cells do not regrow flagella
at all until Ca2+ is restored to c. >0.5 μM (Cheshire and Keller 1991; Liang and Pan
2013). Ca2+ also appears to be required for the maintenance of flagellar length, as
cells placed in very low Ca2+ media containing 25 mM Na+ or K+ will resorb their
flagella (Lefebvre et al. 1978). Chlamydomonas pf18 (paralysed flagella) cells have
longer flagella when grown in elevated Ca2+ (2 mM), but they also produce longer
flagella in the presence of Ca2+ channel blockers (La3+ and Cd2+), which makes this
result difficult to interpret (Tuxhorn et al. 1998). However, mammalian IMCD
(immortalised kidney-collecting duct) cells treated with 30 μM Gd3+ (a non-specific
blocker of Ca2+ channels) also show elongated cilia, suggesting that the effect of
lanthanides on ciliary length may be conserved in eukaryotes (Besschetnova et al.
2010). Whilst it is not clear exactly how intraflagellar Ca2+ acts to regulate flagellar
length in Chlamydomonas, significant recent progress has been made in identifying a
requirement for Ca2+ sensor kinases. Chlamydomonas contains an expanded family
of 14 Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CDPK), which possess an N-terminal serine/
threonine kinase and 4 Ca2+-binding EF hands at the C-terminus (Edel and Kudla
2015). Three CDPKs (CDPK1, CDPK3 and CDPK11) were identified in the flagellar
proteome, suggesting a probable role in flagella function (Liang and Pan 2013;
Pazour et al. 2005). RNAi knockdown strains for CDPK3 showed slow regrowth
of flagella at low concentrations of external Ca2+, but flagellar length, motility and
mating were unaffected (Liang and Pan 2013). In contrast, RNAi knockdown of
CDPK1 led to significantly reduced flagellar length and defects in IFT (Liang et al.
2014). CDPK1 acts to phosphorylate the FLA8 subunit of the microtubule motor
protein kinesin-II, which disrupts the interaction between kinesin and the IFT-B
subunit of the IFT particle. The phosphorylation of FLA8 by CDPK1 appears to
block entry of kinesin into the flagella but also promotes dissociation of kinesin from
the IFT-B particle at the flagellar tip. As a consequence, CDPK1 RNAi strains
accumulate FLA8 and components of the IFT particle at the flagellar tip (Liang
et al. 2014). These findings indicate that Ca2+ sensor kinases play an important role
in flagellar length assembly and length control. As Ca2+ plays a direct role in the
246 G.L. Wheeler
Compared to the wealth of evidence examining the diverse roles of Ca2+ in flagella
function, there is relatively little information on the nature of the Ca2+-dependent
signalling processes in the cell body. However, there has been some important
recent progress, most notably in examining the link between Ca2+ and photosyn-
thesis. In land plants, Ca2+ signalling plays a central role in the response to many
different environmental stimuli, including osmotic stress, oxidative stress, temper-
ature and biotic stimuli, and the dynamics of the [Ca2+]cyt elevations associated
with each stimulus have been characterised in detail (Kiegle et al. 2000; Knight
et al. 1997; Takahashi et al. 1997). In contrast, there have been very few studies
involving direct imaging of [Ca2+]cyt in green algae, and our understanding of the
nature of [Ca2+]cyt elevations in Chlamydomonas remains in its infancy (Bauer
et al. 1997; Braun and Hegemann 1999; Thompson et al. 2007). A recent study
demonstrated that different osmotic stimuli give rise to distinct [Ca2+]cyt elevations
in Chlamydomonas, although [Ca2+]cyt elevations were not observed in response to
oxidative stress from hydrogen peroxide (Bickerton et al. 2016). Hyperosmotic
shock through the addition of NaCl resulted in a single [Ca2+]cyt elevation that
originated in the apex of the cell and rapidly propagated to the rest of the cytoplasm,
resembling the well-characterised Ca2+ waves observed in animal cells. The timing
and amplitude of the [Ca2+]cyt elevation were dependent on the intensity of the
stimulus. In contrast, hypoosmotic shocks induced by very dilute media or
deionised water resulted in a series of repetitive [Ca2+]cyt elevations (Bickerton
et al. 2016). Hypoosmotic shock also induced repetitive [Ca2+]fla elevations, but
these did not coincide with the [Ca2+]cyt elevations, suggesting that the flagella and
the cytosol can respond independently to this stimulus (Bickerton et al. 2016). The
requirement for Ca2+ in the osmotic signalling response appears to be conserved
between Chlamydomonas and land plants, although the spatial and temporal nature
of the resultant [Ca2+]cyt elevations is distinct.
The [Ca2+]cyt elevations observed in response to NaCl stress and hypoosmotic
shock were both severely inhibited in the absence of external Ca2+, suggesting an
important role for Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane in the initiation of the
signalling response. However, it is likely that these [Ca2+]cyt elevations involve further
release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores following the initial Ca2+ entry (e.g. during
propagation of the Ca2+ wave). A major internal store of Ca2+ in Chlamydomonas is
likely to be the acidocalcisomes, which play a direct role in Ca2+ signalling in a range
of other protists (Docampo and Huang 2016; Ruiz et al. 2001). Acidocalcisomes are
numerous small low-pH vesicles that are rich in polyphosphate, Ca2+ and a range of
other metal ions. Recent evidence in Chlamydomonas suggests that the
Calcium-Dependent Signalling Processes in Chlamydomonas 247
CBLs are not specific to the land plants though, as a single CIPK and a CBL are
present in Ostreococcus (Edel and Kudla 2015). This suggests that the CIPKs may
have been lost in an ancestor of Chlamydomonas, although greater taxonomic
sampling of other green algal lineages is required to resolve this. One of the
Chlamydomonas CDPKs has unique domain architecture, possessing a C2 domain
at the N-terminus (Hamel et al. 2014). C2 domains are often involved in Ca2+-
dependent membrane interactions, and this unique C2-CDPK was only found in
other members of the Volvocales, suggesting that a single gene fusion event gave
rise to this novel protein (Hamel et al. 2014).
The studies listed above illustrate just how many diverse processes are regulated by
Ca2+ in Chlamydomonas. Whilst significant progress has now been made in
characterising these signalling pathways, a fuller understanding of the role of Ca2+
in these signalling pathways has been hampered by the technical issues associated
with Ca2+ imaging in Chlamydomonas. As with many plant and algal cells, loading
of Ca2+-responsive fluorescent dyes via membrane-permeant acetoxymethyl
(AM) esters is problematic, due to unequal loading and dye compartmentalisation
(Braun and Hegemann 1999). For example, the AM ester of the Ca2+-responsive dye
Fluo-4 was found to localise to the acidocalcisomes in Chlamydomonas (Hong-
Hermesdorf et al. 2014). Because of these problems, the use of ester-loaded dyes for
the examination of [Ca2+]cyt dynamics, particularly over longer timescales or in
fluorimetric approaches (rather than direct single cell imaging), is not
recommended. Dextran-conjugated dyes are not subject to compartmentalisation
as they are membrane impermeable, but they require specialised techniques in order
to load them into intact cells. Microinjection is clearly not appropriate for small algal
cells, but a biolistic delivery method for dextran-conjugated dyes into
Chlamydomonas has been developed that provides robust and reproducible cyto-
plasmic dye loading (Bothwell et al. 2006; Wheeler and Brownlee 2008). Although
this technique has proven to be reliable, there are clearly some disadvantages
associated with this delivery method, such as the equipment and technical expertise
required and the low proportion of cells that are loaded. Therefore, the future
development of genetically encoded calcium indicators in Chlamydomonas is of
top priority in order to advance this field. GECIs not only allow for simple routine
imaging of [Ca2+]cyt, they may also be targeted to specific cellular locations (e.g. the
mitochondria or the chloroplast) to enable the study of localised or intra-organellar
[Ca2+]cyt elevations. It is important to note that GECIs will be an important addi-
tional tool to be used alongside Ca2+-responsive fluorescent dyes in
Chlamydomonas, as the properties (e.g. Ca2+ dissociation kinetics, pH sensitivity)
of certain dyes may make them a preferred choice for certain applications, such as
250 G.L. Wheeler
the observation of the very rapid flagellar Ca2+ elevations (Chen et al. 2013; Hendel
et al. 2008). Whilst the development of further robust protocols for Ca2+ imaging is
likely to be of greatest benefit in this field, the ability to perform electrophysiological
studies in Chlamydomonas should not be overlooked. Much of our knowledge on
flagellar signalling in Chlamydomonas originates from these approaches, and their
application led to the discovery of channelrhodopsin.
8 Concluding Remarks
The broad scope of this review demonstrates the wide-reaching influence of Ca2+-
dependent signalling processes on the cell biology of Chlamydomonas. Significant
progress has now been made in identifying the molecular mechanisms and physio-
logical processes associated with diverse signalling pathways. However, there is
clearly much to be learnt and our knowledge of Ca2+ signalling in Chlamydomonas
remains limited. In particular, whilst individual components of some signalling
pathways have now been identified, e.g. the ion channels, the Ca2+ elevations or
the Ca2+ sensors, there are very few examples where all of these aspects have been
characterised and compiled into working knowledge of the whole pathway. To some
extent, this is partially true for the land plants, where the molecular identification of
the specific Ca2+ channels responsible for well-characterised ion currents and Ca2+
elevations has proven to be problematic (Swarbreck et al. 2013). The reduced
complexity of the Ca2+ signalling toolkit in Chlamydomonas may allow for simpler
resolution of these issues. Chlamydomonas has already proven to be an important
model for the study of signalling processes relating to flagella and photosynthesis.
Studies in Chlamydomonas have also contributed important information on the
evolution of Ca2+ signalling. Together these studies have revealed many surprising
and novel aspects of the Ca2+-dependent signalling pathways in Chlamydomonas,
and there are likely to be many more exciting discoveries in the future.
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Calcium-Dependent Signalling Processes in Chlamydomonas 255
1 Introduction
Experimental work in the Dieckmann lab was supported by NSF award MCB-1157795 (M.T.,
T.M. and C.D.) and NIH award T32 GM008659 (M.T.).
Fig. 1 Chlamydomonas eyespot. Composite color micrograph and diagram highlighting the
position of the eyespot relative to the flagella. The orange eyespot is visible on the background
of the large, green, cup-shaped chloroplast. The paired flagella, patterned by the basal bodies (light
gray in diagram), emanate from the apical pole of the cell. The pyrenoid (light green circle)
defines the posterior pole
aids in the detection of light direction and is key to improving the efficiency of
phototactic behavior.
Many species of algae have eyespots, organelles that have evolved to organize
photoreceptors together with other components that enhance directional light
reception. Eyespots are likely to have arisen in different lineages independently
(Kivic and Walne 1983), but most share the ability to block light from one or more
directions in the cell, thereby enhancing detection from a particular direction
relative to the cell. The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii eyespot is the most well-
studied photoreceptive structure guiding cellular movement.
The eyespot is readily apparent by light microscopy as an orange oval within the
single, green Chlamydomonas cell (Fig. 1). The approximately 1 μm spot is located
at the “equator” of the cell, roughly halfway between the anterior flagellar pole and
the posterior pole, defined by the pyrenoid, which stores starch in the chloroplast.
The eyespot appears to be associated with the plasma membrane on the outer
surface of the cell. Its role in light detection was first verified by Hartshorne
(1953), who collected an eyeless mutant strain (eye1) that could not phototax.
Subsequent studies with additional eye1 strains confirmed that the eyespot is
required for accurate phototactic behavior (Morel-Laurens and Feinleib 1983;
Foster et al. 1984).
Collectively, data gathered over several decades by many different researchers
has led to a better understanding of Chlamydomonas eyespot structure and function
[reviewed in: Foster and Smyth (1980), Witman (1993), Kreimer (1994), Hegemann
(1997), Sineshchekov and Govorunova (2001), Nagel et al. (2005) and Kreimer
(2009)]. Crucial features required for function as a light-sensing organelle and signal
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 259
Rhodopsin photoreceptors in the eyespot absorb light over a broad range of wave-
lengths, with maxima in the blue-aqua-green part of the spectrum. Two different
proteins with overlapping absorbance spectra, ChR1 and ChR2, govern the photo-
tactic behavior of Chlamydomonas cells (Nagel et al. 2002, 2003; Sineshchekov
et al. 2002). These rhodopsin family proteins with seven transmembrane domains
are most similar to prokaryotic rhodopsins and form ion channels. Absorption of a
photon by the retinal cofactor leads to a conformational change in the opsin, which
opens the ion channel and depolarizes the membrane. Thus, the Chlamydomonas
receptors, which are cation channels, have been named “channelrhodopsins.” Other
names for the ChR1 and ChR2 photoreceptors are CsrA and CsrB (Sineshchekov
et al. 2002) and Acop-1 and Acop-2 (Suzuki et al. 2003). Innovative work has led to
the extensive use of ChR2 for specific control of neurons and other cells in a variety
of animals (Boyden et al. 2005). Presently, multiple such channelrhodopsins are
available, tuned to different wavelengths of light (Wietek and Prigge 2016).
“Optogenetic” control of animal behavior is the most dramatic use of these light-
activated Chlamydomonas plasma membrane ion channels.
Membrane depolarization can be detected at the eyespot after light exposure,
moving in a wave along the membrane of the cell and flagella (Harz and Hegemann
1991). Details of the ion fluxes at the eyespot and flagella have been analyzed by
pipette recording under a variety of conditions (Holland et al. 1996; Nonnengässer
et al. 1996). In response to membrane depolarization, high-speed video microscopy
has revealed that the primarily symmetric breaststroke beating of the two flagella
becomes temporarily asymmetric (Rüffer and Nultsch 1985, 1987). One of the two
flagella takes less robust strokes, while the other takes more robust strokes. This
uneven pulling turns the cell such that it reorients and swims toward the light
(Fig. 2, top row). The differential waveform responses of the two flagella were
observed also using demembranated models of flagella and manipulation of the
calcium ion concentration (Kamiya and Witman 1984). Depolarization and the
change in calcium ion concentration ultimately lead to a change in the complex
breaststroke waveform of the Chlamydomonas flagella, likely due to the differential
response of the inner arm dynein motors along the length of the flagella (Horst and
Witman 1993; Rüffer and Nultsch 1997; King and Dutcher 1997; Okita et al. 2005).
Are there three different states for a flagellum during phototaxis: normal stroking,
260 M.D. Thompson et al.
Fig. 2 Responses to light. Three cell cartoons in each row represent a time series from left to right.
Initially the cell is breaststroking forward (up). When the light is turned on (arrow on left), the cell
turns toward the light (þptx ¼ positive phototaxis). In stronger light (second row), the cell turns
away from the light (ptx ¼ negative phototaxis). In very bright light (third row), the flagella
switch from breaststroking to an undulating waveform (photoshock), which pushes the cell
backward (down) for a half second, then they resume breaststroking in a randomly chosen
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 261
Fig. 3 Chlamydomonas
swims in spiral path.
Chlamydomonas flagella
breaststroke in almost a flat
plane relative to each other.
However, the trans
flagellum, on the side away
from the eyespot, beats just
slightly out of the plane,
causing the cell to rotate as
it strokes forward. The cell
rotates approximately twice
per second, while the
flagella beat about 60 times
and move the cell forward
100–200 μm
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 263
The Chlamydomonas eyespot is on/near the surface of the cell. Light shining on
the outer surface of the eyespot activates the light-signal transduction cascade
governing phototaxis. Light shining on the other side of the cell, and/or through
the cell, is absorbed efficiently by the elaborate layered structure of the eyespot, and
the cascade is not activated. These observations suggest that the eyespot structure is
“sided” and that the plasma membrane side is different from the side toward the
cell. Electron microscopy first revealed the complexity of the eyespot structure and
the involvement of chloroplast membranes, though the orange eyespot had been
observed against the green background of the large cup-shaped chloroplast many
years before by light microscopy. As shown in the cryo-EM micrograph (Fig. 4) and
3D reconstruction (Fig. 5), the plasma membrane and both chloroplast envelopes
are tightly apposed in the region of the eyespot (Engel et al. 2015). Underlying the
inner envelope are rows of carotenoid-filled pigment granules, with each row
subtended by a thylakoid. In 1980, Foster and Smyth hypothesized that this periodic
arrangement of granules and membranes acted as a quarter-wave plate, absorbing
photons traveling through the cell and striking the layers from the “back” and
reflecting photons striking the eyespot surface from the outside back toward the
Fig. 5 3D reconstruction of
cryo-EM sections through
the eyespot. The outside of
the cell is on the right. False
colors were used to
distinguish the separate
parts of the eyespot
structure. Moving leftward
through the layers: the outer
gray ribbon is part of the
cell wall. The purple and
pink “bubbles” between the
wall and the plasma
membrane were found only
at the eyespot but are of
unknown function. The
inner gray ribbon is the
plasma membrane. The
bright blue structures just
under the plasma membrane
in the top right are
microtubules, presumably
in the D4 rootlet. The light
blue membranes are the
chloroplast outer and inner
envelopes. The pigment
granules are various shades
of orange, and the
thylakoids are green.
Reprinted with permission
from Ben Engel (Engel et al.
photoreceptors. Both the abilities of the eyespot to block light from the back (Ueki
et al. 2016; Matsunaga et al. 2003) and to reflect light from the outside (Kreimer and
Melkonian 1990) have been demonstrated experimentally, lending credence to the
quarter-wave plate explanation for how this organelle functions. In recent years,
immunofluorescence microscopy has revealed much about the fine structure and
function of the eyespot.
The channelrhodopsins are localized in the plasma membrane, positioned to
capture photons as they first strike the surface of the cell over the eyespot or
secondarily after reflection by the chloroplast layers (Berthold et al. 2008;
Mittelmeier et al. 2013). These molecules may be what was visualized long ago
by freeze-fracture as the major protein entities in the membranes of the eyespot
(Melkonian and Robenek 1980). In 2002–2003, three research groups searched the
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 265
Fig. 6 ChR1
photoreceptors are on the
outer surface of the D4
microtubule rootlet.
Fluorescence micrograph of
a Chlamydomonas cell
taken with a structured
illumination microscope.
Acetylated tubulin
monoclonal (green)
highlights the flagella and
four microtubule rootlets.
1 staining (red) is apparent
along the outer surface of
the D4 microtubule rootlet
and aggregated at the
recently available cDNA databases for rhodopsin-like molecules and found cDNAs
for ChR1 and ChR2 (Nagel et al. 2002, 2003; Sineshchekov et al. 2002; Suzuki
et al. 2003). Knockdown analyses showed that they function redundantly for the
most part vis-a-vis phototaxis and photoshock (Sineshchekov et al. 2002, 2009;
Govorunova et al. 2004). Antisera specific to each channelrhodopsin were raised
and have shown that both proteins are restricted to the plasma membrane of the
eyespot (Berthold et al. 2008; Mittelmeier et al. 2013), with small accumulations of
ChR1 apparent in pools near the basal bodies and in a stripe on one of the four major
microtubule rootlet bundles in the cell body (Mittelmeier et al. 2011, Fig. 6).
What do we know about the specific protein and lipid composition of the
eyespot, other than the photoreceptor opsins in the plasma membrane? Two
major approaches have been employed to learn about eyespot proteins. A forward
genetics approach has yielded a few candidates (Lamb et al. 1999), and a mass
spectrometry approach has yielded many more (Schmidt et al. 2006; Wagner et al.
2008; Eitzinger et al. 2015). Here, we have organized what is known about
individual eyespot proteins by “layer,” based on the experimentally determined or
inferred localization of each component.
In addition to the genes encoding ChR1 and ChR2 (COP3 and COP4, respectively),
six other opsin genes have been identified in the Chlamydomonas genome
(Kateriya et al. 2004, Awasthi et al. 2016). COP1 and COP2, products of the
same gene by alternative splicing, are abundant and localized at the eyespot, but
do not function as light receptors for phototaxis (Deininger et al. 1995; Fuhrmann
266 M.D. Thompson et al.
et al. 2001). COP2 was found to co-purify with a factor important for photosystem I
assembly, Ycf4, and reducing levels of COP2 to 10% of wild type resulted in
destabilization of the Ycf4 complex (Ozawa et al. 2009). Perhaps this light receptor
governs the assembly of the photosystem (Ozawa et al. 2009; Kreimer 2009).
HKR1/COP5, COP6, COP7, and COP8 have the characteristic opsin membrane
helices and in addition have histidine kinase domains hypothesized to function in
signal transduction cascades as they do in other “two-component” systems
(Kateriya et al. 2004; Luck et al. 2012, Awasthi et al. 2016). HKR1 has been
localized to the eyespot by immunofluorescence microscopy (Luck et al. 2012), and
COP8 to flagella and the eyespot (Awasthi et al. 2016). Phototropin, which func-
tions in blue-light signal transduction, is found in plasma membrane, axonemal, and
soluble fractions. At the eyespot, phototropin is likely localized to the plasma
membrane and governs the size of the organelle with respect to light fluence; in
high light, the eyespot becomes smaller, and in low light, the eyespot becomes
larger. And, though levels of ChR1 are decreased in high light, eyespot size
determination is not dependent on ChR1, because a Δcop3 mutant has wild-type
eyespot size (Trippens et al. 2012). Phototropin must stimulate/inhibit as yet
unknown crucial regulators of eyespot assembly to affect the size changes relative
to environmental light levels.
Individual mutant strains that could not phototax were collected and screened for
eyespot defects by light microscopy (Lamb et al. 1999). Mutations in the MIN1
gene, on chromosome XII, were identified in strains with miniature eyespots.
Electron microscopy revealed that the min1 mutant strain had disorganized eye-
spots. When grown on minimal medium, the pigment granule layers were found
“floating” in the stroma of the chloroplast, rather than tightly apposed to the
envelope and plasma membrane layers. MIN1 is predicted to be a membrane-
spanning protein lacking a chloroplast-targeting signal (Fig. 7). The polypeptide
has an N-terminal C2 domain, recognized in other proteins as important for
interaction with phospholipid bilayers. In transfection experiments with the large
cells of the moss Physcomitrella, a MIN1 C2 domain-YFP fusion protein associated
Fig. 7 MIN1 and EYE2 both have transmembrane and LysM domains. Two eyespot proteins,
MIN1 and EYE2, both have transmembrane domains (TM) and LysM domains. MIN1 has a C2
domain thought to be important for membrane adhesion and a low complexity region rich in
alanine residues. EYE2 has a chloroplast-targeting sequence (Chl) and a thioredoxin-family active
site domain (Trx)
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 267
with the outer chloroplast envelope (Mittelmeier et al. 2008). Mutation of two
conserved aspartate residues to alanine in the C2 domain, thought to coordinate
calcium ions important for recognition, abolished the association of the fusion
protein with the chloroplast envelope. Collectively, the following features suggest
that MIN1 is required for adhesion of the chloroplast components to the outer layers
and resides either in the outer chloroplast envelope or the plasma membrane: the
disorganized eyespot phenotype of the min1 mutant strain, the presence of a
membrane-interacting domain and a membrane-spanning helix in MIN1, lower
levels of photoreceptors in the min1 mutant strain, and lack of a chloroplast-
targeting sequence. Verification of this hypothesis awaits the development of
MIN1-specific antibodies.
The MIN1 C-terminal domain belongs to the LysM family, the most extensively
characterized eukaryotic members of which are found extracellularly and are
involved in recognition between plant roots and nitrogen-fixing bacteria (reviewed
in Greeff et al. 2012). The domain has been shown to bind directly to chitin and
peptidoglycan in cell walls (Gust 2015), which usually are not found intracellularly,
nor at all in Chlamydomonas (Woessner and Goodenough 1994). Interestingly,
many such LysM domains are found in Chlamydomonas proteins, particularly
several in the eyespot proteome (Schmidt et al. 2006; Wagner et al. 2008; Eitzinger
et al. 2015; Table 1). Have these domains been co-opted to function in adhesion
between layers in the Chlamydomonas eyespot?
An eyeless strain from the phototaxis mutant screen, eye2, also has a mutation in a
gene on chromosome XII, about a million base pairs from MIN1 (Phytozome
v11.0). The EYE2 protein has a chloroplast-targeting signal and, by immunofluo-
rescence microscopy, appears to reside in one of the chloroplast envelopes (Boyd
et al. 2011b). It has an interesting combination of recognizable domains (Fig. 7).
One small domain in the middle of the polypeptide fits well in the 50 adenylylsulfate
reductase subfamily of thioredoxin superfamily enzymes. These enzymes catalyze
the conversion of adenosine 50 phosphosulfate to sulfite in the cysteine biosynthetic
pathway and are primarily found in the stroma of plant chloroplasts (Davidian and
Kopriva 2010). Why the reductase activity would be required for eyespot biogen-
esis was not readily apparent, and mutating the redox active site cysteines to serines
had no deleterious effect on eyespot formation and phototaxis (Roberts et al. 2001).
Does this domain reside in the Chlamydomonas chloroplast stroma, or another
compartment? Localization and orientation in one of two chloroplast envelopes of
the eyespot await verification by immuno-electron microscopy. The other recog-
nizable domain in EYE2 is a LysM domain, similar to that in MIN1 and two other
eyespot proteins (Table 1).
Another eyeless locus was identified in our original screen, EYE3. The gene
encoding EYE3 resides on chromosome II and thus is not part of the eyespot-
specific cluster on chromosome XII. Rabbit antiserum raised against an EYE3
peptide sequence was used to show that EYE3 is a constituent of eyespot granules
(Boyd et al. 2011b). EYE3 is a Ser-Thr kinase in the ABC1 family (Do et al. 2001),
and though the details have yet to be published (Dieckmann lab), mutation of the
predicted active site Asp residue in the EYE3 kinase domain causes the loss of
eyespot pigment granules, the eye3 eyeless phenotype readily apparent by light
EYE3 is most similar to several kinases found in plastoglobules of Arabidopsis
(Lundquist et al. 2012). By comparing the extensive list of Chlamydomonas
eyespot proteins generated by proteomic analyses (Schmidt et al. 2006; Wagner
et al. 2008; Eitzinger et al. 2015), to the similar list of Arabidopsis plastoglobule
proteins, it is clear that eyespot granules or globules are similar to plastoglobules
and are likely evolutionarily related (Kreimer 2009; Davidi et al. 2014, 2015).
These compartments, bounded by proteins called fibrillins and monolayers of phos-
pholipids, are home to enzymes involved in biosynthesis of hydrophobic molecules
required for photosynthetic and other plant functions, such as tocopherols and
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 269
Fig. 8 Asymmetric
microtubule cytoskeleton
dictates eyespot position.
Major elements of the
microtubule cytoskeleton
are shown in a side view of
a cell (top) and in a
top-down view of the cell
(bottom). The eyespot is
positioned at the equator of
the cell (dark oval), next to
the D4 rootlet, which is
M4 M2 D2
longer than the other three.
The flagellum and rootlets
on the right side of the cell
are “Daughter” structures
(light gray), formed since D4
the last cell division. On the
left side of the cell are
“Mother” structures (dark
gray/black), formed prior to
the last division
M4 D2
Two pairs of microtubule bundles, called rootlets, are associated with the basal
bodies. The mother pair, called the M2 and M4 rootlets, comprise two and four
microtubules, respectively. And, the daughter pair, D2 and D4, first appears during
cell division. Similar to the flagellar microtubules, the microtubules in these four
rootlets are highly acetylated and can be distinguished from other microtubules of
the cell cortex and spindle utilizing an invaluable monoclonal antibody that recog-
nizes the acetylated form of tubulin coupled with immunofluorescence microscopy
(LeDizet and Piperno 1986; Fig. 6).
Holmes and Dutcher (1989) did a beautiful study describing the duplication of
the basal bodies and rootlet apparatus during cell division, orienting the structures
relative to the position of the eyespot. They found that the eyespot was always
associated with the equatorial end of the D4 rootlet. Therefore, though not readily
apparent by light microscopy, the microtubule cytoskeleton is asymmetric in age of
the basal bodies and associated rootlets. Our hypothesis has been that the eyespot
was positioned near the D4 rootlet by “read out” of some unique feature of the
asymmetric cytoskeleton.
Trying to understand how the eyespot is positioned relative to the flagellar plane
became a serious quest when we isolated the mlt1 mutant in our original screen for
eyespot-defective strains (Lamb et al. 1999). The mutant strain had multiple
eyespots, most often two in logarithmically growing cultures. Roughly 40% of
the cells had two eyespots on one side of the cell, and another 40% had an eyespot
on either side of the cell. In both types of cells, the eyespots appeared to be closer to
the anterior pole than wild-type equatorial eyespots. The remainder of the cells in a
culture had zero, one, or more than two eyespots. The percentage of cells with more
than two eyespots increased as the cultures entered into, or remained in, stationary
phase. Single cells from such a culture grow and divide, resulting in a similar
distribution of cells with aberrant phenotypes. Thus, mlt1 mutants are defective in
the control of eyespot number and proper placement in the cell.
One early hypothesis was that perhaps, unlike wild type, mlt1 cells might retain
the “old” eyespot during cell division. This proved not to be the case. As shown in
Fig. 9, the eyespot in a wild-type mother cell disappears as cell division progresses.
Indeed, the plane of division is coincident with the longitude of the eyespot. We
found that eyespots in mlt1 mother cells, regardless of position within the cell, also
disappear at division.
A generous gift of antiserum raised against the ChR1 channelrhodopsin (Peter
Hegemann, Berlin) launched the analysis of specific eyespot proteins relative to the
asymmetric rootlet cytoskeleton by immunofluorescence microscopy. Using a
fluorescence microscope purchased in 1999, we observed photoreceptor at the
eyespot in wild-type and min1 mutant cells (Mittelmeier et al. 2008). This was
the first evidence that photoreceptor molecules were still associated with the D4
rootlet in cells in which the chloroplast pigment granule layers were disorganized as
for min1, or absent as for eye2 and eye3 mutant cells (Boyd et al. 2011b). However,
instead of defining an oval shape of wild-type size, the photoreceptors were seen in
small dots or streaks directly on the D4 rootlet.
272 M.D. Thompson et al.
e e
were observed near the apical ends of the four-membered rootlets. Now, images
captured by a superresolution microscope have solidified the impression that photo-
receptor is found on the “outer” surface of the D4, coincident with the plasma
membrane (Fig. 6).
Our current hypothesis, based on the fluorescence microscopy data described
above, is that the channelrhodopsins are inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum
membrane co-translationally. After trafficking through the Golgi stacks, vesicles
travel to the apical “depots” where they fuse with the plasma membrane. From this
location, the large, atypical C-terminal domains of the Chlamydomonas photo-
receptor molecules are captured by kinesin motors near the minus ends of the D4
microtubules and are trafficked along the rootlet, with the canonical rhodopsin
membrane-spanning helices in the N-halves of the molecules embedded in, and
“dragged through,” the plasma membrane. Alternatively, the vesicles may be
trafficked on the microtubules, and fusion with the plasma membrane occurs at
the eyespot. However, it is not clear why vesicles would be restricted to the outside
surface of the rootlet. Another alternative hypothesis is that photoreceptor is not
trafficked on microtubules, but the vesicles fuse with the membrane only over the
D4 rootlet and at the eyespot location. Differentiating among these three hypotheses
awaits development of live cell microscopy to visualize movement of photoreceptor
Why do we observe depots of photoreceptor near the minus ends of the D4 and
M4 rootlet, but photoreceptor is only trafficked on, or associated with, the D4
rootlet? A breakthrough in understanding the exclusivity of the D4 for photo-
receptor association came after a successful third attempt to acquire a useful anti-
serum to the MLT1 protein (Mittelmeier et al. 2015). The MLT1 antibodies detect
the protein exclusively on the D4 rootlet, from the minus ends, all along the rootlet
to the apical edge of the eyespot. Most interphase cells have a “tag end” of
acetylated rootlet extending beyond the posterior edge of the eyespot, but this tag
end of the D4 does not have MLT1 deposition. Therefore, the MLT1 protein on the
D4 not only defines the exclusive longitude of the eyespot in the cell needed for
phototaxis but also the latitude of the eyespot near the equator of the cell.
Since MLT1 is only observed on the D4 rootlet, what happens when cell division
begins and the D4 is soon to become an M4? A careful study of cells going through
division showed that as soon as the flagella are resorbed and the new daughter basal
bodies are mature enough to stain with the anti-acetylated monoclonal, the MLT1
protein disappears from the D4 (Mittelmeier et al. 2015). Once the two pairs of
basal bodies separate from each other into the daughter cells, there is a brief period
when only the old rootlets are visible with anti-acetylated tubulin antibody. Once
the new D4 and D2 rootlets begin to emanate from near the daughter basal bodies,
MLT1 polyclonal antibodies detect the protein on the nascent D4 rootlet. Only later
do the daughter rootlets stain with the anti-acetylated monoclonal. Thus, it appears
that MLT1 associates with the D4 simultaneously with the growth of the D4
outward from the daughter basal body just under the plasma membrane and in the
direction of the equator of the cell. Why it does not associate with the D2 rootlet as
274 M.D. Thompson et al.
well appears to depend on centrin fibers, because in a centrin mutant strain, vfl2,
MLT1 associated with the presumptive D2 as well as the D4 rootlet. Centrin must
either block MLT1 association with the D2 directly via depositions on the apical
portion of the two-membered rootlets (Geimer and Melkonian 2005), or it acts
indirectly by maintaining structural features of the basal body complex that are
critical for excluding the D2.
Is MLT1 needed absolutely for determining longitude and latitude of the eye-
spot? The answer is yes and no or “sort of,” for longitude. Photoreceptor is still
found on four-membered rootlets in mlt1 mutant cells, but appearance at the
eyespot is very delayed after cell division. In wild type, the ChR’s arrive at the
eyespot simultaneously with the appearance of the EYE2 protein in the underlying
chloroplast envelope. In mlt1 cells, EYE2 arrives with wild-type kinetics, but the
ChR’s are delayed, and the apical pools of photoreceptor molecules expand into
huge aggregations. mlt1 mutant cells often have two eyespots on the D4 but just as
many have an eyespot on the M4 and the D4. Why? Perhaps, photoreceptor
transport is so defective in mlt1 cells that the huge apical pools promote misdirected
trafficking down both four-membered rootlets. And, why the more apical positions
of the eyespots on the D4 and M4? Perhaps with the delay in trafficking, the posi-
tion is fixed more anteriorly. Though photoreceptors/eyespots associate with the D4
rootlet eventually in mlt1 mutant cells, MLT1 must have a key role in promoting
eyespot formation, since eyespots form at the ends of both MLT1-decorated rootlets
in centrin mutant cells (Mittelmeier et al. 2015).
In addition to MLT1, other genes govern eyespot latitude. A mutation in the PEY1
(posterior eyespot) gene leads to a more posterior placement of the eyespot in the
cell. Immunofluorescence staining of the rootlets showed that the D4 rootlet is
longer in general than in wild-type cells (Boyd et al. 2011a). The cmu1 mutation
also results in much more posterior eyespots and very long cytoplasmic micro-
tubules, including the rootlets (Horst et al. 1999). The genes disrupted by these
mutations have yet to be identified, and thus the mechanism of rootlet lengthening
is unknown. However, the data suggest that the eyespot is more posteriorly posi-
tioned because the D4 is longer.
We could also consider the hypothesis that eyespot position affects the length of
the D4. During wild-type cell division, the D4 rootlet microtubules “grow” toward
the equator of the cell, where the new eyespot forms. The eyespot appears to
become “fixed” at the equator, and for a brief period, the D4 and other rootlets
continue extending to the very posterior pole of the cell. This “long rootlet” stage is
brief and is followed by recession of the plus ends back toward the anterior of the
cell, with the D4 stopping near the posterior edge of the fixed eyespot. Often an
aforementioned “tag end” of the D4 can be seen below the eyespot after recession.
It is our supposition that further recession of the D4 is blocked by the fixed position
Chlamydomonas: The Eyespot 275
of the eyespot. This idea is strengthened by the recession of the other three rootlets
to much more apical positions (Mittelmeier et al. 2011). Thus, one could hypo-
thesize that the latitude of the eyespot and D4 length reflect the relative rates of D4
growth toward the posterior pole, D4 disassembly following the long rootlet stage,
and eyespot fixation.
Several of the genes we have identified through forward genetic screens are
located on the left arm of chromosome XII. As shown in Table 2, MIN1, EYE2,
and MLT1 are within one million base pairs of each other, and EYE2 and MLT1 are
only 50 kb apart. Also, the MLT2 locus maps to the region just centromeric of
MLT1. Thus, four of the six loci we have identified are in this region of the
genome. The other two, EYE3 and a third eyeless locus, are within six map units of
each other on the left arm of chromosome II. Why the loci would be clustered is
not immediately apparent, but all are expressed with a similar pattern relative to
the cell cycle as shown in Fig. 10. The expression data plotted here were published
by Zones et al. (2015). New eyespots are assembled shortly after cell division
(Holmes and Dutcher 1989); thus it makes sense that these genes are upregulated
coordinately at the beginning of the dark phase when the cells start to divide.
Though the chromosome XII eyespot genes range over a large section of the left
arm, perhaps there is some local effect on transcription rates in this region with
respect to the cell cycle. However, eyespot loci unlinked to those on XII are also
coordinately upregulated, such as EYE3 and COP4 (ChR2) on II and COP3
(ChR1) on XIV.
Table 2 Locations of genes important for eyespot assembly, placement, and function in the
Chlamydomonas genome
Location on linkage group in
Gene Phytozome v. 11 Cre # Linkage group base pairs Gene size
COP4 cre02.g085257 2 1,623,925 1,631,008 7083
EYE3 cre02.g105600 2 5,183,426 5,189,440 6014
PHOT1 cre03.g199000 3 8,321,420 8,329,663 8243
MIN1 cre12.g490700 12 1,096,696 1,100,777 4081
MLT1 cre12.g509850 12 2,044,806 2,056,067 11,261
EYE2 cre12.g509250 12 2,101,188 2,104,358 3170
COP3 cre14.g611300 14 493,380 500,751 7371
SOUL3 cre16.g666550 16 3,217,434 3,229,838 12,404
276 M.D. Thompson et al.
Value Normalized to Maximum
Fig. 10 Expression of genes important for eyespot assembly, placement, and function increases
when new eyespots are forming. Changes in expression of Chlamydomonas genes were analyzed
over the cell cycle (Zones et al. 2015). Here the data for the subset of genes encoding proteins
important for eyespot assembly, placement, and function were plotted as a percentage of the
maximum value to reveal the trend of increased expression at cell division, which occurs very
early in the dark phase. The cells were exposed to a 12 h light:12 h dark cycle. Gene expression
was analyzed every hour of light (L) and dark (D), and every half hour during the transition from
light to dark (scale expanded twofold from 11 L to 3D)
10 Future Directions
expression of slightly altered native genes, tagged protein constructs for micro-
scopy, or completely foreign genes (Plucinak et al. 2015). These new approaches are
critical for establishing and maintaining strains useful for research on the eyespot
and other cellular structures. They are also great tools for gene knockdown studies.
Extremely exciting are the many continuing advancements in both fluorescence
microscopy and cryoelectron tomography. Absolutely fantastic resolution of the
eyespot in Chlamydomonas promises next-generation tools for analysis of eye-
spot structure and function in wild-type and mutant cells (e.g., Figs. 4 and 5;
Engel et al. 2015).
We plan to continue work on several specific eyespot placement and assembly
problems. One quest is to visualize photoreceptor movement in live cells. Another
is to probe the role of the various domains of the MLT1 protein in exclusive deposi-
tion on D4 rootlet microtubules and not others, stimulation of photoreceptor
localization, and promotion of eyespot assembly. The assembly of the tightly
packed layers of the eyespot is another enigma. Analysis of the LysM domains in
MIN1 and EYE2 and that of the C2 domain in MIN1 are particular targets for
unraveling the specifics of membrane adhesion. Finally, we still do not know the
“master” regulator of eyespot assembly. How is it that EYE2 is localized properly
in the chloroplast envelope “under” the plus ends of the D4 microtubule rootlets,
when photoreceptors are pooled at the apical pole in dividing mlt1 mutant cells?
There must be a protein(s) associated with the plus ends of the D4 microtubules that
signals the proper location for the underlying chloroplast eyespot proteins. We look
forward to making progress on these projects and to learning about other studies
illuminating Chlamydomonas eyespot structure and function.
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